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Old 01-04-2007, 10:43 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: She bluffed

Jamie.....no doubt man!!

I strongly agree, its a rush and a half....

My point being, you pay probably over $10,000 for the Alaskan moose hunt, and a GIANT moose comes grunting into bow range. You are super excited and you shoot while the bull is walking. You make a bad shot, and your second shot enters farther back than you want. You follow up that shot with a shot that anchors the bull.

Its sad that it happened this way, but video is real life. To kill a bull like that is amazing, and it doesnt always go smoothly. Although, covering up the bad shot by not showing anything and just editing the video to make things look good does no good.

I just dont think it was 'crazy bad' and shows that even experienced hunters can make mistakes and overcome them with an ethical kill.

BTW, Just buggin ya about the whitetail to prove my point...awesome buck and you know I'm just joshin ya!
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Old 01-05-2007, 12:49 AM
Jamie Hunt
Posts: n/a

The best laid plans...........

It happens to all of us. I figgure if the rush goes away, then I quit hunting. 95% of the time I manage to controll it. It's those darn Whitetails that make me lose it. Funny thing is, I have never had a big wish for a monster Whitetail. Perhaps I have been kidding myself.

I am going to have to watch that Moose video. I have allways fast forwarded it to the Griz.

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Old 01-05-2007, 12:51 PM
Posts: n/a

Heh.....I love that rush man......I ALWAYS get such a rush when I'm bowhunting over rifle hunting.....guess thats why I do it more. And yep......if that rush ever dies, I'll quit hunting...
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Old 01-08-2007, 08:25 PM
Know what you mean
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Default Know what you mean

The same thing happened to us a sister of mine saved our bacon. We had stop to check out some Elk sign and sat down and were not there for long. She got up and said that her cheeks were falling a sleep. I told her to watch our back trail about five minuts goes by and she looks at me and says here comes a bear so I got to my feet and said Bull @$#@ were alongs from the truck and it's no time to be kidding around. Then she quickly passed me my shot gun and said that a Big F@#$&*# bear is coing and he's huge. I look around the tree just enough to see the biggest Silver tip Grizzly coming up after us at less then 60 meters and closing. I've hunting a long time and everthing was wrong the wing was blowing right down to him he was moaning and his head was going from side to side I razed the gun and said to my self that if I missed he would kill both of us. QUICKLY I said lets get a few meters between us and start yelling Yo Bear I will tell you that the first few hardly came out. We made it to the place where the trail splits and his tracks were over our's in the snow. I looked at my sister and said lets get the H#$# out of here it took us 20 minuts to cover the mile and a half back to the truck. He had followed us just about the whole way in from where our truck was parked we both thanked the Lord for getting us back to the truck safely. If she had not got up and watched our back trail that bear would have had us both as the spot we were sitting was just off the trail on a log. You just never know. Be careful out there and hunt in teams I will from know on.
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Old 01-08-2007, 09:42 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Know what you mean

Been close to a grizz once. When I was 19.
I was North of Eagle tower on a cutline and was sitting down on a log eating a sandwich. My partner and I had split up about 1/2 hr before that and were to meet back at the truck in about an hour and a half. Since it was only about 9:30 and I had no breakfast that morning I had brought a couple sandwiches. Like I said I was sitting eating them when I heard a branch snap behind me. Grabbing my rifle thinking it was a moose behind me I turned and found myself looking into the eyes of a grizz. no more than about 5 ft from me. Slowly I stood up and started walking backwards down the line, leaving my daypack and sandwiches. When I got about 20 yds from where I had been he walked out with my pack in his jaws proceded to rip it apart and eat my remaining sandwich. He then stood and watched me walk down the line. I think the smell kept him from following me. I was as white as a ghost wen I got back to the truck and my partner asked if I had seen a ghost or what. My spare hunting knife is probably still out there with the remains of my day pack. Whenever we go back to that area we always stay togeather. I have never hunted them and sure as heck don't want to. I don't want to ever be that close to one again.
I should also add if it was me in that video I would have been shooting long before the bear got as close as it did.
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Old 01-13-2007, 11:22 PM
Posts: n/a
Default bear attack

its all ones personal opinion.. im with nube on this one.. if it were me in that situation, i would have at least waited to see what the bear would have done after she stood and stared you i nthe eye... ( with the scope still on her of course). because the bear just stopped and if the guys had slowly backed away, they could have escaped that situation.... But if the bear had not stopped and kept running within 10 yards, put a hole in it..

And if u want some entertainment, read the comments from all the people..
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Old 01-13-2007, 11:35 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: bear attack

geez, ya, I didn't look at the comments till now... the saddest part is it would be impossible to debate any aspect of hunting with the people posting those comments...
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Old 01-14-2007, 12:28 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: bear attack

How true, the PETA effect.
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Old 01-14-2007, 06:39 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: bear attack

The Bear actually never stopped!!!! I wish I could find it, but I read a link to the Outfitters Statement to F+G. I will keep searching, but The Bear never did stop, and the measured distance to where the Bear rolled after being hit was 10 feet or so. The Outfitter was not charged by the Courts for any wrong doing.
The outfitter is a very well known Alaskan Guide, and the Chambering used was a .404 of some flavor (Wildcat), this topic has been hashed out on a couple of other Boards I frequent, and the concensus with most is that he did the right thing by Shooting. I know I would have. In fact, on the one forum I check out, there are about 1/2 dozen AK Guides/Outfitters, and most said they wouldnt have let the Bear get as close as it did.
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Old 01-30-2007, 02:41 AM
Tree Guy
Posts: n/a

