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Old 04-19-2008, 01:21 AM
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Originally Posted by TreeGuy View Post
Hmmmm......I'm all about the numbers tonight..........

#5. Clash is correct in terms of 'Innocent Until Proven Guilty'.

In some cases I feel this applys but when it comes to the harm of children or the elderly it should be , (Guilty Until proven Innocent) sure this could cause problems , but it would be alot more effective and cost tax payers for police officers and other law enforcement folks dealing with crimnals. By (Guilty Until proven Innocent) keeps the accused person in custody and there fore not released in possibly harming , the public.
Just my 2 cents for the day.
and yeah probably my spellng is off but im a fishermen not in a spelling compitition.
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Old 04-19-2008, 06:59 AM
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Originally Posted by BIGBADJOHN View Post
that might be the comment of the year well said my friend well said
YUP, to bad the kids lose out on this one , but thats the reality of Human beings , people like that should not be allowed to have kids.
Why would a woman with any kind of sane mentality leave her kids with a sorry lookin guy like him in the first place , unless shes no better , also all the so called facts as it stands is based on her story that she came home and found the gruesome scene , what if shes lying , chased him out with a weapon, was high on crack , did her kids in and then blame it on him.
Why would he run , the guy likely has a police record , maybe he ran because of another outstanding charge , or maybe he,s just a plain skitso and afraid of his shadow.
Gonna make a good movie this one.
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Old 04-19-2008, 07:22 AM
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Default French vs English

[QUOTE=BIGBADJOHN (Guilty Until proven Innocent) [/QUOTE]

This is the basis for the system in Quebec via France. The rest of Canada uses the English system based on innocent until proven guilty.

The system does have its advantages but brings some baggage with it. Depends on how much you trust the Man

There is a lot of collateral damage with the French system....look at the terrorism based investigations. Is it worth it? Never affected me so YES

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Old 04-19-2008, 07:33 AM
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Originally Posted by TreeGuy View Post
Hmmmm......I'm all about the numbers tonight..........

#7. Finally, I must take issue with Dick284's signature line, "There are NO absolutes". There is one exception to your rule that is absolute.............death. No one gets out of life alive. There will come a day when each and everyone of us will have to leave this world and have to answer for the mistakes we have made. That is why I am against the death penalty. If this person is guilty of slaughtering his children, then as a taxpayer, I am more than happy to contribute to locking his scrawny azz in a damn hole for the next 50 years to think about what he did for every hour of every day. He'll meet his maker soon enough. Until then, I want him to suffer and suffer and suffer some more.

tree that would work fine. but this is canada we lock them up for 25 years to life ,then let them out after 15 years of staying in a system that babys them instead of punishes them. our justice system is a joke go to jail get three hot meals a day a nice soft cot ,tv ,dvd player, its bullsh*t. what ever happend to hard time? i think we should go back to HARD time. give them a 5lb sleghammer and you make little rocks out of big rocks for 12 hours a day seven days a week for your entire sentance. would you want to go back??
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Old 04-19-2008, 12:28 PM
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Originally Posted by BIGBADJOHN View Post
In some cases I feel this applys but when it comes to the harm of children or the elderly it should be , (Guilty Until proven Innocent) sure this could cause problems , but it would be alot more effective and cost tax payers for police officers and other law enforcement folks dealing with crimnals. By (Guilty Until proven Innocent) keeps the accused person in custody and there fore not released in possibly harming , the public.
Just my 2 cents for the day.
and yeah probably my spellng is off but im a fishermen not in a spelling compitition.
i am sorry but that cannot happen...we cannot consider someone guilty before they have the chance to prove innocence. if you have ever had anyone in your family accused falsely of a terrible crime (yes i have had a member of my family accused) you know how damaging judging someone guilty before they are proven so. many cases the person never fully recovers.

the crimes that happed against these beautiful children are disgusting and heartbreaking..and the demon that committed the crimes i hope pays and pays and pays for eternity....BUT...i do not want that judgment to comedown on ANYONE until the facts are in and the due process has been satisfied.
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Old 04-19-2008, 12:43 PM
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Originally Posted by TheClash View Post
i am sorry but that cannot happen...we cannot consider someone guilty before they have the chance to prove innocence. if you have ever had anyone in your family accused falsely of a terrible crime (yes i have had a member of my family accused) you know how damaging judging someone guilty before they are proven so. many cases the person never fully recovers.

