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Old 06-08-2023, 01:10 AM
ctd ctd is offline
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Originally Posted by amosfella View Post
Russia unofficially floated the idea of joining Nato, and was told to kick rocks.
NATO needed an enemy to justify its existence. Weapons manufacturers needed NATO to have an enemy to justify their massive budget spending.

However this war started about 25 years ago with american bankers trying to force/blackmail Yeltson to take a loan to default on so that they could own the resources of Russia. Yeltson refused, and put Putin in charge. Two days later, the banker leading the charge for that loan was killed under 'mysterious' circumstances.

The west has been using Ukraine to springboard various kinds of attacks (generally financial or economic) on Russia since. In this case, diplomacy broke down in something very similar to the Cuban Missile crisis.

I don't think that Russia is anywhere close to running out of weapons. People have been saying that since this mess started, and it hasn't happened yet. I think Russia started making weapons on the low down years ago.

It's also important to note that near the beginning of this, a Ukrainian MP said that they are fighting against Russia for 'the new world order'.

I know people from there, as well as people here that have family back there, and they almost to an individual blame the actor and the west for the war starting.

I have said since the beginning that I don't take state sides in this mess. I just try to look objectively at this mess. My sympathies are with the innocents caught in the middle of the mess on both sides.
Nothing unofficial Russia did hint at joining NATO, but wanted to just join and not prove they were a good fit.
Russia is getting close to running out of modern weapons. Or some magical way they have a huge stockpile they are waiting to use. In reality Russia has not been able to produce large quantities of war equipment since the USSR broke up. Mother Russia did not have the capacity to produce on any large scale. They relied on the " cheap unskilled labor" of the former union partners. If you want proof look up their tank, artillery and aircraft manufacturing.

putin had no right to invade Ukraine in 2014 or again last year. I don't care what crap any side is spewing. To support the narrative that the west pushed this.
As NATO forces were scaling down force size and manpower over the past few years. Putin was waiting to spring the trap.
putin should admit he messed up and pack his thugs up and go home. lick his wounds and take his vacation to Syria or where ever he is planning on vacationing to.

I hope Poland mobilizes and heads east and does what the European Union should do and that is put russian forces back to their border. (the problem is the Polish will more then likely keep marching to moscow).
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Old 06-08-2023, 01:33 AM
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Originally Posted by ruffy71 View Post
So all those former SSR countries, plus Canada, the USA, the UK, Australia, Italy, Netherlands, Denmark, Japan, Norway, Slovakia, Sweden, all brainwashed by a first term president named Zelensky.

Russia’s allies like Armenia and Kazakhstan that won’t state that what Putin is doing is justified again all brainwashed by Zelensky.

That is truly amazing. A super amazing “blow your mind” brainwashing
grow up
remember Covid?
over 100 countries brainwashed

very few countries act by making proper decisions, just follow the leader in politics
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Old 06-08-2023, 02:21 AM
huntsfurfish huntsfurfish is offline
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Originally Posted by -JR- View Post
Its time to but a stop to this .
He is just another Hitler . He needs to be stopped before he goes to the next country .

1) It just takes one message . Just get all the other NATO countries together and say stop now or we all attack Russia at once

2) Just need to put a bounty on his head ,and his own men will turn on him . Let the next Loto Max go to the cause .
50/50 split will get things rolling .
1) Tell Russia(putin) That EU forces along with North American forces are entering Ukraine July 1(pick a suitable date maybe Sept 1?). Any Russian Forces or Russian sympathetic forces will be destroyed/forced out if they dont leave. Let Russia know that there is no interest in firing on Russia proper unless they are fired on from Russia. Force Russia out! And Allied Forces will stop at Russian border. Need to be loud and clear on staying out of Russia. But firm on All Russians and Russian supporters must leave ALL Ukraine land.

2) No need for 2 if you go with 1.

I dont believe it is super risky because I dont think Russia wants Nuclear war either. Also, call it EU Forces and NA Forces instead of using big bad nato term.

Edit: Also puts Russians on the spot of firing into Ukraine and may handcuff russia like Ukraine currently is.

Edit 2 Saw Ctd post and see we think alike on this
eat a snickers

made in Alberta__ born n raised.

FS-Tinfool hats by the roll.

