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Old 04-08-2010, 10:22 AM
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I hear you, but you fall into one of my many arguements over this deal...........Why wait until it's allowed in archery season, you legally can use one in Alberta for some time now, why haven't you??????

Thats one of my problems, no offence , but how many other band wagon jumpers will the province have? Where are the exclusive Xgun hunters making their point? Do they not exist yet? and why not?
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Old 04-08-2010, 11:02 AM
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Actualy Pottie to assume I am a bandjumper is kinda silly,as I posted I have bowhunted,just cant physically pull my compound anymore
I would use a crossbow to extend my time outdoors,my harvest ratio would change little if at all
As with all responsible hunters whatever method I choose will require practice and ethics
Old 04-08-2010, 11:27 AM
gman1978 gman1978 is offline
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Originally Posted by rottie View Post
Actualy Pottie to assume I am a bandjumper is kinda silly,as I posted I have bowhunted,just cant physically pull my compound anymore
I would use a crossbow to extend my time outdoors,my harvest ratio would change little if at all
As with all responsible hunters whatever method I choose will require practice and ethics
I could very well be incorrect on this but if you have some form of disabliliy I think you maybe able to get some kind of permit to use your crossbow during archery season. Something you may want to check into. No need to make a new season for crossbow.
Old 04-08-2010, 11:30 AM
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Originally Posted by gman1978 View Post
I could very well be incorrect on this but if you have some form of disabliliy I think you maybe able to get some kind of permit to use your crossbow during archery season. Something you may want to check into. No need to make a new season for crossbow.
I have if ya took the time to read some of my previous posts you would have seen so.
I dont qualify yet because of a car accident I cant draw enough times to practice enough to feel comfortable shooting at live game,bow was set at 50 pounds by the way
Old 04-08-2010, 11:36 AM
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Originally Posted by rottie View Post
I have if ya took the time to read some of my previous posts you would have seen so.
I dont qualify yet because of a car accident I cant draw enough times to practice enough to feel comfortable shooting at live game,bow was set at 50 pounds by the way
Rottie, you can qualify, all you need is a doctors note, on a yearly basis, to present to Fish and Wildlife, to obtain your permit. I'm sure your doctor or your physio, Massage therapist all could write you one and you would qualify. I looked into it once for a buddy, and F & W said that's all he would need.

So Gman is right, you qualify, no quomes, no new season needed!!!

The band wagon jumper wasn't directed at you , just a generalization for the potential epidemic that might occur.
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Old 04-08-2010, 11:49 AM
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Thanks for clarifing that Potty I appeciate it
The background is that I am rated as a 10/15 percent loss of range on my left side due to a traffic accident,I did in the past(years ago) try for the permit and was turned down.

Anyway I do respect all of the opinions in this link,and some real good points have been made,but as we have all made up our own minds,and wont change others(probably shoulnd anyways) I will now bow out of it

Thanks for the thoughts guys
Old 04-08-2010, 12:02 PM
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Default Xgun ??????

Originally Posted by pottymouth View Post
Now if that's not a question that has been put forward 100 times, 100 different ways without a single answer for the Xgun hunters, would someone step to the plate with an answer!!!
Easy.............it is a bow, always has been a bow, has been referred to as a bow throughout history.......everybody even non hunters knows it by the name crossbow.......and it shoots a projectile using the kinetic energy from a bow.......not a ignited flammable powder....................pretty plain and simple if ya ask me............
Don't ever utter the words "idiot proof" in regard to anything, as upon your reflection........the world will immediately get going on building a better idiot thereby making your proclamation mute
Old 04-08-2010, 12:06 PM
MathewsArcher MathewsArcher is offline
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Originally Posted by Dakota369 View Post
Easy.............it is a bow, always has been a bow, has been referred to as a bow throughout history.......everybody even non hunters knows it by the name crossbow.......and it shoots a projectile using the kinetic energy from a bow.......not a ignited flammable powder....................pretty plain and simple if ya ask me............
and a seahorse is a horse right????????
Old 04-08-2010, 12:24 PM
Stinky Coyote Stinky Coyote is offline
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Originally Posted by calgarychef View Post
I have a x-gun but don't hunt with it and won't until I'm too old to draw my bow. I hunt with a longbow by the way, just so everyone knows where I'm coming from.

