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Old 10-13-2016, 10:46 AM
elk396 elk396 is offline
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Default Trump doomed

I know there have been recent news bias threads on here, but just have to say the news agencies are mostly a joke these days, they push whatever their agenda is. All the new wiki-leaks stuff out on Hillary, but not one bite by the news, all on 30 year old unproven groping by Trump. CNN has shocked me on this. They just won't let it go. No wonder the middle easterners are trying to level the west, it's becoming a joke here.
Old 10-13-2016, 10:58 AM
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Groping is more titillating.
Old 10-13-2016, 11:02 AM
The Elkster The Elkster is offline
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The PC crowd is definitely having a conniption fit over trump. I personally hate the guy as a person but some of his comments are not off the mark and I love more than anything else that he thumbs his finger at political correctness and refuses to kowtow to MSM and bleeding hearts. Masses of people are so fed up with the encroachment of PC madness and media manipulation that Trump actually has a solid chance of winning...despite himself.

That says something about just how bad PC crap and political manipulation has gotten and how much people are just sick of it. So sick they will go with Trump rather than put up with another second of the status quo. Nov 9 is going to be very very interesting. If Trump wins MSM just might implode. It'll make the NDP winning AB look like chicken feed. Oh the wailing that'll ensue.
Old 10-13-2016, 11:11 AM
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Originally Posted by The Elkster View Post
Oh the wailing that'll ensue.
Oh, pretty sure wailing will ensue if Hilary wins as well.

Large portions of the US electorate have gotten a glimpse of the possibility of an alternative - Having that yanked away from them will not sit will with them.

No matter who wins, our neighbours to the south will feel the effects of this division for a long time. If it leads to any kind of uprising, expect the boots to come down hard.
Old 10-13-2016, 11:16 AM
Stustage Stustage is offline
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Originally Posted by The Elkster View Post
The PC crowd is definitely having a conniption fit over trump. I personally hate the guy as a person but some of his comments are not off the mark and I love more than anything else that he thumbs his finger at political correctness and refuses to kowtow to MSM and bleeding hearts. Masses of people are so fed up with the encroachment of PC madness and media manipulation that Trump actually has a solid chance of winning...despite himself.

That says something about just how bad PC crap and political manipulation has gotten and how much people are just sick of it. So sick they will go with Trump rather than put up with another second of the status quo. Nov 9 is going to be very very interesting. If Trump wins MSM just might implode. It'll make the NDP winning AB look like chicken feed. Oh the wailing that'll ensue.

I agree I like that he isn't some pc pansy. The down side is Obama can push the tension with Russia over the edge, go to war and never have to leave office. wouldn't that be great the nobel peace prize holder taking us to ww3.
Old 10-13-2016, 11:29 AM
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Elections used to be about voting for the party and the nominees promises for change or improvements in government. Now its the media slinging mud to demean the candidate they don't support much the same way we got stuck with our current leader.

Si vis pacem, para bellum
Old 10-13-2016, 11:38 AM
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The USA had two bad choices. Trump was the worse and did himself in. Over the top never wins.
Old 10-13-2016, 11:38 AM
The Elkster The Elkster is offline
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Originally Posted by Stustage View Post
I agree I like that he isn't some pc pansy. The down side is Obama can push the tension with Russia over the edge, go to war and never have to leave office. wouldn't that be great the nobel peace prize holder taking us to ww3.
I'll send you a tinfoil hat just forward your address.

"Oh, pretty sure wailing will ensue if Hilary wins as well."

If Hillary wins there will be wailing but it'll be the same wailing as there always is after an election. Hillary = politically things will remain exactly the same as under the last 20 presidents with the same old establishment doing the same ol' things. Liars and cheats have always saturated gov't. on both sides of the floor. Hillary is hardly the first and won't be the last. If a conservative did the same thing Hillary has done conservatives would be finding excuses and working to burying it just as the Dem's have. All part of politics and political bias these days. Lying, cheating and stealing are okay as long as it supports one's own interests. How much do con's bring up Bush going to war over weapons of mass destruction that didn't exist and for which they had no proof? How many soldiers died for that? Hmmmmm

Trump = who knows what for the establishment. People will freak at the uncertainty. Markets, politicians and MSM will all fear. Trump is not scared to upset people. The aforementioned thrive on fear to control people and politicians. Interesting times.
Old 10-13-2016, 11:40 AM
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Originally Posted by bat119 View Post
Elections used to be about voting for the party and the nominees promises for change or improvements in government. Now its the media slinging mud to demean the candidate they don't support much the same way we got stuck with our current leader.