Last edited by huntsfurfish; 06-08-2023 at 02:35 AM.
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Old 06-08-2023, 06:47 AM
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Originally Posted by huntsfurfish View Post

I dont believe it is super risky because I dont think Russia wants Nuclear war either. Also, call it EU Forces and NA Forces instead of using big bad nato term.
Well there's proof enough Russia won't use them
Two reasons you may think CO2 is a pollutant
1.You weren't paying attention in grade 5
2. You're stupid
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Old 06-08-2023, 06:49 AM
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303….makes nice round holes in skull plates for well over a hundred years!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Be careful when you follow the masses, sometimes the "M" is silent...
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Old 06-08-2023, 07:26 AM
Grizzly Adams1 Grizzly Adams1 is offline
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1) Tell Russia(putin) That EU forces along with North American forces are entering Ukraine July 1(pick a suitable date maybe Sept 1?). Any Russian Forces or Russian sympathetic forces will be destroyed/forced out if they dont leave. Let Russia know that there is no interest in firing on Russia proper unless they are fired on from Russia. Force Russia out! And Allied Forces will stop at Russian border. Need to be loud and clear on staying out of Russia. But firm on All Russians and Russian supporters must leave ALL Ukraine land.

Short of playing the nuclear card, how would you enforce this ? if the Russians decided to claim our Arctic regions, which they are, We'd have no choice but to admit them, just a few rusty old jets and some Rangers.

Russia has it's own subtle bankers, China, Iran and North Korea, who might act unpredictably. We're fighting history, Ukraine has been the heart of the Russian empire since the Middle Ages and empire builders, like Putin, won't let it go, just like Finland and the Baltics. this is a very high stakes poker game. Kill em all, let God sort them out.

Woe unto them that join house to house, that lay field to field, till there is no place, that they be alone in the midst of the Earth.

Isaiah 5:8
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Old 06-08-2023, 07:47 AM
Scott h Scott h is offline
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Originally Posted by 6.5 shooter View Post
SHHHHusssH don't tell the anti Ukraine factions. You know the truth hurts their little feelings....

Every ten years or so the Russians just take a country or two. But no big deal, it is just over there, somewhere!.
We have a winner!!
The russians have a long sordid history of "going in to help the local local ethnic russians" in whatever country that they'd currently like take over. The list is very long, and boringly consistent. This current conflict will go on as long as russians are allowed to travel the world, buying homes in London, and sending their kids to American universities. The world needs to lock them out with travel sanctions. Got a russian passport? Sorry you can stay at home and protest the war. Countries that support them like South Africa, get their millions in aid packages halted.
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Old 06-08-2023, 08:31 AM
32-40win 32-40win is offline
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Little bit of Darth Putin;

Day 459 of my 3 day war. You’re all talking about how Moscow was attacked which is good cos it means you’re not asking how Crimea was attacked.
I remain a master strategist.

When it comes to this petition to have me tried, the rules are:

Don't think
If you think, then don't speak
If you think and speak, then don't write
If you think, speak & write, then don't sign
If you think, speak, write and sign, then don't be surprised

How dare Ukraine do to us what we’ve been doing to them for over 15 months.Kinda lucky there are explosions in Moscow. Stops everyone talking about the explosions in Crimea.
What air Defense doing?

Ukraine did not shoot down any Russian missiles last night cos ours are so advanced that western systems, which we have destroyed, cannot shoot them down. That is why it’s Ukraine’s fault that a western missile system, that they no longer have cos it was already destroyed..hit a Russian missile, that cannot be shot down, causing casualties that are Ukraine’s fault for shooting down an invincible missile with weapons they no longer have and which anyway can’t shoot down the missile it shot down.

So it’s quite clearly Ukraine’s fault.

Darth Putin
May 28
My trolls are delighted we took 100,000 casualties to capture a town with a pre war population of 74,000.

It was also the plan all along. Kiev was a feint.

Both T-14s have been excellent. At the sight of a tractor one victoriously towed the other home while Ukraine fled after it in a panic.

