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Old 09-21-2011, 04:11 PM
Tezma Tezma is offline
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Originally Posted by Tezma View Post
I think you guys should watch this video about the history of Marijuana and Hemp.
"The Union: The Business Behind Getting High (2007)"

Please watch very Interesting.

Everything you guys are arguing about is all answered by this video! lol
I like this thread... This thread is like the video lol!
Old 09-21-2011, 04:11 PM
AndrewM AndrewM is offline
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Originally Posted by mac_xi@hotmail.com View Post
Most plants that people grow indoors max out at 2.5 feet. And only females produce smokable flowers so rule of thumb grow twice as much and you think you will need. So out of 5 you may have 2 or three females. An amature horticulturist might get 1 or 2 oz off a plant (28-56 g), street value $200-400 per plant. It varys but lets say 1g per day consumption on average. (light-moderate consumer)

It takes around 12 weeks for the from seed to harvest and another month to cure it. So in theory 5 plants would not be enough for the majority of users out there. For me personally 3 females would last me close to a year. But I am a very light user. And some people consume for medical purposes and to consume 3-4g a day would be a good day, a bad day that can double or triple.
I am pretty sure the medical people can get a license to grow their own or buy it from a licensed grower so they should be fine.
Old 09-21-2011, 04:13 PM
BeeGuy BeeGuy is offline
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Originally Posted by TheClash View Post
yup innocent people like you that break the law,guess that makes you not innocent. Like it or not it is now against the law so don't use/grow/buy or sell it and you have nothing to worry about. Choose to break the law and you do. doesn't matter if it is an all natural plant that god blah blah blah...for the time being it is illegal. Plain and simple.

as for prison...it would be a deterrent if it was actually a prison not a spa for criminals. get back to hard time from day one and people will not want to go there.
Are you suggesting that you follow all laws and believe they are just?
Old 09-21-2011, 04:13 PM
mac_xi@hotmail.com mac_xi@hotmail.com is offline
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Default Correct

Originally Posted by AndrewM View Post
Also, if you do not plan to sell you are fine as it says only for the purpose of trafficing.
But the definition of trafficking is gray at best. People can and do get trafficking convictions for passing a joint to a friend and no money has changed hands.

I realize it's against the law, that's life and I don't anticipate it being decriminalized any time soon.

However, to make it more illeagle and have all these non-concrete clauses that will lead to mandatory minimum jail sentences is scary for people like me who have no record and by all other standards in a law abiding contributing member of society.
Old 09-21-2011, 04:13 PM
BeeGuy BeeGuy is offline
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Default sadly

Originally Posted by AndrewM View Post
I am pretty sure the medical people can get a license to grow their own or buy it from a licensed grower so they should be fine.
This is far from reality.

Medical users are persecuted.
Old 09-21-2011, 04:15 PM
tommyguitar tommyguitar is offline
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Originally Posted by mac_xi@hotmail.com View Post
I wish that was the case. If you read the bill straight through you will find that's it's minimum 6 months for more then 5 plants. Including clones.

And if you a an outdoorsman and have a rifle it's now considered serious and doubled to 12 months. And if you happen to have children or live close to a school it's 24 months. MANDITORY MINIMUMS means no time off for good behavior. Even if you have never committed a crime before. If found guilty, straight to jail, no pleas no chance.

Meaning realistically for growing a plant that the Lord himself put on this earth can land you in prison for 2 years. How can your wife provide for your children? Who will be the most effected? Innocent people who grew a 100% natural plant. Not the Hells Angels or Chinese Triad. But I can tell you people like myself will no longer grow for personal consumption and choose to line the pockets of violent criminals and organizations.
Great post.

Many people here are such champions of freedom when it comes to gun rights, but when it comes to cannabis it's a totally different story. The decision is a no brainer. Repeal prohibition and the revenue for organized crime dries up.
Old 09-21-2011, 04:16 PM
tommyguitar tommyguitar is offline
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Originally Posted by cody c View Post
Id rather people smoke pot and pan handle, then getting my tax dollars to feed them and supply them with a room and babysitters.

