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Old 11-16-2008, 12:04 AM
u_cant_rope_the_wind u_cant_rope_the_wind is offline
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Default the nerve of some people

Can you beleive this
my daughter & her step brother went out to the farm north of nojack today my daughter was in the north east feild her pickm up was at the gate she was sitting beside bale watching a huge wt buck running the does she hadnt got a good clear shot yet
any ways these morrons come roaring in drove rt past her pickem up & drove rt past her
the passenger jumped out took 4 pot shots at the deer and took off
giveing her the finger as they left
then the morons go into the feild her brother is in & pull up to him and start pushing him around saying he has no permission on that property and they was gonna teach him and my daughter a lesson about tresspassing
well my daughter drives up the driver gets out and kicks her door and caved it in
well my daughter gets P oed and calls the RCMP
thecops show up and these guys start yipping and yapping that they owned the land and wante charges pressed on my daughter and her brother
well when the cop start asking who,s property it is this moron says its his dads LOL
well my daughter says hey Hold up now
well these guys & the cop take a second look and my daughter explains the situation to the cop she explained that the land was her fathers land (mine)
and she shows him the county map wth my name on it and then she has my father ( her Grandfather ) come out from the house and he didnt even know these morrons never seen them before
well turns out they are a pair of idiots from edmonton and they had been chaseing the wt buck all week and watching him all summer
well when all was said and done the cop laid charges and then the one guy
as if things werent bad enough hauled off and slapped the cop
now the cop gets p/oed BIG TIME cuffs and stuffs both of these morrons and
seize their rifles and their pickem up 11 charges in total so far along wth the driver got an impared charge
so now these guys got a whole lotta trouble happening and my daughter never did get her Buck as of yet
what i cant figure out is realy where did these guys get off pulling a stunt like that
i supose it take all kinds
the nerve of people
just kinda hit my funny bone in a way
and thought maybe some of you might get a chuckle or even shake yer haeds on this one
so after my daughter called me and told me this I posted this
I got to thinking about it and called my daughter back and told her to put up signs
hunting wth written permision only
and ive had her put chains and locks on the gate
so guys if yer out that away and see the signs and want permision stop in Dad will give ya a letter and take yer plat number and phn number
jst trying to avoid more problems like this
which is i beleive once in a life time
we will keep everyone posted on the out come of the court case and charges as we hear of them
wish i could name the guys but that is against the privacy act

Last edited by u_cant_rope_the_wind; 11-16-2008 at 12:29 AM. Reason: added more info
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Old 11-16-2008, 12:12 AM
slipbobber slipbobber is offline
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Hope your daughter gets that buck and post the pictures when she does. Hope the other 2 ***** clownes get what they diserve aswell.
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Old 11-16-2008, 12:26 AM
deanmc deanmc is offline
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Thats insane!!!!! I hope the guy that slapped the cop gets assault charges and cannot have guns forever!!!! Sorry for your daughter to go throught this crap. Man these stories almost make me mad at me for being a hunter.

I can,t believe the stupidity of some people. Makes me wish for the days of old. When you never called the police, you were able to administer your own justice.
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Old 11-16-2008, 12:58 AM
u_cant_rope_the_wind u_cant_rope_the_wind is offline
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Default Lol

I used to have a poster wth a picture of three tuff looking guys
one holding a rope wth a hangmans noose & a big pistol the other two had a rifle and a double sxs shotgun
under it read
I,ll tell you what stranger
if you come on my land curse my wife
tear up my crop leave my gates open
chase my cattle
use my barn boards for yer camp fire
and leave yer trash
we,ll hunt you down and give you a taste of western justice
yes I wish we could still use that sort of justice

Originally Posted by deanmc View Post
Thats insane!!!!! I hope the guy that slapped the cop gets assault charges and cannot have guns forever!!!! Sorry for your daughter to go throught this crap. Man these stories almost make me mad at me for being a hunter.

I can,t believe the stupidity of some people. Makes me wish for the days of old. When you never called the police, you were able to administer your own justice.
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Old 11-16-2008, 02:22 AM
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That would have been an insane experience. With all the adrenelin flowing in a tough scenario like that it's easy to understand how sometimes good people do bad things.

Good on your daughter and step son for keeping their cool. I know I'd have struggled to keep mine. It's a real shame that they ruined her hunt, hopefully things work out and she can harvest that big guy.

