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Old 12-22-2011, 12:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Okotokian View Post
Idiots. I hope the yanks get rich. Always better for us when they are.
x2 When the US suffers everybody suffers and we all had enough of that!
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Old 12-22-2011, 01:01 PM
Jag_Gator Jag_Gator is offline
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9/11 could have been avoided all together if the US government would have adopted a non-interventionist approach to foreign policy. That's the main reason why I would vote for Ron Paul, and all of the other Republican candidates have the nerve to call the man an isolationist. It's like both dimwitted parties refuse to accept the fact that "full spectrum dominance" has bankrupted us.

And in regards to Obama, I knew he would be a let down when he appointed that tax cheat Tim Geitner to the treasury and backed down from his harsh criticisms of NAFTA when he was on the campaign trail. Before he was even sworn in I told my wife, "he's going to be a failure, just watch."
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Old 12-22-2011, 01:50 PM
eastcoast eastcoast is offline
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Originally Posted by blackpheasant View Post
OK EC now step away from the Kool Aid....
what I said is the truth, no kool aid here my man, nothing I said was a lie or a made up fact.
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Old 12-22-2011, 03:20 PM
Sneeze Sneeze is offline
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Originally Posted by Okotokian View Post
So did Trudeau. Giving him a pass?
He that shall not be named will NOT be discussed in this house.

Just reading the name causes me to spit on the wall. Cut it out.
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Old 12-22-2011, 03:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Sneeze View Post
He that shall not be named will NOT be discussed in this house.

Just reading the name causes me to spit on the wall. Cut it out.
Thanks for that one Sneeze LOL
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Old 12-22-2011, 04:02 PM
greylynx greylynx is offline
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If the U.S. goes down, who will the CBC turn the bulk of their hate to?

The CBC needs some sort of straw man to blow down to defend their existence.

Oh dear: I see some Wiley E. Coyote eyes looking at Alberta. Oh my: It is the CBC.
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Old 12-22-2011, 04:04 PM
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Originally Posted by greylynx View Post
Oh dear: I see some Wiley E. Coyote eyes looking at Alberta. Oh my: It is the CBC.
Oh they've been looking for a while now...
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Old 12-22-2011, 04:05 PM
ofelas ofelas is offline
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There's only one thing to be done to coyotes.
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Old 12-22-2011, 04:39 PM
rugatika rugatika is offline
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Originally Posted by Okotokian View Post
That's an interesting historical interpretation and revision for a leader who was asleep at the wheel for the greatest sneak attack on America since Pearl Harbor and the greatest recession/depression since the 1930's. All on his watch. I suspect if he had been a Democrat your estimation of who was to blame would be slightly different. LOL
Oko. Are you really going to hang the terrorist attack on Bush? AND the recession? It's been a while, but it seems to me the 911 commission did not hang the blame on Bush, I think it was due to an institutionalized lack of communication among different federal (and maybe even state) enforcement and intelligence agencies.

As to the recession. What part of the recession was caused by Bush??? Who deregulated investment rules... http://dangerousintersection.org/201...-accomplished/

and who warned of the impending crisis on numerous occasions? I already posted the timeline video of Bush and McCain warning of the impending crisis.

I know many people think the President of the US is an all powerful entity, like a Canadian PM, but I think you know better than that Oko. The Pres can help to guide certain things, and veto bills, but Bush's political capital was pretty much spent and he had little power to affect congressional legislation by the time his second term was well underway.

You cannot deny that under Bush the economy was largely sound and robust, despite America being involved in two wars (whether you agree with them or not). Although I will grant you that part of that robust economy was being built on a housing bubble financed in large part by bad loans) Bush tried to do what he could to steer America clear of the coming crisis, but he is only one part of the leadership in America. (And by the way, I do hold republicans and democrats responsible for their inaction, and in the case of many Democrats (Frank, Dodd, et al) their actions that lead to the recession)

Obama's actions have pretty much been precisely what was needed to turn a recession into a depression and if America does happen to avoid collapse it will be in spite of Obama's policies and not because of them.

