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Old 02-22-2011, 01:50 PM
Winch101 Winch101 is offline
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Default Always ends the same

Just like the US marines ....Dont ask , Dont tell....

Everytime over the last 40 yrs I have cut someone in on Lake X my hard earned spot ....it ends up the same ....Out of the goodness of my heart
I help a guy out and he bends you over the proverbial fish barrel...

Even on here ,

My new personal regs are ...say nothing...leave the dock
in the dark , smoke screen to cover your tracks ....release no legal fish...
the new canadians are fishing out our reservoirs while Alberta sporstman
are putting back fish to grow.... if the Government isnt going to police the resource....then we have to riot at the docks or vigilante fish police.

I will just ask one question ....Do you think that all those people
who are illegally camped up the west side of CVR , who dont speak English when you speak to them , are throwing back any fish ...

Fish Cops too lazy to find their way in there ..I personally have never seen a fish cop at CVR.. tough call , the roads paved now....
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Old 02-22-2011, 01:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Winch101 View Post
Just like the US marines ....Dont ask , Dont tell....

Everytime over the last 40 yrs I have cut someone in on Lake X my hard earned spot ....it ends up the same ....Out of the goodness of my heart
I help a guy out and he bends you over the proverbial fish barrel...

Even on here ,

My new personal regs are ...say nothing...leave the dock
in the dark , smoke screen to cover your tracks ....release no legal fish...
the new canadians are fishing out our reservoirs while Alberta sporstman
are putting back fish to grow.... if the Government isnt going to police the resource....then we have to riot at the docks or vigilante fish police.

I will just ask one question ....Do you think that all those people
who are illegally camped up the west side of CVR , who dont speak English when you speak to them , are throwing back any fish ...

Fish Cops too lazy to find their way in there ..I personally have never seen a fish cop at CVR.. tough call , the roads paved now....
i dont think they are too lazy....just grossly understaffed
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Old 02-22-2011, 02:41 PM
Winch101 Winch101 is offline
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Default I agree....somewhat

As usual I am only half serious ....but I have seen F&W at the ESSO in bassano a few times but never one at CVR... Also you can get to that west side from the red rock quite easily...

It just drives me nuts ( nuts'er) when I see stringers of hammer handles coming out of a boat and going up to camp. Those no necks dont take constructive criticism very well ....F Off is basically a world wide term ...

My bad but circumstance kept me from following up there .

I believe we " The legal fishing fraternity " have no idea how much poaching is going on here ...

As citizens arrest becomes legal I am sure this will have an effect on these situations

Chub why arent you fishing , I could barely see the house across the street
2 hrs ago ... I love a good white out ...

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Old 02-22-2011, 02:45 PM
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Originally Posted by Winch101 View Post
As usual I am only half serious ....but I have seen F&W at the ESSO in bassano a few times but never one at CVR... Also you can get to that west side from the red rock quite easily...

It just drives me nuts ( nuts'er) when I see stringers of hammer handles coming out of a boat and going up to camp. Those no necks dont take constructive criticism very well ....F Off is basically a world wide term ...

My bad but circumstance kept me from following up there .

I believe we " The legal fishing fraternity " have no idea how much poaching is going on here ...

As citizens arrest becomes legal I am sure this will have an effect on these situations

Chub why arent you fishing , I could barely see the house across the street
2 hrs ago ... I love a good white out ...

hahahaah im old i fished 3 lakes this week end.....just a few flakes here

geebusss Winch you just convinced me to go fishing tomorrow

Last edited by chubbdarter; 02-22-2011 at 02:59 PM.
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Old 02-22-2011, 03:08 PM
Gust Gust is offline
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Originally Posted by Winch101 View Post
As usual I am only half serious ....but I have seen F&W at the ESSO in bassano a few times but never one at CVR... Also you can get to that west side from the red rock quite easily...

It just drives me nuts ( nuts'er) when I see stringers of hammer handles coming out of a boat and going up to camp. Those no necks dont take constructive criticism very well ....F Off is basically a world wide term ...

