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Old 05-29-2019, 07:44 PM
SylverCANADA SylverCANADA is offline
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...well $h!t
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Old 06-02-2019, 02:17 AM
32-40win 32-40win is offline
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Final text of C71;


Andrew Scheer has committed to repealing C71 if the Cons can get a majority gov't this fall. If you want to keep any autoloading gun that has a detachable mag of any size and any gun with a fixed mag over 5 rds, get out and support your local Conservative candidate. There are no other options to be able to keep your guns, from the other parties. A Con minority gov't will result in your losing these guns. Liberal and NDP parties made it mandatory for their candidates to support the party line, or they do not get to run as a party member and will not be supported in this election, they will only be able to run as an independent, if they choose to run again.
At the moment the Liberals will work thru Orders in Council to reclassify the guns they can reclassify, under the existing laws, if re-elected, they will change the laws to ban all as stated previously. The NDP and the Quebec parties and the Greens will support that ban and changes to the law also.
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Old 06-02-2019, 02:57 AM
32-40win 32-40win is offline
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RCMP posting concerning the CZ/Swiss arms guns, read and comprehend the way the Libs are thinking. People tried to register the non restricted ones, the RCMP had nothing in place to do it, so they said, and they therefore now are NOT grandfathered under C71.

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Old 06-11-2019, 05:19 PM
32-40win 32-40win is offline
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Bit of history on the AR15 and how the legislation around it was done at the time;


And, even if you only donate 7.10 to each candidate running against an antigun Liberal or NDP candidate, it is something. People like Goodale, Mark Holland and Bill Blair need to be gone. You can find out who is running against who here, then look up their website. Most have an "other" donation button you can use.

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Old 06-18-2019, 11:49 AM
32-40win 32-40win is offline
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This statement stinks to high heaven, 200,000 guns (they think) that they may want to ban or make prohibited, let cities regulate something, likely storage.
So, I suspect the notion of central storage in cities would be allowed, and the cities would have to regulate that most likely. I can't see the feds doing anything other than "contributing funds" to the cities for this, and most likely leaving them hanging on it. And I suppose, the option to allow or disallow gun shops and indoor ranges would be there as well.
That is the Liberal election platform. Like they say in Chicago, you can buy a Senate seat, you can't buy a gun.

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Old 06-18-2019, 01:16 PM
32-40win 32-40win is offline
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A statement made this wk from Ed Burlew, the lawyer for the CSSA;

An important message from one of Canada’s finest.


Licensed Gun Owners Fight Back!

In a mass protest against the Liberal threat of a sweeping gun ban and confiscation licensed Canadian gun owners have acted together to fight. Twenty Thousand plus Canadians this last month have purchased AR15’s. This was in direct protest of the threat of banning and possible confiscation of these very same sporting rifles. At an average price of $1,000 we Canadians put our money where our hearts are. No hesitation. This action speaks louder than any words. The value of 20,000 AR15's at $1,000 each is easily $20,000,000 Canadian Dollars. Each dollar honestly earned and honestly spent.

This resounding protest shows that Canadians are made of stern stuff. Quick to rise to a challenge and ready to put their money into action. Together silently Twenty Thousand Canadians stood up to unfounded political threats and paid up. No fear, just fast decisive action. This same action and money will be felt by the Liberals in the next election. These same 20,000 and another 67,000 Canadians and their families have made their protest loud and clear. No threat of a politician will deter them in legally owning the AR15 sporting rifle.

This was not just signing a petition. This was money paid in protest. In Confidence of success. Canadians did not act in fear and bail out of owning the famous AR15, No Sir! They took positive action. Each purchase a loud vote for freedom and public safety. Confident in their continued ownership and enjoyment of their sport, real money. serious money was paid by hard working Canadians.

Moreover the RCMP stood behind them and approved every sale. Checked each one of them and gave their highest approval for the purchase. This RCMP approval of every AR15 purchase shows Canada and its politicians that we licensed Canadians are to be trusted.

I applaud every Canadian who opened their wallet and protested political threats with the purchase of an AR15. I ask all Canadians to join in the recognition of this brave act of protest.

When it takes guts to stand up for our rights we do that with our wallets. Lets show the Liberals that this is just the beginning of our fight back. And we intend to succeed.

Yours In Freedom

Edward Burlew LL.B.
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Old 06-18-2019, 01:58 PM
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^^common sense - too bad the current feds are lacking that quality^^
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Old 06-18-2019, 07:39 PM
32-40win 32-40win is offline
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CCFR article pretty much spells out the smoke and mirrors situation on Blair, he is off his rocker. May be a good time to let MP's know how much investment besides the guns a person spends money on, that he would devalue to near nothing, accessories of various types. Think about stuff like barrel shrouds, grips, sights, tools etc., not to mention ammo or reloading supplies.

