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Old 03-08-2011, 09:58 PM
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Default What a party

Ok, we all know there are good and bad teachers in every school.
Just like there are drunk, hungover welders in every shop.
What the H is the issue here?
How many hours a teacher puts in? YA. Some teachers who are new to the school have to plan their lesson, once it's up and running, they have easy street.
Some teachers, just like some cops who are in smaller communities, get involved with the community and "help" it along wether it be with youth programs or whatever. It doesn't make it "work" related. It's a choice to do the extra, we all have the ability to say yes or no.
After all the philibustering, I'm thinking a few of you guys are politicians.

As Iève said in other posts, The unions have us over a barrell. It bites!
Itès part of the reason we pay so much GD in taxes every year.
Does a teacher at the top of the grade scale really deserve 80G. Hell NO!
Nurses. Yummy, but NO!

I'm voting PC>
One day, I hope we have a leader who we can all like.One who can lead my province with vindication.One who will stand up to the East and say screwyou.One who can say DS, shut your yap hole. God shes annoying.No different than smiling Jack.

One day, my son will be the leader of this province.
Ya, I dream big.
If you want to dream big and vote for the WR, NDP or a Lieberal. Go ahead and dream!Dream big.
Ill eat the tail end of a skunk if the WR wins a majority.
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Old 03-08-2011, 10:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Winch101 View Post
Just as a side note if their is a more thankless job than teaching the louts of today , the criminals of tomorrow , I dont know what it would be . Just go down to the mall and watch the gong show to see what they have to put up with ...
Lets add those who teach behavioral kids or those in the young offenders. and the countless hours of marking so that at the end the kid drops out because he prefers to do something more productive such as being with his friends smoking pot or doing crime. How about when teachers take the role of parents because some f##ckin parents dont care about their kids and leave them to struggle on their own with drug addictions and hunger and not instilling any values in them. How about when teachers go all out to make sure that the kid succeeds and then they get a " f@ck you " at the end. No wonder a lot of teachers go on stress leave. Not fair to blame teachers for the salary they deserve. These times are not the same as they use to be with youths. Those who think teaching is easy, then get yourselves a 4 year degree and take the profession so you can make the "big bucks". Even those who teach regular kids, dont think its easy either because every kid learns differently and comes with different challenges. I guess it could be worse: we could all be bankers and rake millions of year end bonuses out of our hard earned money so that we can get a yearly 0.5% interest share. or we can be doctors earning $600,000 plus and drive an Austin Martin cause we took advantage of our education when we were younger. So lets blame doctors now for the crumbling health care. Or we can be politician and city councillors and vote ourselves a 30% raise with no education (some of them). Or we can be the disgruntled outdoorsman blaming teachers who ****ed away his education when he had a chance in getting one who now cant get a good paying job or has to work outside in the cold. But, Just saying: LETS BLAME THE TEACHERS!
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Old 03-08-2011, 11:15 PM
hockey1099 hockey1099 is offline
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wow i couldnt read past the first page. I cant believe the hatred for teachers.

Wild Rose = Conservative party members that were low ranking with little chance of moving up in the party. Dont expect alot of change these people arent that different from the conservative party they left. They are very effective at feeding off the Conservatives troubles though and will make significant gains in rural alberta.

Watch them break all of there promises its easy to pick the easy issues in alberta. Spout off on gun control despite not having the power to change anything as a provincial gov. When you get power blame the feds for the changes not being made.

Im really surpised that so many people on this board want a drastically different political system than we have now. Most of us have grown up in what many call a social welfare state. I dont know why so many hate it. I like this country and the benefits that we have living here.

I get not liking to pay taxes but it costs money to run a province and a country. Alberta has the lowest provincial tax already and no pst so i dont see why we are all up in arms about costs in this province (i.e health care education).

Teachers are overpaid? We should cut their salaries in half. I know i want my kids being taught by someone making minimum wage. No point in having an educated society that wont help our economy. Maybe we should cut education funding completely. Private schools for all. That should save a tonne there. Great for me im done school and dont have kids yet. i save money.

Lets cut health care as well. We can all pay out of pocket or buy our own insurance. Thats cheap from what i hear. Americans love private health care no one goes bankrupt after a heart attack or dies because they cant afford kemo.
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Old 03-08-2011, 11:20 PM
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Originally Posted by hockey1099 View Post
wow i couldnt read past the first page. I cant believe the hatred for teachers.

