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Old 04-03-2009, 02:24 PM
dss44 dss44 is offline
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Real sad about his fiancee...I think when he comes back he will be on a rampage though to be honest...I know if that happened to me I'd dedicate the end of the season to her and make sure I win Stanley in her memory...won't be a negative distraction at all.
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Old 04-03-2009, 03:38 PM
Kanonfodder Kanonfodder is offline
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Originally Posted by Jamie View Post
Your right.. I was wrong.

As for my Flames.. Sure I know we have issues.. But they are not calling for Mikes head. Lets see if they can pull it all together for a deep run into the playoffs. They can beat SJ, They can beat Detroit. I think (and this is without looking into it) We have beaten
THEY HAVE A CHANCE!! More than I can say about the Oils.

Hey if you guys want to keep MacT on as a coach.. Go ahead. Its one less team we have to battle for a playoff spot. No skin off of our noses.. And we get to make fun of you year round

Jamie you have to go and visit some Calgary Lames forums and listen to the all in shows...plenty of you guys are calln for Iron Mike to be fired and Sutter to try to right your sinking ship. And I didnt 'cheer" for the lames i stated it was preferable for them to beat the Wild.......
Don't blame me, I'm just a volunteer
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Old 04-03-2009, 03:45 PM
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Kanon.. IT WAS


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Old 04-03-2009, 04:00 PM
~Octane~ ~Octane~ is offline
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[QUOTE=BrownBear416;297751]lmao Could not have said it better yourself??? All i heard from Lowe was he's an Emotional guy over and over....

Did you even hear his whole press conference??? What I meant by I could not have said it better myself was how he was going on about how Katz is extremely disappointed, shocked and mad to some extent that with 5 games left, we were thick in the playoff run and all fans are doing is whining about the coach.
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Old 04-03-2009, 04:18 PM
~Octane~ ~Octane~ is offline
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Originally Posted by TreeGuy View Post
~Octane~, you have no idea how teams/organizations function in real life. Just 'cause ya gots 5 years of ringette under your belt and spend 16 hours a day following the Oil, doesn't make you an expert. If you are not currently cashing a paycheque from their media releations department, then you should be.

Seriously dude. Are you satisfied as a fan? Seriously. I'm not. Develop, develop, develop. Then once the player starts to get decent they make a brutal trade to start developing again. Farm system sucks because the drafting has sucked! I aspire to lose out consistanly in the first round like the Flames do and will.

The 'old boys club' must be nuked. It's not working. Take your blinders off, as attitudes like yours only prolong the mediocrety. The coach has lost the team. Period. What are you gonna do? Trade the whole team? Give your head a shake.....your eyeballs are stuck. Blind azz rah-rah fans really pizz me off! Go find another bandwagon..........

Ok guy who loves trees Your the one who has no idea how teams function! Ringette is a joke, same as your theory's on the teams problems. As for following the Oil 16 hours a day, dont know what your point is but I suggest looking at your post count with mine and see who really is the one that spends more time on here, if you meant thinking of the oilers 16 hours a day...yep why not? I'm a fan, of course! Just like I think about fishing and hunting as much as I can.

No, I am not satisfied as a fan. With that said, IMO it's not MacT's fault. And dont get me wrong i'm not saying hes been perfect in his 9 year time..but if you cant see that the bulk of the problems on this team is not because of him, than I suggest you take your ***** coloured glasses off. I really dont understand you man. Is it that the Oilers have a crap farm team and no 'developing' players we are holding on to? Or we have the players and MacT is the problem? You just run around in circles!

Attitudes like mine? I'm only cheering for my time in a positive manner and your the one focusing on the negative with few games left. I would not trade the whole team, your exaggeration is brutal as usual..but I would get rid of certain key guys on this team and bring in a lot more talent. You think bringing in a coach that screams and yells is going to go over well with the 'young developing players'? Right...and your theory about MacT has lost the team is completely out to lunch, with a lot of things you say. If that was the case the team would fold for the rest of the season and not give an effort, instead of making videos adressing the fans on their website saying their going to give it their best and need the fans support and going out against the Sharks giving such a valid effort. We should have won that game 5-3 or 6-3 with all the posts we hit and pucks trickling through the crease.

If MacT does go, which seems pretty slim now, you watch how fast another team will pick him up. If theres a really good coach out there better than MacT in this situation, than maybe make the move. But Katz as a business man, knows damn well MacT is the best there is right now and the teams struggles this year arent his fault.