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Old 06-20-2019, 10:21 AM
32-40win 32-40win is offline
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So, even at 500.00 ea, 200,000 guns would be a small fortune for the Libs to spend on a buyback. Here are the NZ buyback prices;

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Old 06-21-2019, 01:48 PM
32-40win 32-40win is offline
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One way of fighting the Libs for now, is to support the candidate running against a Lib, make a donation to that candidate, IE;
Bill Blair ----Scarborough SW riding-- Kimberley Fawcett Smith
Climate Barbie--Ottawa Centre-- Carol Clemenhagen

You can do small donations such as 7.10 representing C71 ( or 71.00)
6.90 representing C69
4.80 representing C48
7.50 representing C75

Then send an e-mail to both candidates letting them know about it.

Who is running against who, is listed in the attached article, each candidate has a donate button on their site, they also have an "other" amount on their site to let you do this. You can support the one running against the ones who have PO'd you the most, and not spend a fortune doing it.

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Old 06-22-2019, 07:15 AM
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Last edited by DLab; 06-22-2019 at 07:27 AM.
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Old 06-22-2019, 09:54 AM
Jayhad Jayhad is offline
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I just emailed the Honora..... maybe not, Bill Blair.
I wrote that as the Minister of Border Security and Organized Crime Reduction he has failed his mandate miserably and that he must not understand the wording of his mandate and title as attacking legal gun owners will not reduce organized crime.
I included the donation receipt to his direct opponent The Honorable Kimberly Fawcett.

I really wanted to say pound sand grease bag, but figured it wouldn't hit the way a well written email would.

Everyone here should follow suit
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Old 06-22-2019, 01:59 PM
32-40win 32-40win is offline
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C71 received Royal Assent on Friday, June 21st. It is now law, hopefully only for a short while. C75 got passed thru the Senate also.

One blurb on what c71 means to firearms owners as of now;

C-71 is now law. So, what now?

Upon receiving Royal Assent, the following provisions came into force immediately:

* Authority to make regulations to grandfather individuals to retain possession of newly prohibited firearms;

* Authority for Chief Firearms Officers (CFOs) to issue, at their discretion, an Authorization to Transport (ATT) to take a prohibited firearm to an approved range. (Currently, the Act prohibits CFOs from issuing an ATT to a shooting club or range for prohibited firearms, with the exception of a prohibited handgun grandfathered under section 12[6.1] of the Firearms Act.);

* Authority to make it punishable to contravene the Firearms Marking Regulations;

* Authority to make regulations regarding the transmission of records;

* A Criminal Code amendment to clarify that firearms and other weapons that have been seized and are in the custody of law enforcement at the time that a firearms prohibition order is issued shall be forfeited to the Crown, unless specified otherwise in the order; and

*Part 2 of the Bill which amends the Ending the Long-gun Registry Act to, among other things, direct the Commissioner of Firearms to provide, on request, the Minister of the Government of Quebec responsible for public security with a copy of the remaining registration records of non-restricted firearms related to residents of Quebec.

The remaining provisions are expected to come into force at a later date by Order in Council and once administrative changes have been made.

These include:

* The requirement for licence verification for transfers of non-restricted firearms;

* The requirement for businesses to keep records as they relate to non-restricted firearms;

* Expanded background checks for those seeking to acquire a firearms licence, including increasing the consideration period from the previous five years to span the history of a person’s life;

* Removal of the authority for the Governor in Council to ‘deem’ firearms to be of a less restrictive class (e.g. non-restricted or restricted) despite meeting the criteria for a more restrictive class (e.g. prohibited) and grandfather owners of CZ/SA firearms; and

* The requirement for a separate authorization when transporting restricted and prohibited firearms to any place except to an approved shooting range, and from the place of acquisition to the place of registration.

When do stores have to start recording details of all gun buyers and the guns they buy?

As noted above, the requirement for businesses to keep records related to non-restricted firearms would come into force by OIC at a later date and not on Royal Assent.

Hope this helps.

Now, go volunteer with your local CPC EDA so that we can get this nonsense reversed...four months from today.
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Old 06-25-2019, 12:07 PM
32-40win 32-40win is offline
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I tend to agree with the writer of the article, it isn't funny, but, at the same time produces a chuckle. How will Trudope react to a ruling like this? Or maybe he intends to shut down the military industry in Canada? We are signed on to this as well;


And a perfect example of what the LIberals do not get about the world outside urban centers, and have no clue or intention of trying to solve;

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Old 06-27-2019, 02:56 AM
32-40win 32-40win is offline
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Reading this may result in the overwhelming urge to choke some politicians and disband the UN;

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Old 06-27-2019, 01:44 PM
32-40win 32-40win is offline
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And yes, the libs have acceded to the UN ATT;

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Old 06-27-2019, 01:56 PM
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[QUOTE=32-40win;3991348]So, even at 500.00 ea, 200,000 guns would be a small fortune for the Libs to spend on a buyback. QUOTE]

Mehhh.....chump change......it's about the same as payouts for a measly 9 terrorists and 1 admiral
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Old 07-03-2019, 01:01 PM
32-40win 32-40win is offline
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Did the libs have any plans for the infrastructure for C71 drawn up to implement? Are the Libs scared of implementing the necessary infrastructure for C71 because of the election? Maybe so, or maybe they will now wait to see if they get re-elected and won't have to worry about it, by way of introducing new legislation that will make it unnecessary? Keep your eyes and ears open, this is a long way from over yet.