My bad but circumstance kept me from following up there .

I believe we " The legal fishing fraternity " have no idea how much poaching is going on here ...

As citizens arrest becomes legal I am sure this will have an effect on these situations

Chub why arent you fishing , I could barely see the house across the street
2 hrs ago ... I love a good white out ...

Ya know, a stewardship program should be put into effect,, certify, volunteer educators on fishing regs,,, can't hand out fines, just good fishing etiquette and ethics all the while wearing a big hoody with an anti-poaching literature blazed on the front and a walky talky on the hip. Or an AFGA patch on the shoulder. Presense is still the best deterrant.

As for new immigrants and not wanting to start an online war,, a very-canadian fellow quite blatantly told me how he hauls away fish from PCR and how it's his right as a licensed fisherman to do so and nobody will notice because everyone focusses on the newbies. I can't report an admitted poacher so what should one do? If I had a big black hoody with the anti-poaching tag on the front during the conversation, he may not have shared the conversation and possibly re-thought his future actions out there. Who knows.

There was a post on here last year on "C&R" and a guy posts that he keeps everything and then posts a picture of his freezer packed with trout, easily ten times the possesion limit and he wasn't anything close to a new-immigrant.

But back to the thread; for the lack of Lakes and Rivers in Southern Alberta I've yet not to find any Lake X'es and River Why's, they're all quite spectacular!!!
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Old 02-22-2011, 07:55 PM
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Some old timers wont tell me were lake x is in the ministik lake area. said they were catchin fish but they werent saying what they caught or were. me and my neighbor were talkin about it and came to the conclusion if the old guys are fishin it it cant be too far into the bush. Gotta bring my rod and some hooks and fish some of the various beaver ponds i pass by all the time.
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Old 03-31-2011, 12:01 AM
Dark Horn Dark Horn is offline
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Originally Posted by natural.born.fawn.killer View Post
There's nothing wrong with lake x. Like its been stated post the lake and area you are catching the fish and the next saturday there won't be any room to fish. The same reason why I don't leave fish laying on the ice so you don't have people driving over your holes so they can park on top of you.
I visited Lake X today and was doing quite well. After a while had some visitors show up and were quite impressed with my catch laying beside me. Said i was one of a few that were doing well. Right away wanted to know what hook I had, what depth the water was and how far off bottom I fished. After telling them they lured up and started drilling holes...not any more than ten feet from my chair in a circle around me. I don't mind telling people what i have going on but give a guy some space.
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Old 03-31-2011, 01:41 AM
commieboy commieboy is offline
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Originally Posted by GustavMahler View Post
As for new immigrants and not wanting to start an online war,, a very-canadian fellow quite blatantly told me how he hauls away fish from PCR and how it's his right as a licensed fisherman to do so and nobody will notice because everyone focusses on the newbies.

There was a post on here last year on "C&R" and a guy posts that he keeps everything and then posts a picture of his freezer packed with trout, easily ten times the possesion limit and he wasn't anything close to a new-immigrant.
Thank you for this, Mahler... and for your eighth symphony. I had the pleasure of performing this work in my youth as a part of the chorus.

All too often I see this sentiment repeated on this board... Damn immigrants! By which, of course, most people are referring to Asians, Middle Easterns, Pakistanis or some similarly pigmented peoples.

Okay, let's call a spade a spade. I notice that very rarely does "immigrant" refer to those of white European heritage. After all, those guys are okay.... right? And from the same people who share this sentiment, Canadian means white.... right? My wife gets this all the time.

Old white guy:"What are you"
Old white guy:"No, I mean where are you from?"
Wife: "Ottawa"
Old white guy:"No, where did your parents come from?"
Old white guy:"So you're Chinese!"
Wife:" I'm Canadian"
Old white guy:"Not really"

She has gotten this so many times. It's sickening. Because she's not white, she's not considered Canadian. She has dealt with it all her life and so it barely bugs her now, but it gets me mad.

