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View Poll Results: Would you support the introduction of a bass fishery to Alberta.
Yes 201 52.34%
No 183 47.66%
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Old 04-15-2011, 10:10 AM
Braun Braun is offline
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Originally Posted by Isopod View Post
RE: Bass co-existing well with many other species in Ontario lakes...

The main lake I was fishing back then was actually very small, maybe a few square kilometres, only 10-15 feet deep at the deepest, really just a widening of the Mississippi River in eastern Ontario, a river that is smaller than the Red Deer R. in central Alberta. Yet there was a healthy population of smallmouth bass, pike, perch, and sunfish in the lake, despite heavy pressure from local cottagers. Also, at my sister's cottage in Quebec, there are lots of smallmouth bass to be caught on a small lake, not much more than a square km or two in size. As for the 10 species of fish you questioned in your response... yes, that was a broader thing, referring to all Ontario lakes where bass are present.
right. i get that. And rivers are slightly different than lakes. rivers appear to hold a wider variety of species. my comment was geared towards having numerous predators living together in a single waterbody. You need alot of water and alot a food to house numerous top level predators. not saying that it cant happen in smaller lakes. but its definitely a tricky balance. But i do see your point and agree with you.

one thing that is always brought up but i think people forget. Alberta is not ontario or quebec or sask or bc. what works elsewhere just doesnt seem to fly here for whatever reasons. I do not want to claim to know those reasons because i dont think many people do. but experimentation has proved that what works elsewhere doesnt always work here. not saying that nothing works. just not everything. I wish we had half as many lakes as some of the other provinces
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Old 04-15-2011, 12:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Isopod View Post
RE: Bass co-existing well with many other species in Ontario lakes...

The main lake I was fishing back then was actually very small, maybe a few square kilometres, only 10-15 feet deep at the deepest, really just a widening of the Mississippi River in eastern Ontario, a river that is smaller than the Red Deer R. in central Alberta. Yet there was a healthy population of smallmouth bass, pike, perch, and sunfish in the lake, despite heavy pressure from local cottagers. Also, at my sister's cottage in Quebec, there are lots of smallmouth bass to be caught on a small lake, not much more than a square km or two in size. As for the 10 species of fish you questioned in your response... yes, that was a broader thing, referring to all Ontario lakes where bass are present.
There are two Mississippi rivers?
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Old 04-15-2011, 12:28 PM
Gust Gust is offline
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Originally Posted by grinr View Post
Great.....another poster that just blurts out nonsense without reading the previous 8 pages nor any of the logic that shows put-and-take bass stocking does NOT work in Canada.They are NOT "just like trout" that can be grown out relatively quickly in captivity,stocked in early spring as a reasonable pansize fish for P&T fishing and double their weight in one growing season.Bass are NOTHING like trout in that respect....Once again for those that missed it the first 10 times,or perhaps just choose to ignore the facts ....they take several(5+) years to grow to any decent size in Canada's 3-4 month bass growing season,therefore you cannot stock bass for P&T fishing and expect to replace them every year unless you are prepared to spend a rediculous fortune growing them in climate controlled captivity for 2-3 years prior to release.Let me explain it another way for the really simpleminded such as horsetrader......you can put 1000 3 inch trout in a pond in March and by august you have 1000 12 inch trout.You can put 1000 3 inch bass in the same pond in March,and in August you will have 1000 4 inch bass.....yippeee!!!Any trout that survive the winter will grow to 16-18 inches by next August.Any bass that happen to survive at all might reach 5-6 inches next August?Aside from the dangers of introducing a predatory invasive species that can absolutely destroy native trout fisheries when they ARE INEVITABLY introduced illegally to watersheds where they do not belong by bucket brigade Bill Dance wannabe b*****wholes,please explain to me how a species that grows so slowly has any merit as a candidate for PUT AND TAKE fisheries as you *****clowns insist on repeating over and over and over?P&T what for chrissakes?Put in 3 inchers and take out 4 inchers before they die next winter??Or should we spend 20-30X the money to grow bass indoors in climate controlled hatcheries for 2-3 years so we can release them as 3 pounders only to kill them immediately....because that IS what PUT and TAKE fishing is boneheads!!

Bwahahahahaaaaaaa....yer a fine one to make such a comment,you are the thickest person I think I've ever had the displeasure of debating any subject with.