Wild Rose = Conservative party members that were low ranking with little chance of moving up in the party. Dont expect alot of change these people arent that different from the conservative party they left. They are very effective at feeding off the Conservatives troubles though and will make significant gains in rural alberta.

Watch them break all of there promises its easy to pick the easy issues in alberta. Spout off on gun control despite not having the power to change anything as a provincial gov. When you get power blame the feds for the changes not being made.

Im really surpised that so many people on this board want a drastically different political system than we have now. Most of us have grown up in what many call a social welfare state. I dont know why so many hate it. I like this country and the benefits that we have living here.

I get not liking to pay taxes but it costs money to run a province and a country. Alberta has the lowest provincial tax already and no pst so i dont see why we are all up in arms about costs in this province (i.e health care education).

Teachers are overpaid? We should cut their salaries in half. I know i want my kids being taught by someone making minimum wage. No point in having an educated society that wont help our economy. Maybe we should cut education funding completely. Private schools for all. That should save a tonne there. Great for me im done school and dont have kids yet. i save money.

Lets cut health care as well. We can all pay out of pocket or buy our own insurance. Thats cheap from what i hear. Americans love private health care no one goes bankrupt after a heart attack or dies because they cant afford kemo.

Some very good points

A voting alternative though would be " vote Mudbug "
I may not be the brightest crayon in the box at times but I sure am colourful
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Old 03-09-2011, 02:18 AM
Lonnie Lonnie is offline
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Originally Posted by hockey1099 View Post
wow i couldnt read past the first page. I cant believe the hatred for teachers.

Wild Rose = Conservative party members that were low ranking with little chance of moving up in the party. Dont expect alot of change these people arent that different from the conservative party they left. They are very effective at feeding off the Conservatives troubles though and will make significant gains in rural alberta.

Watch them break all of there promises its easy to pick the easy issues in alberta. Spout off on gun control despite not having the power to change anything as a provincial gov. When you get power blame the feds for the changes not being made.

Im really surpised that so many people on this board want a drastically different political system than we have now. Most of us have grown up in what many call a social welfare state. I dont know why so many hate it. I like this country and the benefits that we have living here.

I get not liking to pay taxes but it costs money to run a province and a country. Alberta has the lowest provincial tax already and no pst so i dont see why we are all up in arms about costs in this province (i.e health care education).

Teachers are overpaid? We should cut their salaries in half. I know i want my kids being taught by someone making minimum wage. No point in having an educated society that wont help our economy. Maybe we should cut education funding completely. Private schools for all. That should save a tonne there. Great for me im done school and dont have kids yet. i save money.

Lets cut health care as well. We can all pay out of pocket or buy our own insurance. Thats cheap from what i hear. Americans love private health care no one goes bankrupt after a heart attack or dies because they cant afford kemo.
before health care in this province there were lots of kids and adults that died becuase they wuold not see a doctor untill it was to late and we seem to have a lot of people in this provine that want to go back to that system
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Old 03-09-2011, 06:39 AM
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Back to the topic at hand !

As a life long Conservative I was disapointed in the Stelmach gov. There were far to many mistakes when we had the money rolling in and far to many mistakes when the hard times hit.

I purchased a Wild Rose membership 2 years ago based on there ideas for the province. They seemed fresh and had true Conservative ideologies. Now that I have met several of there representatives I have become somewhat nervous about them making decisions for a better Alberta. I am starting to think that " footinmouth disease " will be rampant among them.

I feel Daniel Smith would be a fine leader but those supporting her are questionable at best.

I can only wait for the election and weigh all the comments before I vote.

My $0.02 worth.

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Old 03-09-2011, 07:59 AM
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I want to see the rug jerked out from under the conservatives and then have the new party in power clean house on the bureaucrats. Those are the people that need to go.
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Old 03-09-2011, 08:02 AM
eastcoast eastcoast is offline
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Originally Posted by Dacotensis View Post
Ok, we all know there are good and bad teachers in every school.
Just like there are drunk, hungover welders in every shop.
What the H is the issue here?
How many hours a teacher puts in? YA. Some teachers who are new to the school have to plan their lesson, once it's up and running, they have easy street.
Some teachers, just like some cops who are in smaller communities, get involved with the community and "help" it along wether it be with youth programs or whatever. It doesn't make it "work" related. It's a choice to do the extra, we all have the ability to say yes or no.
After all the philibustering, I'm thinking a few of you guys are politicians.

