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Old 01-18-2013, 09:28 PM
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Default Idle No More vs Enough is Enough

Saw this on FaceBook, anyone know who the author is?

Ladies and Gentlemen,

On a very serious note and regarding the "Idle No More" movement, I offer the following:

Over the years we have all listened and watched as successive Canadian governments have tried to deal with the residue of our colonial past. On the evidence, a wide range of policies, and a huge amount of our money, has failed to solve a seemingly insolvable problem of abortive aboriginal treaties, perceived entitlements, and social disasters. Many good people on both sides of the fence have spent lives of frustration using different administrative models to no lasting effect.

The only consistent result of over 100 years of wasted time, money and lives is the fact that, for many, being a treaty aboriginal has become a business in and of itself; Aboriginal Incorporated has become a way of life, a leadership management philosophy, a negotiating tool, a public spectacle, and a very lucrative business model, at least for a few. The latest public display of Chief Spence and her Aboriginal Inc. handlers has backfired and, with the release of the audit report on her financial management of millions of tax dollars, we see what really is the issue: The criminal misappropriation of funds intended to help the social ills of an important but socially failing segment of the Canadian population.

This has to stop. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over, and over, while expecting a different result. A failed policy approach is a failed policy approach and over 100 years should be sufficient evidence that enough is enough. We need to start from first principles:

1) No one in Canada is above the law of the land
2) Your economic well-being is your responsibility. It is not the government 's job to pay you to fish and hunt.
3) Employment rules apply to everyone. If you can 't get a job where you live: Move Idle No More at our expense!
4) If you receive public funds; you are accountable. Penalties apply.
5) Theft is theft; see 1) above.
6) If the funds are badly spent or the recipients do not care for the infrastructure and benefits provided; the funds will not be replaced.
7) Treaties will be respected in the context of the date of the treaty and the standards of the day.
8) Your administrative costs and the pay of your local leadership will be set by the people that fund you operation.
9) As our municipalities are governed my provincial rules; so the reserves will be governed by federal rules.
I believe this list is a good start but is clearly a work in progress. I further believe that a valid counter to the Idle No More movement needs to be a strong Enough Is Enough movement. Plainly said: we have had enough!
I truly hope the government gets the picture and puts its foot down once and for all.
If enough Canadians repeat this message then perhaps the abusive power of Aboriginal Inc. will be lessened and the real needs of the thousands of aboriginal Canadians in need can be met.
Enough Is Enough!
Old 01-18-2013, 09:30 PM
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I think we should start a counter movement..."enough is enough" is a great title for it!

Old 01-18-2013, 09:31 PM
full_throttle full_throttle is offline
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Well said.
WTB - Land and or buildings in St.Paul area.
Old 01-18-2013, 10:00 PM
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When I first heard the title 'Idle no More' I thought somebody was finally getting a job and going to work...
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Old 01-18-2013, 10:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Don K View Post
When I first heard the title 'Idle no More' I thought somebody was finally getting a job and going to work...
Thats almost better than a girl my Wife works with.....she thought the INM blockade on HWY2 was a bunch of green granola's speaking out about the oil and gas industry and vehicle pollution....she made a joke about, "why would they be against that, by having a blockade all the cars parked are idling"


Last edited by Lefty-Canuck; 01-18-2013 at 10:29 PM.
Old 01-18-2013, 10:14 PM
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Life's too short to sweat the small stuff.
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Old 01-18-2013, 10:17 PM
Drewski Canuck Drewski Canuck is offline
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The original settlers of North America came from Asia across the Bering "land bridge" during an ice age, presumably to seek a better future given the subsistance nature of their society.

Their decendants are of course the first nations.

European Culture travelled for future prosperity, which is why Europeans left Europe for the new world. To this day, people travel across Canada for prosperity and opportunity.

Given that the first nation's ancestors travelled for opportunity and prosperity, and the first nations were nomadic travelling to the game and the better locations for living depending on the seasons, its no stretch of the imagination that if first nations people want the opportunities and prosperity that current society has to offer, then they should leave the Reserves and travel to where the jobs and the opportunities are.

This is called adaptation to the changing world we find ourselves in.