The media no longer delivers the news, it is all about their leftist and corporate opinion. Guess I'll just have to watch more John Wayne westerns.
"The further a society drifts from truth, the more it will hate those who speak it."--- George Orwell
There is no way to make something "Idiot Proof" because Idiots are so resourceful.
Old 10-13-2016, 11:42 AM
The Elkster The Elkster is offline
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Originally Posted by bat119 View Post
....much the same way we got stuck with our current leader.

and the one before that, and the one before that and so on...
Old 10-13-2016, 11:44 AM
ak-71 ak-71 is offline
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Originally Posted by Stustage View Post
I agree I like that he isn't some pc pansy. The down side is Obama can push the tension with Russia over the edge, go to war and never have to leave office. wouldn't that be great the nobel peace prize holder taking us to ww3.
Russian MSM are directly saying that the US is conspiring with terror groups, including ISIS in Mosul to topple Assad, all these "relative evacuation leaks", Lavrov's comment on USA elections (very uncharacteristic)- looks like Russians are loosing their cool for some idiotic reason.
May be it's just a calculated propaganda game on both sides, but it sure looks scary, because I can't see any common sense in what is going on.

It looks like a lot of posturing, kind of a chicken game with all the Syrian government positions bombed, convoy destroyed, anti-aircraft complex deployment show, constant blaming each other for every event, now USA and Iran poking at each other in Yemen - that I just hope who ever Americans vote for can keep some cool, and figure out the way of the mess.
But yes anything related to grubbing, even verbal mentioning of it will decide the election, scary times.
Old 10-13-2016, 11:48 AM
husky hunter husky hunter is offline
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The media is always socialist....they are parasites hooked onto the government...the higher the taxes the more coming to them...lots of back room deals...too bad so many people are too stupid to realize it.
Old 10-13-2016, 11:55 AM
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Soooo.... the media just made up Trumps quote about how he just grabs women by their genitals? LOL

Half of the electorate just got told what the candidate thinks of them.
Old 10-13-2016, 11:59 AM
sirmike68 sirmike68 is offline
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Just watched Trumps speech on CNN and throughout the whole time CNN had their ticker tape scrolling non-stop spew and accusations against Trump the whole time. I hope the Americans see past all the media crap.
Old 10-13-2016, 12:00 PM
rugatika rugatika is offline
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Default Rumours of his death may have been greatly exaggerated???


The full results from Sunday night’s debate are in, and Donald Trump has come from behind to take the lead over Hillary Clinton.

The latest Rasmussen Reports White House Watch national telephone and online survey shows Trump with 43% support among Likely U.S. Voters to Clinton’s 41%. Yesterday, Clinton still held a four-point 43% to 39% lead over Trump, but that was down from five points on Tuesday and her biggest lead ever of seven points on Monday.

Rasmussen Reports updates its White House Watch survey daily Monday through Friday at 8:30 am Eastern based on a three-day rolling average of 1,500 Likely U.S. Voters. Monday’s survey was the first following the release of an 11-year-old video showing Trump discussing women in graphic sexual detail but did not include any polling results taken after the debate. All three nights of the latest survey follow Sunday’s debate.

Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson has dropped slightly to six percent
Old 10-13-2016, 12:02 PM
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Article from Ann Coulter

Donald Trump is the only hope to save America, so the media have gone to war to stop him.

They don't care about being exposed as lying, hypocritical swine -- I'd describe them more fully, but it would require locker room talk. They'll win the public back later. Right now, all that matters is stopping Trump.

The same media that are pretending to consider the use of a bad word equivalent to rape don't give a fig about real rape, real sexual assault, real whoring, even real homicide, depending on who did it.

JFK was an STD-infected drug addict who cavorted with *****s at the White House, but the media ferociously hid all this from the public, publishing fairy-tale versions of his presidency as "Camelot.”

And what happened to the 11-year rule? Trump said the word "p*ssy" 11 years ago, in a secretly recorded conversation. Eleven years before Sen. Teddy Kennedy ran for president, he killed a girl -- but he ran, not only without apology, but, indeed, as the Conscience of the Democratic Party.

Throughout 2009, good, decent Americans who happened to oppose Obamacare were called the name of a gay sex act hundreds of times on TV -- and that was just on MSNBC. CNN's Anderson Cooper made the reference explicit when he giggled, "It's hard to talk when you're tea-bagging.”

