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Old 08-06-2011, 08:32 PM
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You slap, hit, punch someone it's common assault...end of story...what a waste of bandwith...never knew so many Lawyers were on AO.....and we wonder why we're going to H**l in a handbasket!!!!....man the previous pages here are embarassing!!!!........ Please close this dismal performance Mods!!!
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Old 08-06-2011, 11:46 PM
Big Daddy Badger Big Daddy Badger is offline
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Originally Posted by GustavMahler View Post
You know you might have a point here,,, if there was a cute squirrel reaching for food from this family, ya know I think it would have turned out differently,,, but what compelled him to point and shoot this pic? There's nothing to document other than a family with a mom in the later stages of her pregnancy and I bet you it was a stinkin hot & sticky Toronto day,, have you been there in the height of Summer? Try Torontos Chinatown when it's pushing 42c, those hanging ducks don't smell so appetizing,, I digress.

I think the real key to this story is that a fellow pushed a few of the wrong buttons of a pregnant woman on a very hot day.
Yup southern Ont in summer....thank God for Wasaga Beach...

Sure...the heat can get to a person.
The lady was off-side....thats clear enough....and an excuse is an excuse..not justification. And, I'd be willing to bet that mall was air conditioned.
The guy taking the picture may have been a bit of a jerk to...

The thing driving me crazy was that so many people were referring to all sorts of wild scenarios and adding what ifs to justify beating some slob that just took a couple of lousy pics of some people in a food court whatever his reason.
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Old 08-07-2011, 12:01 AM
Big Daddy Badger Big Daddy Badger is offline
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Originally Posted by Sundancefisher View Post
He wrote the story. He gave only his version of the events. Do you think his version could be biased?

Gezzz.... I am always amazed at how gullible people are to believe anything they read WITHOUT thinking for themselves.

Still...some people believe in the conspiracy...

There is a saying...


Occam's razor (or Ockham's razor)[1] often expressed in Latin as the lex parsimoniae, translating to law of parsimony, law of economy or law of succinctness, is a principle that generally recommends, when faced with competing hypotheses that are equal in other respects, selecting the one that makes the fewest new assumptions.[2]

No charges...means no crime.

Believe all you want...hypothesis all you want...think of all the conspiracies your hearts desire...but in the end the truth is...no charges...no crime. Until the facts change...Occam's razor prevails.
But why not..."actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea"?

No man wants to admit he just got worked by a short angry apparently preggers or at least tubby woman...so I suspect he got more mileage out of this by writing about it than he would have pursuing charges.

I'd bet that Occams razor wouldn't have prevailed if there wasn't a risk that the ethnic card would be played though.
And before anyone says it... that isn't an unreasonable assumption...after all the lady had already played the religious rights card... to justify what she was about to do.

Last edited by Big Daddy Badger; 08-07-2011 at 12:12 AM.
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Old 08-07-2011, 08:18 AM
elkhunter11 elkhunter11 is offline
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The thing driving me crazy was that so many people were referring to all sorts of wild scenarios and adding what ifs to justify beating some slob that just took a couple of lousy pics of some people in a food court whatever his reason.
The fact that so much fear and paranoia can result from someone simply taking a few pictures, explains how we ended up with the gun control laws that we now have to obey. It makes me wonder how many of the posters are not in favor of the long gun registry being abolished?
Only accurate guns are interesting.
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Old 08-07-2011, 10:01 AM
Gust Gust is offline
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Originally Posted by elkhunter11 View Post
The fact that so much fear and paranoia can result from someone simply taking a few pictures, explains how we ended up with the gun control laws that we now have to obey. It makes me wonder how many of the posters are not in favor of the long gun registry being abolished?
you could start a poll thread on the registry.

but cameras and guns are quite the stretch but you never know, chances are this guy would have still incited the same anger, only this time she would have punched him in the face for not knowing where the safety was.
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Old 08-21-2011, 01:24 AM
nanuk-O-dah-Nort nanuk-O-dah-Nort is offline
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Originally Posted by geo View Post
And was acting like a pervert. What kind of creep takes close up shots of a family without permission? That's seriously extremely questionable behavior.

When a man is acting in such a way, I think it's reasonable that a woman can assume he has questionable intentions and that sort of thing must be repelled at once. She must protect her children from imminent harm. If some person is acting like a pervert in public, it's right to stop them from doing so before children are harmed.

Are you honestly telling me you wouldn't care if some guy was taking close up photos of your family and refused to stop when you asked? You'd just shrug and strike a pose for him? Tell your kids to smile? Don't be an idiot.

Provocation is a full-stop defense to assault in Canada. She would have won immediately in court. There is no question this was a provocation and she was likely also defending her children from what she may have perceievd as a pedophile or pervert.