As Iève said in other posts, The unions have us over a barrell. It bites!
Itès part of the reason we pay so much GD in taxes every year.
Does a teacher at the top of the grade scale really deserve 80G. Hell NO!
Nurses. Yummy, but NO!

I'm voting PC>
One day, I hope we have a leader who we can all like.One who can lead my province with vindication.One who will stand up to the East and say screwyou.One who can say DS, shut your yap hole. God shes annoying.No different than smiling Jack.

One day, my son will be the leader of this province.
Ya, I dream big.
If you want to dream big and vote for the WR, NDP or a Lieberal. Go ahead and dream!Dream big.
Ill eat the tail end of a skunk if the WR wins a majority.
first of all the public sector is only 1 part of the taxes we pay along with infrastructure,government themselves,social programs etc so no teachers and nurses alone are not the reason there are high taxes.

and second off if you knew what nurses had to do for that 80 g a year you would be offering them double, wiping a@@es, in surgery,pi$$ pott cleaning working 80 hours a week away from family etc,nurses deserve every cent if not more for what they do.
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Old 03-09-2011, 08:42 AM
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I'm going to throw my two cents in on teachers. We have put two kids through the public school system, one the oldest barely scraped buy, the other very successful. The way they and we where treated by teachers was very different, The successful one they swooned over as well as us, the other not so much. I'm relating this not to bash teachers involved with the poorer student, but to add my take. I really believe burnout plays a huge roll in teachers lives, it's easy to teach a child that really wants to learn. But with my under achieving son, well no teacher could light a fire in him and the discouragement in them in interviews was palatable. I won't blame the teachers
But a do believe that had he been lucky enough to run into an exceptional one things might have been different. He had one his last two years that got him a little interested in the trades so he started the rap program. Carp. He kind of flowed through that until his first year of school. I was taking my apprenticeship two years ahead of him, and just by his study habits the first week I could tell he was in trouble, I had a little chat with him, but it wasn't till he got his first 1/4 marks that the stuff hit the fan. Into the office of the teacher, who by the way is one of the men that I admire the most in my life,I only know him through Carp. school. I don't know what was said or what transpired for the rest of the year but my son finished in the the top 5% in theory for the rest of his apprenticeship. That is a teacher at the top of his game, when you can change a 19yr. olds out look. After that he was changed,
the life lessons that I had tried to instill in him he all of a sudden began to live. He suddenly discovered that he didn't know it all, and there where lessons to be learnt all around. 5yrs later he's reading up on physics and has learned to run photo shop extremely well. And he still visits the Carp. teachers at the college for advice in his trade or just a hello.

One teacher, you tell me how much that's worth.

Getting back to the burnt out ones, I believe they are kind of stuck. Ten or Fifteen years till they can pension out, but the fire has been sucked out of them. It's tough to leave something secure when your 45 or 50. But I don't believe anyone gets into it for the money, it's just to tough.
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Old 03-09-2011, 09:02 AM
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I have no official political party affiliation and don't generally vote conservative. I do feel that Stelmach's biggest problem was trying to make every one happy. I can certainly understand people that have been long time Conservatives going in a new direction but staying true to their political roots as far as being left wing or right wing.

In my opinion we just don't know enough about the Wildrose to know if they will be any good often the popular opposition is like the back up goalie or 2nd string QB that everyone always calls for.

I do think that the most important thing when looking at governments is to get good people in power. There have been good and bad provincial governments of pretty well all political persuasions over the years (yes even NDP governments in places like Sask and Man).

At least this next election should be a lot more interesting than the last one.
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Old 03-09-2011, 09:14 AM
Fisherpeak Fisherpeak is offline
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I`m worried about the next Federal election that looks like is coming up.I pray that P.O.S. Ignatiev dosn`t B.S. enough eastern idiots into electing him as the next P.M.
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Old 03-09-2011, 10:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Fisherpeak View Post
I`m worried about the next Federal election that looks like is coming up.I pray that P.O.S. Ignatiev dosn`t B.S. enough eastern idiots into electing him as the next P.M.
I wouldn't be worried about that. The conservatives will get back in but the big question is will they get a majority. I would be happy with another minority gov't as much as that will displease many.
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Old 03-09-2011, 11:01 AM
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I think the biggest problem with both health care and education across our country is that the organizations are to top heavy. Less money should be spent on the administration, more on the "front lines".
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Old 03-09-2011, 12:24 PM
eastcoast eastcoast is offline
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Originally Posted by WCTHEMI View Post
I think the biggest problem with both health care and education across our country is that the organizations are to top heavy. Less money should be spent on the administration, more on the "front lines".

show me a private company that does this.
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Old 03-09-2011, 12:53 PM
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Ray, the reasons many of us are making the switch to the WRA are the same we chose Preston and the Reform party.........conservative ideology and principals.