While I'm against the use of x-guns in bow season we might be able to pull together and make it a win win situation. How about if there were more archery only areas created throughout the province (yes even for the x-gun guys). In that case I'd be all over the idea. Wouldn't it be great for everyone to have an archery zone within their home range?

I'd also like to see restrictions placed on bow performance and keep it to say 300 fps. just like a compound is now. That would really help to level the playing field. With the way technology goes weapons keep getting more and more efficient and it really erodes the whole idea of "short range" hunting.

the chef
can't say i'm down with the 300 fps restriction since i just bought a 360+ fps....this would be the equivelant to that tac15 crossbow.....technology is a wonderful thing and its nice that the majority of smooth shootin higher brace height bows are well into the low 300's fps now.....since overall performance is so close i think if you limit technology flow you have to do it to ALL bows...and no one wants that....i like my monster xlr8 and i'm sure Potty likes his two new top end latest bows also

but one thing i did like from the ohio stats were the sheer number of bowhunters....70,000 with crossbow and 55,000 with compound....thats more than all of albertas hunters period....pretty cool

the hardcore guys who like those moose every year on general and big trophy bucks etc. are the only ones who suffer, if we were just talking meat here this whole argument i don't think would exist because there is tons of game in the bowzones etc. that if bowhunter numbers increase to put the moose and muley bucks on draw here and there then great,.....whatever management is needed so long as they do good job like they do now.....because to me the more and bigger bowhunting is alltogether...the better

shutting the door on it and sweeping the tool under the carpet like it doesn't exist isn't the answer....its a bow, lets get in the game and adjust, grow the bowhunting side of things, if you don't want to see expansion and growth in the bowhunting side yet shoot a brand new top end compound then your selfish and hypocrit imo and you don't want to see that growth because of trophy tags hitting the draws and not being able to pursue a few key trophies every single season then shame on you you selfish sob
Old 04-08-2010, 12:25 PM
Stinky Coyote Stinky Coyote is offline
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Originally Posted by MathewsArcher View Post
and a seahorse is a horse right????????
finally.....a sense of humor from the hardcore camp....thankyou, that was good
Old 04-08-2010, 12:38 PM
Stinky Coyote Stinky Coyote is offline
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Originally Posted by pottymouth View Post
Cause I know stinky and angler need some written documents that have been Cut and Pasted:


Mr. Norb Mullaney, a professional engineer, is recognized as the leading authority on the physics of bows and endows. He states that "The hand held bow has one characteristic that distinguishes it from a crossbow or any type of firearm. The internal ballistics are a function of the shooter, his or her physical geometry and capabilities, shooting form, consistency and reaction to stress and trauma. In the crossbow and firearms, the internal ballistics are fixed. The action of the shooter in triggering a release of energy does nothing more than initiate a process that is consistent and repetitive. The hand held bow is different. Every action of the shooter contributes something either positive or negative to the interior ballistic process. As the interior ballistics vary, so do the exterior ballistics. Shooting the hand held bow and arrow is much more complicated than aiming a fixed system of ballistics and touching off the energy discharge. The total energy to draw, hold and release the bow must come directly and unassisted from the shooter's muscle power."

Copies of the Mullaney Report can be obtained from Mr. Mullaney, Engineer, Writer, 8425 North Greenvale Rd. Milwaukee W/ 53217


The technical information on equipment, contained in the "Marrow Report" was compiled by Roy S. Marlow and associates; titled "The Modem Hunting Crossbow-- A Study of it's Effectiveness Compared to the Hand Held Bow, 1 989".