Whether the Pres at the time was Republican or Democrat really wouldn't have mattered. If a democrat had followed Bush's actions I would have equally cheered them (and lambasted some of the excessive spending policies as well that Bush pushed through). I could care less if it's a liberal or con that brings about tax cuts, anyone that cuts taxes is moving in the right direction...etc etc...If an NDP member advocated conservative policy, I'd say kudos...and then ask to have his temperature checked.
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Old 12-22-2011, 06:08 PM
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Bush was a terrible President; Obama: even worse
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Old 12-22-2011, 06:35 PM
rugatika rugatika is offline
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Can't argue with a bumper sticker.
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Old 12-22-2011, 07:24 PM
eastcoast eastcoast is offline
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Originally Posted by rugatika View Post
Can't argue with a bumper sticker.
words to live by
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Old 12-23-2011, 10:01 AM
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Long but good read.
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Old 12-23-2011, 10:06 AM
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Originally Posted by rugatika View Post
Can't argue with a bumper sticker.
You could but....
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Old 12-23-2011, 10:29 AM
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Kudos to Rugatika for having the facts straight. Nice to see someone who doesn't fall for main stream media spin!
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Old 12-23-2011, 11:05 AM
The Elkster The Elkster is offline
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Its stuns me that people are arguing about what figurehead is to blame for the mess. This is a total system failure and has nothing to do with a relatively powerless individual. Liberal/Conservative it doesn't matter. The problem is a system whereby the decisions are not made by a person and group with a long term vision of what is best of the country as a whole but rather a person/group with a survivalist instinct to stay in power. Both sides are equally to blame and if you can't see that then you best get yer head out of the politically polarized sand. Neither Conservative nor Liberal ideas have a chance when 1/2 the population and political base see it as a rabid obligation to ensure the otherside fails. The best of ideas can and will be sunk if the WILL to implement that idea isn't there. This is more about political/idealist ego's and one side desperate to "win" than it is about an attempt to reach a solution for the long term good of all.

Human nature (ie ego and self interest) will be societies downfall.
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Old 12-23-2011, 11:43 AM
Jag_Gator Jag_Gator is offline
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Originally Posted by The Elkster View Post
Its stuns me that people are arguing about what figurehead is to blame for the mess. This is a total system failure and has nothing to do with a relatively powerless individual. Liberal/Conservative it doesn't matter. The problem is a system whereby the decisions are not made by a person and group with a long term vision of what is best of the country as a whole but rather a person/group with a survivalist instinct to stay in power. Both sides are equally to blame and if you can't see that then you best get yer head out of the politically polarized sand. Neither Conservative nor Liberal ideas have a chance when 1/2 the population and political base see it as a rabid obligation to ensure the otherside fails. The best of ideas can and will be sunk if the WILL to implement that idea isn't there. This is more about political/idealist ego's and one side desperate to "win" than it is about an attempt to reach a solution for the long term good of all.

Human nature (ie ego and self interest) will be societies downfall.
Another amen. They are all nothing but a bunch of fascists that will bend over to please their banker buddies.
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Old 12-23-2011, 11:58 AM
rugatika rugatika is offline
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Originally Posted by Roughneck12 View Post
Great read...thanks for posting. He really outlines and backs up with data and charts what most intelligent people already suspected/knew. Really sad, how so many people can have the wool pulled over their eyes. Democracy is great, but part of the deal is that the people that vote have to assume responsibility for educating themselves about what is going on with their leadership and the consequences of voting for short term gain. As long as there is a politician promising a free lunch I suspect there will be people voting for them.
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Old 12-23-2011, 12:05 PM
rugatika rugatika is offline
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Originally Posted by The Elkster View Post
Its stuns me that people are arguing about what figurehead is to blame for the mess. This is a total system failure and has nothing to do with a relatively powerless individual. Liberal/Conservative it doesn't matter. The problem is a system whereby the decisions are not made by a person and group with a long term vision of what is best of the country as a whole but rather a person/group with a survivalist instinct to stay in power. Both sides are equally to blame and if you can't see that then you best get yer head out of the politically polarized sand. Neither Conservative nor Liberal ideas have a chance when 1/2 the population and political base see it as a rabid obligation to ensure the otherside fails. The best of ideas can and will be sunk if the WILL to implement that idea isn't there. This is more about political/idealist ego's and one side desperate to "win" than it is about an attempt to reach a solution for the long term good of all.

