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Old 09-11-2022, 12:39 PM
Positrac Positrac is offline
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Originally Posted by Twisted Canuck View Post
A hungry shepherd will eat a sheep without any regret. Just sayin.

Edit: one of the other mods, who understands my twisted humor, said I shouldn't post that ^ because it would just inflame the mob further. So, trigger warning, but that was said in jest.

I can't please anybody.
You need to first learn how to please yourself, and quite frankly, that’s something you should have mastered before you were 15….
Old 09-11-2022, 12:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Positrac View Post
You need to first learn how to please yourself, and quite frankly, that’s something you should have mastered before you were 15….
'Once the monkeys learn they can vote themselves a banana, they'll never climb another tree.'. Robert Heinlein

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Old 09-11-2022, 02:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Positrac View Post
You need to first learn how to please yourself, and quite frankly, that’s something you should have mastered before you were 15….

Babammmm a great ending to a good healthy thread!

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Be careful when you follow the masses, sometimes the "M" is silent...
Old 09-11-2022, 08:13 PM
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Originally Posted by tirebob View Post
The amount of time just the reports that thread generated was insane so no, a free for all is not the answer. The real answer is for adults to act respectfully and responsibly when dealing with other adults of varying opinion, and then modding would be a piece of cake, but we all know that is asking too much. When people actually enjoy creating drama, you will have drama, and sorry to say but we have far to many drama queens who feel like they have a right to rule the roost.

Queue the hate mail… Just like us mods need a reality check, the same holds true for some members.
Interestingly enough…

This whole thread does indeed come down to a one statement fact.

If people were polite, respectful and civil… no mods would be needed.
It is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives; but the species that survives is the one that is able best to adapt and adjust to the changing environment in which it finds itself. Charles Darwin
Old 09-11-2022, 08:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Sundancefisher View Post
Interestingly enough…

This whole thread does indeed come down to a one statement fact.

If people were polite, respectful and civil… no mods would be needed.
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Old 09-11-2022, 08:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Sundancefisher View Post
Interestingly enough…

This whole thread does indeed come down to a one statement fact.

If people were polite, respectful and civil… no mods would be needed.
True, and if pigs had wings they could fly too!!!!

But yeah, people get emotional, belligerent and combative when hiding behind a keyboard.

Human Nature Sun - so hence, the need for babysitters .... BTW - you need to throw your name in the hat (I already nominated you). Bob .... go get him !!!! he's easy to trick into it ...
Old 09-11-2022, 09:53 PM
HunterDave HunterDave is offline
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Originally Posted by Sundancefisher View Post
Interestingly enough…

This whole thread does indeed come down to a one statement fact.

If people were polite, respectful and civil… no mods would be needed.
Except the membership deserve no blame whatsoever in this instance.
This thread wasn’t a result of the membership acting poorly. It was a result of a Mod acting poorly and being reported to ADMIN by, apparently, numerous members. The Mods are not the victims of the bad, bad membership this time.
Old 09-11-2022, 10:14 PM
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Originally Posted by HunterDave View Post
Except the membership deserve no blame whatsoever in this instance.
This thread wasn’t a result of the membership acting poorly. It was a result of a Mod acting poorly and being reported to ADMIN by, apparently, numerous members. The Mods are not the victims of the bad, bad membership this time.
Not aware of your statement.

Mine was just stating the obvious broader fact.

I’m no saint either.

I’ve been sanctioned for getting caught up in heated threads. I also do post a bit so likely law of averages comes into play that I can get heated at times.

It takes two to tangle so my point was simple.

Everyone behaves reasonably and we wouldn’t need a mod.

Not sure exactly the intent of this thread other than allowing for some steam to be released.
It is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives; but the species that survives is the one that is able best to adapt and adjust to the changing environment in which it finds itself. Charles Darwin
Old 09-11-2022, 10:31 PM
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Originally Posted by tirebob View Post
As a financial sponsor besides being a mod, I can say with 100% truth I have had multiple instances of people coming in and saying they came across the forum while going down the internet rabbit hole and asked me how I can justify supporting a forum full of "blah, blah, blah" and so on...

