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Old 03-15-2016, 07:50 AM
Newview01 Newview01 is offline
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Originally Posted by winged1 View Post
you have not made a reference to a single policy, which appears to be typical of trump supporters. How do you actually know what trump will do, and how he plans on doing it. I support change in the structure, and he may well be that change, but it's best to have an idea of where your going before you turn control over.
Welcome to politics, halfwit. None of the other candidates have entirely laid out their plans and policies. Besides, given all the other candidates are career politicians, they are more likely to renege on their promises.

Trump is not the perfect candidate they need, but by far and above the best option.
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Old 03-15-2016, 08:53 AM
Fisherpeak Fisherpeak is offline
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Originally Posted by Newview01 View Post
Welcome to politics, halfwit. None of the other candidates have entirely laid out their plans and policies. Besides, given all the other candidates are career politicians, they are more likely to renege on their promises.

Trump is not the perfect candidate they need, but by far and above the best option.
Are you on drugs? Trump is making the run for the most powerfull man in the world into a reality show.If he wins and Kim Junk d!ckweed threatens the U.S. with a nuke again what do you think Trump will do? Negotiate or hit first? Think China will be happy if he nukes North Korea? How about he commits the whole armed forces instead against a million man army. Invest in companies that make body bags. Knowing him he probably already has.
This is the most ridiculous election I have ever seen.
And it scares hell out of me.
The only halfwit here is you if you think Trump is the best.
I miss Ronald Reagan.
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Old 03-15-2016, 09:36 AM
sjemac sjemac is offline
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It all makes you realize that Dubya wasn't all that bad.
Moral indignation is a technique used to endow the idiot with dignity.

Marshall McLuhan
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Old 03-15-2016, 09:41 AM
Wild&Free Wild&Free is offline
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Originally Posted by sjemac View Post
It all makes you realize that Dubya wasn't all that bad.
like I said in other posts, it's absolutely frightening; because, statements like this are true.
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We learn from history that we do not learn from history. - Hegel

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Old 03-15-2016, 10:08 AM
chasingtail chasingtail is offline
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Originally Posted by winged1 View Post
you have not made a reference to a single policy, which appears to be typical of trump supporters. How do you actually know what trump will do, and how he plans on doing it. I support change in the structure, and he may well be that change, but it's best to have an idea of where your going before you turn control over.
Your regurgitating MSM talking points, do you know the other candidates policies or how they will do it? Actually Trump has just as detailed policies as the others. Personally you wouldn't want to be to detailed and give the shadow criminal government your war plans?
Go to his website and check out his positions, he my not have a 100 point plan on how he will do it but at least he is acknowledging the problems. When the elites of both parties, the media, China, SA, George Soros, Move-on, etc is against you it means he is on the right side.
Did you know that Republican leaders and Liberal tech billionaires recently met on a private Island to come up with a plan to stop Trump? These are open border criminals plotting to undermine the sovereignty of the United States. The end goal of these criminals is no borders anywhere.

This is a non-violent take over of the criminal government, and if your against it your either uninformed or evil. Now go back to watching sports.

Last edited by chasingtail; 03-15-2016 at 10:15 AM.
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Old 03-15-2016, 10:11 AM
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Originally Posted by JB_AOL View Post
Seriously... It's ****ing politics, specifically campaigning.. how do you know ANY of the politicians will follow through with ANY of their promises. You don't (and most times they don't know either). They figure out when they get in, how and if they can do it.

Please note I am not defending Trump or any other politician.

IMHO, Change is good, and I think Trump is the man for them at this time. Although I sadly agree, he will probably be assassinated shortly after taking office.
It is this thinking that led to the NDP here in AB and the Liberals in Canada getting into power.

The grass is not always greener on the other side.

I don't get how anyone can get behind Trump. He lies constantly and contradicts himself daily, he has no real plan or direction and his Charlie Sheen winning attitude will get him no where.