What I believe EVERYONE is missing here is WHY the woman attacked The Menzoid.

it was NOT for taking pics of her family

it was NOT for taking closeups of her children

it was NOT because she thought him a pervert

it was ONLY because she believes it is Culturally Wrong to take a photo of a woman. THAT is the ONLY reason she attacked him.

Now... is That reason enough to assault someone? What next? PETA assaulting wildlife photographers for stressing wildlife?
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Old 08-21-2011, 01:10 PM
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Originally Posted by nanuk-O-dah-Nort View Post
What I believe EVERYONE is missing here is WHY the woman attacked The Menzoid.

it was NOT for taking pics of her family

it was NOT for taking closeups of her children

it was NOT because she thought him a pervert

it was ONLY because she believes it is Culturally Wrong to take a photo of a woman. THAT is the ONLY reason she attacked him.

Now... is That reason enough to assault someone? What next? PETA assaulting wildlife photographers for stressing wildlife?
Oh come on, you're not really that naive are you? The photographer is well known for such antics; you know for a fact he wasn't there to buy the middle eastern family ice cream. He was pursuing his agenda, and you're eating it up without any questions, like some kind of free dessert. The guy is a right wing version of Micheal Moore; neither will ever let the truth get in the way of a good photo op.
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Old 08-21-2011, 05:02 PM
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I'll not quote Trophy so it won't also have to be edited; but dude, the bigotry you're expressing is in horrible taste. No logic, no thought, no humanity; just hate. Don't let the door hit ya.........
"The trouble with people idiot-proofing things, is the resulting evolution of the idiot." Me
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Old 08-21-2011, 06:02 PM
HunterDave HunterDave is offline
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Trophyboy..........That comment kinda reminds me of what Hitler said about the Jews.
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Old 08-21-2011, 06:09 PM
nanuk-O-dah-Nort nanuk-O-dah-Nort is offline
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Originally Posted by CaberTosser View Post
Oh come on, you're not really that naive are you? The photographer is well known for such antics; you know for a fact he wasn't there to buy the middle eastern family ice cream. He was pursuing his agenda, and you're eating it up without any questions, like some kind of free dessert. The guy is a right wing version of Micheal Moore; neither will ever let the truth get in the way of a good photo op.

Of COURSE he was! Menzoid is the most bigotted, obnoxious, sexist ***** on the radio. (I've never read him in print)

and he got the reaction he was looking for.

and again... it only had to do with the womans culture. Nothing to do with perverts, children or anything else. Not religion, not nothing but a misguided cultural misogynist tenet.

I just felt several posters were taking the thread into areas that had nothing to do with the incident, and felt it needed to be brought back on point.

And you did that well!
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Old 08-21-2011, 06:10 PM
nanuk-O-dah-Nort nanuk-O-dah-Nort is offline
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Originally Posted by trophyboy View Post
Any and all Muslims should be banned from immigrating to Canada until they get their own toilets where they come from cleaned up. This country is truly becoming spineless and disgraceful when it comes to dealing with these animals....no they are not human, that's why I didn't say people.

in Arab countries, they don't use toilets
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Old 08-21-2011, 06:16 PM
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Originally Posted by nanuk-O-dah-Nort View Post
Of COURSE he was! Menzoid is the most bigotted, obnoxious, sexist ***** on the radio. (I've never read him in print)

and he got the reaction he was looking for.

and again... it only had to do with the womans culture. Nothing to do with perverts, children or anything else. Not religion, not nothing but a misguided cultural misogynist tenet.

I just felt several posters were taking the thread into areas that had nothing to do with the incident, and felt it needed to be brought back on point.

And you did that well!
X2 the guy is an *****, he got the exact reaction he was looking for. I wonder how many people he photographed before he got the reaction he wanted. If you heard him on the radio at all, you would just laugh and shake your head, he's hard to take seriously.
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Old 08-21-2011, 06:18 PM
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Agreed Dave. There may also be some aboriginal-types who might say the same as Trophy did about Trophy, you and I. Not many though, most of them aren't bigots. It's just a point I'm making for perspective.

Being a career military type, I imagine you may have been around a lot, and witnessed that no culture on earth is exclusively made of a$5holes; you've probably found people to like everywhere. Sure; certain ones among them are crying out to be vaporized, but not entire races or religions.
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Old 08-23-2011, 09:56 PM
gphunt gphunt is offline
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Ya, I would have hit him too. Sure, I would deserve to be charged for assaulting this guy, but he seems like a bottom feeder to me.
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Old 08-23-2011, 10:13 PM
hockey1099 hockey1099 is offline
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Originally Posted by HunterDave View Post
I think that it was a setup from the word GO! If I was sitting there with my wife and kid(s) minding my own business and some freak started taking pictures of us I'd be up asking WT? he was doing as well! Have a look at the pictures that the guy took. They aren't of a flower with the family in the background or anything like that, they were pictures of someone's family! Now why would someone do that? The fella taking the pictures was out to cause a problem by invading someone's privacy and he got the reaction that he was hoping for.