Human nature (ie ego and self interest) will be societies downfall.
I partially agree with you, with the caveat that ultimately the power to change this rests with the people at the voting booth. (and I should add BEFORE candidates are even selected to run). And I have to admit I have been lax in getting involved in the selection process of candidates to ensure that the people are putting up a candidate for election that has the moral integrity to stand up for what is right once/if he is elected.

How often have we seen a candidate get elected who was blatantly thumbing his nose at his constituents only because he was the best of a bad lot? We need to get involved to get these clowns removed before they get a chance to become institutionalized politicians standing in the graft line.
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Old 12-23-2011, 12:29 PM
The Elkster The Elkster is offline
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I wish it were that easy. The polarization is too strong IMO. Conservatives see the liberals as dumb. Liberal see the conservatives as evil. And neither side is willing to open themselves to the true middle ground. Any candidate operating within that framework is destined to fail at a minimum through undermining by the other side if not from their own side like in the case of ron paul.

The way I see it, it`ll take a big event to knock some sense into people and get them coming together. I`m talking about a unifying moment for the US. Like a foreign attack or a killer virus where everyone drops the petty name calling and technicalities, the preconcieved notions of `right and wrong`, Start seeing the big picture and what really matters and actually pull together rather than apart. As long as Cons are calling anyone with an opposing view idiots and the Libs the same and each do everything in their power to ensure the others systems don`t work then nothing is gonna change. That is the heart of the problem...no matter the system together we`ll flourish, divided we`ll fall.
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Old 12-23-2011, 01:04 PM
Gust Gust is offline
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Originally Posted by Jag_Gator View Post
Another amen. They are all nothing but a bunch of fascists that will bend over to please their banker buddies.
They aren't true fascists, as in they are not trying to create uniformity to a particular party ideology but are trying to keep the populace illinformed and continue to be reckless consumers,, the only catch is the reckless spenders are unemployed, so even the banker buddies can't exploit them with the shareholders woe stories and who is going to bolster your pension if the hedge is clipped too short. The longer the populace learns to be thrifty the weaker the talking heads become.
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Old 12-23-2011, 02:02 PM
Deo101 Deo101 is offline
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Originally Posted by swforge View Post
Yeah, keep blaming americans for our corrupt politicians. Answer me this... where do you think you boys will be if we do collapse ?
Hopefully selling our natural resources to someone who can pay/trade for it...if worse comes to worse I'll be at a good vantage point hooked up to a nat gas well with my rifle and as much ammo as I can get my hands on.
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Old 12-23-2011, 02:11 PM
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Originally Posted by geezer View Post
The U.S. Debt may be astronomical.....
but what I can't figure out....
is why Alberta has to accept the LOWEST ROYALTIES IN THE WORLD for it's Oil, bar none...
to pay for it... ?

Go check for yourself, LOWEST in the World....
every time someone tries to raise Alberta's Oil Royalties share...to be competitive....
The Media and the Oilpatch PROPAGANDA Machine convinces Albertans..
"The Sky is falling".... and the Oilpatch are taking their football and going home....