Have to look on the bright side. I’ve made Black Sea scuba diving a lot better
I may have lost another ship to a country without a navy

I remain a master strategist.
You should also be a member;
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Old 06-08-2023, 08:57 AM
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Originally Posted by KGB View Post
With all do respect- did you actually read this? It’s laughable! They said-he said scenario! I spoke to a family of Ukrainians who escaped Mariuple six month ago. I asked them who to believe. Here is what they said: we have been fed so much BS here that it’s not even funny! They said that back then when they were in Mariupol, Russian news were about 75% true and Ukrainians were about 20% true…. I didn’t expect that!
You say government of Canada initiatives in countering disinformation is a laughable they said-he said scenario and then prop up your own biases (being a Russian immigrant) with they said-he said scenarios.
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Old 06-08-2023, 09:18 AM
W921 W921 is offline
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Originally Posted by huntsfurfish View Post
1) Tell Russia(putin) That EU forces along with North American forces are entering Ukraine July 1(pick a suitable date maybe Sept 1?). Any Russian Forces or Russian sympathetic forces will be destroyed/forced out if they dont leave. Let Russia know that there is no interest in firing on Russia proper unless they are fired on from Russia. Force Russia out! And Allied Forces will stop at Russian border. Need to be loud and clear on staying out of Russia. But firm on All Russians and Russian supporters must leave ALL Ukraine land.

2) No need for 2 if you go with 1.

I dont believe it is super risky because I dont think Russia wants Nuclear war either. Also, call it EU Forces and NA Forces instead of using big bad nato term.

Edit: Also puts Russians on the spot of firing into Ukraine and may handcuff russia like Ukraine currently is.

Edit 2 Saw Ctd post and see we think alike on this
Problem is Putin is fighting for his own life. He is not going to retire. If he is dead anyway why not go out under giant mushroom cloed
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Old 06-08-2023, 09:44 AM
fishtank fishtank is offline
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Originally Posted by huntinstuff View Post
The US always needs a bad guy......
After Putin, there will be another bad guy....and another......dont think the US is ready for a Chinese bad guy tho so they will likely skip him.....
like cigarettes it’s bad and cause the healthcare system billions so just slap a warning label on it, but it’s so profitable for the tax coffers.
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Old 06-08-2023, 09:55 AM
fishnguy fishnguy is offline
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Originally Posted by ctd View Post
Russia is getting close to running out of modern weapons. Or some magical way they have a huge stockpile they are waiting to use. In reality Russia has not been able to produce large quantities of war equipment since the USSR broke up. Mother Russia did not have the capacity to produce on any large scale. They relied on the " cheap unskilled labor" of the former union partners. If you want proof look up their tank, artillery and aircraft manufacturing.
There is no doubt they are producing new missiles. The last few raids were executed with new and old production, mostly new. They are also producing plenty of T-90 tanks and other equipment. Same goes for the artillery shells and other stuff. They have not been producing en mass previously because they didn’t think it would be needed in such quantities. I mean look at us, the west: we, all of the NATO and others combined cannot supply Ukraine with enough artillery and other equipment; the artillery shells are in extremely short supply, in particular. Stoltenberg stated on numerous occasions that the orders for the artillery placed today will only be delivered in at least 1.5 years from now. That is how tight the production is in all of NATO member countries combined. This is given the fact that they have purchased everything they could from anyone that would sell it to them all over the world and doubled and tripled their own production. HIMARS are in short supply too. A lot of the equipment that was sent Ukrainian way is picked from scraps, sometimes literally. No one saw a war like this coming, including the Russians. However, if the Russian military placed an order internally, do you think it would take 1.5 years to produce some shells? Lol. There are reports they have increased their production tenfold and significantly higher in some industries. And it is still not enough and they are running short.

In addition, their (read Soviet) production was set up through out the country, mainly in Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus. Soviet Ukraine was a huge contributor in ways of research, as well as production. It wasn’t because of the “cheap unskilled labour”. It was because things were set up this way by the “planners” because they obviously though that the country will never seize to exist, otherwise it would be set up differently, I am sure. Since the Soviet Union collapsed, the Russians have been able to replace a good chunk of their supply to be produced at home, which, as you can imagine is not an easy task by any means, especially because a great amount of the knowledge base remained in Ukraine (and look what they did with it). Their capacity is fine. Ukraine, on the other hand, not so much and would simply disappear entirely as a state if not for $100s of billions “invested” by the outside parties. Furthermore, take any country alone, including the US, and none can produce the required equipment and munitions fast enough and not even close. Like I said, even combined we can not do that. Now think on the part of your post with how “Russia has not been able to produce large quantities of war equipment”. It seems to me they are doing just fine given the circumstances.