Hopefully they are prosecuted to the highest of extents.

What general direction from edmonton did this occur?
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Old 11-16-2008, 05:30 AM
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The foolishness of arespicks never ceases to amaze me!!
They just keep on lying , figuring they can talk their way out of anything!!
The guy I hunt with down south has had to put up locked gates and even had one pushed open , by LOCALS!!
He told them flat out that they do not have permission to hunt on his land anymore because they never asked in the first place.
on top of that they denied pushing open the gate even though they were driving the truck with the marks left on the bull guard!!

I cannot fathom someone getting so Po'd that he would slap a cop over something like that - complete idjit!!
Hope the crown doesn't drop any of the charges and keep the truck and stuff for auction after the convictions!
Anytime I figure I've got this long range thing figured out, I just strap into the sling and irons and remind myself that I don't!
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Old 11-16-2008, 06:22 AM
solocam3 solocam3 is offline
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Default Quick Response

Did your daughter call 911 or the Local Detachment? I am amazed the the Police were able to get there that fast. Did the culprits have to held there so they could not get away? Just wondering.
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Old 11-16-2008, 07:54 AM
u_cant_rope_the_wind u_cant_rope_the_wind is offline
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actually she lucked out when she called 911 there was an oficer do a run between niton and beavermeadows he was only by the crow flys 12 miles awyay or sohis back up got there bout the time the 1st was done they gonna be a pair of very sorry charactors today LOL
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Old 11-16-2008, 08:03 AM
59whiskers 59whiskers is offline
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Make sure the clown that caved in the door on your daughters truck pays for that damage. The problem with these guys is that they have done stuff like this lots of times and the courts do nothing with them. You will have to watch your back for a while. Hope your kids get that well deserved buck.
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Old 11-16-2008, 09:15 AM
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wish i could name the guys but that is against the privacy act[/QUOTE]

If there is already charges laid on them and they are not minor. They are not covered in the privacy act. This is the same thing when media are reporting scum bags. I say name this scumbag :
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Old 11-16-2008, 10:03 AM
Iron Brew Iron Brew is offline
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Good on your two for keeping their cool. I hate (make that HATE) bullies. Stupid people are up there on the list (drinking and driving, drinking and access to a firearm...). Best thing you can do is call the police, say there are armed trespassers threatening you on your own land, and you are worried about your safety. Mention guns, threats, trespassers, and I'm sure you get a fast (and justified) response.
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Old 11-16-2008, 10:58 AM
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sure glad to hear that the cops were able to show up in time and that your kids are fine! I hope these guys loose the privelage of owning firearms for LIFE!!!!
Eyes on the side ment to hide, Eyes in front ment to Hunt!!!
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Old 11-16-2008, 11:05 AM
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Unreal, terrible experience for your daughter and step son to go thru...hopefully there are some firearms and a vehicle confiscated, let alone a s$%t load of other charges.
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Old 11-16-2008, 11:11 AM
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good on your stepson for keeping his cool.. someone treated my sister that way i don't think i could of. could of made a bad situation worse. hope they lose every thing truck-guns-hunting privileges-and get some jail time to boot..
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Old 11-16-2008, 11:17 AM
southern-redneck southern-redneck is offline
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yea some people did that to me yesterday, they saw me go in they even talked to me and when i spotted this one good buck that i liked and i wanted for my first trophy i stalked it for 4 hours and then i heard a loud crack and i saw my buck run up a hill were he then collasped and rolled down the hill i looked threw my scope at the people who shot my buck, i swer i could have pulled the trigger, its people like that who ruin our experiance
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Old 11-16-2008, 12:00 PM
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Sounds the work of Randy and Julian. I do not recommend spotting people through scopes southern redneck, not a good habit to get into. Use your binos instead.
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Old 11-16-2008, 12:06 PM
GeoTrekr GeoTrekr is offline
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What a display of arrogance and a total disregard for anything true sportsmen stand for. I can't believe this even happened, it reads like something from a TV show or something. Unbelievable. Too bad your daughter had to experience this, I'm sure it was quite intense dealing with idiots like that, especially not knowing what they were capable of after THAT display.

