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Old 08-05-2011, 10:38 PM
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Originally Posted by Dave C View Post
I'd like to buy a vowel, Pat.


What's that mean?
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Old 08-06-2011, 01:15 PM
Big Daddy Badger Big Daddy Badger is offline
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For those that think what she did was OK.

Did you read the article?
He wasn't taking close up shots of little girls in swimsuits...
He wasn't luring, leering or rubbing himself.
By her own account she simply objected to having her picture taken in any context... for any reason. She then apparently decided the best course of action was to... over react.

Sure he might have exercised more tact but then who would....once set upon by a hand waving, shouting mad person?

In the end there is a bit of poetic justice here.
The highly objectionable pictures that might have been deleted or simply placed in a family album are now out there for all to see.
In her haste to protect her privacy the lady in question made her situation worse by making sure that photos of her became nationally interesting.

Thank goodness to.... because now we all know what a self entitled, paranoid with anger management issues looks like... congratulations lady... well done.

Once, while traveling through Banff we pulled over at a road-side turn-out to stretch our legs. My daughter was 3 at the time, cute, chubby, wearing a sundress and... eating some shelled sunflower seeds. Of course, she ended up spilling a bunch and was quickly swarmed by local prairie dogs looking for a quick meal.
I grabbed the camera and took a few pics...it was cute....a giggling little girl and some cute little critters.

Before we knew it there were 3 bus loads of camera wielding asians surrounding her to take pictures as well. By the time we got out of there...2 more busses also pulled up and the process was repeated. Now... she is in cherished family albums all over the world. Strange as this might sound.. rather than get our backs up about it my wife and I took the fact that so many people wanted to include a picture of our little girl in their memories of Canada... as a great compliment.

Go look at your own photos.
How many of you took pictures that include someone you don't know?
Did you ask permission?
Did they fly off the handle?
Did you have to defend yourself from physical harm?

Doubt it.

If you think that its OK to start shouting at strangers...storm up to them waving your hands about and then proceed to visit violence upon them just because you THINK (she had no way of KNOWING whether he had pictures of her or not....) they may have captured you in a picture...

Please wear a sign to warn the rest of us that you are similarly paranoid, anti-social and prone to violence whenever you leave the house to join those of us don't know how special you are.

That is unless I misunderstood the Charter of Rights and it does include the right to jump to conclusions and assault another person over some perceived social slight regardless of whether or not actual physical harm has occurred.

Maybe it also includes the right to expect everyone else to read your mind and know that you object to having your picture taken?

It just kills me that so many people harp about how special interest groups trample on the rights of the many then turn around and expect the many to roll over and cater to them when their special interest pops up.

Lots of people don't like their picture taken. And some think its OK to react violently when it does happen. Those that do... step up and join the ranks of the war criminals... drug dealers... cheating spouses... dirty cops... shop lifters... speeders... poachers... ex cons and perverts that feel the same way. Maybe together you can make this country safer more secure by stifling the rights of common people to document the world around them but....I rather doubt it.

OK...done ranting...

Last edited by Big Daddy Badger; 08-06-2011 at 01:33 PM.
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Old 08-06-2011, 01:28 PM
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That's just fine Pesky. You couldn't have posted that yesterday and saved me the tylenol and the spinning eyeballs trying to follow some of the logic in this thread.
I'd appreciate if you'd get moving a little faster next time.
I'm not lying!!! You are just experiencing it differently.

It isn't a question of who will allow me, but who will stop me.. Ayn Rand
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Old 08-06-2011, 01:40 PM
Big Daddy Badger Big Daddy Badger is offline
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Originally Posted by Redfrog View Post
That's just fine Pesky. You couldn't have posted that yesterday and saved me the tylenol and the spinning eyeballs trying to follow some of the logic in this thread.
I'd appreciate if you'd get moving a little faster next time.
Sorry Redfrog....

I saw it coming and had to step back for a bit before I ended up getting all Irish online.
I already got one warning for that...

Next time I'll suck it up and try harder.

I just get so fired up when otherwise good people start thinking they can make this country better by turning it into a police state.
Makes me want to punch walls...

Take care.
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Old 08-06-2011, 02:00 PM
Gust Gust is offline
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Originally Posted by pesky672 View Post

For those that think what she did was OK.

Did you read the article?
He wasn't taking close up shots of little girls in swimsuits...
He wasn't luring, leering or rubbing himself.
By her own account she simply objected to having her picture taken in any context... for any reason. She then apparently decided the best course of action was to... over react.

Sure he might have exercised more tact but then who would....once set upon by a hand waving, shouting mad person?