Overall, post the collapse of Soviet Union, there was a significant divestment in military worldwide (with few exceptions) and you can see how this now is biting everyone in the trunk.

What do you think would happen if Jina decides to join in and guess whose side they’d be joining. We then are “proper ****ed”. There is simply no way we can win and, hence, we cannot get involved by sending troops and give some kind of ultimatums. We aren’t in the position to do so. Partially because we relied on the “cheap unskilled labour” of our current competitors and almost enemies. Ironic, isn’t it?
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Old 06-08-2023, 10:51 AM
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Originally Posted by ruffy71 View Post
So all those former SSR countries, plus Canada, the USA, the UK, Australia, Italy, Netherlands, Denmark, Japan, Norway, Slovakia, Sweden, all brainwashed by a first term president named Zelensky.

Russia’s allies like Armenia and Kazakhstan that won’t state that what Putin is doing is justified again all brainwashed by Zelensky.

That is truly amazing. A super amazing “blow your mind” brainwashing
First, you obviously didn’t read my reply.
Second, you are not aware of the local geopolitics in Armenia and Kazakhstan. Putin threw Armenia under the bus in the latest conflict with Azerbaijan. So they have their own beef with him. And Kazakhstan has decided that they have huge balls and had a small disagreement with Putin regarding oil etc….
As for massive brainwashing- you my dear friend have a short memory. How many countries been misled about Saddam’s WMD? Covid? Or one of the all time greatest CLIMATE CHANGE/ GLOBAL WARMING?
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Old 06-08-2023, 10:57 AM
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Originally Posted by CNP View Post
You say government of Canada initiatives in countering disinformation is a laughable they said-he said scenario and then prop up your own biases (being a Russian immigrant) with they said-he said scenarios.
The difference is Gov gives you a generic blah blah blah that was designed for their followers. People that I talked to actually came from hell itself. I’m surprised that you don’t see the difference. It’s like watching CBC…
PS. I am not a Russian immigrant. I left the country when it was called USSR. 1/3 of my family relatives are from Ukraine and Belarus. I am not Russian, I am a Jew. I have zero love for soviets or for Putin or for Russian politics towards anybody. My people- Jews- almost got deported to the far east Siberia called Birobidjan (middle of nowhere, taiga and swamps) in 1953 thanks to the huge antisemitic policies of communist party and typical “love” from the average russki comrade… The only thing that stopped the execution of this plan was death of Stalin….

Last edited by KGB; 06-08-2023 at 11:22 AM.
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Old 06-08-2023, 11:04 AM
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Originally Posted by KGB View Post
As for massive brainwashing- you my dear friend have a short memory. How many countries been misled about Saddam’s WMD? Covid? Or one of the all time greatest CLIMATE CHANGE/ GLOBAL WARMING?
Apparently it's not that hard to brainwash the masses. Some good examples
Two reasons you may think CO2 is a pollutant
1.You weren't paying attention in grade 5
2. You're stupid
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Old 06-08-2023, 11:04 AM
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Originally Posted by Scott h View Post
We have a winner!!
The russians have a long sordid history of "going in to help the local local ethnic russians" in whatever country that they'd currently like take over. The list is very long, and boringly consistent. This current conflict will go on as long as russians are allowed to travel the world, buying homes in London, and sending their kids to American universities. The world needs to lock them out with travel sanctions. Got a russian passport? Sorry you can stay at home and protest the war. Countries that support them like South Africa, get their millions in aid packages halted.
Man oh man! Russians have a history of “helping” …. Well sure they do! No different than US have a history of supporting the “democracy” and sending their troops or black ops to other countries who didn’t even ask for help….
As for Russians travelling the world situation: every single one of them is holding the foreign passport! It could be Israeli, Bulgarian, Latvian, American, German etc etc etc. try stopping that!
And do you really think that people who are sending their kids to the universities around the world don’t understand the danger of Putin? Do you think they support the war? The vast majority don’t. But as you may know, this is a criminal offence in Russia to act or even speak against government official policy regarding the war with Ukraine. Been to Russian jail lately? Would you like to try?
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Old 06-08-2023, 12:14 PM
fishnguy fishnguy is offline
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Originally Posted by fishnguy View Post
Now think on the part of your post with how “Russia has not been able to produce large quantities of war equipment”.
Just to follow up, something I completely forgot to mention previously.