And speaking of personal attacks HT,you like to question my knowledge on SMB,and in fact assume and like to state to the forum how I don't know what I'm talking about.....interesting how you come to that conclusion when it's clear to me (and most likely any other halfways educated person?)that you don't know jachchit about bass biology,life cycle,growth rates or reproduction.

I on the other hand have caught 1000's of bass in 4 different provinces and am well informed on the effects of these invasive menaces on native salmonids,in no small part from the first hand experience of witnessing my home waters destroyed by them before my very own eyes in my own relatively short lifetime.I've made it my business to know my enemy,and I am actively involved in educating fellow anglers in NB on discouraging and preventing the further proliferation of SMB on our home trout and salmon waters,and enthusiastically involved in eradication efforts of same.....or in other words,cleaning up after ignorant fools such as yourself.When it comes to understanding bass as a predatory invasive species and the negative effects it has on native salmonids sir,I could write a book on the subject whereas I'm quite certain you could fit what you know about it on the head of a pin.
Once again rude, try a slightly more diplomatic approach to your barbs,, because Alberta is a small place to fish, the chances that you may end up meeting someone from this forum out there are very high, and some of them might be 7' tall and have arms as big as outboard motors and chew on steelwool to clean their teeth. Just try being simply arrogant


If you read Npauls past threads, he mentioned using dugouts but he acknowledged C&R. It's also been established that they need to be in the water 5+ years. People are trying to figure out the past problems towards future possibilities, in Alberta not New Brunswick.
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Old 04-15-2011, 12:38 PM
Gust Gust is offline
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Originally Posted by grinr View Post
You don't understand GOOF!I hope to hell thay DO NOT last!I've witnessed firsthand what the LEGAL,government sposored introduction of smallmouth bass in NB(1890s) and NS (1940s)has done to the salmon and trout fisheries in those provinces once the bucket brigaders start moving them all over the place,and I wouldn't wish that on anybody.In the last 20-30 years,thanks in no small part to the saturation of the airwaves with bass fishing shows promoting C&R and live release tournaments,Bill Dance wannabes with dreams of becoming the next Bassmaster's classic winners have spread these spiny green bass turds from the few originally selected locations where they were introduced to hundreds of lakes and rivers throughout NB and NS for the convenience of having bass in their own backyards.So if bass God forbid ever do get introduced and established in Alberta,yes I will be back on here,not "tooting my horn" but rather to say "I told ya so".
I think it's been firmly established that Bass in Alberta need to be tended and would otherwise fail so "Bucket Brigading" wouldn't have the adverse effects of say Perch. We've also come quite far since the 1890's and the 1940's in fish management,, we trip from time to time but that's the course.
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Old 04-15-2011, 12:45 PM
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Originally Posted by npauls View Post
Have fun and hammer them pigs.

I will be taking a belt sander to the outside of my new to me drift boat and hopefully applying a couple coats of resin or epoxy over the weekend in Taber.
Look into Endure coating, they use it on aircraft and trident subs. Used it on restoring a 54' 1960's U-Boat, stunning.
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Old 04-15-2011, 12:54 PM
Gust Gust is offline
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Originally Posted by grinr View Post
I've witnessed firsthand what the LEGAL,government sposored introduction of smallmouth bass in NB(1890s) and NS (1940s)has done to the salmon and trout fisheries in those provinces once the bucket brigaders start moving them all over the place ....you buncha phuktards.
WoW!!! did you seriously end the paragraph like that? Kids use this website too, seriously, choose your expletives wisely.
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Old 04-15-2011, 01:15 PM
Braun Braun is offline
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Originally Posted by GustavMahler View Post
WoW!!! did you seriously end the paragraph like that? Kids use this website too, seriously, choose your expletives wisely.
im glad im not the only one who thinks this guy's use of words is a little ridiculous. you can tell in some posts hes just trying to be funny and stir the pot. it is a little bit much.