Roy S. Marlow's areas of expertise are in design, theoretical analysis, and experimental evaluation of structural and mechanical systems. He holds a BS degree in aerospace engineering, an MS degree in mechanical engineering, and an MBA degree in management with a concentration in the management of research and development activities. He is a member of several national engineering societies and scholastic fraternities, is active on industrial committees, and task groups, and has written widely on technical subjects. In 1984 he received the Eugene W. Jacobs Award, which is awarded annually by the American Mechanical Engineers for technical excellence.

The Marlow Report concludes that the crossbow is technically superior to the modem hand held bow in almost every category of comparison. Further, the report concludes that the crossbow is more similar to a fireman than a hand held bow and that crossbows should not be considered as archery equipment. The crossbow which is always cocked, shoulder held, shot from a rest, fired by a trigger and has over twice the effective range of a bow is closer to being a firearm than a hand held bow.

Copy's of the Marrow Report can be obtained from RS Marlow & Associates, 12503 Chapel Bell, San Antonio, TX 78230


The Pope and Young Club (P&Y)was founded to promote bowhunting and to record for posterity the outstanding examples of North American big game animals taken solely with the hunting bow.

A hunting bow is defined as a longbow, recurve, or compound bow that is handheld and hand drawn, and that has no mechanical device to enable the hunter to lock the bow at full or partial draw, other than the energy stored by the drawn bow, no device to propel the arrow will be permitted.

The P&Y Club does not consider the crossbow to be a hunting bow and will not accept any trophies collected by crossbow hunters. Furthermore, the club considers the use of the crossbow during bowhunting seasons to be a serious threat to the future of bowhunting.

Therefore the club recommends that the crossbow not be considered for use in any bowhunting only season. The club strongly recommends that crossbow hunting be abolished from all existing bowhunting only seasons and the use of the crossbow for hunting be restricted to firearms' seasons.

For more information contact the Pope & Young Club, 6471 Richard Avenue, Placerville, California 95667


A 1995 survey titled Evaluation of Proposals For Change In Deer Hunting Regulation conducted by Cornell University at the request of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation concluded that "hunters generally do not support the use of the crossbow."

When deer hunters were asked if they were in support of the use of crossbows during the regular firearms season three quarters of the respondents (75.5%) said their satisfaction would change. Of those a majority (68.2%) said their satisfaction would decrease if the crossbow were allowed and most of the hunters (87.1%) said their satisfaction would greatly decrease.

Copies of the survey can be obtained from the Human Dimensions Research Unit, Department of Natural Resources, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. 14853-3001


The International Bowhunter Education Program (IBEP) is a program designed and administered by the National Bowhunter Education Foundation (NBEF) to train Bowhunters throughout North America and the world.

The IBEP definition of a bow is one that is hand held, hand drawn, and released with nothing attached to the bow that will allow the bow to be mechanically held in a drawn or cocked position. Therefore, the crossbow is not a bow and should not be considered for use in any "bowhunting only" season.

The NBEF does not offer an educational program for any hunting device except the bow and arrow, and recommends that if states and provinces approve the crossbow for hunting that it's use be restricted to the firearms' seasons.
some fine definitions of 'archery' tackle there, and we're all well aware that that is the hang up presently keeping the crossbow out....a simple definition....but any rate....this starts to stray from the topic of inclusion with the rest of the bows for 'hunting in alberta'.....and all hunting data that can be found shows the bow to be basically equal in effectiveness to a compound....what pope and young has to do with it i'm not sure....its obvious their records are for archery kills....what it has to do with including a crossbow with the other bows in a provinces hunting seasons is nothing

oh, and in 1995 i don't think the majority of hunters had any idea the truth of the crossbow that we are much better learned about now.....that being said i still believe the thing needs a ton more education as appears there are tons of folks who still think that when you pull the trigger on a crossbow you can do it from home on your couch after showing it a picture of a big buck and it will then just go kill a big buck, field dress it and hang it in the garage all by itself while you surf wild t.v. on the bube tube