CBC: An 'embarrassing' gear shortage has Canadian troops in Latvia buying their own helmets

Canadian troops in Latvia are grappling with more urgent equipment shortages as well. The battlegroup of roughly 1,500 soldiers, including more than 700 Canadians, lacks modern anti-tank weapons, systems to counter drones and a dedicated short-range air defence system to guard against helicopters and attack jets.

CBC: Ukraine takes plea for more weapons directly to Canada's defence sector

Ukraine's defence minister bypassed the Canadian government Wednesday and took his country's plea for more sophisticated weapons directly to Canada's defence manufacturers.

Through a video statement, Oleksii Reznikov told the audience assembled for Canada's largest defence exposition that his country has urgent military equipment needs that must be filled.

"Hence, we count on Canada's long-term support in this area," Reznikov told the Canadian Association of Defence and Security's (CADSI) annual trade show (CANSEC).

"Ukraine has given a list of their Canadian products and technologies it needs to the Canadian government."

Ukraine, he said, wants to work in partnership with Canada and its defence contractors to make sure the hardware is "available to us when we need [it] and in the quantities we require."

His appeal comes as the federal government struggles to get badly needed equipment to the Canadian Army in Europe and faces complaints from soldiers about the age and quality of their weapons and protective equipment.

…While Reznikov expressed gratitude to Canada in his remarks, Ukrainian officials in Kyiv have privately expressed frustration at the pace of deliveries and have lobbied Canada behind closed doors to set up a more structured system and to give Ukraine direct access to the Canadian defence establishment.

Beggars can be choosers. But hey, we are doing great and can produce and supply ourselves and others with all the required quantities of war equipment.
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Old 06-08-2023, 01:30 PM
W921 W921 is offline
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Originally Posted by KGB View Post
The difference is Gov gives you a generic blah blah blah that was designed for their followers. People that I talked to actually came from hell itself. I’m surprised that you don’t see the difference. It’s like watching CBC…
PS. I am not a Russian immigrant. I left the country when it was called USSR. 1/3 of my family relatives are from Ukraine and Belarus. I am not Russian, I am a Jew. I have zero love for soviets or for Putin or for Russian politics towards anybody. My people- Jews- almost got deported to the far east Siberia called Birobidjan (middle of nowhere, taiga and swamps) in 1953 thanks to the huge antisemitic policies of communist party and typical “love” from the average russki comrade… The only thing that stopped the execution of this plan was death of Stalin….
Can I ask why you call yourself KGB?
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Old 06-08-2023, 01:35 PM
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Originally Posted by W921 View Post
Can I ask why you call yourself KGB?
he answered it in the thread
please read for the first time the entire thread or re-read it, as it is there
wondered myself, it is a play on words of sorts
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Old 06-08-2023, 01:44 PM
Moe Moe is offline
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Originally Posted by Cement Bench View Post
nato and usa and others are to blame
2 eastern Ukraine provinces or states wanted to join back to Russia and Ukrainian would not hold the vote for them even though it was over 90 % of them wanted to leave and go back home
Ukraine has been top 5 corrupt for decades
Best man at my wedding is Ukrainian and we are still best of friends

facts are facts
USA blew up Nordstrom

sad world of misinformation boys and girls

NATO to withdraw some stuff would help

agreed war has gone on way to long

a good war helps the usa defence contractors and corruption to the USA senators

sad sad world

solutions are difficult for all countries
many other world countries also want it to continue