It is pretty amazing how much of a stir he has been able to make just because the US people are so fed up with their current systems. Hopefully the US people will realize this inflated ego will not fix any of their issues before they stupidly vote him into power.
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Old 03-15-2016, 10:18 AM
elkhunter11 elkhunter11 is offline
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Originally Posted by Bergerboy View Post
Forbes figures he is worth 4.5 billion. He got there somehow.
As opposed to our prime minister who will likely run a 20 billion dollar deficit this year. I would gladly trade Trudeau for Trump.
Only accurate guns are interesting.
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Old 03-15-2016, 10:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Newview01 View Post
Welcome to politics, halfwit. None of the other candidates have entirely laid out their plans and policies. Besides, given all the other candidates are career politicians, they are more likely to renege on their promises.

Trump is not the perfect candidate they need, but by far and above the best option.
Start watching the democratic primaries instead of the joke the Republican party has become. The republicans couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag in an actual debate on plans and policies and it will show when we get to the general election.

A democrat will win the presidency this year especially if Trump is the republican nominee. I don't like Hillary but she would still be 10 times the president that Trump would be.

The best option imo and the only honest candidate in the whole running is Sanders. I don't believe in all his policies but overall he is the only one you can trust to do what he says he is going to try to do, he has been fighting for the exact same things his entire life...

Trump gets a lot of fans for claiming the system is broke and that he is going to fix it. He isn't going to fix a thing, he is going to slant it more towards business if anything... Sanders is the only one that will take on both the financial and political systems and rid them of corruption. He might have some other policies that I don't agree with but overall he is the only candidate that will fix the issues and you have to take some bad with the good.
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Old 03-15-2016, 10:32 AM
avb3 avb3 is offline
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Originally Posted by happy5 View Post
Kudos for checking it out, abv3.

Note: what you attended was actually a town hall, not a rally. He draws upwards of 10,000 to 40,000 people to rallies. Town halls are a smaller format designed for candidates to take questions from the audience. 1,500 is already very large for a town hall. When you see other candidates doing them they usually only have tens or hundreds of people. Trump could surely draw a larger crowd than 1,500 if he wanted. He had a rally in Tampa a little over a month ago with 10,000+ audience.
I was high in my estimate; local media put it around 1,000.

You can also watch Trump's rallies and town halls live (or after the fact) on this YouTube channel:

I've listened to about 50 of them over the course of the primaries and am a Trump supporter. I will admit that Trump is not the best speaker, nor is he some kind of ideal candidate, but he's by far the best option America has right now.
Personally, I think he is a horrible choice. From my perspectives, on the Republican side, the two most qualified are/were Kasich and Bush. I also had some respect for Christie before he backed Trump, although, as I said, after hearing him yesterday, I get why. I hope Kasich wins Ohio as that is his only chance of continuing. Failing that, I would very reluctantly support Cruz, who I also think is a wacko, just not as dangerous as Trump is.

If Trump is the nominee, get ready for a Clinton presidency. Again, as I mentioned in the OP, many of my Republican neighbors would rather have that, rebound in 4 years, than having Trump destroy the party for many years.

Either way, Americans do not have good choices left. Kasich is the last one, and I'm not holding my breath on that going anywhere.

Here are the reasons that I support Trump (and I know many others share these reasons):

1. He's the only one standing up to political correctness, which has gone too far.
This is a primary reason he does have the support he is getting. He's rude, crude and in your face, but like many of us who are tired of PC generally, it does appeal.

2. He's the only one calling out the extremely biased and dishonest mainstream media.
He is playing to the perception. You can't tell me that Fox versus MSNBC relates to the same audience.

3. He's the only one willing to bring up taboo and real issues like: 9/11 investigation, auditing the Federal Reserve, faked employment statistics, "free" trade's harmful effect on the economy, the economy being in a giant bubble, the imbalanced war being fought against ISIS, etc. (Others are now flat out stealing Trump's positions such as building a wall, but only after they became popular. Trump is the only one likely to follow through.)
You forgot Obama's birth place.

Most of this is conspiracy theory stuff, which I even despise more than PC stuff. He certainly does have the wing-nut vote, not that everyone who supports him is a wing-nut.