try picturing a guy with outboard motors as arms........now that is funny
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Old 04-15-2011, 01:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Braun View Post
dont you have to get the walleye boat ready?jeez and your raggin on me for wanting to chuck a couple rapalas instead of workin on my boat
I can't do anything with the walleye boat until Bob has time. He is super busy with work, Brian's boat, his 2 boats, and a few other peoples boats. I am in no rush since I know that when bob says he will have something done he gets it done. All the other boats he is working on are tourney boats and mine is just for fun so I can hold off. I can still fish out of it the way it is other then the main battery which will take 10 minutes to install a new one.
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Old 04-15-2011, 01:36 PM
Isopod Isopod is offline
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Originally Posted by 209x50 View Post
There are two Mississippi rivers?
Yes, a HUGE one that we all know about, and a tiny one in eastern Ontario. I guess I wouldn't be surprised if there were a bunch of others too.... everyone likes saying "M-I-S-S-I-S-S-I-P-P-I"
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Old 04-15-2011, 01:49 PM
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Originally Posted by GustavMahler View Post
WoW!!! did you seriously end the paragraph like that? Kids use this website too, seriously, choose your expletives wisely.

i like the word..it makes me laugh......the first time i heard the word it came from a kid...lol
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Old 04-15-2011, 01:56 PM
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Originally Posted by chubbdarter View Post
i like the word..it makes me laugh......the first time i heard the word it came from a kid...lol
I know but it gives kids a view that this language is the common norm,,, and I was just trying to get grinr to be a bit more refined in his insults,, instead of coming off as the kid who tucks his Tee-shirt into his underwear and blows booger bubbles from his left nostril when he's angry.
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Old 04-15-2011, 02:14 PM
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Originally Posted by GustavMahler View Post
I know but it gives kids a view that this language is the common norm,,, and I was just trying to get grinr to be a bit more refined in his insults,, instead of coming off as the kid who tucks his Tee-shirt into his underwear and blows booger bubbles from his left nostril when he's angry.
that made me laugh too.....lol
fact is kids cant be sheltered from some dark areas of life....well maybe in a bubble......just like we teach them not to pee their pants and go to the bathroom....we teach them where some words shouldnt be used.

i find this discussion amusing for a couple reasons.

Has the yes side bothered to contact SRD and find out why Bass stocking stopped? Many theories but not many facts based on Alberta Bass.

Has anyone bothered to ask SRD the current status of Bass program?
What does post studies of Island lake show

This is a far harder process to undertake than a quality trout fishery which wants a few reg changes.

If there is no damage and fallout and its feasable...i'll change my vote. But im not jumping on the band wagon of.......i want Bass cuz im bored with trout and i like to see a green fish jump.....sorry guys but thats pretty much a summary of whats been said

and thats why the discussion has turned to dirty name calling......when there is a lack of facts....it gets ugly

Everyone wants to go to Disneyland.....but its not free....and it needs planning......begging wont get you to the Happiest place on Earth
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Old 04-15-2011, 02:22 PM
Braun Braun is offline
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Originally Posted by GustavMahler View Post
I know but it gives kids a view that this language is the common norm,,, and I was just trying to get grinr to be a bit more refined in his insults,, instead of coming off as the kid who tucks his Tee-shirt into his underwear and blows booger bubbles from his left nostril when he's angry.

all in all I agree with Chubbs little facts to back either side. but ill tell you what. Id rather see this debate put on TV than the parade of stooges that were on earlier this week. We could have sundance, mszomola, grinr, npauls and horsetrader as the debaters and GM hosting the debackle taking jabs at the debaters
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Old 04-15-2011, 02:27 PM
horsetrader horsetrader is offline
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Originally Posted by chubbdarter View Post
that made me laugh too.....lol
fact is kids cant be sheltered from some dark areas of life....well maybe in a bubble......just like we teach them not to pee their pants and go to the bathroom....we teach them where some words shouldnt be used.

i find this discussion amusing for a couple reasons.

Has the yes side bothered to contact SRD and find out why Bass stocking stopped? Many theories but not many facts based on Alberta Bass.

Has anyone bothered to ask SRD the current status of Bass program?
What does post studies of Island lake show

This is a far harder process to undertake than a quality trout fishery which wants a few reg changes.

If there is no damage and fallout and its feasable...i'll change my vote. But im not jumping on the band wagon of.......i want Bass cuz im bored with trout and i like to see a green fish jump.....sorry guys but thats pretty much a summary of whats been said

and thats why the discussion has turned to dirty name calling......when there is a lack of facts....it gets ugly

Everyone wants to go to Disneyland.....but its not free....and it needs planning......begging wont get you to the Happiest place on Earth
Glad you brought that up Darter 2 days ago I sent an E-Mail to srdinfocent@gov.ab.ca requesting all past and current information on all Bass and trout stocking in Alberta. Will give them to monday If I hear nothing then will make inquiries further up the line.You are right name call dose nothing so it was time to get more facts.
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Old 04-15-2011, 02:51 PM
mszomola mszomola is offline
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Originally Posted by horsetrader View Post
Glad you brought that up Darter 2 days ago I sent an E-Mail to srdinfocent@gov.ab.ca requesting all past and current information on all Bass and trout stocking in Alberta. Will give them to monday If I hear nothing then will make inquiries further up the line.You are right name call dose nothing so it was time to get more facts.
Thats way cool ,

Honestly , i was impressed by the thread ! Lots of great points made !