pay off all your debt now if you can and worry about your personal situation first
Nope. At the end of the day, Russia invaded Ukraine,,,,,full stop. They are the aggressor, they started this, they need to stop. When faced with a bully, punch him in the nose. We all need to support Ukraine in that punch.
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Old 06-08-2023, 01:59 PM
Grizzly Adams1 Grizzly Adams1 is offline
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Originally Posted by fishnguy View Post
There is no doubt they are producing new missiles. The last few raids were executed with new and old production, mostly new. They are also producing plenty of T-90 tanks and other equipment. Same goes for the artillery shells and other stuff. They have not been producing en mass previously because they didn’t think it would be needed in such quantities. I mean look at us, the west: we, all of the NATO and others combined cannot supply Ukraine with enough artillery and other equipment; the artillery shells are in extremely short supply, in particular. Stoltenberg stated on numerous occasions that the orders for the artillery placed today will only be delivered in at least 1.5 years from now. That is how tight the production is in all of NATO member countries combined. This is given the fact that they have purchased everything they could from anyone that would sell it to them all over the world and doubled and tripled their own production. HIMARS are in short supply too. A lot of the equipment that was sent Ukrainian way is picked from scraps, sometimes literally. No one saw a war like this coming, including the Russians. However, if the Russian military placed an order internally, do you think it would take 1.5 years to produce some shells? Lol. There are reports they have increased their production tenfold and significantly higher in some industries. And it is still not enough and they are running short.

In addition, their (read Soviet) production was set up through out the country, mainly in Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus. Soviet Ukraine was a huge contributor in ways of research, as well as production. It wasn’t because of the “cheap unskilled labour”. It was because things were set up this way by the “planners” because they obviously though that the country will never seize to exist, otherwise it would be set up differently, I am sure. Since the Soviet Union collapsed, the Russians have been able to replace a good chunk of their supply to be produced at home, which, as you can imagine is not an easy task by any means, especially because a great amount of the knowledge base remained in Ukraine (and look what they did with it). Their capacity is fine. Ukraine, on the other hand, not so much and would simply disappear entirely as a state if not for $100s of billions “invested” by the outside parties. Furthermore, take any country alone, including the US, and none can produce the required equipment and munitions fast enough and not even close. Like I said, even combined we can not do that. Now think on the part of your post with how “Russia has not been able to produce large quantities of war equipment”. It seems to me they are doing just fine given the circumstances.

Overall, post the collapse of Soviet Union, there was a significant divestment in military worldwide (with few exceptions) and you can see how this now is biting everyone in the trunk.

What do you think would happen if Jina decides to join in and guess whose side they’d be joining. We then are “proper ****ed”. There is simply no way we can win and, hence, we cannot get involved by sending troops and give some kind of ultimatums. We aren’t in the position to do so. Partially because we relied on the “cheap unskilled labour” of our current competitors and almost enemies. Ironic, isn’t it?
Sounds like you drank the Kool Aid. A fair quantity of drones and missiles coming from Iran, theoretically, they have a large number of tanks, but most of those are obsolete or just plain mechanically unfit. Even the ones they fielded initially were very vulnerable to modern anti tank weapons, notice the Russian tanks with bed springs mounted over the turret ? This war is as likely to get as large as we let it, Russians might not be brilliant strategists, but they are stubborn.


Woe unto them that join house to house, that lay field to field, till there is no place, that they be alone in the midst of the Earth.

Isaiah 5:8
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Old 06-08-2023, 02:41 PM
traderal traderal is offline
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Well spoken rebuttal KGB.
So Zelensky is frustrated with armament supplies from Canada. Who is he now a world leader? Besides he has no money to pay for them unless JT and China Joe keep forking over billions and billions that they don't have plus the trillions needed to eventually rebuild Ukraine. What exactly has Zelensky accomplished to date except the ruin of a country and dead people. I'm sure there is a special account set up for him somewhere for a a good retirement. I am not a Putin apologist as I have ancestry and relatives in Ukraine but none of this will end well. These are all world players in a peeing contest and their own agendas, with the average Peter, Paul, and Mary as cannon fodder.
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Old 06-08-2023, 03:03 PM
ruffy71 ruffy71 is offline
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Originally Posted by traderal View Post
Well spoken rebuttal KGB.
So Zelensky is frustrated with armament supplies from Canada. Who is he now a world leader? Besides he has no money to pay for them unless JT and China Joe keep forking over billions and billions that they don't have plus the trillions needed to eventually rebuild Ukraine. What exactly has Zelensky accomplished to date except the ruin of a country and dead people. I'm sure there is a special account set up for him somewhere for a a good retirement. I am not a Putin apologist as I have ancestry and relatives in Ukraine but none of this will end well. These are all world players in a peeing contest and their own agendas, with the average Peter, Paul, and Mary as cannon fodder.
How much did the world spend on the cold war? How many hundreds and hundreds of billions. Trillions. How much spent in Afghanistan and Iraq?