Old 01-18-2013, 10:24 PM
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i also agree that enough is enough and that the double standards our goverment and laws are built on need to be reassessed. For a country to allow one group of people to have special treatment based solely on their aboriginal heritage is racist in itself. Everyone screams for equal rights yet we all stand by as laws are passed and tax money is spent to give certain people extras. I understand that years ago when the treaties were signed that yes the natives got the worse end of the bargin. In order for everyone to be equal, the special rights that natives have need to be removed in a responisble manner that doesnt leave them stranded and have them integrate into society as equal citizens of canada. I know many people agree that natives shouldnt have the special treatment they do but they will not say anything because as soon as someone says anything they are imediatly branded as a racist for pointing out our countries racist laws.

Old 01-18-2013, 10:24 PM
pickrel pat pickrel pat is offline
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These threads should just be titled.... I.B.T.L ( they stary out fine like this one, but give it an hour)..... Lol.
Old 01-18-2013, 10:27 PM
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Originally Posted by pickrel pat View Post
These threads should just be titled.... I.B.T.L ( they stary out fine like this one, but give it an hour)..... Lol.

Alberta Bigbore
Old 01-18-2013, 10:28 PM
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We can talk about this issue till we are all blue in the face, but there is no one in our government with enough moxie to stand up and say that "enough is enough"

We are all thinking it, but because it is a harsh reality it in fact will never happen in this lifetime.

I will also be happy to eat these words someday in case it ever does happen.
Old 01-18-2013, 10:29 PM
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I thought idle no more was one of edmontons mayor Mandel schemes.... apperantly the scheme is to increase idling by blocking roads lol
Old 01-18-2013, 10:33 PM
Big Daddy Badger Big Daddy Badger is offline
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Originally Posted by Lefty-Canuck View Post
I think we should start a counter movement..."enough is enough" is a great title for it!

Here here!

As much as I loath the omnibus bill the idle no more movement was ill concieved and has now been highjacked by every guy with an axe to grind.

I to believe it is time to put aside our racist impulses by no longer trying to pay off the natives with a few more trinkets and beads.

It was wrong a hundred years ago and it is wrong now.

We need to treat each other as equals and in that spirit we need to see some sort of return on our investment.
By all means pour money into the problems that exist now but with the caveate that self relaince will be the status quo in the foreseeable future.

To achieve this there must be accountability and transparency.
Old 01-18-2013, 10:36 PM
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Originally Posted by pesky672 View Post
Here here!

As much as I loath the omnibus bill the idle no more movement was ill concieved and has now been highjacked by every guy with an axe to grind.

I to believe it is time to put aside our racist impulses by no longer trying to pay off the natives with a few more trinkets and beads.

It was wrong a hundred years ago and it is wrong now.
Am I to believe that you are against the blankets infested with smallpox as well then?
Old 01-18-2013, 10:48 PM
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Old 01-18-2013, 10:50 PM
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I say we go and form a blockade on Theresa Spence's liquid diet, so she can actually go on a hunger diet.....enough is enough!
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Old 01-18-2013, 11:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Twisted Canuck View Post
I say we go and form a blockade on Theresa Spence's liquid diet, so she can actually go on a hunger diet.....enough is enough!
I think the motto "enough is enough" is what her Docs told her before she went on her diet....errr I mean hunger strike.

Wasn't she quoted as saying she was preparing to die.....from starvation....is that like Y2K....the biggest nonevent ever....

Old 01-18-2013, 11:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Alberta Bigbore View Post


Are those Bushnells and did you get them at Wholesale Sports.
I've had good service there. You should stop in and try the 10 x 50's. The 10 x 50's let in lots of light at this time of night.
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Old 01-18-2013, 11:18 PM
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Old 01-18-2013, 11:25 PM
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Not really, actually I think the actor is a cool dude.
His wife is smokin hot!
I don't like the way he wears his hat like that though.
It's too "gangsta" for me.
You know why the brothers wear their hats like that?
It's symbolic of getting it turned and bumped as they get pushed into the back seat of the cop car.
So many do it cause they think it's cool. Reallity is, prison isn't cool.
We must reject the idea that every time a law's broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.
Ronald Reagan

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Old 01-18-2013, 11:33 PM
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Default Yep....