Fortunately I am someone who can intelligently bridge some gaps between what people perceive versus what reality is, but not all are like that and I have to admit that even me I considered discontinuing sponsorship at one point because of it.

Members here have to understand that right or wrong, these types of things mean us sponsors do have to consider the impacts of what is said and how it is perceived as we are not only responsible for ourselves and the business that is AO, but also for all the employees who work for us along with their spouses, children, and so on. The loss of even 10 solid sales means a month I might not be able to pay an employees wage cost in the slow season and that may just be the tipping point where the inevitable discussions of having to lay someone off start.

Many may not give a fine feathered hoot about what this means since it has zero effect on them, but in this online world we all live in, we can just as easily have our reputation destroyed by online bull poop a lot faster than it took us to build it up in the first place.

I am not saying this because I think it is everyone else's responsibility to look out for me, but more just to demonstrate how as both a mod and sponsor I have to personally consider all aspects.
I’m sorry. I believe after reading jungleboy’s post I originally quoted I may have missed his point originally after having read this post. I see the intent of his post now.

Originally, I thought he meant that anything we discuss on here could be found elsewhere on google, thus discouraging our postings. This is why I replied the way I did. After reading again I realize he meant the nonsense posted at times is found by others googling the many random topics discussed.

My apologies to you and jungleboy. I didn’t mean to pile-on, I was just really taken -aback by what I thought I had read.
Old 09-11-2022, 10:39 PM
HunterDave HunterDave is offline
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Originally Posted by Sundancefisher View Post
Not aware of your statement.
This thread should make things clearer for you.

Old 09-11-2022, 10:44 PM
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Originally Posted by HunterDave View Post
This thread should make things clearer for you.

lol. Really? What a world..soft that is
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Old 09-11-2022, 10:57 PM
Albertacoyotecaller Albertacoyotecaller is offline
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Originally Posted by leo View Post
I’m signing off. I’ve asked to be removed as a moderator, and I won’t be on line anymore. I have enough in my life dealing with my wife’s and my health issues, along with a full time career managing large Construction Projects. I do not need the toxicity this place brings out in all too many of you. Most of you are fine folks, some of you need to really take a break from this site too. This is an outdoors forum. You the members represent outdoors people. Do it with dignity. Post like your speaking face to face. This forum will be what you want it to be if you follow the rules and treat people the same regardless of race, colour, sex. It’s up to you. You’re in good hands with the remaining 4 mods. They are stand up gents I’m proud to call my friends. Treat them with respect, and they will reciprocate. Best wishes.
Leo Morawski
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Old 09-11-2022, 11:14 PM
HunterDave HunterDave is offline
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Originally Posted by MountainTi View Post
lol. Really? What a world..soft that is
If I thought that he wouldn’t suspend or ban someone that said the same to him I might agree with you. That particular individual has suspended and even banned people for much less than that though.

That’s the condensed version. I’ll pm you the longer version in a pm.
Old 09-12-2022, 12:20 AM
Rancid Crabtree Rancid Crabtree is offline
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Originally Posted by Sundancefisher View Post
Interestingly enough…

This whole thread does indeed come down to a one statement fact.

If people were polite, respectful and civil… no mods would be needed.
Unfortunately the babysitting and sensor ship only fosters a culture of snow flakes. It’s a self feeding loop. I watch another industry based forum that only moderates for full on overt racism or name calling. By allowing vigorous debates its soon obvious who is a troll and the group usually runs them off pretty quick.
No mod needed, in my opinion creating safe places only creates soft people.
I think we do need to remember that there are kids around but beyond that let her rip, covid, politics, religion. If you can’t take the heat stay out of the welding shop.
Old 09-12-2022, 01:01 AM
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Originally Posted by jungleboy View Post

Everything that is on the forum can be found or will come up on a google search. Stupid posts make outdoorsmen look stupid. Plain and simple and it’s all out there for the world to see.
That's an excellent point that people forget. I found this forum by searching for info on my Polaris quad over ten years ago. I've since found posts here while Googling other things to. What you post reaches far beyond us in the forum.