4. He's bringing together a much-needed nationalist revolution in America right now. He's got a lot of momentum behind him. Globalism is what's destroying America. The likes of TPP are chipping away at American sovereignty.
He knows branding and real estate. (and golf courses). He knows little of trade and the economy, and uses FUD to peddle his schtick. The TPP opens UP free trade. You can't tell me that Canada has not benefited from not only NAFTA, but all the other free trade agreements we are part of. Don't forget, we are an exporting nation.

5. He's been extremely successful so far in his candidacy. It's easy to write him off as being a bombastic fool, but look at previous outsider candidates like Ron Paul, most recently: they all failed, didn't get their message out, and got shut down prematurely by the media and establishment. Trump beat them precisely because of his bombastic style: the media didn't take him seriously until it was too late and now they're self-imploding, frantically trying to stop him.
Yes, he knows how to brand himself. Running the USA is not a game show though.

6. He's awakening a lot of the public to the corruption of American politics, whether he wins or not. The further he gets, the more extremes the media and
establishment have to go to to stop him, the more they reveal themselves.
Define corruption? Are there problems? You bet. How far do you think he will get if he can't get Congress on side? That is the biggest reason both Obama and Carter are/were failed presidents. They could not get anything done, even when in Obama's case, he had a majority in both the House and the Senate the first two years. He can't change Congress; there is that little thing called the Constitution.

7. He's the only one who isn't part of the "establishment". At least there's a possibility that he'll follow through with what he says. We know the others will be more of the same corruption we've had for decades. That corruption can't continue any longer as America is really at a crossroads. Trump is probably the last non-violent option due to the demographic changes happening in America.
This is the biggest lie he keeps telling. He IS establishment, as his father was before him. Why won't he release his tax records? Saying they are subject to an audit is not a reason, it is an excuse.

8. He's the only one standing up to the radical left wing terrorists. His opponents and the media are siding with violent paid protesters over him and his 1st amendment rights.

In fact, his comments about how he would increase torture on suspected terrorists was loudly denounced by retired Chiefs of Staff, saying that the Armed Forces would refuse such an order, as it would be illegal and considered a war crime. That is THEIR Constitutional requirement. The same goes for killing family members of suspects. Trump has backed off a bit by not repeating it, but has not withdrawn it.

That has nothing to do with the Establishment, but the fact that the senior military leadership are professionals, and spend years of not only training, but education on these issues. They are not knee jerk, thankfully.

9. Everyone evil, all the elites and media, the bankers, the globalists and corrupt politicians are against him. They're trying as hard as they can to slander him and stop him. The enemy of our enemy....
Try buying your next house without dealing with your banker. One doesn't have to slander Trump; one only has to use his own words and highlight them. That is not slander, that is just the facts.

10. He's the only one who has a sensible position on Russia, the only one that wants to get along with Putin rather than try to start WW3 with him. The establishment loves war and invading other countries.
Horse pucky. Putin is a dangerous man, and with Russia's huge internal problem, does what every despot does, is create enemies outside.

11. He says it as it is, is unfiltered, is not lying to people. People are sick of lying politicians. He's likable. His family is likable. They seem like they genuinely care about America, which is unfortunately a rare thing nowadays! It's become more politically correct to stomp on the American flag than to display it with pride.
Unfiltered obviously. I have a pretty good BS filter, and hearing, reading, and my in person experience yesterday has it way over on *Red Alert*.

Here's a very good town hall meeting given by Trump's son. I recommend it if you're interested in his perspective: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1IqfRbjcpDY
Just watched a bit of it. He is a better speaker than his father, and actually answered questions. Trump Sr. sidesteps real questions with bluster.
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Old 03-15-2016, 10:35 AM
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Originally Posted by Bergerboy View Post
Forbes figures he is worth 4.5 billion. He got there somehow.
By growing up in a real estate family and inheriting part of the family business.

And by being a reality tv star...

Two great reasons he should be president. Cause building buildings and being an actor give you the skills and understanding to run a country...

He has single handedly turned the republican primary process into a joke and has created high tensions leading to multiple public assaults etc. You really think you want him in charge? The only thing he would bring to America is another civil war...
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Old 03-15-2016, 10:44 AM
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Originally Posted by RavYak View Post
By growing up in a real estate family and inheriting part of the family business.

And by being a reality tv star...

Two great reasons he should be president. Cause building buildings and being an actor give you the skills and understanding to run a country...

