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View Poll Results: Will you register your firearms?
I will register all my firearms. 55 29.57%
I will quietly register NONE of my firearms. 36 19.35%
I will register enough to get by. (example: one center fire and one 22 or shot gun) 42 22.58%
I will make all my firearms go away. 5 2.69%
I will openly resist registration and acknowledge my ownership of firearms. 48 25.81%
Voters: 186. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 10-30-2001, 04:01 PM
Will you register your fire
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Default Will you register your firearms?

The pressure to register your firearms will only increase.
What will you do?
I hope your mind is made up!
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Old 11-01-2001, 11:02 PM
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I can say that no matter how much it bothers me I will not break the law. But I ma not going to just roll over without letting them know how stupid the whole thing is. I know all the organized crime syndicates are going to register their guns.
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Old 11-02-2001, 06:18 PM
Gun registratio
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Default Gun registration

The noose will tighten.
I wonder what the process will be to force registration? (besides the obvious fact that by law you must register all guns in 2003?
I'll bet in 2004 to even "apply" for a hunting permit you will have to show gun registration?
Or maybe you will have to show the gun registration of a "licensed guide".???
Maybe to renew your WIN card you will have to show registration?
The government WILL continue on it's current path to gun registration REGARDLESS
of the cost, inconveniance, logic or obvious ineffectiveness of the plan.
Remember ..... they are using YOUR money to do it so their funds are assured.
Insane ..... isn't it?
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Old 11-02-2001, 11:56 PM
Pappy in AB
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Default Re: Gun registration

I'll think about it and decide in Dec 2002.
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Old 11-17-2001, 09:47 AM
gun reg.
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Default gun reg.

I have to admit I was surprised that enough owners blinked at the last dead-line extension to allow the grits to go ahead with their new tax. I respect the people who felt they needed to comply to be on the right side of the law however if the gun owners in this country could not get together on this one I think it's safe to say that we can remove the "Tax revolt" option from any popular politcal action in the future. In answer to the question I'm signing up because I want to hunt and by next year they will have this program dialled in. The initial cost appears to be a registration fee but it is in fact the first installment of a life time of paying a gun tax. And we all know that a tax can make the world a safer place.
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Old 11-23-2001, 02:34 PM
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Default Re: gun reg.

i have already registered all 3 of mine
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Old 11-23-2001, 07:19 PM
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Default Re: gun reg.

I cut all of mine up into little pieces.
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Old 12-07-2001, 10:12 AM
gun registrat
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Default gun registration

to who ever this concerns.

this new gun registration rule is totally stupid . I hope you guys or gals , think about what you are doing to all
us hunters . just think of all those people who want to hunt , and can't hunt because of their age cause their dad didn't register their guns , so he can't take his little son or daughter hunting cause of you and this pathetic rule .

truly think about what your doing, pretty soon your gonna make no money , because every one is gonna just quit hunting.
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Old 01-23-2002, 04:11 PM
Gun Registration
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Default Gun Registration

I Just received, the free offer to register my guns from the feds in the mail today, and I am tearing it up as I write this comment. Please everyone, don't give up the fight so easily.
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Old 01-24-2002, 06:03 PM
Pappy in AB
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Default free registration

I filed mine too KMart (in the fireplace it went).
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Old 01-24-2002, 06:44 PM
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Default Re: free registration

What a joke that was, I am still laughing vigorously. I actually took a little time to read it and the one part that stuck out was that they say registration will deter crimanals from breaking into your house and stealing your guns because they would be traceable. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. And earlier they said "It's a bit like the difference between getting a drivers license and registering your car. Aquiring a firearms license shows that you understand the safe use and storage of firearms.....". Gee I am sure glad that because my truck is registered the crimanals won't steal it because it may be tracable. What a big ol pile of road apples.