In the end there is a bit of poetic justice here.
The highly objectionable pictures that might have been deleted or simply placed in a family album are now out there for all to see.
In her haste to protect her privacy the lady in question made her situation worse by making sure that photos of her became nationally interesting.

Thank goodness to.... because now we all know what a self entitled, paranoid with anger management issues looks like... congratulations lady... well done.

Once, while traveling through Banff we pulled over at a road-side turn-out to stretch our legs. My daughter was 3 at the time, cute, chubby, wearing a sundress and... eating some shelled sunflower seeds. Of course, she ended up spilling a bunch and was quickly swarmed by local prairie dogs looking for a quick meal.
I grabbed the camera and took a few pics...it was cute....a giggling little girl and some cute little critters.

Before we knew it there were 3 bus loads of camera wielding asians surrounding her to take pictures as well. By the time we got out of there...2 more busses also pulled up and the process was repeated. Now... she is in cherished family albums all over the world. Strange as this might sound.. rather than get our backs up about it my wife and I took the fact that so many people wanted to include a picture of our little girl in their memories of Canada... as a great compliment.

Go look at your own photos.
How many of you took pictures that include someone you don't know?
Did you ask permission?
Did they fly off the handle?
Did you have to defend yourself from physical harm?

Doubt it.

If you think that its OK to start shouting at strangers...storm up to them waving your hands about and then proceed to visit violence upon them just because you THINK (she had no way of KNOWING whether he had pictures of her or not....) they may have captured you in a picture...

Please wear a sign to warn the rest of us that you are similarly paranoid, anti-social and prone to violence whenever you leave the house to join those of us don't know how special you are.

That is unless I misunderstood the Charter of Rights and it does include the right to jump to conclusions and assault another person over some perceived social slight regardless of whether or not actual physical harm has occurred.

Maybe it also includes the right to expect everyone else to read your mind and know that you object to having your picture taken?

It just kills me that so many people harp about how special interest groups trample on the rights of the many then turn around and expect the many to roll over and cater to them when their special interest pops up.

Lots of people don't like their picture taken. And some think its OK to react violently when it does happen. Those that do... step up and join the ranks of the war criminals... drug dealers... cheating spouses... dirty cops... shop lifters... speeders... poachers... ex cons and perverts that feel the same way. Maybe together you can make this country safer more secure by stifling the rights of common people to document the world around them but....I rather doubt it.

OK...done ranting...
You know you might have a point here,,, if there was a cute squirrel reaching for food from this family, ya know I think it would have turned out differently,,, but what compelled him to point and shoot this pic? There's nothing to document other than a family with a mom in the later stages of her pregnancy and I bet you it was a stinkin hot & sticky Toronto day,, have you been there in the height of Summer? Try Torontos Chinatown when it's pushing 42c, those hanging ducks don't smell so appetizing,, I digress.

I think the real key to this story is that a fellow pushed a few of the wrong buttons of a pregnant woman on a very hot day.
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Old 08-06-2011, 02:46 PM
rugatika rugatika is offline
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Originally Posted by GustavMahler View Post
I think the real key to this story is that a fellow pushed a few of the wrong buttons of a pregnant woman on a very hot day.
Nope...the real key to this story is that a woman who may or may not be pregnant completely and totally over reacted to a perfectly legal activity in this country and "apparently/allegedly" committed an illegal act (assault), AND in spite of evidence backing his story up the police neglected to carry out their duties and enforce the law of this land...(one would surmise because they thought they would rather have the headache of a complaint filed by a white male than a complaint filed by a muslim woman). That is the real key to this story.

Justice is blind indeed. lol.

Next time I'm in Jasper on a hot day and I get included in a picture of a tourist taking a picture of Sunwapta falls I wonder if I would get away with punching someone in the face as I'm "attempting to knock their camera out of their hands"?? Not bloody likely.

OR I wonder if the police would be accepting of this as a precedent as I'm climbing into the photo radar truck assaulting the dude inside there to get at the photo equipment? lmao.

Last edited by rugatika; 08-06-2011 at 02:55 PM.
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Old 08-06-2011, 02:49 PM
elkhunter11 elkhunter11 is offline
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I bet you it was a stinkin hot & sticky Toronto day,, have you been there in the height of Summer? Try Torontos Chinatown when it's pushing 42c, those hanging ducks don't smell so appetizing,, I digress.