I suspect that pressure from the US is the only reason it hasnt been decriminalized yet

Money spent on catching hard drug traffickers is much better spent then throwing more of the population in doors IMO.
Actually in quite a few states in the US is Pot is Decrim, as it should be.
Old 09-21-2011, 04:18 PM
mac_xi@hotmail.com mac_xi@hotmail.com is offline
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Originally Posted by AndrewM View Post
I am pretty sure the medical people can get a license to grow their own or buy it from a licensed grower so they should be fine.
However, most people are not eligible because the medical community still has yet to accept it as a viable option. My father is a perfect example. He lives with chronic pain and has tried to go the legit way to try medical cannabis after all options have failed. His doctor won't listen to him or sign the form.

Because he is 67 years old, and hasn't smoked pot since the 60's, his only option is to try to find it himself. I won't let him walk down the streets of Vancouver buying god knows what from god knows who. But it's illegal for myself to give any to him. That's trafficking.
Old 09-21-2011, 04:23 PM
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Originally Posted by BeeGuy View Post
Are you suggesting that you follow all laws and believe they are just?
I am saying that I try to follow all laws yes, sometimes I speed, sometimes I drive without my seatbelt on..but I also accept the consequences of those actions because at this point in time those actions are deemed illegal. If I was vehemently opposed to those laws I would petition, lobby etc. to get them changed and if I choose to still break the law I would still have to accept the consequences of those actions if I were to be caught doing so.

That is the problem....sure it is a natural plant that has been around for blah blah blah..that however is not the issue; the issue is that it is illegal to use it for recreational use or to grow it (finer points ignored obviously speaking in broad terms) so if you choose to put your personal desires and addictions above your family, house, job etc. then you had best be willing to accept the consequences and right now those consequences just got more severe. you have every right to disagree and to object and try to get it changed, that does not change the fact that you are still breaking the law.("you" meaning people who choose to use)
Old 09-21-2011, 04:23 PM
AndrewM AndrewM is offline
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Originally Posted by mac_xi@hotmail.com View Post
However, most people are not eligible because the medical community still has yet to accept it as a viable option. My father is a perfect example. He lives with chronic pain and has tried to go the legit way to try medical cannabis after all options have failed. His doctor won't listen to him or sign the form.

Because he is 67 years old, and hasn't smoked pot since the 60's, his only option is to try to find it himself. I won't let him walk down the streets of Vancouver buying god knows what from god knows who. But it's illegal for myself to give any to him. That's trafficking.
Sorry to hear this. Maybe you can help him grow his own? Maybe find a new doctor? I know there are some people out there that have got their doctors to approve it.
Old 09-21-2011, 04:30 PM
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Originally Posted by tommyguitar View Post
Great post.

Many people here are such champions of freedom when it comes to gun rights, but when it comes to cannabis it's a totally different story. The decision is a no brainer. Repeal prohibition and the revenue for organized crime dries up.
I can agree with this post that making it into a cash crop would make money and could possibly help clean up crime..not too many whiskey runners out there anymore....however at this point in time it is illegal..so it is up to the user whether or not they want to break the law. I am not too sure if the ins and outs of making it legal to sell and crime reduction etc. so I am not really speaking to that....my comments were just to say that if you choose to act illegally you need to accept the consequences.
Old 09-21-2011, 04:47 PM
mac_xi@hotmail.com mac_xi@hotmail.com is offline
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Originally Posted by AndrewM View Post
Sorry to hear this. Maybe you can help him grow his own? Maybe find a new doctor? I know there are some people out there that have got their doctors to approve it.
My father has worked in the judicial system his whole life. So he is trying his best to go the legal route. But at this point it's a whole lot of red tape for him to even try it to see if it helps. Out of morals and principal he won't do it if it's not 100 % legit so as of now we are exploring his option.

Him being in BC and me being in Alberta make it tough. But the next time I visit we will be going to compassion clubs to see if there ways to get the ball rolling.

It's really to bad that so many people lump in all cannabis users and producers in with the murderers and rapists. If people made even a small effort to get to know someone involved in the medical/decrim movement they will find out the truth. And it is a tight knit community that cares deeply for each other. Almost like a family. When one of us gets a jail sentence or arrested people feel it. Honest hard working caring individuals will go to jail and lives will be ruined. That is the price of the life we choose to live.