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Old 01-26-2002, 03:36 PM
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Default Re: free registration

I will send in the paperwork by registered mail during the last week of december.I will have complied but with the christmas rush and the massive volume of registation paperwork arriving at the same time it will take a long time to sort out the mail and perhaps even years to complete registration.The government can't force you to show registration forms to buy a hunting license because bowhunters don't have to register bows yet.
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Old 03-07-2002, 04:26 PM
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Default Re: free registration

I heard you should register in another language, say low German (hutterites speak this, find one to help you) or at least French, to make it that much harder...
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Old 03-17-2002, 03:46 PM
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Default Registration

I will make no decision until the last minute. There will be amnesty after amnesty, for years to come.. They already know they are going to have to register over 40,000 guns per day, just to meet the underestimated number of firearms 'they' say are out there. My handgun(s) will be re-registered in the new system before the end of the year simply because they know I have them. The others? I don't know.. I estimate that this whole registration system will collapse shortly after the new year, and if it does not, the next thing will be restrictions on ammo purchases, to the types of firearms you have registered, and this will be marked on your 'Liberal Firearms License'.. I'm sure a lot of people will make a lot of money in the underground ammo business.. Just like booze in the prohibition era..
My general feelings? Don't sweat it, The Liberals know they can't succeed.. And when this entire farce falls apart, and the Liberals go down to defeat, we may end up better off than we have ever been before!
Call me optimistic!!

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Old 04-05-2002, 12:09 AM
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Default Re: Registration

I tried to reg a hand gun under amnisty 4 times and did not get anywere all they did was pass the buck so I GIVE UP.
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Old 04-06-2002, 02:31 AM
Will you register your guns
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Default Will you register your guns

As an US citizen, I follow this topic with considerable interest. Reason being, cause we're probably next. It's interesting to see what peoples reactions are to this registration. Remember July 4, 1776 (declared independance from Great Britain). We may have to do it again, someday, although this time from ourselves. Best Wishes
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Old 04-06-2002, 11:14 AM
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Default caught in the system

Just had to throw in a comment;

I agree the registration is a horrible cash dump, and the end result (registration data base) may not have much use. Here's the scary part for me, If my guns are not registered, and subsequently siezed for non registration, my chances of getting them back in a timely manner is pretty well a fantasy. Non registration will effectively end my chances at hunting, unless I'm comfortable with loosing my arms whenever they come out of hiding. The system may well crash, but it'll likely crash on top of us. And if your arms are in the system at the time?.
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Old 04-15-2002, 11:45 AM
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Default Registration

Yes, I've registered my firearms. Do I think it this gun control thing is stupid? Yes, I'm afraid I do. I think it is stupid because it does not go far enough to promote gun safety. Too often we hear about people getting injured or killed because of stupid mistakes.

Responsible firearm owners, of which I hope I include myself, unfortunately bear the brunt of this Government's half baked attempt to put some control in the firearm sector.

Here's what I think some of the problems are:
1) The Feds must issue an irrevocable statement that registered firearms will never be confiscated by the Government. (After all, that is what some of the fuss is about.)
2) Clean up the whole registration process. Put some positive steps in place to help people recognise that there are benefits to firearm safety. Make it convenient, quick, and free.
3) Put some teeth behind the law. Some countries (where registration has worked) actually go as far as to charge, by default, the owner of a firearm that has been used in a crime, as an accomplice to that crime. It would be up to the owner to prove that he or she had taken all the necessary steps to ensure the firearm was secure. If the firearm was stolen from a secure location, then, obviously, the owner would not be guilty.
4) Tie the firearm with ballistic evidence i.e. tie the spent cartridge cases and bullets to the firearm.
5) Limit purchase of ammunition to those calibers that have been registered by the owner.

Now, I know this won’t sit well with the majority of you out there and I expect a whole lot of negative replies. I have my firearms within a locked steel cabinet, which is inside another locked cupboard. Each firearm has a trigger lock while it is inside the cabinet. All bolts are removed and locked in a separate steel cupboard, with the ammunition. Why? Because I have two young boys who are fascinated about firearms. Each has been told not to touch the firearms, but I don’t trust them (sorry boys, I was told not to touch by my Dad, but I did.)

With all this complaining about the firearms registration, I’m nervous about letting my boys go and play at other gun owners’ houses. Are their firearms secured? Think about it – will you let your kid go and play at the house of somebody who says child pornography is OK? Then, will you let your kid go and play at the house of somebody who does not practice good gun safety?