Think about it...
until...someone figures out...how to LIFT Alberta up and remove the 158 BILLION barrels of Oil under it..
Nobody's goin anywhere....
Dirty or not, Americans won't care,... when their cars are empty.
The last go around of Oil Patch Propaganda was to due with Nat Gas Royalties. And between recession and Royalties it crippled the Nat Gas industry. I can't speak on Oil Royalties....but they don't seem to be holding anyone back.
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Old 12-23-2011, 02:12 PM
Plummerbutt Plummerbutt is offline
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Originally Posted by GustavMahler View Post
We'll be laughing our way to the bank.
Thats about the most misinformed statement made within this post, and there have been plenty. Always amazes me how you canadians seem to know more about the US and its inter workings then you do about your own country? Never have figured that out. If the US collapes, the whole world will be sent into immediate depression. From oil, to production of products, to food, everything will take a substantian hit, And yes, that includes canada! Outside of a few oil wells and some tree's, canada doesnt have a whole lot going on financially. Your own economists say this very thing, and they greatly fear a US collapse and what it will do to Canada. The longer you keep your head in the sand about the problems that canada has, and how your whole economy is tied to the US and Europe, the better chance there will be for someone to come along and kick your ass. Do you realize that Canada, US and England have been discussing the idea of making your country a part of the US? Denigh it and flame me all you want, but until you understand that this is truely being considered for future world order, then everything else within this whole post is well above your intellectual understanding. There are powers at force that nobody will be able to stop, and that very few even understand.
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Old 12-23-2011, 02:30 PM
GunnerySgtJackson GunnerySgtJackson is offline
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Originally Posted by Plummerbutt View Post
Thats about the most misinformed statement made within this post, and there have been plenty. Always amazes me how you canadians seem to know more about the US and its inter workings then you do about your own country? Never have figured that out. If the US collapes, the whole world will be sent into immediate depression. From oil, to production of products, to food, everything will take a substantian hit, And yes, that includes canada! Outside of a few oil wells and some tree's, canada doesnt have a whole lot going on financially. Your own economists say this very thing, and they greatly fear a US collapse and what it will do to Canada. The longer you keep your head in the sand about the problems that canada has, and how your whole economy is tied to the US and Europe, the better chance there will be for someone to come along and kick your ass. Do you realize that Canada, US and England have been discussing the idea of making your country a part of the US? Denigh it and flame me all you want, but until you understand that this is truely being considered for future world order, then everything else within this whole post is well above your intellectual understanding. There are powers at force that nobody will be able to stop, and that very few even understand.
Gentlemen, time to "drink our own pizz"..........
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Old 12-23-2011, 02:41 PM
Gust Gust is offline
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Originally Posted by Plummerbutt View Post
Thats about the most misinformed statement made within this post, and there have been plenty. Always amazes me how you canadians seem to know more about the US and its inter workings then you do about your own country? Never have figured that out. If the US collapes, the whole world will be sent into immediate depression. From oil, to production of products, to food, everything will take a substantian hit, And yes, that includes canada! Outside of a few oil wells and some tree's, canada doesnt have a whole lot going on financially. Your own economists say this very thing, and they greatly fear a US collapse and what it will do to Canada. The longer you keep your head in the sand about the problems that canada has, and how your whole economy is tied to the US and Europe, the better chance there will be for someone to come along and kick your ass. Do you realize that Canada, US and England have been discussing the idea of making your country a part of the US? Denigh it and flame me all you want, but until you understand that this is truely being considered for future world order, then everything else within this whole post is well above your intellectual understanding. There are powers at force that nobody will be able to stop, and that very few even understand.
I'll rephrase that for you then,

"I'm laughing all the way to the bank as is my U.S client".

And the discussions about being absorbed into the U.S,, well by the looks of it the U.S is streamlining into fitting into the Canadian way. Thinking has become stale as of late and we are stuck with a cyclical crowd of academics. I'm sorry that you are miserable, I do hope the U.S picks up and though our economy depends on the U.S, there are also new economic (hate to use this word) paradigms emerging.