I think they shot when they had to but...It just doesn't sit right. With more preperation, professionalism and a little less "machiesmo", the situation should have ended differently. I know that if yelling or body language dosen't really work, I've discharged shots which have worked. I'm considering an elk bow-hunt in the Evan-Thomas next year but I hear it is polluted with griz! I have very little confidence in the bear sprays and have been considering taking a cheap marine air horn with me. Also, if anyone knows a nurse, often they have gizmos on their keychains that emit a sound that is almost identical to residential smoke detectors, but worse! Bears know gun shots, not smoke detectors or ships! Think it'll work?
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Old 01-30-2007, 11:02 AM
Posts: n/a

For sure it will work, no doubt about it. Tell you what, find a mad bear with a cub or two, let it charge you to less than ten feet, blow air horn, report results.:smokin
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Old 01-30-2007, 11:51 AM
Jamie Hunt
Posts: n/a

Tree guy take some pepper spray as well.. It adds seasoning.
:rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin

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Old 01-30-2007, 12:09 PM
Posts: n/a


I'd take the pepper spray over the horn anyday. I saw the cabelas show on expressview that had that hunt...i didn't see her stop at all....wish it was in high def and i knew how to work the pvr at that point....awesome footage worthing watching over and over!

Personally i would have probably just sh_t my pants and got myself mauled at the same time.

I think its pretty amazing guys can keep their cool and make the right decisions under circumstances like that. I would have probably just pointed the gun at it and jacked all the shells out without even pulling the trigger.:lol

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Old 01-30-2007, 03:29 PM
Posts: n/a

Watching that video puts up a strong case for using a lever action or pump as a back up. I have a bad habit of lowering my gun to cycle my bolt. Not good.
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Old 01-30-2007, 09:08 PM
Posts: n/a

Personal experience is the air horn does not work,been in close proximity with black bears in the spring time and it does not affect them at all.Now a cow moose with a calf in close proximity totally different story,It down right ****es her off lol
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Old 02-01-2007, 03:02 AM
Posts: n/a
Default CBR, Dog involved, lol

OK Guys and Gals, to put a funny spin on this ( especially for CBR )....
I baited bears for years and would always bring kodiak, my black lab with me, leave him in the cab of old blue on the friday night at camp, got there usually around 7 after work.

About the fourth hunt I'm sitting on my bait (natural ground blind ) a mile south, then 1/2 mile into the bush from the truck. All is quiet...................

ALL OF A SUDDEN, a black thing is on full run to me from the trail I walked in on..............safety off, leupold at 3 on the 7mm and 30 yards away is Kod. I gave him @#%$ but he wouldn't sit still. Made him til dark...

We get back to camp, no frikkin food left in the cooler in the back of the truck, passenger window busted out ( by Kod obviously ) and the bugger chewed a tire.....flat..BFG MUD TERRAIN.............

Shot him the next morning.......the bear..............from my sleeping bag !!!!
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Old 02-02-2007, 10:59 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: CBR, Dog involved, lol

With more preperation, professionalism and a little less "machiesmo", the situation should have ended differently.
Huh? How do you prepare for a charging Bear?

More professionalism? In my eyes and hundreds of others, the Guide acted totally professional! After all, he did protect life & limb (4 different guys). I'm pretty sure, he didnt want it to end that way either, he is visibly upset about it afterwards. He also did about all you can do in that situation, before pulling the trigger (you can only clap your hands & stomp your feet so many times in 15 seconds).

Final question, where in the video did you witness "Machismo"?

I have had several close encounters with Grizzlies (one Sow in the Yukon, to name one, charging me and a client 3 different times to within 60 yards, all on video), as well as many more encounters like that with Black Bears. All I know from my experience, is that its easy to sit back and "judge" the Shoulda/Coulda/Woulda's....Bottom line is, until you have been there, done that, you shouldnt judge! I know its neat to watch things like this, with a face full of popcorn, from your Lay Z Boy, but when tossed into the action, a person has but seconds to evaluate the situation, and react. I know there are several "armchair" professionals on this board, who likely wouldnt have let that Bear get half as far as she did.

Ya I suppose the scene could have ended different.....But would you take that chance, with a Sow at 20 big steps?.....mmmm I doubt it!!
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Old 02-02-2007, 11:29 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: CBR, Dog involved, lol

Excellent post CMFIC....some guys simply dont understand situations like this it seems....
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Old 02-03-2007, 12:55 AM
Posts: n/a
Default bear killed

I have walked in the wood with nothing to protect myself and pasted by the same place many times in the dark and all alone. Now after the last bear incounter I will never walk unarmed or alone in the woods. That big bear coming for us was more then I can handle. I did hunt out the rest of that week, it was the worst week of hunting I have ever had. For the first time in my adult life I was scared while in the bush that I loved so much. I hate the feeling, now when I enter the wood all I think of is that Grizzly coming after me. Until it happeneds to you, and I hope it never does you will know the fear that big bears has on a person.
Happy Hunting
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Old 02-03-2007, 05:19 PM
Posts: n/a

ya if i had a grizz chargin straight at me like that the hammer would have dropped no second thoughts. i would rather have second thoughts about weather or not she would have stopped and what her cub is gonna do than get eaten. even though there was 3 of them wouldn't put my life in the hands of another guys shot when i can also take the shot ha ha

awesome video
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