Liberals in this province learned long ago they they were unelectable under their banner. Thus, their overwhelming desire for power made them abandon their principals and join the 'Conservatives'. This has been happening for decades.

Remember, good ol Ralphie ran as a federal liberal.

Remember how much cretien and his cronnies scammed federally? Now picture this same crew having full carte blance for 40 years!!

The provincial 'conservatives' were exposed finally by accidently annoiting a bumbling ****ing idiot as their leader. Just as were the federal liberals with dion. Strangely enough, both limped into power on the same day........

The breadth and scope of Alberta's 'Old Boy's Club' has to be astronomical at this point.

This province needs a change more than a toddler that's hit the 22# mark in a 12# diaper!
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Old 03-09-2011, 01:17 PM
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Originally Posted by eastcoast View Post
show me a private company that does this.
lol, Take your pick. Private companies are not always better, more efficiently or more ethically run than government operations. The big melt down in the Us should have told you that.
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Old 03-09-2011, 01:20 PM
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Originally Posted by TreeGuy View Post

The provincial 'conservatives' were exposed finally by accidently annoiting a bumbling ****ing idiot as their leader. Just as were the federal liberals with dion. Strangely enough, both limped into power on the same day........
Well they certainly were not exposed on the last election day seeing as Stelmach lead the Cons to such a massive win. If anything this may have proven that you don't know what you have until a few yeas later which will indeed be the case if the WRA gets in. They may be what people hope for or they may not be what people imagined.
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Old 03-09-2011, 01:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Beerfish View Post
Well they certainly were not exposed on the last election day seeing as Stelmach lead the Cons to such a massive win. If anything this may have proven that you don't know what you have until a few yeas later which will indeed be the case if the WRA gets in. They may be what people hope for or they may not be what people imagined.
Or they may be what people hoped and imagined they would be and the boogey man is still sequestered in the liberals closet.
Upset a Lefty, Fly a Drone!

"I find it interesting that some folk will pay to use a range, use a golf course, use a garage bay but think landowners should have to give permission for free. Do these same people think hookers should be treated like landowners?" pitw
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Old 03-09-2011, 02:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Beerfish View Post
Well they certainly were not exposed on the last election day seeing as Stelmach lead the Cons to such a massive win. If anything this may have proven that you don't know what you have until a few yeas later which will indeed be the case if the WRA gets in. They may be what people hope for or they may not be what people imagined.
So you are advocating the 'Better the Devil we Know than the One We Don't' approach then?
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Old 03-09-2011, 02:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Beerfish View Post
Well they certainly were not exposed on the last election day seeing as Stelmach lead the Cons to such a massive win. If anything this may have proven that you don't know what you have until a few yeas later which will indeed be the case if the WRA gets in. They may be what people hope for or they may not be what people imagined.
Are you saying that the status quo that we have now is acceptable? This province needs a change, and we need it sooner than later.

Don't argue with a fool, he'll bring you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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Old 03-09-2011, 03:34 PM
eastcoast eastcoast is offline
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Originally Posted by Beerfish View Post
lol, Take your pick. Private companies are not always better, more efficiently or more ethically run than government operations. The big melt down in the Us should have told you that.
lots of ceo's and cfo's make 1000 times the salary of the average worker on the assembly line,alot of large companies are top heavy with more than 50% of their wages going to the top 5% of employees, government are less efficient in most cases but usually more ethical, it's a different set of rules, do nurses and teachers need bosses?
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Old 03-09-2011, 04:05 PM
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Originally Posted by eastcoast View Post
government are less efficient in most cases but usually more ethical

Thanks for the laugh, I needed one today.


Don't argue with a fool, he'll bring you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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Old 03-10-2011, 07:46 AM
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Originally Posted by TreeGuy View Post
So you are advocating the 'Better the Devil we Know than the One We Don't' approach then?
No, I'm saying that a mere couple of years ago Stelmach was the hero of the province and won one of the biggest majorities in party history almost wiping out the Liberals and all opposition. Now less than a term later he is the worst thing that has ever happened to the PC's.