Among the people using this sexual slur were distinguished members of Congress such as U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez and Rep. Barney Frank. Were they fit to hold office?

Going way, way, way back to a few weeks ago, the same media gasping in horror at "p*ssy" sure didn't mind my being called a c*nt repeatedly on a Comedy Central broadcast. And when I say "didn't mind," I mean they thought it was awesome.

But saying "p*ssy" 11 years ago is over the line.Cut the crap, media.

A few years ago, Sen. Al Franken joked on a Comedy Central roast about producer Rob Reiner butt-*****ing his children. Does Hillary think he's fit to be a U.S. senator? Is he fit enough for the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, but not the Senate Finance Committee?

None of these were leaks of secretly recorded conversations -- considered a hanging offense in the Clinton years. These vulgarities were intentionally, publicly broadcast by the same media that, today, pretend to need smelling salts after hearing "p*ssy."

At least this new puritanical standard explains why rappers like Jay Z are banned from the White House. Wait — what?

Perhaps realizing their Victorian virgin act wasn't cutting it, the media turned to their Pretend We Don't Understand English method of argument, and claimed that Trump was confessing to having committed a "sexual assault”!

Trump said: "When you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the *****. You can do any of that. (Laughter.)" Journalists turned this into "sexual assault" by being literal on the "grab" part, non-figurative on the "you" part -- and on the "they let you do it" part? Stone, cold deaf.

If "they let you do it," it's not an assault.

Like most of Trump's bragging, his loutish boast was not intended to be taken seriously, nor was it. Far from whipping out his pencil and carefully taking notes, "Access Hollywood"'s Billy Bush laughed. The gist of what Trump was saying is that -- hold onto your hats! -- women like to sleep with celebrities! I don't know if you've heard that before.

At least we're back to the media pretending to care about sexual assault -- until further notice.

This is the same media that ran interference for an actual sexual predator in the White House, ignoring Bill Clinton's serial pants-dropping, groping and raping for nearly a decade, while gleefully vilifying his accusers, and would have been happy to continue if Bill Richardson had become president. Clinton talking about p*ssy was one of his more dignified moments, proudly attested to by his friend Vernon Jordan in a nationally broadcast interview with Mike Wallace.

In the pages of The New York Times, feminist icon Gloria Steinem announced the "one-free grope" rule, specially developed for the Clinton era.

Former Time magazine correspondent Nina Burleigh said of Clinton, "I would be happy to give him a bl*w job just to thank him for keeping abortion legal.”

Time magazine's Margaret Carlson said Linda Tripp had "lost membership in the family of man" for secretly tape-recording Monica Lewinsky. Tripp kept the recordings not for something so exalted as stopping Trump, but to protect herself from a charge of perjury.

Even when the law began to close in on the horny hick -- midway through the second term he won because of the media's heroic self-censorship -- the rest of us had to spend a year listening to liberals say “Guys like bl*w jobs,” “Everybody does it" and "Let's move on.”

When Clinton was credibly accused of rape by Juanita Broaddrick, NBC strategically held the story -- until a week after the Senate had voted in the rapist's impeachment trial. All the public could do was helplessly sport "Free Lisa Myers" buttons, referring to the investigative reporter who got the interview.

Explaining NBC's incomprehensible decision to hold its own investigative report, Myers told Broaddrick: "The good news is you're credible. The bad news is that you're very credible.”

At least NBC ran the story eventually. The name "Juanita Broaddrick" never crossed the lips of "CBS Evening News" anchor Dan Rather.

Asked by FNC's Bill O'Reilly why he never got around to mentioning that the commander in chief was, more likely than not, a rapist, Rather said, "When the charge has something to do with somebody's private sex life, I would prefer not to run any of it.”

So according to our media, committing a rape is "somebody's private sex life," but using a bad word is rape.

Poor Billy Bush has to be fired from NBC's "Today" show so the media can pretend that Trump's using bawdy language is a very, very serious offense.

Meanwhile, Billy's ex-president uncle and cousin openly fraternize with the rapist. The second President Bush calls Bill Clinton his "brother from another mother" and praises Clinton's "character" -- something even Clinton's defenders never did with a straight face.