I think the real key to this story is that a fellow pushed a few of the wrong buttons of a pregnant woman on a very hot day.
It was a warm day in Toronto on the day in question, but it wasn't even close to 42C


Care to try another angle to justify her actions.
Only accurate guns are interesting.
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Old 08-06-2011, 02:55 PM
Gust Gust is offline
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Originally Posted by elkhunter11 View Post
It was a warm day in Toronto on the day in question, but it wasn't even close to 42C


Care to try another angle to justify her actions.
He deserved it,,,, there a gagillion threads on here talking about taking someone outside but rarely a peep. He could of pressed charges regardless of the immediate cops decision, but he didn't, why?

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Old 08-06-2011, 03:09 PM
rugatika rugatika is offline
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Originally Posted by GustavMahler View Post
He said he was taking pictures of a neon shrine. As has been stated in this thread already.
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Old 08-06-2011, 03:12 PM
elkhunter11 elkhunter11 is offline
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He could of pressed charges regardless of the immediate cops decision, but he didn't, why?
How do you know that he won't press charges. First he had to find out the person's name, and he had to use the FOI act just to find out the name.
Only accurate guns are interesting.
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Old 08-06-2011, 03:21 PM
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Originally Posted by elkhunter11 View Post
How do you know that he won't press charges. First he had to find out the person's name, and he had to use the FOI act just to find out the name.
He has their picture and he knows where they frequent and if he times it right he could watch the classifieds for new births and show up and snap pics of the new arrival celebration,,, then, somewhere down the path, it will go in front of a judge and yada yada yada,,,, and either you'll be happy or we'll have a new thread to bicker on.

But why did he find the subject matter so compelling to snap a pic?
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Old 08-06-2011, 03:24 PM
rugatika rugatika is offline
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Originally Posted by GustavMahler View Post
But why did he find the subject matter so compelling to snap a pic?
WOW!! Scariest post in this thread so far.
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Old 08-06-2011, 03:25 PM
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Originally Posted by rugatika View Post
He said he was taking pictures of a neon shrine. As has been stated in this thread already.
What neon shrine,, who shrines neon anyhow? And where is his son and the pizza? I think Menzies walks with a hop in his git along, is light in the loafers, can't you tell by the pics?

I'm going to google neon shrines on Dundas and pour some more wine
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Old 08-06-2011, 03:27 PM
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Originally Posted by rugatika View Post
WOW!! Scariest post in this thread so far.
Why? You represent yourself as a stick person in your avatar.
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Old 08-06-2011, 03:42 PM
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Google "Neon shrine on Dundas" or "Neon Shrine" Toronto or Neon Shrine for that matter,,, it's really hard to find the shrine through every single god damned whitebread tea party right leaning, so right leaning that your upside down if you lean that far right articles about poor mr. menzies. But I will persist, I might even ring a friend in torona to go take a picture of the shrine. if you find it first, can you post the pic? thanks.

And if he was taking pics of the shrine, I can understand that half of it doesn't make it into the frame, but, none at all?

And the city security cameras filmed it all so he can get his witness of incident through that venue.

I think poor mr menzies never showed up at the bike racks after school and learned the difference between a cuff and a fist
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Old 08-06-2011, 03:45 PM
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He wrote the story. He gave only his version of the events. Do you think his version could be biased?

Gezzz.... I am always amazed at how gullible people are to believe anything they read WITHOUT thinking for themselves.

Still...some people believe in the conspiracy...

There is a saying...


Occam's razor (or Ockham's razor)[1] often expressed in Latin as the lex parsimoniae, translating to law of parsimony, law of economy or law of succinctness, is a principle that generally recommends, when faced with competing hypotheses that are equal in other respects, selecting the one that makes the fewest new assumptions.[2]

No charges...means no crime.

Believe all you want...hypothesis all you want...think of all the conspiracies your hearts desire...but in the end the truth is...no charges...no crime. Until the facts change...Occam's razor prevails.
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Old 08-06-2011, 04:24 PM
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Of the thousands of articles and of all the different queries regarding "Neon Shrines", I have yet to find the one in question, the THIS neon shrine, whereas google answers to "steam clock gastown" shows the wrong time from Vancouver to Hokanawa,,,

in all the articles he states "...this neon shrine...", if it is a this neon sign, it should be noteworthy and on the interwebs like Casey on Nancy Grace,, but it isn't. It isn't even shown in the articles as a This and I'm not sure about you but I don't remember the Las Vegas strip as so Neon Wonderful when the sun was at high noon,,, so this neon shrine must have been some neon worth pointing a camera at, so much in fact that he didn't notice that he did a pirouette and was snapping pictures of a family enjoying czarbux coffee, NY Fries and fuzzy peach candies.