Like Charlton Heston says "they can come and pry it from my cold dead hands".
Old 09-21-2011, 04:51 PM
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Originally Posted by mac_xi@hotmail.com View Post
My father has worked in the judicial system his whole life. So he is trying his best to go the legal route. But at this point it's a whole lot of red tape for him to even try it to see if it helps. Out of morals and principal he won't do it if it's not 100 % legit so as of now we are exploring his option.

Him being in BC and me being in Alberta make it tough. But the next time I visit we will be going to compassion clubs to see if there ways to get the ball rolling.

It's really to bad that so many people lump in all cannabis users and producers in with the murderers and rapists. If people made even a small effort to get to know someone involved in the medical/decrim movement they will find out the truth. And it is a tight knit community that cares deeply for each other. Almost like a family. When one of us gets a jail sentence or arrested people feel it. Honest hard working caring individuals will go to jail and lives will be ruined. That is the price of the life we choose to live.

Like Charlton Heston says "they can come and pry it from my cold dead hands".

but in that same breath it is also dangerous to lump all cannabis users and producers into the same category as your family. I would say there is a far great number of users, producers and sellers that are doing it right now for recreational use rather than medical. I truly hope your family can discover a solution that helps your father live a more comfortable life in a way that he feels is morally upright.
Old 09-21-2011, 05:06 PM
mac_xi@hotmail.com mac_xi@hotmail.com is offline
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Originally Posted by TheClash View Post
but in that same breath it is also dangerous to lump all cannabis users and producers into the same category as your family. I would say there is a far great number of users, producers and sellers that are doing it right now for recreational use rather than medical. I truly hope your family can discover a solution that helps your father live a more comfortable life in a way that he feels is morally upright.
I 100% agree. That's what makes mandatory minimum sentences to dangerous. I think it should be determined on a case by case basis. I use it recreationally. It's illeagle. And that's a risk I am taking. But to cast the same shadow on a community that makes up such a large percentage of the population is not the right answer.

And it is unavoidable if Bill S-10 gets passed. Lives will be forever ruined. And there will still be an ugly underside of violence and corruption. Criminals will make more money and the supply won't even see a hiccup in production. A useless law aiming at the wrong segment of the population.
Old 09-21-2011, 05:10 PM
chasingtail chasingtail is offline
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Just got back from a wedding in BC, pot was everywhere and as common as alcohol in that group. All hard working blue collar workers raising families. Didn't see the problem everyone seemed like good people. On the other hand I am glad the government is getting hard on dealers. Keep it to 5 plants and nothing changes.
Old 09-21-2011, 05:17 PM
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No judgment offered on either side, but simply an observation: The fine in our area for getting busted for THC simple posession is $50 less than the fine for letting your dog walk off leash.....
Old 09-21-2011, 05:25 PM
darwix darwix is offline
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If you dont want to go to jail dont become a pothead, simple as that. Its illegal, its a drug, you arent supposed to be smoking it in the first place.. They should have a bigger punishment for hunting while high!
Old 09-21-2011, 05:35 PM
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whoa wait whats posted about rifles? I could look it up myself but I'm lazy.

For humours sake please watch this short ad;

Old 09-21-2011, 05:36 PM
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Originally Posted by pesky672 View Post
Jail isn't much of a deterrent.
People don't set out expecting to get caught so...this won't reduce crime only punish those that do crime and manage to get caught.

I'd rather see better deterrence like more money for policing. This would help us catch the baddies and be a better deternce because there would be an elevated expectation of getting caught.

Besides we are already number 2 for the number of people in jail...in the west.
Only the US has more.

Funny how the countries that seem to have the most people in jail and the least invested in prevention and rehabilitation...also have the highest crime rates...