If the government really did something to ensure firearm safety was enforced, instead of this half-assed attempt, I think we’d all be better off.
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Old 07-11-2002, 02:07 PM
Gun regist
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Default Gun registry

I think what everyone should do is wait until the last posibble day to send the forms in but don't send the 18 dollars. Tell them that they have wasted enough of our money and won't get anymore. Send it registered mail so theres proof they recieved it. They have the info and now they can do what they want with it. Well that's what I'm going to do.
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Old 08-08-2002, 09:40 AM
Gun Registration
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Default Gun Registration

You had best all register something. I haden't done it yet and got a nasty gram from the government saying that my firearms lisence would be revolked 1 Jan if I didn't register something. The logic being if I didn't have anything to register I didn't need the permit.

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Old 08-08-2002, 11:51 AM
gun registration
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Default gun registration

That's hard to believe. Don't you need a POL or better to borrow a firearm?Am I wrong?
Put that back to them.
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Old 08-09-2002, 09:59 AM
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Default Gun registration

Jordan is right, according to what I have read, you need a license to own OR borrow a firearm. This is the reason, I got my wife to get hers. She doesn't own any guns, but uses mine when we hunt together. We haven't received that nasty letter yet, but when we do, I will be on the phone right away.
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Old 09-04-2002, 11:41 PM
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Default to CAPTAIN2KCA

What's with the yankee flag, are you not a proud Canadian!
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Old 09-17-2002, 01:38 PM
In Response
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Default In Response

I like Brads' idea about sending in the info but not the money. To complicate matters, you could wrap up the form in about 20 boxes starting from smallest to largest (use lots of ducktape) and when they get to the actual registration form you could say...forget a letter or a number in the serial numbering of your registration. This will prompt them to call your house in order to verify numbers. Oops, but I lent my rifle to my Uncle Eddie who lives many miles away and I will have to get back to you on that. Oh, I almost forgot. Make sure you send it by registered mail (the kind that requires a signature at the other end). Let's have some fun with this and use our imaginations to complicate our governments already complicated program.
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Old 09-18-2002, 12:19 AM
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Default Re: In Response

Of course I am a very proud Canadian. But I figured it would be nice to show a little respect to those civilians(especially women and children)that needlessly died Sept. 11, 2001 when a couple of cowardly terrorists attacked the World trade center. And a tip of the hat to those people in the world who have shown their support and sympathy to those that have fallen.

And for the record, I still have not registered one gun that I own. I am however getting my P.A.L. soon. My F.A.C. expires soon and I don't want to break any laws.

Don't break laws, the Govt. can't stand the competition!! All those in favour of Gun Control please raise your right hand!! HEIL MEIN FUHRER!!

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Old 10-08-2002, 04:17 PM
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Default Registration poll

Like many others, I feel it's a catch-22: either register your guns and risk future confiscation; or not register them and risk losing them for failure to comply. I will be registering mine in late December. The backlog of applications will buy lots of time. I may be naive, but I don't believe confiscation is on the mandate.
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Old 10-27-2002, 03:34 PM
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Default Registration poll

I registered my firearms only because I don't want the police or CO's to take them away from me if I'm ever stopped in the bush.

However, I totally refuse to lock them up in my house. I'm 30yrs old and have grown up with guns in my closet since I was a kid. Firearms have never been a mystery to me because they were always around. My father strictly enforced that I learn how to handle and clean the guns long before ever letting me shoot one. Anyone who uses the argument that guns are harmeful to children are dead wrong. If anything, the federal government should provide firearms education in schools; not set restrictions to law abiding citizens that own firearms.

I notice several people who answered this initial question have indicated that they got rid of all of their guns. By doing this, the feds have won...personally, I will never give them this benefit. When I'm too old that I can't hunt anymore, my guns will be buried deep in the bush somewhere.
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Old 10-27-2002, 08:52 PM
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Default niave

droid1963, I may be niave also. I believe confiscation is THE mandate. This terrible outlay of cash and effort is so that you, as a registered firearm owner, can continue to hunt. The rest are going to Stelco to be melted down.
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Old 12-11-2002, 11:20 PM
firearm registration
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Default firearm registration

I will be registering my firearms by double registered mail on December 31.
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Old 12-20-2002, 05:28 PM
Answer to registra
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Default Answer to registration, NEP, Kyoto, . . .

I are an dirty rednekit seporatiste. We will never, ever, get equal treatment from the colonial powers in Nontario and Quick, so the only answer is the expell the running dog lackies of Eastern Imperialism.

Vive Albertz Libre!8) :rollin
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