You go find another bandwagon, if you dont like the way the team is functioning and all you do is whine and complain, then walk right outta here and cheer for another team, see if I care!
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Old 04-03-2009, 04:22 PM
~Octane~ ~Octane~ is offline
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Originally Posted by FallAirFever View Post
So, you are saying its the fans fault for being sick and tired of underachieving and wanting to see a change that the Oiler a going to miss the playoffs?? What the fans fault? Now I have heard it all!

the old boys club is not getting it done, that dog dont hunt, time for a change and you cant trade every player, I say let Tambellini put in the staff he wants and see what happens!

It sure will be nice to see the season capped off by the Oilers beating the Flames twice, I will cling to that and it will keep me warm and happy until training camp next year!
Nope not at all. The negative mindset of a lot of Oiler fans certaintly plays a roll in it. All the whining and complaining sure has takin a toll on the team, they've lost their focus. Not because MacT doesn't tell them in the morning to play a good game, but rather because the building has been quite this year. Pretty sad when you need to make videos to pump up some of your own fan base.

As for Tamby putting in what he wants, absolutely...and he wants MacT to stay, same as Lowe and Katz. However, he will bomb the team this offseason and there will be huge changes. That is if MacT doesn't resign and go coach a better team making all these bandwagon fire MacT fans (if you can call them fans) look like complete tools.
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Old 04-03-2009, 04:27 PM
~Octane~ ~Octane~ is offline
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Originally Posted by goober View Post
Our vets are the ones that can play MacT's defensive style and do not have a problem with it. The young offensively talented players are the ones that do not like to play his system. A more wide open system would only benefit Gagner, Nillson, Cogliano, O'sullivan and even Eberle and Brule. These guys have all come from offensive systems and were very successful in those systems. Keep in mind earlier this year MacT said that Hemsky was an all world level player and a perennial all star. I think in order to be successful with MacT you need to reverse your theory, keep the vets and loose the kids. Playing in this current system will not benefit the young guys in any way, they need to play in an offensive system. If Hemsky left the Oil we would not have one single legitimate first line player up front. I am not saying what will happen with the team in the future but I do know something needs to happen. They have 3 choices on what to do as I stated in an earlier post, now it sounds like they may be down to only 2.
I disagree with you...I think having the vets buy into the coach (which they are), and having the young guys follow is the way to go. The vets know more than the rookies. You dont get a coach to benefit the young guys, you get a coach to have the vets buy in and help the young guys along. As for hemsky leaving, if that happens he will be very quickly replaced, and even if he's not gone there will be big moves to bring in a guy that can play with him, both offensive and to go back and pick up Hemskys brutal give-a-ways.
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Old 04-03-2009, 04:33 PM
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Not quite sure why you have such a hard on for getting rid of HemskyThere is other dead weight that need to be flushed as in Horc de furball and that useless piece of dog dung Penner. The most expensive 4th line player in the league practically.

Bad decisions make good stories.

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Old 04-03-2009, 04:35 PM
~Octane~ ~Octane~ is offline
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Originally Posted by Jamie View Post
Octane... I dont care WHAT the head guy has said.. Your coach is gone and he should be. He just said that to make his coach feel better for the remander of this nightmare.
BTW Octane.. Does you back hurt?? Cause ANYONE with their head stuck that far up their azz has to have a bad back...
Pull your head out and come see the light.. 8 years one playoff apperance. (Though it was a good one)

Clean it out and start over. The fans deserve much more than that
LOL!!!!!!!!!! My head up my *****? It's been 3 years, not 1, so get your facts straight before claiming I have my head up my *****...and the one huge run we did have I sure didn't hear anybody complaining about MacT's defensive style. Why is this??? Oh right, because he had a half decent, mature team to work with and carried them as far as he could. And don't even bring up not having an offensive team at the time...we had both, and the good defense that was also there is why we got so far. Defense wins, well documented.

"I dont care WHAT the head guy has said.. Your coach is gone and he should be. He just said that to make his coach feel better for the remander of this nightmare"

Lol that makes sense. Its Katz' team. He will do what he wants with it. He did nothing to make MacT feel better at all, he did it to shut the whiney fans up. As of now (might change in the off-season) his mindset is MacT is the right guy for the job.