Originally Posted by Dacotensis View Post
Not really, actually I think the actor is a cool dude.
His wife is smokin hot!
I don't like the way he wears his hat like that though.
It's too "gangsta" for me.
You know why the brothers wear their hats like that?
It's symbolic of getting it turned and bumped as they get pushed into the back seat of the cop car.
So many do it cause they think it's cool. Reallity is, prison isn't cool.

Alberta Bigbore
Old 01-18-2013, 11:36 PM
sidetrack sidetrack is offline
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So we all get to play 'Cowboys and Indians' again? I haven't done that since I was a kid! While we're at it let's play Cowboys and Musl... ahh, forget it
How would "Enough is Enough" work? I can see potential violence here.
The people who were here before we white-eyes came to North America have a legitimate beef, but the present state is just milking the system. At some point there has to be a binding irrevocable agreement with the aboriginals so we can get on with our declining way of life.
It's been hundreds of years and now they're sick and tired of all the broken promises (treaties that were never honored) and the stalling, and the stalling, and the stalling. I don't think it's going to go away until the federal government (at this point, the Harper government) takes this issue seriously, which no fed-gov ever has in any meaningful way. That's why there is still a problem. It might be a PITA and a big thorn in the side of the feds and now "the people", but some government at some point is going to have to address it meaningfully. If it doesn't happen now, it'll only get worse.

They're being peaceful right now, trying to bring attention to a cause by disrupting traffic (and thereby, parts of the economy). It pizzes people off but it has the desired effect: The government can't ignore it. It's inconvenient right now, but then again, it's been inconvenient for the last few hundred years.
They ain't gonna sit around "idle no more" for another few hundred years.
Old 01-18-2013, 11:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Alberta Bigbore View Post

I think his eyes are bloodshot.
How can I take a guy like that serious???
And who wears a long sleave shirt under a basketball jersey?
He must not like his tatts.
We must reject the idea that every time a law's broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.
Ronald Reagan

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Old 01-18-2013, 11:36 PM
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Hopefully the USA will make Can'tada the 51'st state. Just for 1 day.

Then sign it back over to Canadagain. By doing so, all prior agreements will be null and void, we can elect new leaders, and the entire country will have to work for a living.

Oh and make Quebec separate.
Only dead fish go with the flow. The rest use their brains in life.

Originally Posted by Twisted Canuck
I wasn't thinking far enough ahead for an outcome, I was ranting. By definition, a rant doesn't imply much forethought.....
Old 01-18-2013, 11:39 PM
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I miss "Occupy Wall Street" and subsequent Canadian movements.
That was cool. Natives guys teaching white guys how not to freeze their ass off in a tent in a city square in Edmonton in the winter!!
Can we have that back?

Talk about an AO flashmob,
You're only as good as your last haircut

Last edited by omega50; 01-18-2013 at 11:51 PM.
Old 01-19-2013, 12:34 AM
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The Morinville Militia Wants YOU!
Old 01-19-2013, 02:03 AM
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Originally Posted by sidetrack View Post
So we all get to play 'Cowboys and Indians' again? I haven't done that since I was a kid! While we're at it let's play Cowboys and Musl... ahh, forget it
How would "Enough is Enough" work? I can see potential violence here.
The people who were here before we white-eyes came to North America have a legitimate beef, but the present state is just milking the system. At some point there has to be a binding irrevocable agreement with the aboriginals so we can get on with our declining way of life.
It's been hundreds of years and now they're sick and tired of all the broken promises (treaties that were never honored) and the stalling, and the stalling, and the stalling. I don't think it's going to go away until the federal government (at this point, the Harper government) takes this issue seriously, which no fed-gov ever has in any meaningful way. That's why there is still a problem. It might be a PITA and a big thorn in the side of the feds and now "the people", but some government at some point is going to have to address it meaningfully. If it doesn't happen now, it'll only get worse.

They're being peaceful right now, trying to bring attention to a cause by disrupting traffic (and thereby, parts of the economy). It pizzes people off but it has the desired effect: The government can't ignore it. It's inconvenient right now, but then again, it's been inconvenient for the last few hundred years.
They ain't gonna sit around "idle no more" for another few hundred years.