its just a multi-user capable bow...thats it, its no personal chuck adams thats just going to race out there and get it done for ya because you pulled a trigger....aside from some range time differences possibly....you have to do the same 99% of everything else to get a shot opportunity at a critter in bow range....and thats going to make any crossbow hunter a 'bowhunter' in my book....i'm not the prejudiced type like some of you crossbow racists
Old 04-08-2010, 12:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Stinky Coyote View Post
i'm not the prejudiced type like some of you crossbow racists
I think you just used the "race" card where it's not warranted.
Old 04-08-2010, 12:47 PM
MathewsArcher MathewsArcher is offline
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Originally Posted by Stinky Coyote View Post
finally.....a sense of humor from the hardcore camp....thankyou, that was good
Not as hardcore as you seem to think, I hunt with a rifle, muzzleloader and shotgun as well. I'm in favor of muzzleloader seasons in alberta and even xbows, just not at the expense of an existing user group.

I would absolutely love a late season muzzleloader (primitive weapons, xbow) season in December. I could even be convinced that giving up a week or two of the existing bow season for such a hunt could be a good thing.

I just can't be convinced that a crossbow is a bow. To me a bow has to be draw and held, not cocked and walked........
Old 04-08-2010, 12:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Stinky Coyote View Post
can't say i'm down with the 300 fps restriction since i just bought a 360+ fps....this would be the equivelant to that tac15 crossbow.....technology is a wonderful thing and its nice that the majority of smooth shootin higher brace height bows are well into the low 300's fps now.....since overall performance is so close i think if you limit technology flow you have to do it to ALL bows...and no one wants that....i like my monster xlr8 and i'm sure Potty likes his two new top end latest bows also

but one thing i did like from the ohio stats were the sheer number of bowhunters....70,000 with crossbow and 55,000 with compound....thats more than all of albertas hunters period....pretty cool

the hardcore guys who like those moose every year on general and big trophy bucks etc. are the only ones who suffer, if we were just talking meat here this whole argument i don't think would exist because there is tons of game in the bowzones etc. that if bowhunter numbers increase to put the moose and muley bucks on draw here and there then great,.....whatever management is needed so long as they do good job like they do now.....because to me the more and bigger bowhunting is alltogether...the better

shutting the door on it and sweeping the tool under the carpet like it doesn't exist isn't the answer....its a bow, lets get in the game and adjust, grow the bowhunting side of things, if you don't want to see expansion and growth in the bowhunting side yet shoot a brand new top end compound then your selfish and hypocrit imo and you don't want to see that growth because of trophy tags hitting the draws and not being able to pursue a few key trophies every single season then shame on you you selfish sob
I'd also like to see the hunter to deer ratio in ohio,Perhaps they can sustain something like that,

Anyway why should a population have to suffer due to the implamintation of something that already has a season??

Stinky you don't believe that Xguns will open the door for other types of weapons? where do you cross the line??
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Old 04-08-2010, 12:52 PM
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Originally Posted by MathewsArcher View Post
Not as hardcore as you seem to think, I hunt with a rifle, muzzleloader and shotgun as well. I'm in favor of muzzleloader seasons in alberta and even xbows, just not at the expense of an existing user group.

I would absolutely love a late season muzzleloader (primitive weapons, xbow) season in December. I could even be convinced that giving up a week or two of the existing bow season for such a hunt could be a good thing.