This isn't about race or religion to me at all and if I was sitting with my family minding my business and someone started snapping pictures of us for no particular reason he'd probably get slapped up the side of the head AND I'd probably take his camera too because I didn't know what he was going to do with the pictures of my family. Who wouldn't do that?

I think that the police did the right thing............the guy with the camera got in someone's face to provoke them and he got the reaction that he was looking for and then pulled the "poor me" routine. This story is going nowhere with anyone that can see through the BS.
Smartest post here. This guy saw the police saw the hajib wearing muslims and tried to get a reaction.

How would you all feel if some creepy middle aged white guy was taking pictures of your 7 year old daughter in a swimsuit at the beach. I mean its a free country so whats wrong with that.
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Old 08-23-2011, 10:37 PM
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Even if he was looking for the reaction, he proved the point he wanted to. I agree he was probably fishing for this exact outcome but turn the tables and see what happens to your average white person. I dont have a problem with other races but I do have one with the lack of a true equality in our country. I havent read all of this thread but enough as far as Im concerned. As for the not being people comment what a way to not get any kind of point accross at all and not at all appropriate for a public forum.
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Old 08-23-2011, 10:45 PM
hockey1099 hockey1099 is offline
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Originally Posted by FrostyinHell View Post

Sorry Sunshine, fanatics are not fanatics. There is a big difference between Christian and Islamic fanatics. This country was founded on Christian values, regardless of whether you are religious or not. These same values are what prevented us from becoming like "them" (that's right I said "them").

Nowhere in Canadian society could any of us get away with the disgusting lack of respect for person and property that is so common place in that part of the world. I am not a religious man in any way shape or form, this is a personal choice. I do however believe that everyone is entitled to practice their own religion as they see fit, as long as it does not contradict our laws and values.

As far as lumping all of the muslims into a "billion person religion" you are right, it's too bad that 98% are giving the other 2% a bad name. As one of my interpreters in Afghanistan pointed out himself, "Not all muslims are terrorists but all terrorists are muslim". I do know and have worked very closely with many muslims. I consider several to be friends and have talked at length with them about thier religion. The idea that the muslim religion is one of tolerance is a great big steaming pile of crap. Many confuse muslims with buddists. The Qur'an preaches conversion of all other religions to the muslim faith. If we do not convert we are to be beaten into submission or killed for believing in a god other than the prophet Muhammad.

I really do get tired of people in this country making excuses for foreigners behaviour. Before you come into our country, read and understand our laws because if you break the law you should be held accountable no exceptions. Believe me we are held responsible for any laws that we break in thier country. A friend of mine was dehydrated and had to take a drink of water during the hot as hell mid day during Ramaddan in 2008. A cop saw him and took him into custody. He was subjected to multiple lashes and had to publicly appologise. After which he was escorted from the country. And that was for having a drink of water. Sounds like a reasonable religion/culture to me.

From Geo -- "When a man is acting in such a way, I think it's reasonable that a woman can assume he has questionable intentions and that sort of thing must be repelled at once. She must protect her children from imminent harm. If some person is acting like a pervert in public, it's right to stop them from doing so before children are harmed."

What are you talking about, he took a couple of pictures of the family, he wasn't luring kids into his pedo wagon dressed up like an ice cream truck. I'd be willing to bet that there are pictures of you and your family in other peoples hands that you are unaware of (kids sports, social gatherings or even around town).
Wow. All terrorists are muslim? Tim McVay, Muslim or Evangical Christian? Probably muslim. The FLQ they were all french Muslims if i remember correctly. IRA? Catholic muslims. The ETA in the Basque region of Spain? Yep Spanish muslims. That Guy in Norway again a muslim.


Muslims are scary people always trying to convert the non believers. Christians have not sought new members since the crusades and havent raped an indiginous Canadian since the residential school systems were abolished. Nor have they pushed there religion on anyone in Canada since then. Its not like christians will tell you that your going to hell if you dont accept christ into your life. Fear the Muslim for they will most definately beat you if you dont convert immediatly i know i did. Praise be allah.

On a serious note breaking the fast during Ramadon is allowed for various reasons, being ill being young being elderly being preganant. Im not muslim so i dont know all the exceptions but i doubt buddy knows a guy who got lashed for drinking water.

Other than that the above quoted post was reasonable and showed no evidence of fear mongering
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