On the other hand, it's good to hear a story that ended in these punks getting caught for once instead of getting away with it. I just hope suitable justice follows. As a previous poster mentioned, make sure paying for the damage to the truck is in the penalty somewhere.
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Old 11-16-2008, 12:10 PM
BowtechBoy BowtechBoy is offline
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Good on your daughter and her Bo, i hope these fing misfits get the hammer dropped on them, maybe make an example of the irresponsibility of some people.
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Old 11-16-2008, 12:40 PM
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Originally Posted by southern-redneck View Post
yea some people did that to me yesterday, they saw me go in they even talked to me and when i spotted this one good buck that i liked and i wanted for my first trophy i stalked it for 4 hours and then i heard a loud crack and i saw my buck run up a hill were he then collasped and rolled down the hill i looked threw my scope at the people who shot my buck, i swer i could have pulled the trigger, its people like that who ruin our experiance

Unless by saying "scope" you are meaning "spotting scope", you're in the wrong more than the other person. By your description there you are the only one in the wrong. There's no first come, first served "law" in hunting. You actually committed a felony by pointing your firearm at another human being, I submit you shouldn't have a firearm until you can learn its proper use. Honda 450 was right... but was being far more PC than your offense called for.
I've had a nice bull elk that I was after taken by another hunter who was in the right place when I spooked it towards him ( though he could not have known where I was, admittedly). I did feel a bit off about it, but I realized it was my greedy & selfish side doing the thinking, and instead I tried to feel sportsmanlike for the other guys good fortune. Who knows if I`d have gotten that animal for sure, I`m sure you can`t be positive you`d have gotten that critter either.
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Old 11-16-2008, 12:48 PM
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Hunting is an honorable sport that is practiced by many well mannered respectful and ethical people. However, the few exceptions give us all a bad name. Even yesterday I ran into a fellow walking the same woods as me. We had a pleasant discussion and went on our ways. Both of us acted as gentleman and had a good day in the woods. I could of had a hissy fit he was hunting the same area as me but why ? I don't own the woods.

I don't understand why some folks need to shoot a deer is so overwhelming they forget all sensible behaviour.

If an idiot with a little dick shoots a big buck it makes him an idiot with a little dick that got lucky one day.

I wish guys like this would just smarten up and enjoy hunting as it was meant to be enjoyed. All the marketing hype and stupid TV shows have turned it into
a bloody competitive sport for some people. Hunting has nothing to do with competition.

Last edited by savagewsm; 11-16-2008 at 12:54 PM.
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Old 11-16-2008, 12:52 PM
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wow maybe they were on something or drinking scary to say the least.no reguard for nothing .
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Old 11-16-2008, 01:34 PM
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I hunt north of Nojack on my cousins land (some of the best hunting out there) and work in Nojack. Know most everyone around there. What these guys did is totally unacceptable and deserve the full punishment of the courts.

Unfortunately, on my cousins land we have had a couple of incidents like this since 2006. Guys from Leduc. FIrst year they basically poach 2 bull elk of my cousins posted land. Following year they shoot a whitetail buck on his land from the road with no permission (2006 they really ****ed my cousin off). When F+W got there, they had lies galore but got charged. Even accused me, while I was in uniform of driving on my cousins land when they were observed doing it by my cousins son.

There are all kinds out there which is too bad.

PS: the poached bull elk I found last week was just north of Nojack as well.
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Old 11-16-2008, 02:48 PM
sjemac sjemac is offline
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Originally Posted by southern-redneck View Post
yea some people did that to me yesterday, they saw me go in they even talked to me and when i spotted this one good buck that i liked and i wanted for my first trophy i stalked it for 4 hours and then i heard a loud crack and i saw my buck run up a hill were he then collasped and rolled down the hill i looked threw my scope at the people who shot my buck, i swer i could have pulled the trigger, its people like that who ruin our experiance

If you scoped them, it is people like YOU that kill others. Thinking of shooting a guy over a stinking deer? That's the stereotype the anti's love to exploit.

I've had guys shoot deer I was tracking or stalking. I suck it up, offer congratulations and move on. I've unknowingly shot deer other guys were watching and they've always acted the same towards me.