I just can't be convinced that a crossbow is a bow. To me a bow has to be draw and held, not cocked and walked........
Well said, I've been trying to say the samething.
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Old 04-08-2010, 01:07 PM
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Originally Posted by pottymouth View Post
Stinky you don't believe that Xguns will open the door for other types of weapons? where do you cross the line??
well, i think once i learned about the tool it became clear to me that it got on the wrong side of the line way back when as its clearly a bow....i'm of the two camps idea if not for just keeping it simple....bows and guns, not sure i put anything into the whether or not how primitive something might be as technology in everything we used to call primitive has taken all of the 'primitive' tools to levels way way beyond what they we're ever thought capable of say only 25 yrs ago for example.....so to me its very simple, bows or guns and much easier to manage them as such as success rates between the all the bows are quite low compared to hunter numbers, lets say 15%-ish for example purposes, whats the gun hunters success rates? i'm guessing its at the exact opposite end of the spectrum of the bows....regardless if its muzzle-loaders which probably can out perform 30-30's these days )so definitely a gun) right up to 338 lapua's and 50 bmg's that can kill to a mile or more....its nice to have choices within weapon groups but i would think from managment standpoints and the success rate differences between the two groups that it would be much easier to just keep them separate....and here we have a bow stuck in with the guns......why on earth would we stick a gun (muzzleloader) in with the bows?

theres only one wrong to fix here...

now.....since everything is basically covered i think its time to resort to name calling....i'll go first you crossbow racist
Old 04-08-2010, 02:00 PM
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Originally Posted by MathewsArcher View Post
and a seahorse is a horse right????????
Uhhhhhh..............................yea.........a seahorse is a seahorse...........not a horse...............but a seahorse........
Don't ever utter the words "idiot proof" in regard to anything, as upon your reflection........the world will immediately get going on building a better idiot thereby making your proclamation mute
Old 04-08-2010, 04:09 PM
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I'm probably going to regret this but I feel the need to post this. I recieved the survey from ABA and was not confident that my feelings as a bow hunter would be passed along by the ABA so I went ahead and wrote a letter to SRD and copied the ABA. For all hunters out their not a member of AFGA, or the ABA feel free to do the same.

The first part is the reply I recieved from Brent, the last part if the email I had sent to SRD.

Hi Justin -- thanks for taking the time to look the info over and give your thoughts. Good to see people who want to get involved.
Just wanted to clarify a couple of things. Not all 3 things will affect bhtg negatively. Proposal #1 actually will increase days for bhtrs. A good thing.
Proposal #2 (allowing crossbows in the archery season) will definately impact you and the rest of the bhtrs in this province. We and our harvest is monitored by Rob and the rest of SRD. We are currently allowed 15% of the overalll harvest. IF our numbers/harvest increase within our current ranks we will be restricted to that 15% (thru draws or shortened seasons) - has happened before in areas and for different species. IF crossbows are allowed stats show that many rifle hunters will buy a crossbow to use in this new opportunity (for them - not for us). You are right about the similarities of the conventional bow and the crossbow in range/success rate. BUT if a pile of rifle hunters with crossbows flood our archery seasons and zones we WILL be on a draw - has been confirmed in several meetings with Rob and his counterparts. This does not relate to a better opportunity for bhtrs - the contrary I am afraid. You will go from a general mule deer tag in the archery season to a draw. You will wait 7-8 yeras for an antelope draw instead of 3-4. Harvest rate will skyrocket for antelope - I have been getting a pile of concern from bhtrs in the Southeast. Crossbows can be used in general and primitive weapon seasons now - there is plenty of opportunity for them. Our neighbors in saskatchewan have been told that if crossbows are allowed there and their harvest/numbers increase the bhtrs will be lumped into the general season - HUGE loss of opportunity.

You are correct in the muzzleloader season -- but maybe the general season hunter should give up something as well as us bhtrs. Mnay would rather see a "Primitive Weapons" season -- current muzzleloaders are no where near primitive but until definitions of what a primitive muzzleloader is, we have to live with what we have now.

There is only so much pie out there and the pie is 100% split right now. If someone wants more, one of us has to give up some of their pie.

thanks for your time again


----- Original Message -----
From: Justin ****
To: rob.corrigan@gov.ab.ca
Cc: bcwatson@telusplanet.net
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 11:14 AM
Subject: ABA Questionnaire in Response to SRD Proposals


I have recently received a copy of the questionnaire from the Alberta Bow hunters Association. With the survey I received a summary of the three proposals for change that most effect bow hunters in Alberta. Within the message from Brent Watson, the 2010 ABA President he states that these proposed changes are seriously going to affect archery hunting in Alberta, and not for the better. While I agree that if the proposed changes to the hunting rules and regulations are put into place they will affect hunting opportunities, but I disagree that the impact will be negative.