As for the guy that said nobody was calling for Keenans head. Wow where have you been? It was brutal a couple months ago.
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Old 04-03-2009, 04:38 PM
~Octane~ ~Octane~ is offline
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Originally Posted by BloodHound70 View Post
Not quite sure why you have such a hard on for getting rid of HemskyThere is other dead weight that need to be flushed as in Horc de furball and that useless piece of dog dung Penner. The most expensive 4th line player in the league practically.

Yes but BH I agree with you, Horc and Penner need to go, Absolutely with bold letters. But on the other hand, it isn't Horc or Penner making these childish comments with games left in the season, saying they want the team to be theirs. Dont know why you think I want Hemsky to go 'that bad' but out of those 3 I would most want to see Hemsky stay, because his points and risk-his-body-to-make-a-play-style with the $4mil something paycheck he gets is a very good deal. Just dont know if I want a guy who makes comments like that on the team.
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Old 04-03-2009, 04:47 PM
GPBuzz GPBuzz is offline
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I like Penner - he gets paid too much but he is great in the corners and big

Funny how all the players are rushing to the Media and telling them how great the coaching staff is - NOT. They say the same routine comments .. We all can take the blame ... blah blah blah. Don't recall the players saying BACK OFF THE COACH, HE's GREAT !!!!

Sorry to say, Edmonton cannot trade more than 1 or 2 players this summer.
No block buster moves. No room in the cap. No big talent to dangle. We need to win with what we have. So what are the options, GM Octane?
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Old 04-03-2009, 04:49 PM
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Originally Posted by ~Octane~ View Post
Yes but BH I agree with you, Horc and Penner need to go, Absolutely with bold letters. But on the other hand, it isn't Horc or Penner making these childish comments with games left in the season, saying they want the team to be theirs. Dont know why you think I want Hemsky to go 'that bad' but out of those 3 I would most want to see Hemsky stay, because his points and risk-his-body-to-make-a-play-style with the $4mil something paycheck he gets is a very good deal. Just dont know if I want a guy who makes comments like that on the team.
No denying that Hemmer should have kept his yapper shut. That being said, I can see how it would be fustrating to ALWAYS be battleing for that last spot year in and year out and you make an error in judgement. I'm sure he has heard plenty from teammates and others about how wrong he was. Can't see him making that mistake again. We need some other talented players to play along side Hemmer and then watch what he will be capable of doing.

As for Penner "he gets paid too much but he is great in the corners and big"....ummmmmm...he's the biggest puss out there. I wish he would play as big as his stature but he doesn't even come close. That pretty much why he has gone from the first line to playing minimum minutes a game on the fourth line.

Bad decisions make good stories.

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Old 04-03-2009, 05:00 PM
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Default Penner

Anyone willing to stand in front of a Souray shot has bigger things hanging than most.
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Old 04-03-2009, 05:02 PM
~Octane~ ~Octane~ is offline
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No denying that Hemmer should have kept his yapper shut. That being said, I can see how it would be fustrating to ALWAYS be battleing for that last spot year in and year out and you make an error in judgement. I'm sure he has heard plenty from teammates and others about how wrong he was. Can't see him making that mistake again. We need some other talented players to play along side Hemmer and then watch what he will be capable of doing.
X2, Always amazed me how good he could really be if he had a bonafide shooter with him.

As for Penner "he gets paid too much but he is great in the corners and big"....ummmmmm...he's the biggest puss out there. I wish he would play as big as his stature but he doesn't even come close. That pretty much why he has gone from the first line to playing minimum minutes a game on the fourth line.
X100, what a huge disappointment. Dont know what's wrong with him, but pretty much all of this year he's looked like a non-fighting Laraque out there with mabey a better shot.
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Old 04-03-2009, 05:04 PM
GPBuzz GPBuzz is offline
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What makes Pasani less dispensible than Penner, besides the money?
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Old 04-03-2009, 05:07 PM
~Octane~ ~Octane~ is offline
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Originally Posted by GPBuzz View Post
I like Penner - he gets paid too much but he is great in the corners and big

Funny how all the players are rushing to the Media and telling them how great the coaching staff is - NOT. They say the same routine comments .. We all can take the blame ... blah blah blah. Don't recall the players saying BACK OFF THE COACH, HE's GREAT !!!!

Sorry to say, Edmonton cannot trade more than 1 or 2 players this summer.
No block buster moves. No room in the cap. No big talent to dangle. We need to win with what we have. So what are the options, GM Octane?
Show me ONE time, on ANY team in HISTORY, proof of a player ever commenting on it's not their coach's fault. Either I'm deaf or it's never happened. On the other hand, the players have never said it's MacT's problem either.