It's just a stupid deer. Nothing to get too worked up over.
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Old 11-16-2008, 03:45 PM
u_cant_rope_the_wind u_cant_rope_the_wind is offline
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Default I agree

At one time when I was young and Dumb and was wanting
to make a hero of some kind outa myself LOL
It was the kill the TROPHY the Braggin rights
and I missed out on so very much so many of the finer things in
hunting and the outdoors
now its time spent afeild the comradery the whole picture
yes its a very honorable sport and i have tryed very hard to pass
these charactoristics on to my children and now my grand children
and the way this sitsation was handled is the right way and
yes I can say I,m pretty dern Proud of the kids
and how it was handled
I know if I wuz their age and it happened to me::mad3 :
OMG all out war would have started and some one would hve had some sore spots
Originally Posted by savagewsm View Post
Hunting is an honorable sport that is practiced by many well mannered respectful and ethical people. However, the few exceptions give us all a bad name. Even yesterday I ran into a fellow walking the same woods as me. We had a pleasant discussion and went on our ways. Both of us acted as gentleman and had a good day in the woods. I could of had a hissy fit he was hunting the same area as me but why ? I don't own the woods.

I don't understand why some folks need to shoot a deer is so overwhelming they forget all sensible behaviour.

If an idiot with a little dick shoots a big buck it makes him an idiot with a little dick that got lucky one day.

I wish guys like this would just smarten up and enjoy hunting as it was meant to be enjoyed. All the marketing hype and stupid TV shows have turned it into
a bloody competitive sport for some people. Hunting has nothing to do with competition.
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Old 11-16-2008, 05:04 PM
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There are so many idiots in the world. Too bad that some of them are allowed gun ownership. Wouldn't it be nice if the CFC could separate these people and say "NO, you can't have guns". I hope that your daughter isn't tainted by this unfortunate experience u can't rope the wind. Gawd, I also hope that you learn punctuation, you know.....periods and comas...LOL
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Old 11-16-2008, 05:56 PM
Jamie Jamie is offline
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Originally Posted by southern-redneck View Post
yea some people did that to me yesterday, they saw me go in they even talked to me and when i spotted this one good buck that i liked and i wanted for my first trophy i stalked it for 4 hours and then i heard a loud crack and i saw my buck run up a hill were he then collasped and rolled down the hill i looked threw my scope at the people who shot my buck, i swer i could have pulled the trigger, its people like that who ruin our experiance
WOW.. First post and all....

Lots of things wrong with the above.

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Old 11-16-2008, 06:03 PM
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Originally Posted by southern-redneck View Post
yea some people did that to me yesterday, they saw me go in they even talked to me and when i spotted this one good buck that i liked and i wanted for my first trophy i stalked it for 4 hours and then i heard a loud crack and i saw my buck run up a hill were he then collasped and rolled down the hill i looked threw my scope at the people who shot my buck, i swer i could have pulled the trigger, its people like that who ruin our experiance
Look trough your scope at some real rednecks and you just might not like the outcome. and then go on to say that you might just have pulled the trigger? Buddy, you need a beating or at least a good swat upside the head. You ain't no redneck, "cause we all know better than that.
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Old 11-16-2008, 06:06 PM
Wolverine Boy Wolverine Boy is offline
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What a pair of criminals, good work. Both of them deserve jail, although I'm sure it wouldn't be a new experience for them.

I don't see a problem naming them in a post. Once they're charged (especially criminally) their names are in the public domain and the privacy act only applies to govt bodies as far as I know.

Post their names!
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Old 11-16-2008, 09:14 PM
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Originally Posted by southern-redneck View Post
yea some people did that to me yesterday, they saw me go in they even talked to me and when i spotted this one good buck that i liked and i wanted for my first trophy i stalked it for 4 hours and then i heard a loud crack and i saw my buck run up a hill were he then collasped and rolled down the hill i looked threw my scope at the people who shot my buck, i swer i could have pulled the trigger, its people like that who ruin our experiance
That deer was not owned by anyone untill it was shot by the person that is legally allowed to tag it.
"scoping " someone is not only iresponsible it is a dangerous practice.
Anytime I figure I've got this long range thing figured out, I just strap into the sling and irons and remind myself that I don't!
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Old 11-16-2008, 09:42 PM
Iron Brew Iron Brew is offline
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Default A thought

Could you not phone fish'n feathers and ask for charges to be laid for interfering with a hunt too? It would be seperate charges from what the police have laid, and by a seperate entity... and there should be enough information between the police charges, and the "kids" testimony...

There was a thread earlier listing the relevent code (I know, cause I was hunting it).

Hey - why not pile it on higher???
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