He has single handedly turned the republican primary process into a joke and has created high tensions leading to multiple public assaults etc. You really think you want him in charge? The only thing he would bring to America is another civil war...
I live in Canada. If this turns the US upside down I dont care. I dont care what happens to anyone in any other country for that manner. Once we start forming opinions on what other countries should do, we invite other countries to dictate our actions. Here is a link to where he was worth about 3 billion, dropped to 500 million and went back up to 4.5 billion. He must be doing something right to make a comeback.
When in doubt, use full throttle. It may not improve the situation, but it will end the suspense.
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Old 03-15-2016, 10:44 AM
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Originally Posted by elkhunter11 View Post
As opposed to our prime minister who will likely run a 20 billion dollar deficit this year. I would gladly trade Trudeau for Trump.
Could not have said it better myself.
When in doubt, use full throttle. It may not improve the situation, but it will end the suspense.
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Old 03-15-2016, 10:48 AM
elkhunter11 elkhunter11 is offline
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Originally Posted by RavYak View Post
By growing up in a real estate family and inheriting part of the family business.

And by being a reality tv star...

Two great reasons he should be president. Cause building buildings and being an actor give you the skills and understanding to run a country...

He has single handedly turned the republican primary process into a joke and has created high tensions leading to multiple public assaults etc. You really think you want him in charge? The only thing he would bring to America is another civil war...
After reading your post, I am reminded of how we ended up with the prime minister that we have. Sure Trump grew up in a real estate family which helped him to get where he is now, but the only reason Trudeau is our PM is because of his father. Trump may have been a reality TV star, but Trudeau is a drama teacher. You say that Trump turned the American system into a joke, well what about Trudeau and his running on nothing more than his father's name, with promises to legalize pot and telling us that the budget will balance itself? Trump may cause civil unrest in the USA, but Trudeau will ruin our country financially, and then the entire system will suffer when we are broke. The only real difference that I see, is that Trump actually knows how to run a business, and when it comes right down to it, a country is a very large business.
Only accurate guns are interesting.
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Old 03-15-2016, 10:57 AM
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Originally Posted by elkhunter11 View Post
After reading your post, I am reminded of how we ended up with the prime minister that we have. Sure Trump grew up in a real estate family which helped him to get where he is now, but the only reason Trudeau is our PM is because of his father. Trump may have been a reality TV star, but Trudeau is a drama teacher. You say that Trump turned the American system into a joke, well what about Trudeau and his running on nothing more than his father's name, with promises to legalize pot and telling us that the budget will balance itself? Trump may cause civil unrest in the USA, but Trudeau will ruin our country financially, and then the entire system will suffer when we are broke. The only real difference that I see, is that Trump actually knows how to run a business, and when it comes right down to it, a country is a very large business.
He was a substitute drama teacher. I wanted to correct this as it's an insult to full time drama teachers.
When in doubt, use full throttle. It may not improve the situation, but it will end the suspense.
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Old 03-15-2016, 10:58 AM
fish_e_o fish_e_o is offline
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Originally Posted by Bergerboy View Post
He was a substitute drama teacher. I wanted to correct this as it's an insult to full time drama teachers.
well at least he's familiar with all the social programs in place unlike donald trump.

i mean he used them all
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Old 03-15-2016, 11:07 AM
wolf308 wolf308 is offline
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Nicely said on your big post/ reply happy5.

Id vote for him.

Lol. Berger. Done. For you. Meow !!!!

Last edited by wolf308; 03-15-2016 at 11:12 AM.
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Old 03-15-2016, 11:09 AM
Fisherpeak Fisherpeak is offline
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Originally Posted by Bergerboy View Post
I live in Canada. If this turns the US upside down I dont care. I dont care what happens to anyone in any other country for that manner. Once we start forming opinions on what other countries should do, we invite other countries to dictate our actions. Here is a link to where he was worth about 3 billion, dropped to 500 million and went back up to 4.5 billion. He must be doing something right to make a comeback.
When the elephant rolls over in bed with the mouse ...we get squished. You better damn well care because whatever happens down south WILL affect us.
And with a whacko egotistical maniac calling the shots, well, god help the world. I hate Hillary but at least she won`t get us all killed.
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Old 03-15-2016, 11:09 AM
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Originally Posted by wolf308 View Post
Nicely said on your big post/ reply happy5.