Winch101, maybe in your post were writing of a non English speaking European caucasian, but somehow I doubt it.

As evidenced by GustavMahler, crimes are being committed by "Canadians" as well. Why are we so quick to point the finger at immigrants?

Imagine if it were us in there place.... Newly transplanted in a country where we don't speak the language and are unaware of certain laws. As North Americans, many of us chew gum daily. It's tasty! Try to bring a stick of gum in to Singapore. I dare you. What's the big deal? Everyone chews gum in Canada, they must do it in Singapore, too. Better yet, try spitting.

Sometimes we take for granted that our laws must be universal. No, ignorance of the law is not an excuse. But for some, it just may not occur to them that what they're doing would be illegal, so there would be no reason to check.

I know some of you are going to rail against me for being too sensitive, or for supporting those damn ignorant immigrants... go ahead. I've had my say and shown my colours. Show yours, and I'll know who to avoid on the water.

Canadian.... Ask yourselves where your ancestors came from. Canada? I really doubt it. Damn immigrants.
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Old 03-31-2011, 11:03 AM
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I can understand your frustration, but the flip side of the coin - there is no license for gum chewing or spitting. Having a license implies that you are granted a privilege with the understanding that there are rules and regulations that apply. I really have a hard time believing that the majority of people fishing without licenses or consistently keep over their limit are doing it out of ignorance. I don’t care what country you come from, when you have to get a license for anything, there are rules that apply.
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Old 03-31-2011, 11:16 AM
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Another note - it is ok to give people a friendly reminder of what the regs are if you see them being broken...if they really didn't know, now they do. And as for lake "X" goes, I have 3 guys that I do all of my fishing with (for the most part) Half the fun for us is the hours we put into scouting new locations. When you find those gem spots it makes all the time, effort, and failure worth while. There is nothing like fishing a creek, coming back 2 weeks later and the only footprints found in the sandy banks are your old ones (and a few bear prints haha)
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Old 03-31-2011, 12:25 PM
commieboy commieboy is offline
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Hey TyreeUM,

I agree that most of the people breaking the rules are aware of it. There will always be sh!t disturbers. But you sort of illustrate my point.... in many Asian countries, especially in rural areas, a license is not needed for fishing. From their point of view, why on earth would anybody else in the world do things differently? For us, chewing gum or spitting in the street is something that happens every day and we don't give it a thought. Gum is banned in Singapore, and spitting is an offense which carries a mandatory caning. I would be so screwed in Singapore.

Sport fishing is not a universal idea. In India, you go fishing for food. Why the hell would you throw food away! Anyway, in these countries, if you just want some food for your family, go get it. Commercial fishing is another thing entirely, of course.

And yes. If you see someone breaking the rules, a friendly reminder can help educate without turning people off the sport. I don't like poachers.... doesn't matter where they come from. I simply took offense at the derogatory view towards immigrants.

TyreeUM, good discussion. Thanks for reading and for sharing. I guess you wouldn't want to share a bit more and let me know about those gem spots you were talking about, would you?
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Old 03-31-2011, 01:44 PM
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Speaking of poachers, I was fishing this relatively remote backcountry lake in BC for rainbow trout when I was little. When my familly and I arrived at the lake, we saw these 2 guys carrying 2 60 litre bucket fulls of rainbow trout to their truck.

My parents quietly got their licence plate number written down and reported them for poaching.

Too bad there isn't more more fish cops out there to catch these basts that destroy everone else's fishery just for their self greed.

As for the fishing that day, the action was non stop until we caught our limit of 12'' to 14'' (pan sized rainbows) which was five per licence and certainly not a 60L bucket full.
"Nothing makes a fish bigger than almost being caught." ~Author Unknown

People can mess with life, but people can't mess with time.

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Old 03-31-2011, 01:56 PM
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A friend told me of a story where he went fishing on the bow with another guy who used to work at Frenchies in Calgary

They came upon a couple guys who had a garbage bag full of rainbows, browns and I think a few bulls.