Having said that, when I see a few mods posting about how if there's too much crap posting the owners will lose advertising dollars because no one will want to advertise on a site full of crazy people.
It should also be noted that advertisers won't spend their dollars advertising on a forum with no members or small numbers of them. I moderate on a fairly large forum myself (around 500,000 members) and know how difficult it is to try and keep things between the lines. But without members, without posts, activity and clicks on the ads, no one will advertise on an inactive forum.

Mostly I just read here and post once and awhile. I've met a few great people from the site and talked to a few that I'd like to meet some day.

I do try to be a good boy but sometimes go off the wires, not so much since quitting drinking several years ago. Go figure.

I'd bet most forums would be a lot easier to moderate if you had to blow into a breathalyzer to use your keyboard!

Thanks to the mods for doing what you do. It's a thankless job for the most part but just think about all the mod groupies you get!
Old 09-12-2022, 07:35 AM
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What many of the biggest complainers on here seem to forget is , this is an outdoors forum . It’s meant to discuss outdoors related topics. We have sub forums dedicated to fishing ,hunting ,shooting, trapping ,fly fishing,archery as well as a buy and sell.
Where do 5 mods spend the majority of there time ? The general thread where people like to bitch about politics, racial issues and politics and news related to racial issues and politics. ….. anything but outdoors related topics. It gets old real fast.
Most of the time it’s ok but there are a few on here that the closest they get to outdoors is trolling other members to get a reaction . Then when they get called on it they **** and moan about being censored.

That’s cool ,troll away but eventually you won’t be here and that is for the greater good of the forum.

There are some that won’t post here because they feel persecuted by the mods and that’s fine. There are a lot more who won’t post because of the trolls. Guess who We are more interested in looking out for?

My suggestion to the serial complainers is to go outside and do something and then come back and tell us about it. In one of the appropriate sub forums.

The news and current events are bombarding us on a daily basis with stupidity , ignorance and hate. This forum should be an island to escape all that garbage but instead it seems to be where it gets dumped and expanded on daily.
Old 09-12-2022, 07:55 AM
Pathfinder76 Pathfinder76 is offline
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Originally Posted by Sundancefisher View Post
Not aware of your statement.

Mine was just stating the obvious broader fact.

I’m no saint either.

I’ve been sanctioned for getting caught up in heated threads. I also do post a bit so likely law of averages comes into play that I can get heated at times.

It takes two to tangle so my point was simple.

Everyone behaves reasonably and we wouldn’t need a mod.

Not sure exactly the intent of this thread other than allowing for some steam to be released.
The most abusive human beings I’ve encountered were soft spoken and “polite”. A fact.
Old 09-12-2022, 08:37 AM
Smoky buck Smoky buck is offline
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Well this train wreck is going to do wonders for members participation and recruitment

Don’t worry I will continue to spend plenty of time outdoors but posting about it here is becoming less appealing though

Some need to really pay attention to HunterDaves post regarding respect
Old 09-12-2022, 08:58 AM
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Originally Posted by jungleboy View Post
What many of the biggest complainers on here seem to forget is , this is an outdoors forum . It’s meant to discuss outdoors related topics. We have sub forums dedicated to fishing ,hunting ,shooting, trapping ,fly fishing,archery as well as a buy and sell.
Where do 5 mods spend the majority of there time ? The general thread where people like to bitch about politics, racial issues and politics and news related to racial issues and politics. ….. anything but outdoors related topics. It gets old real fast.
Most of the time it’s ok but there are a few on here that the closest they get to outdoors is trolling other members to get a reaction . Then when they get called on it they **** and moan about being censored.

That’s cool ,troll away but eventually you won’t be here and that is for the greater good of the forum.