Now the networks are holding casting calls for some loon willing to falsely accuse Trump of sexual assault, so they can hype it like the Duke lacrosse case, Mattress Girl and Rolling Stone's fraternity rape. Unfortunately -- for us, fortunately for the media -- by the time the truth comes out, the election will be over.
Old 10-13-2016, 12:08 PM
The Elkster The Elkster is offline
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Originally Posted by Okotokian View Post
Soooo.... the media just made up Trumps quote about how he just grabs women by their genitals? LOL

Half of the electorate just got told what the candidate thinks of them.
I don't think so. I've joked about worse and have heard others do the same. And yet I am in a great relationships and respect my wife and other women 100%. Sometimes people/guys joke and sometimes its off color. So frickin' what? Many women do the same. Doesn't mean that describes who we are at the core. In trumps case maybe it does maybe it doesn't but in general I don't think so.

I know I've made the odd comment or joke about natives, black people, Hispanics, polish, Ukrainians (I'm one), women, gays, white men that'd have me slammed in the media if I were to run specially if quoted out of context. And I will guarantee you I am not against any of them in any way shape or form. I'd have no problem with hiring or being friends with any of them and think they deserve all the rights I have. I think most people have said stuff in the past that if put in the public spotlight (specially without context) could be used to crucify them in the church of public opinion and PC correctness. Stuff that had no real intention behind it.
Old 10-13-2016, 12:09 PM
ak-71 ak-71 is offline
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Originally Posted by Okotokian View Post

Half of the electorate just got told what the candidate thinks of them.
Must be really tough for women who were branded "deplorable" just before that
Old 10-13-2016, 12:11 PM
rugatika rugatika is offline
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Just the fact that the Democrats are releasing all this stuff shows how scared they are.
Old 10-13-2016, 01:48 PM
mclean mclean is offline
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How come the Trump rally,s in the past year since Trump announced that he would be running as a candidate for the president of the USA, The numbers of people attending Trump rally,s have been huge, Clintons rally,s in the same city,s have been small in number. Just a few days ago Trump had a rally at Panama City in Florida That had 30.000 plus people, Clinton has canceled her rally in Panama City.I tend not to pay much attention to poll,s and look at the number of people showing their support in person at rallies and such.
Trump does tell the people what they want to hear, Which is the truth.
Old 10-13-2016, 01:54 PM
rugatika rugatika is offline
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Originally Posted by mclean View Post
How come the Trump rally,s in the past year since Trump announced that he would be running as a candidate for the president of the USA, The numbers of people attending Trump rally,s have been huge, Clintons rally,s in the same city,s have been small in number. Just a few days ago Trump had a rally at Panama City in Florida That had 30.000 plus people, Clinton has canceled her rally in Panama City.I tend not to pay much attention to poll,s and look at the number of people showing their support in person at rallies and such.
Trump does tell the people what they want to hear, Which is the truth.
This is interesting to me as well. My mom knows quite a few people all across the states whom she winters with in Phoenix. They all say they haven't hardly seen a single Clinton sign or bumper sticker anywhere. Trump all over the place. And yeah, you look at their rally's and Trump is 10's of thousands and Bill or Hillary Clinton rally's are hundreds if they're lucky.

I do tend to see this all as anecdotal, and think the polls are the best indicator, but it does seem to not line up with what is being presented in the polls. Just seems a little "off" to me.

Only one way to find out for sure...wait until the fires are put out in December.
Old 10-13-2016, 02:31 PM
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Originally Posted by rugatika View Post
Just the fact that the Democrats are releasing all this stuff shows how scared they are.
That's the &#^#&# thing I've ever heard you say. LOL a political party or candidate brings up acts committed or statements made by their opponent makes them scared? LOL

really, then Trump has to stop talking about the Clinton emails. It just shows he's a terrified wimp, right?

Interesting review of the latest FOX NEWS POLL (hardly a liberal mouthpiece). Most folks view the candidates strengths and weaknesses much as I do.

Likely voters trust Clinton over Trump on handling race relations (+23 points), foreign policy (+17), immigration (+6), and nominating the next Supreme Court justice (+4). They prefer Trump on terrorism (+1 point), the economy (+5), managing tax dollars (+5), and ISIS (+11).

Majorities of voters still dislike the candidates: 54 percent of likely voters have an unfavorable view of Clinton, while 57 percent view Trump negatively...

Who has the knowledge to be president? Sixty-seven percent say Clinton has it, while only 41 percent think Trump does. In addition, 63 percent say Clinton has the temperament to serve effectively, compared to just 38 percent for Trump.