I think its safe to say we have dried up on reachable content online . I cant find anything more on the programs other then stocking information on island lake ( time line ) as well as an overall geographical spread , and the origination of the stock .

What is interesting is out of curiosity i checked Saskatchewan to see how they fair being reasonably close to us. I noticed a couple things and by no means to stir the pot but. 1 they had almost no people get up in arms over bass discussions. It wasn't something anyone got grilled on the forum for. So i get really surprised when people get so upset by the talk here . maybe its just the culture of the province ( hey we all have different opinions , its fair to be different but i was surprised ) . 2nd They have recently started stocking smallmouth in a few lakes being catch and release only . They didnt advertised the locations at the time to keep people off so the fish can properly adapt . Whats interesting is the location choice of one particular lake Konuto Lake which if compared to positioning with alberta would line up above edmonton. I find it interesting also that island lake was the last of the living smallmouth lakes in alberta which indicates that north may not always mean colder or less survivable weather . It could be more stable then by the mountain side . This is just speculation but its completely contradictory to some beliefs that choosing locations more south would be better , then again you have montana .

It is an interesting discussion indeed , even if nothing comes of it i love how someone here stepped up and opened the airwaves on the topic . Thats even more impressive that its someone whom is against it ...

Hopefully they release the information , it would be awesome to read into.
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Old 04-15-2011, 03:04 PM
horsetrader horsetrader is offline
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Originally Posted by mszomola View Post
Thats way cool ,

Honestly , i was impressed by the thread ! Lots of great points made !

I think its safe to say we have dried up on reachable content online . I cant find anything more on the programs other then stocking information on island lake ( time line ) as well as an overall geographical spread , and the origination of the stock .

What is interesting is out of curiosity i checked Saskatchewan to see how they fair being reasonably close to us. I noticed a couple things and by no means to stir the pot but. 1 they had almost no people get up in arms over bass discussions. It wasn't something anyone got grilled on the forum for. So i get really surprised when people get so upset by the talk here . maybe its just the culture of the province ( hey we all have different opinions , its fair to be different but i was surprised ) . 2nd They have recently started stocking smallmouth in a few lakes being catch and release only . They didnt advertised the locations at the time to keep people off so the fish can properly adapt . Whats interesting is the location choice of one particular lake Konuto Lake which if compared to positioning with alberta would line up above edmonton. I find it interesting also that island lake was the last of the living smallmouth lakes in alberta which indicates that north may not always mean colder or less survivable weather . It could be more stable then by the mountain side . This is just speculation but its completely contradictory to some beliefs that choosing locations more south would be better , then again you have montana .

It is an interesting discussion indeed , even if nothing comes of it i love how someone here stepped up and opened the airwaves on the topic . Thats even more impressive that its someone whom is against it ...