When talking troll, mr menzies did a bang up job,,, I read that he took the place of Mayor Ford as the Pride Marshall,,, you can read it in all the articles of this pizza eating, son toting, neon shrine picture taking and Arab punching bag.

I actually never heard of this fellow since the original post,,, my guess is he wants front and centre as bill o'reily in drag on fox news north.

Last edited by Gust; 08-06-2011 at 04:31 PM.
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Old 08-06-2011, 05:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Sundancefisher View Post
He wrote the story. He gave only his version of the events. Do you think his version could be biased?

Gezzz.... I am always amazed at how gullible people are to believe anything they read WITHOUT thinking for themselves.

Still...some people believe in the conspiracy...

There is a saying...


Occam's razor (or Ockham's razor)[1] often expressed in Latin as the lex parsimoniae, translating to law of parsimony, law of economy or law of succinctness, is a principle that generally recommends, when faced with competing hypotheses that are equal in other respects, selecting the one that makes the fewest new assumptions.[2]

No charges...means no crime.

Believe all you want...hypothesis all you want...think of all the conspiracies your hearts desire...but in the end the truth is...no charges...no crime. Until the facts change...Occam's razor prevails.

Um, the original article was not written by him, and you are the only one who says 'conspiracy" or "vicious attack" or "serious assault". how do you know she was pregnant? Do you really believe the cops never make a poor judgement call?
I'm not lying!!! You are just experiencing it differently.

It isn't a question of who will allow me, but who will stop me.. Ayn Rand
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Old 08-06-2011, 05:51 PM
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Originally Posted by GustavMahler View Post
Of the thousands of articles and of all the different queries regarding "Neon Shrines", I have yet to find the one in question, the THIS neon shrine, whereas google answers to "steam clock gastown" shows the wrong time from Vancouver to Hokanawa,,,

in all the articles he states "...this neon shrine...", if it is a this neon sign, it should be noteworthy and on the interwebs like Casey on Nancy Grace,, but it isn't. It isn't even shown in the articles as a This and I'm not sure about you but I don't remember the Las Vegas strip as so Neon Wonderful when the sun was at high noon,,, so this neon shrine must have been some neon worth pointing a camera at, so much in fact that he didn't notice that he did a pirouette and was snapping pictures of a family enjoying czarbux coffee, NY Fries and fuzzy peach candies.

When talking troll, mr menzies did a bang up job,,, I read that he took the place of Mayor Ford as the Pride Marshall,,, you can read it in all the articles of this pizza eating, son toting, neon shrine picture taking and Arab punching bag.

I actually never heard of this fellow since the original post,,, my guess is he wants front and centre as bill o'reily in drag on fox news north.

Did you try NEONSHRINES, or NEON SHRINES or Neon Light Shrines or Neon Shriners it could have been a typo. OR Neon Shiners or Berkely Baits or Moonshiners? You only get the correct answer from the correct question.

Hope this helps
I'm not lying!!! You are just experiencing it differently.

It isn't a question of who will allow me, but who will stop me.. Ayn Rand
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Old 08-06-2011, 06:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Redfrog View Post
Um, the original article was not written by him, and you are the only one who says 'conspiracy" or "vicious attack" or "serious assault". how do you know she was pregnant? Do you really believe the cops never make a poor judgement call?

The other guy was not there that wrote the article. It was the story told by menzies...and I quote...

"Menzies writes further:" .

Clearly he is dictating...the other guy is just writing as he was not there IMHO.

The other guy is just embellishing the story further...putting a good quality anti muslim slant to the story. Good and inflamatory. Quality journalism...I think not IMHO. Quoting Coulter...just solidifies which fanatical arm the group is from.

The quality of the news site is highlighted by the ticker that still lists the Oklahoma tornados and Osama dying.

Interesting how you jump to conclusions that the police are wrong and that this guy was assaulted.
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Old 08-06-2011, 06:25 PM
rugatika rugatika is offline
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What I find even more interesting is that you jump to the conclusion that the police (who may also be pregnant) and the lady pretending to be pregnant are right and Menzies and the syrian couple are wrong. I find that very very interesting.

Maybe if you guys were Canadian you'd understand better instead of coming up with all these crazy tinfoil hat conspiracy theories of yours. Is everyone always pregnantand agitated in your country or something? Whats up with that?
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Old 08-06-2011, 06:39 PM
billie billie is offline
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If one of the female members here started a thread saying that "a man took pictures of my family without asking permission and I put the run on him with a slap and now he's threatening to charge me with assault", I wonder what the comments would be

There's a guy asking for help on chain lakes and it doesn't even get a comment all day but toss in a muslim and you get 5 pages.