The candidate ratings on being honest and trustworthy are more evenly matched -- and much lower: 33 percent say Clinton is vs. 36 percent Trump.

Meanwhile, by a 9-point margin, voters feel confident Clinton would have good judgment in a crisis: 54 percent confident vs. 45 percent not confident. Trump’s underwater by 10 points on this measure (45-55 percent). Forty-six percent are “not at all” confident Trump would have good judgment in a crisis. Thirty-three percent feel that way about Clinton. "
Old 10-13-2016, 02:53 PM
The Elkster The Elkster is offline
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Whether you lean to the right or the left the only poll that means diddly squat comes on Nov 8th. The rest of them aren't even worth debating. There is bias all over the place and results are not binding = meaningless drivel
Old 10-13-2016, 03:02 PM
Newview01 Newview01 is offline
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Originally Posted by Okotokian View Post
That's the &#^#&# thing I've ever heard you say. LOL a political party or candidate brings up acts committed or statements made by their opponent makes them scared? LOL

really, then Trump has to stop talking about the Clinton emails. It just shows he's a terrified wimp, right?

Interesting review of the latest FOX NEWS POLL (hardly a liberal mouthpiece). Most folks view the candidates strengths and weaknesses much as I do.

Likely voters trust Clinton over Trump on handling race relations (+23 points), foreign policy (+17), immigration (+6), and nominating the next Supreme Court justice (+4). They prefer Trump on terrorism (+1 point), the economy (+5), managing tax dollars (+5), and ISIS (+11).

Majorities of voters still dislike the candidates: 54 percent of likely voters have an unfavorable view of Clinton, while 57 percent view Trump negatively...

Who has the knowledge to be president? Sixty-seven percent say Clinton has it, while only 41 percent think Trump does. In addition, 63 percent say Clinton has the temperament to serve effectively, compared to just 38 percent for Trump.

The candidate ratings on being honest and trustworthy are more evenly matched -- and much lower: 33 percent say Clinton is vs. 36 percent Trump.

Meanwhile, by a 9-point margin, voters feel confident Clinton would have good judgment in a crisis: 54 percent confident vs. 45 percent not confident. Trump’s underwater by 10 points on this measure (45-55 percent). Forty-six percent are “not at all” confident Trump would have good judgment in a crisis. Thirty-three percent feel that way about Clinton. "
Fox News is mostly left leaning at this point, and to be trusted less than CNN due to their false pretenses of conservatism.
Old 10-13-2016, 03:06 PM
elk396 elk396 is offline
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Originally Posted by rugatika View Post
Just the fact that the Democrats are releasing all this stuff shows how scared they are.
You are correct, Hillary has said that people want to hear the issues that affects them, not rehashing her e-mails on Benghazi, or Bill Clintons infidelities , impeachment, but when it is dirt on Trump, she's ok with it. Total hypocrite that is scared of defeat. He totally shut her down at the last debate. The Dem's are always criticizing Trump for getting into the gutter, well whose in the gutter now?
Old 10-13-2016, 03:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Newview01 View Post
Fox News is mostly left leaning at this point, and to be trusted less than CNN due to their false pretenses of conservatism.
oh geezzz Fox News liberal. Is that the excuse every time a news outlet releases something not complimentary to Trump? This is getting hilarious.
Old 10-13-2016, 03:19 PM
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Video!s coming out next week that will force Hillary out of the race.
Old 10-13-2016, 03:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Okotokian View Post
oh geezzz Fox News liberal. Is that the excuse every time a news outlet releases something not complimentary to Trump? This is getting hilarious.
No no, the hilarious part is how people still think Fox News is still conservative. They may still have some right wingers on staff, but in general Fox News is no different than the others.
Old 10-13-2016, 03:25 PM
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I am a right wing conservative and I don't believe Donald offers anything new,he is establishment,attended ivy league schools and operated indiscriminately in the real estate market to make his money.Not everything is about the deal and his motives are very suspect imo, he is just a very pompous,entitled easterner.With any luck,Hillary will be held in check by both houses and public scrutiny...and both Canadians and Americans have got to step up,get involved in the issues and hold our elected people's feet to the fire.It can be done but the electorate doesn't participate enough in either country.Our systems work best this way.One thing about having Donald there, it is creating more interest in the election process and maybe that will be his legacy.
Old 10-13-2016, 03:31 PM
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He touched me in 2005.... Meh!

Be careful when you follow the masses, sometimes the "M" is silent...
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