Now pull up your boot straps and stop talking from the bottom of an elevator shaft.
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Old 12-23-2011, 02:58 PM
Gust Gust is offline
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Originally Posted by GunnerySgtJackson View Post
Gentlemen, time to "drink our own pizz"..........
and as cynical this sytatement is, it's also quite true,,, since when were we your b-itch (sorry for the term),,, an economy shift is underway and I'm sorry that I cheered on my country of Canada on a Canadian forum during your desperate time but I'm tired of cheering on the U.S. It's time you got out of your growing up period (1945-present) the bully liar years and got back into your headspace of 1890 thru 1920, the invention years.
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Old 12-23-2011, 03:05 PM
Deo101 Deo101 is offline
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Originally Posted by Plummerbutt View Post
Thats about the most misinformed statement made within this post, and there have been plenty. Always amazes me how you canadians seem to know more about the US and its inter workings then you do about your own country? Never have figured that out. If the US collapes, the whole world will be sent into immediate depression. From oil, to production of products, to food, everything will take a substantian hit, And yes, that includes canada! Outside of a few oil wells and some tree's, canada doesnt have a whole lot going on financially. Your own economists say this very thing, and they greatly fear a US collapse and what it will do to Canada. The longer you keep your head in the sand about the problems that canada has, and how your whole economy is tied to the US and Europe, the better chance there will be for someone to come along and kick your ass. Do you realize that Canada, US and England have been discussing the idea of making your country a part of the US? Denigh it and flame me all you want, but until you understand that this is truely being considered for future world order, then everything else within this whole post is well above your intellectual understanding. There are powers at force that nobody will be able to stop, and that very few even understand.
Aside from a little oil and tree's? What about BC bud? lol. JJ. But don't underestimate what a little oil (third largest reserve in world) means. I realize that the system as we know it will fail if the U.S. does. When exactly do you declare that a country failed? Trillions of dollars in debt, but not starving? Money seems very fake anyhow. Just looked up worlds biggest debtor nations. Funny that not one African country is among the list. I guess it's just like personal credit score. The more in debt you are the more they'll give. To bad the richer (less debt) countries are the ones starving to death.
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Old 12-23-2011, 05:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Okotokian View Post
My "non-partisan" (LOL) take: Bush was a disaster... Obama is a disaster... and those rubes on the Republican podium falling asleep, grabbing women, forgetting their platforms, etc. look mostly like disasters in the making.

Man, give me one intelligent, reasonable, "see both sides of an issue" candidate who can tell both the far right and the far left to get stuffed.
Ron Paul. Get with it.

Originally Posted by eastcoast View Post
one gets bashed when they deserve it regardless of time of year, I have bashed obama on here aswell, bush was a terrible president, took a surplus and turned it into a massive defecit, started wars that cost trillions on a lie,the economic collapse started under him , he has a record to run on and it's terrible, the usa is worse off after him, obama will have his own record to run on when he is finished.
Bush never had a surplus, the US hasn't had a surplus in over 5 decades, this surplus garbage is making me angry. 5.6 Trillion would have paid their national debt at the time, where did that number come from? Smoke and mirrors need not even apply here. You can't have a surplus when you have grossly outstanding national debt. It is an oxymoron. Clinton didn't do anything but encourage the printing of more fiat currency. Stop this surplus crap. They have all sucked since Eisenhower. All of them, because they all willingly helped build a house of cards. We sucked off of that and have propped it up, though in a less malicious manner, and now we are going to pay the piper too.
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Old 12-23-2011, 06:24 PM
GunnerySgtJackson GunnerySgtJackson is offline
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Originally Posted by GustavMahler View Post
and as cynical this sytatement is, it's also quite true,,, since when were we your b-itch (sorry for the term),,, an economy shift is underway and I'm sorry that I cheered on my country of Canada on a Canadian forum during your desperate time but I'm tired of cheering on the U.S. It's time you got out of your growing up period (1945-present) the bully liar years and got back into your headspace of 1890 thru 1920, the invention years.
Am I right to assume your comments are directed to "Plump Butt", aside from my pizz comment. Let me know. I will check in later as I have to get back to learning mexican, cause I hear we are being sold to a large developer south of the 49th!
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