the crimes that happed against these beautiful children are disgusting and heartbreaking..and the demon that committed the crimes i hope pays and pays and pays for eternity....BUT...i do not want that judgment to comedown on ANYONE until the facts are in and the due process has been satisfied.
Yes I agree , Its one of them thing half of one and half of the other .
In some cases It would be effective and in other a huge problem,But our justice system must do something , because these rapeists ,phedifiles , Murders, Cases that need extrme measures rather then a slap on the wrist and holding them in jail for 2 or 3 years being released on good behaviour, which is bullshat.As far as im concerned a crimnal is a crimnal , I dont care if you stole a 2.00 chocolate bar or if you killed 13 people your still a crimnal and deserve to be punished to the full extent of the law, not just a slap on the wrist for being a good boy in jail.
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Old 04-19-2008, 12:48 PM
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Originally Posted by BIGBADJOHN View Post
Yes I agree , Its one of them thing half of one and half of the other .
In some cases It would be effective and in other a huge problem,But our justice system must do something , because these rapeists ,phedifiles , Murders, Cases that need extrme measures rather then a slap on the wrist and holding them in jail for 2 or 3 years being released on good behaviour, which is bullshat.As far as im concerned a crimnal is a crimnal , I dont care if you stole a 2.00 chocolate bar or if you killed 13 people your still a crimnal and deserve to be punished to the full extent of the law, not just a slap on the wrist for being a good boy in jail.

a criminal is only a criminal after he/she has been proven as such....and a personal confession does not count 100%. to me there has to be involvement with the system.

however you take on sentencing and jail i agree with.

hmmm stealing a chocolate bar and murder are the same??? i don't feel that way...ever speed??...jay walk etc....
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Old 04-19-2008, 01:00 PM
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Originally Posted by Win94 View Post
The fella who captured the child killer in Merritt was charged and convicted of selling bear gall bladders back in 2001. Do you feel his latest deed of catching Shoenborn the child killer should warrant a pardon and his record wiped clean???

..........................I feel it should and he is a hero in my eyes.

NO its a crime not pardened at all IF you stole a new car then sold it for parts ,then saved b aby from a burning building ,you still stole the car a pardon is insain why even disscuss this. if i caught a poacher i would turn him in instantly . i hate those low life people.
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Old 04-19-2008, 01:01 PM
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Originally Posted by TheClash View Post
a criminal is only a criminal after he/she has been proven as such....and a personal confession does not count 100%. to me there has to be involvement with the system.

however you take on sentencing and jail i agree with.

hmmm stealing a chocolate bar and murder are the same??? i don't feel that way...ever speed??...jay walk etc....
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Old 04-19-2008, 01:06 PM
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NO its a crime not pardened at all IF you stole a new car then sold it for parts ,then saved b aby from a burning building ,you still stole the car a pardon is insain why even disscuss this. if i caught a poacher i would turn him in instantly . i hate those low life people
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Old 04-20-2008, 09:07 AM
fishnutz4ever fishnutz4ever is offline
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Originally Posted by sullijr View Post
BS. Read the story, his dog protected him from the killers dog.
Huh? Please enlighten me, which story? Sorry, must've missed that one.
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Old 04-20-2008, 10:07 AM
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a criminal is only a criminal after he/she has been proven as such....and a personal confession does not count 100%. to me there has to be involvement with the system
And it's my opinion the system needs to be changed. Look at Mayerthorpe, Roscoe had a rap sheet as long as your arm. He was well know by the cops and the community as a bad apple. I remember reading the newspaper back when and the RCMP (along with many town folk) said Roscoe should have been put behind bars for a long time. He intimidated crown witnesses and got off with many of the charges brought against him. I believe he did a two year stint in jail, that was it.