I agree. However. The usa is the Marxist / establishment power base. So gonna be very difficult to unravel that. It seems people are slowly waking up to this great deception.
Please edit I am confused. Did a cat jump on your keyboard mid post?
When in doubt, use full throttle. It may not improve the situation, but it will end the suspense.
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Old 03-15-2016, 11:11 AM
Sneeze Sneeze is offline
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Originally Posted by RavYak View Post
You really think you want him in charge? The only thing he would bring to America is another civil war...
Yet another individual that doesn't think people with different opinions matter.

Like it or not - lots of people still out there that don't like open border policy, dislike what planned parent hood is doing, support the 2nd amendment and not really fond on the Muslim Religion.

Their vote matters, its time to start finger pointing at the people that are willing to be violent towards people with different ideals - in almost every case this tends to be Progressives. Next time a 30 year old Conservative beats up an old guy holding a Bernie Sanders sign let me know.

It's amusing to me it has taken so long for us to figure out that the true marginalized cultural group in the western world is the middle aged working man, with female spouses, 2 or so kids and an overwhelming desire to be left alone by government.

Trump is giving those people a voice. Ya, he isn't Raegan, but he is sure kicking way more asses around then anybody they can easily remember.

Meanwhile the lefties are screaming fascism or Nazi as they try to stifle free speech and the primary process with violence and intimidation. The irony.
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Old 03-15-2016, 11:14 AM
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Originally Posted by Fisherpeak View Post
When the elephant rolls over in bed with the mouse ...we get squished. You better damn well care because whatever happens down south WILL affect us.
And with a whacko egotistical maniac calling the shots, well, god help the world. I hate Hillary but at least she won`t get us all killed.
If you think the president of the united states has unequivalent(sp) power, look to when Obama got overruled by the supreme court when he suspended drilling in the gulf. My opinion is after looking at what I see coming down the road in our own country, a quick death would be nice.
When in doubt, use full throttle. It may not improve the situation, but it will end the suspense.
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Old 03-15-2016, 11:21 AM
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Originally Posted by Bergerboy View Post
I live in Canada. If this turns the US upside down I dont care. I dont care what happens to anyone in any other country for that manner. Once we start forming opinions on what other countries should do, we invite other countries to dictate our actions. Here is a link to where he was worth about 3 billion, dropped to 500 million and went back up to 4.5 billion. He must be doing something right to make a comeback.
As a Canadian you should care. The US largely runs our economy and largely dictates a lot of our way of life.

The one thing that makes most of our countries money is oil, of which the majority is shipped to the states. What if Trump(or Sanders for that matter as well as that is his biggest downside I personally have although I believe he wouldn't hurt Canadian relations although not so sure about Trump) decide to change the trade agreements in place and all of a sudden we as a country are making significantly less return on our oil with no way to refine it or ship it abroad to other countries?

We as Canadians need the US to be on our side... We have grown far too dependent on them and you can't even say we would invite them to dictate our actions because they have already set up shop and been here for decades halfways running the show...

Originally Posted by elkhunter11 View Post
After reading your post, I am reminded of how we ended up with the prime minister that we have. Sure Trump grew up in a real estate family which helped him to get where he is now, but the only reason Trudeau is our PM is because of his father. Trump may have been a reality TV star, but Trudeau is a drama teacher. You say that Trump turned the American system into a joke, well what about Trudeau and his running on nothing more than his father's name, with promises to legalize pot and telling us that the budget will balance itself? Trump may cause civil unrest in the USA, but Trudeau will ruin our country financially, and then the entire system will suffer when we are broke. The only real difference that I see, is that Trump actually knows how to run a business, and when it comes right down to it, a country is a very large business.
Trump and Trudeau are of the same ilk. Little substance attack politics to try and win uneducated voters over because of their dislike for the current system.

I am not a fan of Trudeau nor Trump. Neither are competent politicians.