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Old 07-13-2019, 01:55 AM
32-40win 32-40win is offline
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Dennis Young has done another FOI req on the " lost by Gov't " guns, there is another one posted further back here, numbers are up a bit though. Other than this, there hasn't been much of anything new or worthwhile to note, lot of the same old, same old being rehashed.
CCFR is posting a fair bit about Doctors Against Guns again, Poly had their petition presented in Parliament before recess, under 4000 sigs on it though.
COLFO in NZ is telling people not to go to the gun collection gatherings the NZ police are holding. That way they won't get targeted by thieves. Also that if they take a gun in there, they won't walk out of there with it , same with accessories, even if they don't like the price offered, and some things there is no price being offered, but, they'll happily take it. So far, a 1% turn in rate.
Basically bumping to keep it easy to find, and as an easy spot to reference some of the stuff to look at, that was previously posted.

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Old 07-15-2019, 11:11 PM
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Some days good things happen, and she's not happy with the Libs.

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Old 08-01-2019, 02:03 AM
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I couldn't resist this one;

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Old 08-03-2019, 03:26 AM
32-40win 32-40win is offline
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Looks like this Kiwi reporter gets it, he is rethinking the value of the gun buyback there;

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Old 08-03-2019, 03:57 AM
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Originally Posted by 32-40win View Post
Looks like this Kiwi reporter gets it, he is rethinking the value of the gun buyback there;

good article. That's the irony of the gun control advocates that cry "if it only saves one life".... what if you could actually save more than one life, using the same resources?
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Old 08-09-2019, 02:29 AM
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Not necessarily anything we were not aware of already, but, it is at least out in the open now. And we keep adding to the story of C71 and its implications and empowerment of the brain dead.


There was a big kerfuffle today, caused by a GFY comment by a Global news employee today from their Montreal affiliate, about responses to an article they published, about more guns means more mass shootings, as per a twisted study. Somebody ought to be looking for a new job out of the media industry, it pretty much went viral on FB, can't publish the screenshots of what was said on here though.
And Wendy Whoppers is up to her usual level of disinformation and fantasy;

Cukier comments on legal gun owners are irresponsible and self-serving
You’ve seen the comments by now.
Wendy Cukier, President of the Coalition for Gun Control, says that “legal gun owners tend to be more effective in killing people because they spend time at target practice, or hunting”
Those recent comments made by Ms. Cukier, simply put, are repulsive, disgraceful and disrespectful to the 2.2-million licensed firearms owners across Canada. Like our fellow Canadians, the firearms community deeply cares about public safety and wants to see an end to firearms-related violence. Irresponsible and self-serving comments like these do nothing to help solve the issues at hand. These comments are neither constructive or appropriate for reducing gun violence in Canada and illustrate a complete and utter lack of respect and accountability in their advocacy.
It is clear that the Coalition for Gun Control is more interested in a little social media attention rather than working collaboratively with fellow Canadians to solve the real problems that are leading to violence in this country.
NOW is the time for all true advocates for enhanced public safety to focus their energy into having a meaningful dialogue about how to tackle the real issues around gun violence in this country rather than resorting to cheap, divisive rhetoric. We continue to wait on the Coalition for Gun Control and other gun control advocates to step up in this regard. #waiting
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Last edited by 32-40win; 08-09-2019 at 02:46 AM.
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Old 08-09-2019, 03:12 AM
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Certainly can understand this lady's POV, she lost a son, but, she is realistic about it, she can see thru the krap going on now;

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Old 08-09-2019, 06:13 AM
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Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Old 08-09-2019, 08:08 AM
Kurt505 Kurt505 is offline
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Old 08-09-2019, 12:28 PM
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Global Montreal's "apology"

Global Montreal
13 hrs ·
We have removed an erroneous post that stated an opinion and used language that is unacceptable on a Global News platform.

The unauthorized post was made by a former employee who inadvertently published it to the Global Montreal Facebook page.

We are taking steps to ensure that this unfortunate incident is not repeated.

This is not what you, our audience, expects of Global News.

We deeply regret the error and apologize.

I guess that's their story and they're stickin to it.
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Old 08-09-2019, 12:53 PM
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Doug Ford gets it, nice to have someone like him in his position in Ont.

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Old 08-09-2019, 01:20 PM
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Interesting announcement by Tor police chief regarding the weekend's shootings and gangs and bail for people with firearms offences

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