What are the options? Won't even get into them, but there a lot more than you could dream of thinking up.
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Old 04-03-2009, 05:10 PM
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Originally Posted by GPBuzz View Post
What makes Pasani less dispensible than Penner, besides the money?
Pisani is argueably (spelling?) the best forward we have that can kill penalties. He's prooven he has a snipe of a shot and not very often does he take foolish penalties. He can also skate. He ALWAYS gives out a solid effort with what he has.
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Old 04-03-2009, 05:11 PM
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Originally Posted by ~Octane~ View Post
I disagree with you...I think having the vets buy into the coach (which they are), and having the young guys follow is the way to go. The vets know more than the rookies. You dont get a coach to benefit the young guys, you get a coach to have the vets buy in and help the young guys along. As for hemsky leaving, if that happens he will be very quickly replaced, and even if he's not gone there will be big moves to bring in a guy that can play with him, both offensive and to go back and pick up Hemskys brutal give-a-ways.
In a previous post you stated that you thought there would be big changes in the vets of the team. Who are you looking at going? You are right about the coach in one sense. If a team has a great core of vets and does not plan on bringing in to many new young guys each year your theory is great. In our case though each year we are bringing in some young guys and I think a coach that could work better with them would be an asset. With that said it does not mean it has to be the head coach, it could be any coach on the team. We currently do not have that guy. I do not know if you have gone before but go to a practice if you get a chance and watch what they work on. They do not put near enough time in at all on offensive skills. I believe that is simply because they do not have a coach in the system to handle this. We all know that MacT, Huddy or Bucky were not exactly gifted offensively. I have seen them practice at home, Chicago, St.Louis, Nashville and Columbus this year and it is always the same defensive mindset. Watching the Red Wings practice was night and day from our routine. They are consistently doing high tempo drills that involve as many players as possible. Even at the WJC this year in Ottawa Team Canada was put through much better practices than I have seen with the Oil this year. Just a couple thoughts from what I have been seeing this year. Again I am not saying the answer guaranteed is to get rid of MacT, there are many other options.
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Old 04-03-2009, 05:15 PM
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Ok Octane, your fired as GM. If you cannot come up with any way to save the team besides trading them for the Red Wings, we'll just have to let you go.
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Old 04-03-2009, 05:24 PM
~Octane~ ~Octane~ is offline
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Originally Posted by goober View Post
In a previous post you stated that you thought there would be big changes in the vets of the team. Who are you looking at going? You are right about the coach in one sense. If a team has a great core of vets and does not plan on bringing in to many new young guys each year your theory is great. In our case though each year we are bringing in some young guys and I think a coach that could work better with them would be an asset. With that said it does not mean it has to be the head coach, it could be any coach on the team. We currently do not have that guy. I do not know if you have gone before but go to a practice if you get a chance and watch what they work on. They do not put near enough time in at all on offensive skills. I believe that is simply because they do not have a coach in the system to handle this. We all know that MacT, Huddy or Bucky were not exactly gifted offensively. I have seen them practice at home, Chicago, St.Louis, Nashville and Columbus this year and it is always the same defensive mindset. Watching the Red Wings practice was night and day from our routine. They are consistently doing high tempo drills that involve as many players as possible. Even at the WJC this year in Ottawa Team Canada was put through much better practices than I have seen with the Oil this year. Just a couple thoughts from what I have been seeing this year. Again I am not saying the answer guaranteed is to get rid of MacT, there are many other options.
Very good points. I have not seen a practice in the last while. Where you said it could be any coach that teaches the young guys, I think you hit the nail RIGHT on the head. We need a proper assistant (not bucky who came in as a 'brother' to the team rather than 'the proper guy'). That is a fact. I think we should give MacT another year, with that right guy as assistant, a bonafide faceoff guy, and definatley a finisher with hemsky. I think you would be pleasantly suprised with how much this team will change for the better once we have a very good assistant coach. Our special teams desperatly has to get better aswell. Dont know if you know this or not but Edmonton is a plus this year 5 on 5. Crazy huh? But we are a brutal - on special teams, and thats whats really hurt us this year. I myself would like to see the special teams coaches cleaned right out with very good replacements.
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Old 04-03-2009, 05:30 PM
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Originally Posted by ~Octane~ View Post