And running a country is not the same as running a large business... Not even close. With a company you choose what you want it to be and how you want it to work and you set it up that way. As a country you need to do what the country wants and needs not what you want. That is the whole problem with Trumps methods so far. He has been telling people what he wants and large portions of the population have huge issues with his horrible policies leading to the protesting and issues that they are currently having.
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Old 03-15-2016, 11:35 AM
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Originally Posted by RavYak View Post

And running a country is not the same as running a large business... Not even close. With a company you choose what you want it to be and how you want it to work and you set it up that way. As a country you need to do what the country wants and needs not what you want. That is the whole problem with Trumps methods so far. He has been telling people what he wants and large portions of the population have huge issues with his horrible policies leading to the protesting and issues that they are currently having.
A country can be run like a buisness or run poorly. The population should not be consulted as to what decisions should be made. Unless only a certain group are consulted. Look what happens when we let millenials vote. Too many people with no skin in the game are allowed to have an opinion. This has to stop.
When in doubt, use full throttle. It may not improve the situation, but it will end the suspense.
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Old 03-15-2016, 11:37 AM
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Originally Posted by Sneeze View Post
Yet another individual that doesn't think people with different opinions matter.

Like it or not - lots of people still out there that don't like open border policy, dislike what planned parent hood is doing, support the 2nd amendment and not really fond on the Muslim Religion.

Their vote matters, its time to start finger pointing at the people that are willing to be violent towards people with different ideals - in almost every case this tends to be Progressives. Next time a 30 year old Conservative beats up an old guy holding a Bernie Sanders sign let me know.

It's amusing to me it has taken so long for us to figure out that the true marginalized cultural group in the western world is the middle aged working man, with female spouses, 2 or so kids and an overwhelming desire to be left alone by government.

Trump is giving those people a voice. Ya, he isn't Raegan, but he is sure kicking way more asses around then anybody they can easily remember.

Meanwhile the lefties are screaming fascism or Nazi as they try to stifle free speech and the primary process with violence and intimidation. The irony.
No, he isn't... He is a wolf in sheeps wool... He uses the peoples fears of muslims, immigrants etc and false promises that he cannot keep like lowering taxes for everyone to make the uneducated people think he is on their side... He is the exact same as Trudeau in how he lies to his supporters faces to get himself into power then he is going to do what he wants...

Trump has played the system for years and now he is trying to set it up so that his family, kids and friends can continue to do so in the future... He is going to reduce taxes and open more loopholes for the rich and he will not do a single thing to help the average middle income family.

The man knows television and he knows how to manipulate people. I do have to give him that credit as it is largely how he has been successful but imo you have to be stupid to think he is going to change his ways to actually help the people he has been taking advantage of for years now...

Not sure where you are getting your violent protest information from either. There have already been multiple Trump fans violently attacking protestors leading to multiple charges laid already... Here is one of the many retarded Trump supporters showing their true colours... Guys like this shouldn't even be allowed to vote...

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Old 03-15-2016, 11:39 AM
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Originally Posted by Bergerboy View Post
A country can be run like a buisness or run poorly. The population should not be consulted as to what decisions should be made. Unless only a certain group are consulted. Look what happens when we let millenials vote. Too many people with no skin in the game are allowed to have an opinion. This has to stop.
The Soviet Union is what you get when you run a country like a business... Rich in charge get richer and the people suffer...

It is called state capitalism.
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Old 03-15-2016, 11:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Fisherpeak View Post
Are you on drugs? Trump is making the run for the most powerfull man in the world into a reality show.If he wins and Kim Junk d!ckweed threatens the U.S. with a nuke again what do you think Trump will do? Negotiate or hit first? Think China will be happy if he nukes North Korea? How about he commits the whole armed forces instead against a million man army. Invest in companies that make body bags. Knowing him he probably already has.
This is the most ridiculous election I have ever seen.
And it scares hell out of me.
The only halfwit here is you if you think Trump is the best.
I miss Ronald Reagan.
Exactly !
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Old 03-15-2016, 12:08 PM
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Originally Posted by chasingtail View Post
Your regurgitating MSM talking points, do you know the other candidates policies or how they will do it? Actually Trump has just as detailed policies as the others. Personally you wouldn't want to be to detailed and give the shadow criminal government your war plans?
Go to his website and check out his positions, he my not have a 100 point plan on how he will do it but at least he is acknowledging the problems. When the elites of both parties, the media, China, SA, George Soros, Move-on, etc is against you it means he is on the right side.
Did you know that Republican leaders and Liberal tech billionaires recently met on a private Island to come up with a plan to stop Trump? These are open border criminals plotting to undermine the sovereignty of the United States. The end goal of these criminals is no borders anywhere.