Hopefully they release the information , it would be awesome to read into.
The amount of information there is on the internet on any stocking in Alberta is very minimal. I searched as much as I could read a whole lot of garbage they hi jack threads worse then we do...So I thought the best was to go through SRD its self to get the info.
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Old 04-15-2011, 03:18 PM
Gust Gust is offline
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Originally Posted by horsetrader View Post
The amount of information there is on the internet on any stocking in Alberta is very minimal. I searched as much as I could read a whole lot of garbage they hi jack threads worse then we do...So I thought the best was to go through SRD its self to get the info.
Straight from the horses mouth,,, no pun intended!
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Old 04-15-2011, 03:21 PM
horsetrader horsetrader is offline
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Originally Posted by horsetrader View Post
The amount of information there is on the internet on any stocking in Alberta is very minimal. I searched as much as I could read a whole lot of garbage they hi jack threads worse then we do...So I thought the best was to go through SRD its self to get the info.
Originally Posted by GustavMahler View Post
Straight from the horses mouth,,, no pun intended!
I think i've found my signature line........
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Old 04-15-2011, 03:23 PM
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while we wait for FACTS to arrive....i suggest we have a Donny and Marie telethon
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Old 04-15-2011, 03:32 PM
Gust Gust is offline
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Originally Posted by chubbdarter View Post
while we wait for FACTS to arrive....i suggest we have a Donny and Marie telethon
Ok,,, I'm weeks behind,,,, what is the reference to Donny & Marie?
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Old 04-15-2011, 03:48 PM
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Originally Posted by GustavMahler View Post
Ok,,, I'm weeks behind,,,, what is the reference to Donny & Marie?
Horse brutally attacked Dace with a blindside vulgar insult that made the word ****tard look like a sunday prayer at church.
the fall out was devastating.....a crisis team is now dealing with the emotionally scared
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Old 04-15-2011, 04:20 PM
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I haven't read all the comments on this thread but I Watch oln lots and usually all that's on there is bass fishing. It would be pretty neat to try it out. I heard they put on a fun fight.
Don't mind deeez nuts
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Old 04-15-2011, 06:08 PM
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tie game....overtime
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Old 04-15-2011, 06:43 PM
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Originally Posted by chubbdarter View Post
while we wait for FACTS to arrive....i suggest we have a Donny and Marie telethon
Id rather hammer 4 inch spikes into my skull and dive into a pool of iodine. hmmm can bass live in iodine?
I honestly think a 6 inch bass puts up a better fight than a 12 inch pothole rainbow, and Ive caught a lot of both. never tried eating bass, the one I filleted one time in the hot summer had more worms in it than a pro bas fishers tacklebox.
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Old 04-15-2011, 07:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Isopod View Post
Yes, a HUGE one that we all know about, and a tiny one in eastern Ontario. I guess I wouldn't be surprised if there were a bunch of others too.... everyone likes saying "M-I-S-S-I-S-S-I-P-P-I"
Thank you I learnt something cool from this thread!
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Old 04-15-2011, 08:21 PM
horsetrader horsetrader is offline
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found this article dose not name any water need to follow it more but interesting

Alberta Bass Fishing: The Secret Sauce!
August 9th, 2010 | Author: Admin
A professional fisherman or not, you probably dream about landing hundreds of bass over 10 pounds, having in mind that the heaviest bass ever caught is a 22.25-pounder, caught in 1932 by George Perry . Although there is no magical solution to catch such a fish, we will try to provide you with some bass fishing tips and tricks.

To begin with, you must consider a bass over 10 pounds as a different creature than an 8-pounder or 9-pounder bass because it is more experienced and a lot less likely to be caught than a younger fish. You should definitely consider a different approach starting with:

*Choose the right place: it is just common sense to try catching a 10-pund bass where such a bass is likely to be. You will probably be obliged to travel a few hundred of miles because in most places there just isn’t any bass over 10 pounds. If you are aiming for a monster bass you should try California, Florida or Texas although Alberta will still be a worth considering destination for your bass fishing trip.

*Choose the right moment: Consider the fact that is more likely to catch a monster fish in winter or spring than summer or fall. For example, if in early fall, in a certain lake there are three 8-pounders, two 9-pounders, and one 10-pounder all of them will be 1 or two pounds heavier by winter. Statistics clearly show that for the Alberta lakes, most 10-pounds fish were caught from December to April.

*Try to find your huge bass near deep water. The fishes often move shallow in order to feed, but you will not find them in any shallow water where there is no deep water around. Such places where shallow water meets deep water are near pond dams, humps, bridges or creek channels, for example.

*Chose the right lure: Professional Alberta fishermen say that jigs and spinner baits are probably the best big-fish bait during the whole year. Meanwhile the other baits can be equally great for catching a huge bass, but only in certain periods of the year.

*Don’t be in a hurry: when a big fish hits, most of the time it will not move a lot while a little fish, on the other hand, will run with the bait.

*Try fishing by yourself: although it may seem hard for you, fishing by yourself wil definitely increase your chances of catching a monster bass. A second or third bass fisherman may scare that big fish away.

*Use a small boat: statistics show that bigger boats are not necessarily better than small ones. You will have at least as many chances to catch a fine bass in a smaller boat as as in a large boat. You can use even a canoe, tube, or a bank.

*It is clear that you will learn most of the important facts about fishing by getting out there and trying to catch your big fish. On the other hand, you will simplify your life if try to learn as much as possible from the people who have caught big bass before you. You can also use the Internet, read magazines and books, go to seminars or hire an Alberta guide in order to get information about bass fishing and especially bass fishing in Alberta.