The writting was on the wall in Roscoe's case, a time bomb waiting to explode and explode he did, four cops dead, why, because over a span of 20 years they couldn't put this madman behind bars. Huh, something wrong with this picture if you ask me. Glad to hear he took his own life, we didn't have to spend money to give him a FAIR TRIAL (so he could get a slap on the wrist) and house the scumbag. I guess Roscoe didn't have sense enough to know he would have been a real hero in jail..... they love cop killers in there.....one on him eh! (looking down of course)

My point being, so much for innocent until proven guilty! When all the facts say guilty and they end up beating the charge by hiring some fancy lawyer or threatening crown witnesses, this in my opinion is not justice. This is a miscarriage of the law and Mayerthorpe proves it so.....

I doubt if this thread will ever get back on track....
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Old 04-20-2008, 11:58 AM
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Originally Posted by Tuc View Post
And it's my opinion the system needs to be changed. Look at Mayerthorpe, Roscoe had a rap sheet as long as your arm. He was well know by the cops and the community as a bad apple. I remember reading the newspaper back when and the RCMP (along with many town folk) said Roscoe should have been put behind bars for a long time. He intimidated crown witnesses and got off with many of the charges brought against him. I believe he did a two year stint in jail, that was it.

The writting was on the wall in Roscoe's case, a time bomb waiting to explode and explode he did, four cops dead, why, because over a span of 20 years they couldn't put this madman behind bars. Huh, something wrong with this picture if you ask me. Glad to hear he took his own life, we didn't have to spend money to give him a FAIR TRIAL (so he could get a slap on the wrist) and house the scumbag. I guess Roscoe didn't have sense enough to know he would have been a real hero in jail..... they love cop killers in there.....one on him eh! (looking down of course)

My point being, so much for innocent until proven guilty! When all the facts say guilty and they end up beating the charge by hiring some fancy lawyer or threatening crown witnesses, this in my opinion is not justice. This is a miscarriage of the law and Mayerthorpe proves it so.....

I doubt if this thread will ever get back on track....
if he had a rap sheet then he was already proven guilty..........
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Old 04-20-2008, 09:18 PM
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if he had a rap sheet then he was already proven guilty..........
But they couldn't keep him behind bars.
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Old 04-20-2008, 09:47 PM
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The guy is not a poacher. He was selling gall bladders from legally harvested bears.
-Poaching, the theft or illegal killing of animals or plants, or sometimes artifacts. A poacher is someone who engages in poaching.
-Poacher (fish), a family (Agonidae) of fish.

Does anyone have a link or heard that he asked for a pardon based on this. I can't believe this guy is being crucified on here for something that he did years ago.

They should lock every criminal up for life, no second chances. A criminal record is a life sentence that can affect everything from international travel, to employment.
If guns kill people then;
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cars make people drive drunk
& spoons made Rosie O'Donnell fat!
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Old 04-20-2008, 11:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Swamp_Donkey View Post
They should lock every criminal up for life, no second chances. A criminal record is a life sentence that can affect everything from international travel, to employment.
Umm, isn't the definition of a 'criminal' someone who breaks the law? Ever got a speeding ticket? If so, you are a criminal by definition, and by YOUR OWN definition you should get life in jail for it! Please give your head a shake as I believe that your eyeballs are stuck!

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Old 04-21-2008, 12:47 AM
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Originally Posted by TreeGuy View Post
Umm, isn't the definition of a 'criminal' someone who breaks the law? Ever got a speeding ticket? If so, you are a criminal by definition, and by YOUR OWN definition you should get life in jail for it! Please give your head a shake as I believe that your eyeballs are stuck!

Sorry. I was being VERY sarcastic there, and I have never exceeded the speed limit :shovelbs:
If guns kill people then;
Pencils misspell words
cars make people drive drunk
& spoons made Rosie O'Donnell fat!
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Old 04-21-2008, 08:01 AM
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Originally Posted by Tuc View Post
But they couldn't keep him behind bars.
that is a failure of the system i agree....but not a failure of innocent till proven guilty imho.....and that is all i was trying to debate. i still feel that even the most disgustingly low "criminal" deserves to be treated as a suspect and is innocent until proven otherwise byt the court system...after that i feel the punishment should fit the crime to quote he ramones!!!
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