Best thread on this subject in ages!!! :-)
Old 01-19-2013, 02:54 AM
HunterDave HunterDave is offline
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Originally Posted by sidetrack View Post
They're being peaceful right now, trying to bring attention to a cause by disrupting traffic (and thereby, parts of the economy). It pizzes people off but it has the desired effect: The government can't ignore it. It's inconvenient right now, but then again, it's been inconvenient for the last few hundred years.
They ain't gonna sit around "idle no more" for another few hundred years.
Blocking traffic was the absolutely DUMBEST move ever that Natives could have done. Worse yet, it was done under the guise of the Idle No More Movement. That is not what the organizers (4 ladies from Saskatoon) envisioned when they created the Idle No More movement. They organized flashmobs and round dances in malls in order to inform the general public and gain their support.....and they were successful in doing it. Members of the general public not only stopped to listen, they participated in the demonstration. They had momentum and were winning Canadians over.

Along came Theresa Spence who I'll give credit to bringing more attention to the movement initially, but since then she hurt it in a very bad way with her fake hunger strike (even APTN is now calling it a fast) and her questionable accounting practices.....BACKFIRE! It was a hijack of the original INM movement in the worst way

On to the next phase.......and second hijack of the movement. Someone in their ultimate wisdom figured that it would be a good idea to block railways and highways and pizz the general public off........many of whom could have been potential supporters of the flashmobs and round dances that originally took place. DUMB.....DUMB.....DUMB!

I keep hearing that the blockages are all peaceful demonstrations, blah, blah, blah. Maybe to an extent they are, and the police are working with demonstrators to keep it that way but 2 things.......they are illegal and they pizz the general public off.

Not only is the INM movement now a gong show, the AFN is in shambles. Chief Atleo had so many knives stuck in his back that it'll take two weeks to pull them all out. In the mean time, Pamela Palmeter, Chief Nepinak, Fox and the rest of the of the radical lowlifes are still fighting the AFN election this summer and trying to force a non-confidence vote to oust Atleo.

My oh my, could one race or culture screw things up any worse than this? I have my doubts, but I'm sure that they'll mess things up for themselves much more before this is over.......Then it'll be someone else's fault.
Old 01-19-2013, 04:36 AM
waterhawk waterhawk is offline
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Originally Posted by sidetrack View Post
So we all get to play 'Cowboys and Indians' again? I haven't done that since I was a kid! While we're at it let's play Cowboys and Musl... ahh, forget it
How would "Enough is Enough" work? I can see potential violence here.
The people who were here before we white-eyes came to North America have a legitimate beef, but the present state is just milking the system. At some point there has to be a binding irrevocable agreement with the aboriginals so we can get on with our declining way of life.
It's been hundreds of years and now they're sick and tired of all the broken promises (treaties that were never honored) and the stalling, and the stalling, and the stalling. I don't think it's going to go away until the federal government (at this point, the Harper government) takes this issue seriously, which no fed-gov ever has in any meaningful way. That's why there is still a problem. It might be a PITA and a big thorn in the side of the feds and now "the people", but some government at some point is going to have to address it meaningfully. If it doesn't happen now, it'll only get worse.

They're being peaceful right now, trying to bring attention to a cause by disrupting traffic (and thereby, parts of the economy). It pizzes people off but it has the desired effect: The government can't ignore it. It's inconvenient right now, but then again, it's been inconvenient for the last few hundred years.
They ain't gonna sit around "idle no more" for another few hundred years.
Sidetrack: Can you identify what promises in the treaties were never honored?
Old 01-19-2013, 07:26 AM
densa44 densa44 is offline
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When the treaties were signed the plan was the natives would be given land the white people didn't want and they would be farmers. Previously except for the 6 notions in Northern New York state and southern Ontario all the rest were nomads. I the Haida on the west coast had a permanent food supply, settlements and were fishermen. All the rest were nomadic stone age people.

To say they haven't done well with confederation is an understatement.

I don't think the reserve system has worked from the beginning. There should be a way out for people to join the mainstream, but not as paupers.

A much better solution is needed for the next generation or this will just get worse. I'd really be interested in hearing what the natives, who have joined the mainstream have to say, this could show us a way forward.

I'm afraid Chief Spence and her boy friend have just served to embarrass the people they say they are trying to help.
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