Well buddy lost it, grabbed the bag and hammer tossed it into the river went over and stomped their rods.....would have paid to see a scene like that in real life. Not saying what he did was right but it was effective.

I won't say whether they were white, purple, green or blue colored folks....but they were poachers and thats all that matters.

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Old 03-31-2011, 01:57 PM
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Originally Posted by GustavMahler View Post
Anyone can read through the lazy guys styled Internet fishing,,, many people here learned many places the hard way, trial and error and success, it aint cheap, gas wise, snag wise. Many of those fishermen don't really need to be on here but they are and they share technique, lures, ice conditions and so forth, great stuff. I learned the hard way about posting spots,, so now Cove Y on Lake X is a garbage dump. And since when was fishing instantly mastered? Fishing is about exploring and learning about water type even barometric pressure,, which I should add is perfect today. Yes there are fish everywhere, so go catch em! Maybe not today or tomorrow or next week, but you eventually will and then you'll have your Lake X. In fact, there are so many threads on how to fish that I'm suprised that more lunkers aren't posted.
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Old 03-31-2011, 01:58 PM
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the good news is more and more people are now educated on resource management. I can't tell you how many younger guys I know have broken the trend of keeping every fish that get's reeled in, the mentality of their parents and grandparents and so on. There is always gonna be idiots, but it is nice to see the positive trend both from the average angler's prospective and the fisheries management plans protecting our resources. On a side note, I don't like poaching in any shape or form, but at least I know the "immigrants" keeping over their limit are not typically letting their catch go to waste, unlike some ignorant Canadians that still have perch in their freezer from 3 seasons ago....
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Old 03-31-2011, 06:11 PM
HunterDave HunterDave is offline
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Originally Posted by commieboy View Post
Imagine if it were us in there place.... Newly transplanted in a country where we don't speak the language and are unaware of certain laws. As North Americans, many of us chew gum daily. It's tasty! Try to bring a stick of gum in to Singapore. I dare you. What's the big deal? Everyone chews gum in Canada, they must do it in Singapore, too. Better yet, try spitting.
Well, I think that we'd all agree to not chew gum or spit in Singapore if they'd agree to not come here and try to eat our darned dogs!

Ignorance of the law is not a valid defense for breaking laws.
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Old 03-31-2011, 06:25 PM
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Originally Posted by HunterDave View Post
Well, I think that we'd all agree to not chew gum or spit in Singapore if they'd agree to not come here and try to eat our darned dogs!

Ignorance of the law is not a valid defense for breaking laws.
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Old 04-01-2011, 01:15 AM
commieboy commieboy is offline
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Originally Posted by HunterDave View Post
Well, I think that we'd all agree to not chew gum or spit in Singapore if they'd agree to not come here and try to eat our darned dogs!

Ignorance of the law is not a valid defense for breaking laws.

With a comment like that, I find it ironic that you should be criticizing other people's ignorance.

Now do't get all red in the face over that comment.... Your neck might not want the competition.

Originally Posted by chubbdarter View Post
Yeah... Bigotry is really funny.

I apologize to everyone for taking a huge tangent with this thread. I will refrain from posting any further comments, and likely not return to this forum. Too many small minded, bigoted attitudes for my liking.

Happy fishing.
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Old 04-01-2011, 01:18 AM
HunterDave HunterDave is offline
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Lighten up, I was just kidding.

But you know that they do eat dogs in Singapore though eh? Tastes better than gum I guess?
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Old 04-01-2011, 05:43 AM
grinr grinr is offline
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Originally Posted by Jwood 456 View Post
Speaking of poachers, I was fishing this relatively remote backcountry lake in BC for rainbow trout when I was little. When my familly and I arrived at the lake, we saw these 2 guys carrying 2 60 litre bucket fulls of rainbow trout to their truck.
60L buckets??Are you sure you don't mean 20L(5gal) buckets?Regardless,that's still a rediculous amount of fish and a disgusting diplay of disrepectful,blatant poaching.Not that it really matters,jest sayin.....20L bucket of fish weighs close to 50lbs rounded up full,60L buckets would easily be well over 100lbs. each.