*One last advice: don’t be greedy. You should never care for numbers. Remember that you are after a different creature which will or will not bite. Even if in the end of the day you have not caught any fish, you have to keep in mind that you want THAT one big fish and not an ordinary one.

Posted in Alberta Fishing | Tags: Alberta Anglers, Alberta Bass Fishing, alberta fishing, Alberta Fishing Derbys, Alberta Fishing Guides, Alberta Fishing Lodges, Alberta Fishing Maps, Alberta Flyfishing, Alberta Lodges, Alberta Resorts, alberta trout fishing, Fishing Tips Alberta
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Old 04-15-2011, 10:59 PM
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Originally Posted by horsetrader View Post
found this article dose not name any water need to follow it more but interesting

Alberta Bass Fishing: The Secret Sauce!
August 9th, 2010 | Author: Admin
A professional fisherman or not, you probably dream about landing hundreds of bass over 10 pounds, having in mind that the heaviest bass ever caught is a 22.25-pounder, caught in 1932 by George Perry . Although there is no magical solution to catch such a fish, we will try to provide you with some bass fishing tips and tricks.

To begin with, you must consider a bass over 10 pounds as a different creature than an 8-pounder or 9-pounder bass because it is more experienced and a lot less likely to be caught than a younger fish. You should definitely consider a different approach starting with:

*Choose the right place: it is just common sense to try catching a 10-pund bass where such a bass is likely to be. You will probably be obliged to travel a few hundred of miles because in most places there just isn’t any bass over 10 pounds. If you are aiming for a monster bass you should try California, Florida or Texas although Alberta will still be a worth considering destination for your bass fishing trip.

*Choose the right moment: Consider the fact that is more likely to catch a monster fish in winter or spring than summer or fall. For example, if in early fall, in a certain lake there are three 8-pounders, two 9-pounders, and one 10-pounder all of them will be 1 or two pounds heavier by winter. Statistics clearly show that for the Alberta lakes, most 10-pounds fish were caught from December to April.

*Try to find your huge bass near deep water. The fishes often move shallow in order to feed, but you will not find them in any shallow water where there is no deep water around. Such places where shallow water meets deep water are near pond dams, humps, bridges or creek channels, for example.

*Chose the right lure: Professional Alberta fishermen say that jigs and spinner baits are probably the best big-fish bait during the whole year. Meanwhile the other baits can be equally great for catching a huge bass, but only in certain periods of the year.

*Don’t be in a hurry: when a big fish hits, most of the time it will not move a lot while a little fish, on the other hand, will run with the bait.

*Try fishing by yourself: although it may seem hard for you, fishing by yourself wil definitely increase your chances of catching a monster bass. A second or third bass fisherman may scare that big fish away.

*Use a small boat: statistics show that bigger boats are not necessarily better than small ones. You will have at least as many chances to catch a fine bass in a smaller boat as as in a large boat. You can use even a canoe, tube, or a bank.

*It is clear that you will learn most of the important facts about fishing by getting out there and trying to catch your big fish. On the other hand, you will simplify your life if try to learn as much as possible from the people who have caught big bass before you. You can also use the Internet, read magazines and books, go to seminars or hire an Alberta guide in order to get information about bass fishing and especially bass fishing in Alberta.

*One last advice: don’t be greedy. You should never care for numbers. Remember that you are after a different creature which will or will not bite. Even if in the end of the day you have not caught any fish, you have to keep in mind that you want THAT one big fish and not an ordinary one.

Posted in Alberta Fishing | Tags: Alberta Anglers, Alberta Bass Fishing, alberta fishing, Alberta Fishing Derbys, Alberta Fishing Guides, Alberta Fishing Lodges, Alberta Fishing Maps, Alberta Flyfishing, Alberta Lodges, Alberta Resorts, alberta trout fishing, Fishing Tips Alberta
it is interesting you've research this topic so hard that you've actually found some "how to catch bass" instructions that were actually written in alberta media. why you would take the time to do so, and then post it on a thread on the "Alberta" outdoorsmen forum when it's common knowledge that there's little or no known fish of the species swimming in "Alberta" waters makes little sense. this forum is to inform and help other fellow "Alberta" outdoorsmen better enjoy our outdoor experiences here in our great province of "Alberta". to me, posting info that doesn't pertain to "Alberta" related topics, especially "how to info" seems futile. you might as well share info on "how to milk a camel" for all the good it does for the guys on here. i think you need to find some new material to specialize in, but maybe it's just me.

i couldn't find any "how to milk a camel" info, but i did manage to have this "how NOT to milk a camel" video pop up. enjoy another intermission fellas.