Always entertaining on AO.
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Old 08-06-2011, 06:53 PM
rugatika rugatika is offline
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Originally Posted by billie View Post
If one of the female members here started a thread saying that "a man took pictures of my family without asking permission and I put the run on him with a slap and now he's threatening to charge me with assault", I wonder what the comments would be

There's a guy asking for help on chain lakes and it doesn't even get a comment all day but toss in a muslim and you get 5 pages.

Always entertaining on AO.
You slap guys??
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Old 08-06-2011, 07:25 PM
Gust Gust is offline
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Originally Posted by Redfrog View Post
Did you try NEONSHRINES, or NEON SHRINES or Neon Light Shrines or Neon Shriners it could have been a typo. OR Neon Shiners or Berkely Baits or Moonshiners? You only get the correct answer from the correct question.

Hope this helps
thanks. do any of the above come from rapala?
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Old 08-06-2011, 07:28 PM
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Originally Posted by billie View Post
If one of the female members here started a thread saying that "a man took pictures of my family without asking permission and I put the run on him with a slap and now he's threatening to charge me with assault", I wonder what the comments would be

There's a guy asking for help on chain lakes and it doesn't even get a comment all day but toss in a muslim and you get 5 pages.

Always entertaining on AO.
he should say that he's using the bible for toilet paper and kneeling on a rug towards meccah but nothing seems to help, not even the velveeta on a #10 gamatsu hook below a slip bobber.
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Old 08-06-2011, 07:45 PM
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Originally Posted by rugatika View Post
What I find even more interesting is that you jump to the conclusion that the police (who may also be pregnant) and the lady pretending to be pregnant are right and Menzies and the syrian couple are wrong. I find that very very interesting.

Maybe if you guys were Canadian you'd understand better instead of coming up with all these crazy tinfoil hat conspiracy theories of yours. Is everyone always pregnantand agitated in your country or something? Whats up with that?
Ok ruggy (can I call you ruggy?),, ok, ruggy it is;
let's get your interpretation from the pictures and this post,,,
the Syrians approached the pregnant cops and said that the overly chubby lady with the husband who was obviously reflex-reaction-swiftness challenged, ran up and struck the guy with the weatherman haircut illuminated by the mid-day neon shrine, who himself instead of defending himself or his probably chubby son gnawing on dundas dry slab pizza did not attempt to de-escalate (<sp?) the situation with apologies or a cool mint julip (a middle eastern favorite) kept taking pictures right up to being bopped in the shnoggin.

So the Syrians, who addressed themselves as Syrians not Canadians or Mike and Sally from Homs, but Syrians, were the cool and collected ones,, and menzies, in his utmost thanks to the Syrians posted his story on every single anti-muslim news agency,,,, nice guy. Of course I could be wrong they could have been Rattlesnake swinging Syrian Baptists,, so I'll give that one to you.

You win.
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Old 08-06-2011, 07:58 PM
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Finally a small measure of clarity shining like neon.
I'm not lying!!! You are just experiencing it differently.

It isn't a question of who will allow me, but who will stop me.. Ayn Rand
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Old 08-06-2011, 08:19 PM
rugatika rugatika is offline
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Originally Posted by GustavMahler View Post
Ok ruggy (can I call you ruggy?),, ok, ruggy it is;
let's get your interpretation from the pictures and this post,,,
the Syrians approached the pregnant cops and said that the overly chubby lady with the husband who was obviously reflex-reaction-swiftness challenged, ran up and struck the guy with the weatherman haircut illuminated by the mid-day neon shrine, who himself instead of defending himself or his probably chubby son gnawing on dundas dry slab pizza did not attempt to de-escalate (<sp?) the situation with apologies or a cool mint julip (a middle eastern favorite) kept taking pictures right up to being bopped in the shnoggin.

So the Syrians, who addressed themselves as Syrians not Canadians or Mike and Sally from Homs, but Syrians, were the cool and collected ones,, and menzies, in his utmost thanks to the Syrians posted his story on every single anti-muslim news agency,,,, nice guy. Of course I could be wrong they could have been Rattlesnake swinging Syrian Baptists,, so I'll give that one to you.

You win.
Gussie, it's not a matter of winning or losing...it's a matter of right and wrong.

I'm glad you saw it my way though and were big enough to admit you lost and that I was right and you were wrong.
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Old 08-06-2011, 08:21 PM
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Old 08-06-2011, 08:28 PM
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Originally Posted by bb356 View Post
I'm a George jones listening guy myself,, but this tune sure makes this muggy evening go by nicely,

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