There are some that won’t post here because they feel persecuted by the mods and that’s fine. There are a lot more who won’t post because of the trolls. Guess who We are more interested in looking out for?

My suggestion to the serial complainers is to go outside and do something and then come back and tell us about it. In one of the appropriate sub forums.

The news and current events are bombarding us on a daily basis with stupidity , ignorance and hate. This forum should be an island to escape all that garbage but instead it seems to be where it gets dumped and expanded on daily.
You just can't stop with the adversarial stuff, eh.

If it's such a drag to be a mod, and all you deal with is ignorant members, you need to step down for the good of what's left of this place. I can't believe that after all this thread has brought out, you are still ragging on people. If the job's too tough, you need to scram. Not the members. That goes for anyone who takes on this role. Boot me if you want. Couldn't give a tinker's damn to be honest, but leave up my post so others can see what I got banned for. State the rule I broke while you are at it. You have utterly and completely lost the plot if you think treating people as a pain in the arse is how you will make this a better place.

Ban the people who are constant offenders and treat the rest of the members with respect. It's really not that hard.
Old 09-12-2022, 09:05 AM
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Originally Posted by sns2 View Post
You just can't stop with the adversarial stuff, eh.

If it's such a drag to be a mod, and all you deal with is ignorant members, you need to step down for the good of what's left of this place. I can't believe that after all this thread has brought out, you are still ragging on people. If the job's too tough, you need to scram. Not the members. That goes for anyone who takes on this role. Boot me if you want. Couldn't give a tinker's damn to be honest, but leave up my post so others can see what I got banned for. State the rule I broke while you are at it. You have utterly and completely lost the plot if you think treating people as a pain in the arse is how you will make this a better place.

Ban the people who are constant offenders and treat the rest of the members with respect. It's really not that hard.
👍I certainly don't think of the majority of the members that have posted on this thread as being in the disrespectful, trouble maker group. Most of them are long time high contributors. Getting old real fast being painted with the same brush. Maybe take the input and suggestions to heart and quit going to battle with those that are trying to help.
Old 09-12-2022, 09:11 AM
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Five pages worth so far and about page two people probably "got it."
Throw your padlock on this one. It's going nowhere.
Old 09-12-2022, 09:20 AM
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This whole thread is beyond words.

I’m left shaking my head in disbelief.

There are no absolutes
Old 09-12-2022, 10:03 AM
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I prefer people that speak their mind and stand up for their beliefs. "Polite" pretend people are not in my circle.
Old 09-12-2022, 10:31 AM
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I'm going to put an end to this thread now. It should not have even took place. Things have gotten out of hand here.

We have been here before, years ago. I'm going to make one thing very clear.
Moderators are volunteering their free time to look after this forum, because they believe in the forum. They are to be treated with respect.

All of the members that are criticizing the moderating, you don't have a clue how tough it is and how hard it is to keep everyone happy. You don't have a clue what goes on behind the scenes. You don't see any of that. Quite honestly it is none of your business.

We have been too lenient on some of you. From now on I will be handing out suspensions to anyone that has anything negative to say about moderators or the moderating, no exceptions. This will not be tolerated. Long time members will not be given any leniency.

All members of this forum are expected to conduct themselves respectively towards members and moderators. If you have a problem with a moderator, feel free to send me a PM. Like I said no one knows what is going on behind the scenes. Decisions are carefully discussed before they are implemented.

I see some members making accusations about moderators deleting PM's. I can tell you this is not possible. They don't have access. As administrator, I can't even see your PM's, the only thing I can do is hit a button and clear all of them out, but I cannot see individual PM's.

This forum is what you the members make it. Please try to keep that in mind. Everyone should feel welcome, and feel like they can post without someone jumping down their throat. I think it's time many of you took a step back. I expect you to speak to anyone here the same way you would face to face. From now on there is going to be less tolerance towards disrespect.

The rules are there, please review them. If anyone has a problem with how things are being handled here, feel free to move on and find another forum.

Last edited by admin; 09-12-2022 at 03:41 PM.
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