It's always far easier to look good as the opposition than be in government and having to govern because you are often going to pee off one section of the population no matter what you do. I don't disagree with people making a wholesale change over to the WRP because they are upset with the PC's but the WRP has yet to govern or try and put their policies into practice and thus they can't be taken to task over anything at all at this point.
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Old 03-10-2011, 07:48 AM
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Originally Posted by Ryry4 View Post
Are you saying that the status quo that we have now is acceptable? This province needs a change, and we need it sooner than later.
The status quo was given a resounding thumbs up less than one election term ago. If there ever was a vote for no change it was last election. Hey I agree with people wanting to make a change because they are not happy with things, it is your right and your duty to vote how you wish. I will say that it is interesting just how quickly the PC's have fallen out of favor.
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Old 03-10-2011, 08:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Beerfish View Post
The status quo was given a resounding thumbs up less than one election term ago. If there ever was a vote for no change it was last election. Hey I agree with people wanting to make a change because they are not happy with things, it is your right and your duty to vote how you wish. I will say that it is interesting just how quickly the PC's have fallen out of favor.
I think that they have fallen out of favor so fast is because there is a viable alternative now (WRA) and the legislation that they are pushing through Bills 36 for example. The people are saying we don't want this and the government is saying sit down and shut up we know what is good for you, not yourself. That attitude coming from the government will never go over well.

Don't argue with a fool, he'll bring you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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Old 03-10-2011, 10:38 AM
Mxyzptik Mxyzptik is offline
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Originally Posted by Ryry4 View Post
Are you saying that the status quo that we have now is acceptable? This province needs a change, and we need it sooner than later.
The Province needs a change ? While I'll admit we have had the same party at the helm for a long time we need to change why ?????

Because our living conditions are horrible ? Because there's no jobs? Because we have some of the finest medical professionals and equipment in the world ?

Just what does everyone think is in such drastic need of change ? We are living the most pampered, affluent lifestyles of any people in the planets history. We have good jobs , great services , access to more types of entertainment than one can imagine. There are no food shortages, you can get produce from nearly anywhere on the planet with what seems to be next to no seasonal limitations.

.... And I repeat from an earlier post just what change do tired old farts like Marv Moore, Ernie Isley, Guy Boutelier and Lyle Oberg represent ?

As far as bill 36 goes , our leaders are tasked with finding a balance amongst all needs for services. In Canada because of our weather we are 100 % reliant on the services and infrastruture that we plan and build. Most of that infrastructure is at least 20 -30 years old. It was planned for and built in a time when Alberta had 1.5 million people not 4.5 and Canada had 20 million not over 30. Looking after the greater good of ALL people takes leadership, it's especially challenging in a time when the pampered masses seem to have forgotten where their goods and services come from and seem to expect them to just appear. The powerline thing is a great example, don't build anything near me , I mean we don't need them anyway. Well the last time I looked out earlier this week in the land of perpetual winter it was still -30 in MARCH ! If you want to risk your power going out and staying out go ahead but I'd like mine thank you very much.

Building any infrastructure has effects on landowners, it doesn't matter whether its roadways, raillines, health facilties , powerlines or pipelines. Laws must be in place to protect affected landowners and ensure that those folks directly affected are properly compensated and looked after but the greater good of citizenry as a whole needs to take precedence.

I attended the WRA dinner at the Delta last Wednesday and listened carefully. While Danielle Smith is certainly charismatic there is nothing that is see in her policy's or the people she has surounded herself with that would convince me to vote for them.

Lasted time I checked I was living the life of Ryley and there is precious little I would change about it.
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Old 03-10-2011, 10:56 AM
JimPS JimPS is offline
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Originally Posted by Mxyzptik View Post
The Province needs a change ? While I'll admit we have had the same party at the helm for a long time we need to change why ?????

Because our living conditions are horrible ? Because there's no jobs? Because we have some of the finest medical professionals and equipment in the world ?

Just what does everyone think is in such drastic need of change ? We are living the most pampered, affluent lifestyles of any people in the planets history. We have good jobs , great services , access to more types of entertainment than one can imagine. There are no food shortages, you can get produce from nearly anywhere on the planet with what seems to be next to no seasonal limitations.

.... And I repeat from an earlier post just what change do tired old farts like Marv Moore, Ernie Isley, Guy Boutelier and Lyle Oberg represent ?