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Old 04-15-2011, 11:36 PM
horsetrader horsetrader is offline
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Originally Posted by Daceminnow View Post
it is interesting you've research this topic so hard that you've actually found some "how to catch bass" instructions that were actually written in alberta media. why you would take the time to do so, and then post it on a thread on the "Alberta" outdoorsmen forum when it's common knowledge that there's little or no known fish of the species swimming in "Alberta" waters makes little sense. this forum is to inform and help other fellow "Alberta" outdoorsmen better enjoy our outdoor experiences here in our great province of "Alberta". to me, posting info that doesn't pertain to "Alberta" related topics, especially "how to info" seems futile. you might as well share info on "how to milk a camel" for all the good it does for the guys on here. i think you need to find some new material to specialize in, but maybe it's just me.

i couldn't find any "how to milk a camel" info, but i did manage to have this "how NOT to milk a camel" video pop up. enjoy another intermission fellas.


Well if that is your reactions to a post I don't no why you waste your time reading it.Can you explain if there is no bass in Alberta why would it be printed in Alberta fishing guide. your comparison is what i've come to expect from you.If you can't say anything that adds to the thread then you try to ridicule the person well will take more then you to rattle me.I'm here to stay and so will the Bass.Don't let the door hit you in the *** on your way out.
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Old 04-16-2011, 12:17 AM
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Daceminnow Daceminnow is offline
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Originally Posted by horsetrader View Post
Well if that is your reactions to a post I don't no why you waste your time reading it.Can you explain if there is no bass in Alberta why would it be printed in Alberta fishing guide. your comparison is what i've come to expect from you.If you can't say anything that adds to the thread then you try to ridicule the person well will take more then you to rattle me.I'm here to stay and so will the Bass.Don't let the door hit you in the *** on your way out.
trader i won't go back and forth with you. i read a lot on this site and as stated before it's to gain further knowledge pertaining to the pastimes i enjoy. it is unfortunate that some of what i read ends up being a "waste of time" but i have no control over what others post. the only logical reason i can give you that bass info was printed in the alberta fishing guide, is that there at one time and still may be bass swimming in island lake near athabaca. that would make sense to me. for adding things to the thread that don't pertain to the thread, i think i have also spoken to that. i'm not sure if other sportsman on the forum will benefit from reading "how to catch bass" info when we don't have any here in Alberta to purse. it's not rocket science.
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Old 04-16-2011, 06:38 AM
GaryF GaryF is offline
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Where did that article come from? I find it quite amusing that it recomends the use of a boat to find the bass for the best time of the year, that being december through april. You cut and pasted it, so where is the direct link to it? As far as I can tell its a bunk article that may have had some creative editing. It sure wasn't created by a canadian writer as it is telling you to drive sometimes 100's of miles to find that large bass in alberta.

Oops, never mind the link I found it myself. Here's whats posted in the about section from it,

"This is an example of a WordPress page, you could edit this to put information about yourself or your site so readers know where you are coming from. You can create as many pages like this one or sub-pages as you like and manage all of your content inside of WordPress."

There is no link to contact "admin", every link takes you to the Word Press site that is trying to sell you a blogging program. There is no way to contact the author for his sources of information.

Here's a great quote from a credible source, Bob Izumi.

"After fishing the Niagara River for steelhead with Brent and Larry from BoaterExam.com I was off to Calgary, on behalf of Shimano Canada, for the grand opening of Bass Pro Shops’ newest store. There were a ton of people there and I used up a few Sharpies signing autographs. I had the pleasure of sitting beside Bill Dance and I’ll never forget the look on his face when I told him that there were no bass in Alberta. The first thing he did was turn to professional angler Jimmy Houston and say, “Hey Jimmy, there’s no bass in Alberta!” For the rest of the evening, I kept hearing Bill say to people, “Have you ever caught a bass?”

You are passionate about having bass in alberta, and I respect that. What I don't respect is trying to lead ppl on with false information.
Enjoying the peace and serenity of this wonderful sport!!
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