Ukraine is a drop in the bucket and a 1000% return on the investment.
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Old 06-08-2023, 03:15 PM
fishnguy fishnguy is offline
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Originally Posted by Grizzly Adams1 View Post
Sounds like you drank the Kool Aid. A fair quantity of drones and missiles coming from Iran, theoretically, they have a large number of tanks, but most of those are obsolete or just plain mechanically unfit. Even the ones they fielded initially were very vulnerable to modern anti tank weapons, notice the Russian tanks with bed springs mounted over the turret ? This war is as likely to get as large as we let it, Russians might not be brilliant strategists, but they are stubborn.


Sorry Grizz, but even the Ukes admit that the missile production is continuing and growing. Of course, they have also been saying that the Russians are out missiles back in 2022 and we see several times a week how that goes, so their numbers are… Well, pounds of salt and such.

Defense Express: Russian Kinzhal missile production ramps up fivefold - Defense Express
Kiev Independent: Ukraine's defense intelligence: Russia able to produce up to 67 missiles per month

Then there are, of course, actual experts on the subject indicating that Russians did increase their missile production and actually had some “tweaking” by making some of the missiles slightly less accurate (probably due to the limited access to the tech) and fire the higher precision missiles at the high priority targets. You can probably find about their tank production. I really do not believe this discussion changes anything or anyone’s minds, so don’t really see a point

They ain’t no “miracle” by any means, by the way, lol. The main point and take away is that they are still producing high enough quantities to bring a significant amount of hurt and continue fighting. It is pretty clear at this point (at least to me anyway) that even where there are shortages, there are still means to produce more and keep fighting. The propaganda about them fighting with bear hands and shovels is just that and nothing more. Plus, as times goes on, there will be new ways to go around sanctions, increase production further, come up with new things, etc. Time is on their side. So like I said, it’ll be over when it is over and hopefully that comes sooner rather than later. Things could be worse because they could have really stocked up on all this stuff in the previous years.
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Old 06-08-2023, 03:17 PM
fishnguy fishnguy is offline
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Originally Posted by ruffy71 View Post
Ukraine is a drop in the bucket and a 1000% return on the investment.
That is very questionable and time will show. I highly doubt that is going to be even remotely close to truth.
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Old 06-08-2023, 03:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Moe View Post
Nope. At the end of the day, Russia invaded Ukraine,,,,,full stop. They are the aggressor, they started this, they need to stop. When faced with a bully, punch him in the nose. We all need to support Ukraine in that punch.
does section 51 if the in charter still exist

that section or one like it can the legal worldwide pre-emptive self defense

so you are unfortunately for you
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Old 06-08-2023, 05:52 PM
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Originally Posted by traderal View Post
Well spoken rebuttal KGB.
So Zelensky is frustrated with armament supplies from Canada. Who is he now a world leader? Besides he has no money to pay for them unless JT and China Joe keep forking over billions and billions that they don't have plus the trillions needed to eventually rebuild Ukraine. What exactly has Zelensky accomplished to date except the ruin of a country and dead people. I'm sure there is a special account set up for him somewhere for a a good retirement. I am not a Putin apologist as I have ancestry and relatives in Ukraine but none of this will end well. These are all world players in a peeing contest and their own agendas, with the average Peter, Paul, and Mary as cannon fodder.
Well doesn't he have outstanding bills with Hunter Biden, the "Big Guy", and the rest of their cronies? Not reported by the left media.

Not taking sides, but Ukraine is no angel. Money laundering experts perhaps?

Further, they have been fighting for decades. Why all the concerns now? Nobody cared before...
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Old 06-08-2023, 06:09 PM
ghfalls ghfalls is offline
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I don’t think this war will stop in the next two or three years. Good chance China will invade Taiwan in the next couple years as well. Wonder what the states will do when that happens.
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Old 06-08-2023, 08:11 PM
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I think Canada needs to focus on Canada and the garbage that goes on here

Europe is always at war somewhere.
When you are born, you get a ticket to the Freak Show.
If you are born in Canada, you get a front row seat.
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Old 06-08-2023, 08:38 PM
Smoky buck Smoky buck is online now
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Originally Posted by huntinstuff View Post
I think Canada needs to focus on Canada and the garbage that goes on here

Europe is always at war somewhere.
We would be much farther ahead if we worked on Canada first
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