Very good points. I have not seen a practice in the last while. Where you said it could be any coach that teaches the young guys, I think you hit the nail RIGHT on the head. We need a proper assistant (not bucky who came in as a 'brother' to the team rather than 'the proper guy'). That is a fact. I think we should give MacT another year, with that right guy as assistant, a bonafide faceoff guy, and definatley a finisher with hemsky. I think you would be pleasantly suprised with how much this team will change for the better once we have a very good assistant coach. Our special teams desperatly has to get better aswell. Dont know if you know this or not but Edmonton is a plus this year 5 on 5. Crazy huh? But we are a brutal - on special teams, and thats whats really hurt us this year. I myself would like to see the special teams coaches cleaned right out with very good replacements.
That is one of the most confusing things to me about the Oil. Our staff is full of DEFENSIVE SPECIALISTS and we can not kill a penalty??????
I would like to see them give Cogliano and O'Sullivan a try together. I think there speed would be overwhelming and could lead to some short handed opportunities. MacT said that is the one thing he liked about O'Sullivan, his ability to play a man down. They have not even given him a chance!! He always looked good killing for LA.
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Old 04-03-2009, 05:38 PM
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Sarich,Aucoin and Regeyr all hurt...what the?????
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Old 04-03-2009, 05:43 PM
~Octane~ ~Octane~ is offline
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Originally Posted by goober View Post
That is one of the most confusing things to me about the Oil. Our staff is full of DEFENSIVE SPECIALISTS and we can not kill a penalty??????
I would like to see them give Cogliano and O'Sullivan a try together. I think there speed would be overwhelming and could lead to some short handed opportunities. MacT said that is the one thing he liked about O'Sullivan, his ability to play a man down. They have not even given him a chance!! He always looked good killing for LA.
Ya those 2 would be killer together IMO. I don't recall MacT saying that but I remember when he was on LA, he was good at killing penalties! Very good all round player, glad we got him. I think him not playing the PK is because of Horc and Pies, their hard to beat for that and with Horc its one of the only things hes good at this year lol, so MacT is sending him out for it. Baffles me why we're so bad killing penalties as well, it aint the goalie thats for sure. I think it might have something to do with the fact we dont have many stay at home d-man now...back when the Oil's PK was one of the best in the league you had a completely different look back there. Now we have 4 very good puck movers.
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Old 04-03-2009, 05:48 PM
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Originally Posted by BrownBear416 View Post
Sarich,Aucoin and Regeyr all hurt...what the?????
What happened to Aucoin??? I knew about the other 2, they are only day to day.
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Old 04-03-2009, 06:11 PM
GPBuzz GPBuzz is offline
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Go watch the CTV news, Oiler players are going to respond to the "Kattz" text message. See if they show some support for their coach.
It is on soon 6:11pm
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Old 04-03-2009, 06:21 PM
Kanonfodder Kanonfodder is offline
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Originally Posted by goober View Post
That is one of the most confusing things to me about the Oil. Our staff is full of DEFENSIVE SPECIALISTS and we can not kill a penalty??????
I would like to see them give Cogliano and O'Sullivan a try together. I think there speed would be overwhelming and could lead to some short handed opportunities. MacT said that is the one thing he liked about O'Sullivan, his ability to play a man down. They have not even given him a chance!! He always looked good killing for LA.
UM Goob? Do you watch the OIl games? Sully is on the PK all the time, usually hes on the second pk unit, hes on the second PP unit as well. Osullivan is going to be a great addition to the team...
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Old 04-03-2009, 06:22 PM
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Originally Posted by BrownBear416 View Post
Sarich,Aucoin and Regeyr all hurt...what the?????
This will be used as todays excuse for the loss vs the Wild.....

2-0 Wild midway thru the first
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Old 04-03-2009, 06:26 PM
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Originally Posted by GPBuzz View Post
Go watch the CTV news, Oiler players are going to respond to the "Kattz" text message. See if they show some support for their coach.
It is on soon 6:11pm
I missed it anything said GP??

oops 3-0
Don't blame me, I'm just a volunteer

Last edited by Kanonfodder; 04-03-2009 at 06:42 PM. Reason: score update
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Old 04-03-2009, 07:19 PM
~Octane~ ~Octane~ is offline
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3-0 Wild WOOOOOO lol...I missed the news too was anything said? Did the players talk or something?
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Old 04-03-2009, 07:23 PM
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Originally Posted by ~Octane~ View Post
3-0 Wild WOOOOOO lol...I missed the news too was anything said? Did the players talk or something?
Oiler's suck and won't make the playoff's again WOOOOOOOO LOL and I'm glad your a Coiler fan
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