Last edited by grinr; 04-01-2011 at 05:50 AM.
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Old 04-01-2011, 06:50 AM
michaelmicallef michaelmicallef is offline
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Default nailed it!

Originally Posted by jack88 View Post
Selfish? Give a chance for other people to enjoy some good fishing? Check out the thread on Waiu lake, used to be a lake X. Word of a few humpbacks and the convoys start rolling in for the rest of the winter. Hell, all those used to be a Lake X at one time up there. Small lakes need to be called lake X for a reason. Take pics and put it back? What province are you living in? This is the land of take take take, our lakes reflect it, so do the greedy people.
You hit the nail right on the head with that comment! Want to put fishing pressure on a lake just post it on the net as a good lake. Fishing my lake x around Sundre this winter. Never seen as many people there as I have this year. I saw it mentioned a couple of time here and that was it. It got raped !
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Old 04-01-2011, 07:02 AM
michaelmicallef michaelmicallef is offline
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Originally Posted by AxeMan View Post
Ya it does, Paul. But I think Honda450 is trying to trick us. That is Lake EX-LAX from parts unknown. It is actually pretty crappy to get into, I've heard.
You made me laugh. Thanks.
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Old 04-01-2011, 07:16 AM
michaelmicallef michaelmicallef is offline
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Originally Posted by commieboy View Post
Thank you for this, Mahler... and for your eighth symphony. I had the pleasure of performing this work in my youth as a part of the chorus.

All too often I see this sentiment repeated on this board... Damn immigrants! By which, of course, most people are referring to Asians, Middle Easterns, Pakistanis or some similarly pigmented peoples.

Okay, let's call a spade a spade. I notice that very rarely does "immigrant" refer to those of white European heritage. After all, those guys are okay.... right? And from the same people who share this sentiment, Canadian means white.... right? My wife gets this all the time.

Old white guy:"What are you"
Old white guy:"No, I mean where are you from?"
Wife: "Ottawa"
Old white guy:"No, where did your parents come from?"
Old white guy:"So you're Chinese!"
Wife:" I'm Canadian"
Old white guy:"Not really"

She has gotten this so many times. It's sickening. Because she's not white, she's not considered Canadian. She has dealt with it all her life and so it barely bugs her now, but it gets me mad.

Winch101, maybe in your post were writing of a non English speaking European caucasian, but somehow I doubt it.

As evidenced by GustavMahler, crimes are being committed by "Canadians" as well. Why are we so quick to point the finger at immigrants?

Imagine if it were us in there place.... Newly transplanted in a country where we don't speak the language and are unaware of certain laws. As North Americans, many of us chew gum daily. It's tasty! Try to bring a stick of gum in to Singapore. I dare you. What's the big deal? Everyone chews gum in Canada, they must do it in Singapore, too. Better yet, try spitting.

Sometimes we take for granted that our laws must be universal. No, ignorance of the law is not an excuse. But for some, it just may not occur to them that what they're doing would be illegal, so there would be no reason to check.

I know some of you are going to rail against me for being too sensitive, or for supporting those damn ignorant immigrants... go ahead. I've had my say and shown my colours. Show yours, and I'll know who to avoid on the water.

Canadian.... Ask yourselves where your ancestors came from. Canada? I really doubt it. Damn immigrants.
Are we all immigrants? YES ,pretty much. Are we all ethical? Not so much.
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Old 04-02-2011, 09:32 PM
Heron Heron is offline
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I too, take offense to the racist comments on this great site. There is no place for that nonsense here.

Back to the topic... I subscribe to the Fish and Tell and Go To Hell train of thought. Good book too. (McLennan et all)

I think it is great to share techniques and other information but I am careful about who I tell what about locations.
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