As far as bill 36 goes , our leaders are tasked with finding a balance amongst all needs for services. In Canada because of our weather we are 100 % reliant on the services and infrastruture that we plan and build. Most of that infrastructure is at least 20 -30 years old. It was planned for and built in a time when Alberta had 1.5 million people not 4.5 and Canada had 20 million not over 30. Looking after the greater good of ALL people takes leadership, it's especially challenging in a time when the pampered masses seem to have forgotten where their goods and services come from and seem to expect them to just appear. The powerline thing is a great example, don't build anything near me , I mean we don't need them anyway. Well the last time I looked out earlier this week in the land of perpetual winter it was still -30 in MARCH ! If you want to risk your power going out and staying out go ahead but I'd like mine thank you very much.

Building any infrastructure has effects on landowners, it doesn't matter whether its roadways, raillines, health facilties , powerlines or pipelines. Laws must be in place to protect affected landowners and ensure that those folks directly affected are properly compensated and looked after but the greater good of citizenry as a whole needs to take precedence.

I attended the WRA dinner at the Delta last Wednesday and listened carefully. While Danielle Smith is certainly charismatic there is nothing that is see in her policy's or the people she has surounded herself with that would convince me to vote for them.

Lasted time I checked I was living the life of Ryley and there is precious little I would change about it.
This is the most sensible post in this entire thread.
With the likes of Moore, Boutilier, Isley, Oberg etc the WRA is sounding more and more like a bunch of old irrelevant disaffected whiners.
Life has never been better - give your heads a collective shake and look at the conditions most people on the rest of the planet the planet live in.
Many of these people can still put on a great smile - when was the last time you saw any smiles from the grim old white guys that feel life in Alberta is about to end?

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Old 03-10-2011, 11:09 AM
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Originally Posted by Mxyzptik View Post
The Province needs a change ? While I'll admit we have had the same party at the helm for a long time we need to change why ?????

Because our living conditions are horrible ? Because there's no jobs? Because we have some of the finest medical professionals and equipment in the world ?

Just what does everyone think is in such drastic need of change ? We are living the most pampered, affluent lifestyles of any people in the planets history. We have good jobs , great services , access to more types of entertainment than one can imagine. There are no food shortages, you can get produce from nearly anywhere on the planet with what seems to be next to no seasonal limitations.

.... And I repeat from an earlier post just what change do tired old farts like Marv Moore, Ernie Isley, Guy Boutelier and Lyle Oberg represent ?

As far as bill 36 goes , our leaders are tasked with finding a balance amongst all needs for services. In Canada because of our weather we are 100 % reliant on the services and infrastruture that we plan and build. Most of that infrastructure is at least 20 -30 years old. It was planned for and built in a time when Alberta had 1.5 million people not 4.5 and Canada had 20 million not over 30. Looking after the greater good of ALL people takes leadership, it's especially challenging in a time when the pampered masses seem to have forgotten where their goods and services come from and seem to expect them to just appear. The powerline thing is a great example, don't build anything near me , I mean we don't need them anyway. Well the last time I looked out earlier this week in the land of perpetual winter it was still -30 in MARCH ! If you want to risk your power going out and staying out go ahead but I'd like mine thank you very much.

Building any infrastructure has effects on landowners, it doesn't matter whether its roadways, raillines, health facilties , powerlines or pipelines. Laws must be in place to protect affected landowners and ensure that those folks directly affected are properly compensated and looked after but the greater good of citizenry as a whole needs to take precedence.

I attended the WRA dinner at the Delta last Wednesday and listened carefully. While Danielle Smith is certainly charismatic there is nothing that is see in her policy's or the people she has surounded herself with that would convince me to vote for them.

Lasted time I checked I was living the life of Ryley and there is precious little I would change about it.
I guess it boils down to this. Are you happy with the current government and their policies? Ramming legislation down our throats that can effectively take out land without letting the public know? If you are, keep voting PC and we'll see where it get's us. I'm not impressed with them since Stelmech got elected as Premier and I'm going to let them know in the next election.

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Old 03-10-2011, 01:27 PM
eastcoast eastcoast is offline
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Originally Posted by Ryry4 View Post

Thanks for the laugh, I needed one today.

instead of laughing maybe offer a counter argument?
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Old 03-10-2011, 04:11 PM
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Ryry4 Ryry4 is offline
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Originally Posted by eastcoast View Post
instead of laughing maybe offer a counter argument?
I simply found your reference to government being ethical as funny.

Don't argue with a fool, he'll bring you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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