This is a non-violent take over of the criminal government, and if your against it your either uninformed or evil. Now go back to watching sports.
Wow. I always believed people like this existed but never had proof until I joined this forum. Now I wish I had stayed in the hunting and archery side of this forum. This stuff is keeping me up at night.

I was better off thinking such views and contempt for human civilization were just isolated to the southern portions of the U.S where ignorance and bigotry where continuously past on from generations of mating cousins and siblings. I stand corrected.

I'm amazed by the sheer ignorance of some of the views over the past few days. I sincerely worry for some of these people. I'm equally fascinated however to the formation of such thought and opinion. How was it formed? Where did it come from? Was grade 12 social studies (in Alberta) that difficult for you, didn't you learn anything from studying Ideology?

My bias is showing, how can it not!? Trump support masks itself in the form of Calling it like it is, a better America when really you marry yourself to other supporters who openly hate other races, women, encourage hate and any other person that is defined outside their Judeo Christian razor thin window of acceptance.

It's a farce and no such thing as Trump support could ever lead to a misogynistic, egomaniacal and bigoted racist to be the leader of the free world. Not your god, "their" god or anyone else's god would ever let that happen. For F-Sakes wake up!
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Old 03-15-2016, 12:13 PM
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Want to know how good Trump will stand up for the average US person.

About as good as he stands up for his "friends" and endorsers...

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Old 03-15-2016, 12:17 PM
elkhunter11 elkhunter11 is offline
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Originally Posted by Bergerboy View Post
He was a substitute drama teacher. I wanted to correct this as it's an insult to full time drama teachers.
Very true.
Only accurate guns are interesting.
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Old 03-15-2016, 12:24 PM
elkhunter11 elkhunter11 is offline
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Originally Posted by Bergerboy View Post
A country can be run like a buisness or run poorly. The population should not be consulted as to what decisions should be made. Unless only a certain group are consulted. Look what happens when we let millenials vote. Too many people with no skin in the game are allowed to have an opinion. This has to stop.

Exactly, you were voted in to represent the people, you don't consult them for every decision. Like a business you must balance your spending with your income, you can't just spend money without considering where it is coming from. And when you run out of money and go broke, because you have no business sense, the country descends into chaos and corruption.
Only accurate guns are interesting.
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Old 03-15-2016, 12:24 PM
fargineyesore fargineyesore is offline
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Originally Posted by Jpl View Post
Wow. I always believed people like this existed but never had proof until I joined this forum. Now I wish I had stayed in the hunting and archery side of this forum. This stuff is keeping me up at night.

I was better off thinking such views and contempt for human civilization were just isolated to the southern portions of the U.S where ignorance and bigotry where continuously past on from generations of mating cousins and siblings. I stand corrected.

I'm amazed by the sheer ignorance of some of the views over the past few days. I sincerely worry for some of these people. I'm equally fascinated however to the formation of such thought and opinion. How was it formed? Where did it come from? Was grade 12 social studies (in Alberta) that difficult for you, didn't you learn anything from studying Ideology?

My bias is showing, how can it not!? Trump support masks itself in the form of Calling it like it is, a better America when really you marry yourself to other supporters who openly hate other races, women, encourage hate and any other person that is defined outside their Judeo Christian razor thin window of acceptance.

It's a farce and no such thing as Trump support could ever lead to a misogynistic, egomaniacal and bigoted racist to be the leader of the free world. Not your god, "their" god or anyone else's god would ever let that happen. For F-Sakes wake up!
Boy do you have a self-important sanctimonious attitude toward people that do not agree with the establishment. You know, the establishment that is doing such a great job now. Maybe you're the one that needs to wake up.
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