Finally the war on drugs is about 40 years old now and we seem to still be losing...
Maybe a change in tactics is in order?
Especially with the softer stuff like pot... good Lord... it's the safest drug in the world including alcohol.
Jail is a damn good deterrent if you go long enough to really matter, to your Life. Besides, while you're in there, we won't have to worry about you committing any more crimes. Cost ? I suggest dropping the standard of Living of incarcerated felons, dramatically. Make it bad enough, that no one in his right mind would want to go back and while you're in there, we'll make you work your ass off.

Comment by Calgary's Police chief today. Guy got busted with drugs. In Canada he would have gotten three years, but since it was the US border service who busted him, he's doing thirty. You don't think that's a deterrent?


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Old 09-21-2011, 05:39 PM
BeeGuy BeeGuy is offline
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Originally Posted by Spidey View Post
No judgment offered on either side, but simply an observation: The fine in our area for getting busted for THC simple posession is $50 less than the fine for letting your dog walk off leash.....
Never heard of a potsmoker biting someone or ****ting on your lawn.

Seems fair.

Keep it in the privacy of your home and it's no ones business but your own.
Old 09-21-2011, 05:41 PM
Killerb Killerb is offline
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Wow alot of uptight people making stereotypes here. News flash people even lawyers and ceos smoke pot. I would rather have a pothead who smokes for pain than some idiot hopped up on vicoden and t3s. If you haven't tried it don't act like we are all idiots. You have more control high than you do drunk.
Old 09-21-2011, 05:43 PM
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What's more dangerous a marijuana cigarette or a hunting rifle?
Old 09-21-2011, 05:49 PM
Gust Gust is offline
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Originally Posted by BeeGuy View Post
What's more dangerous a marijuana cigarette or a hunting rifle?
I love knock knock jokes, uhm????

one blunts you and the other bludgeons?

Guns don't kill people, bullets do
Old 09-21-2011, 05:52 PM
AndrewM AndrewM is offline
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Originally Posted by BeeGuy View Post
What's more dangerous a marijuana cigarette or a hunting rifle?
How does that have to do with anything?
Old 09-21-2011, 05:54 PM
mac_xi@hotmail.com mac_xi@hotmail.com is offline
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Default The irony

It's safe to say the morjity of people on this board support the conservative party in abolishing the money pit known as the long gun registry. It's a useless waste of money that only effects us, the law abiding citizen.

Bill S-10 is the exact same with the exception of one rule. Not only will it effect growers who grow for personal use. It will in fact put more money into the pockets of organized crime.

So one can say that not only will it cost unknown billions to enforce and house so called "criminals", it will in fact give them more profit in the long run. Useless, I think so....
Old 09-21-2011, 05:59 PM
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Old 09-21-2011, 06:07 PM
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Originally Posted by GustavMahler View Post
Be careful, I think there was something in that Bill about mandatory minimums for jazz.
Old 09-21-2011, 06:14 PM
BeeGuy BeeGuy is offline
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Originally Posted by AndrewM View Post
How does that have to do with anything?
Well Mac Xi nailed it in his post title.

I have many traditional conservative views. Small gooberment is one, and my business being mine, as long (again), as there are no victims.

Seems like a lot of the cons here agree with the second point, but in a very secular (read: tribalist) manner.

"Stay out of my business, but it's ok to get those other guys, they're criminals."

I'll say it again.

If you support prohibition, you support corruption and organized crime and everything that comes with it.

It doesn't matter what substance it is or whether it's 1 plant, 100 plants, or 10,000 plants.
Old 09-21-2011, 06:17 PM
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Originally Posted by BeeGuy View Post
Never heard of a potsmoker biting someone or ****ting on your lawn.

Seems fair.

Keep it in the privacy of your home and it's no ones business but your own.
You obviously haven't seen any cases of AEM.... acute escallating munchies. People have lost limbs!!!!
Old 09-21-2011, 06:18 PM
AndrewM AndrewM is offline
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Originally Posted by BeeGuy View Post
I'll say it again.

If you support prohibition, you support corruption and organized crime and everything that comes with it.

It doesn't matter what substance it is or whether it's 1 plant, 100 plants, or 10,000 plants.
And if you support decriminalization then you freely support using cocaine, meth, hash, and every other hard drug out there.

Where do you draw the line?
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