The first proposed change is to the season start date for WMU’s that archery traditionally starts after the labor day long weekend. While I agree that the start date changing each year may cause some confusion, so does the day that it follows. Labor day changes each year, as does our August Civic Holiday, and Thanksgiving. While it should not be that hard to figure out, I do agree that if the start date of the season was changed to the first of the month it would make thing simpler. What has not been addressed is that changing the start of the season to the first day of September, rather than the first Wednesday after Labor day is adding opportunity to the season. The additional days of opportunity can add between 0 and 7 days to a bow hunters season. While it may not seem like a lot, 7 days is an additional ~10% to the archery only season.

The second proposed change is for the addition of cross bows to the regular archery season. There is some concern and debate whether crossbows are more effective or lethal than traditional archery gear. However the same debate can be had over the effectiveness of traditional recurve or long bows versus compound bows. It really is a pointless debate, as the effective range and the projectile for compound and cross bows are nearly identical. Also, as the information from SRD shows, the success rate of cross bows is similar to traditional archery. As a group, the ABA seems concerned that the addition of cross bows to the archery only season will somehow take away opportunity to hunt. Yet, at the same time, are proposing to add up to 7 days to the archery season, for simply keeping a fixed day on the calendar as the season start, as opposed to a fixed day of the year. I do not believe that the addition of cross bows to the archery season will impact my opportunity as a bow hunter.

The third proposed change is for the addition of a primitive weapons or muzzle loader season. One of the options for the change is to add a muzzle loader season to the last part of October, that would utilize the General License. This really would not take away any opportunity for archer hunters, but would add an opportunity for the other primitive weapons hunters. Additionally, though it is not proposed, a primitive weapons season could be added for the first week of December.

While it may not seem like it, I am an avid bow hunter. I spend as may day possible in the field as I can. Originally the opportunity for additional day is the field is why I took up bow hunting. The province saw fit to add an archery season to increase the opportunity to hunt in the early season in rural areas, that many have taken advantage off. I think it would be fair to increase these opportunities for groups with other interests such as muzzle loaders, or to allow groups with similar interests, such as cross bows to share in our opportunities. Hunting is a sport on the decline in most parts of Canada, and without changing the regulations to allow additional opportunity I believe that it will continue to decline.

Thank you for you time.


Justin ****
Old 04-08-2010, 04:28 PM
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Now that I'm fired up, another couple of things:

As a group, the ABA, not bow hunters, are a very selfish bunch. Requests of "adding" days to the season by changing the opening date, but not conceeding any bit to any other group. Would the ABA be in favor of a rifle only season for November? Doubt it.

As a bow hunter, why would you be opposed to having more hunters in the field? I'm pretty sure that the portion of money from tags sold to the rifle hunting only group far out weights the archery group. So, why is the archery season 3 times longer, and growing in areas? I understand the success rate is lower, but hey suck it up, and get more time in the field if you want to be successfull.

And another thing, enough with hacking on the type of equipment and archer chooses to use. I've never looked down on a fellow hunter for using a long bow, and handicapping themselves slightly. Nor a rifle hunter for choosing open sights over a scope. But, I seem to hear a whole bunch of complaining everytime someone does something to their advantage. "Hmmf, range finders are for rookies, I practice more than you and can judge distance down to the inch", "Hmmf, sights and wheels on bows are for lazy hunters. I can shoot instinctive out to 50 yards and never miss a shot", "Hmmf, waddaya need a magnum for. A .243 can drop anything around ya just gotta practice more. Just like me."

It sure does get old reading some of the dribble on this site sometimes.
Old 04-08-2010, 05:44 PM
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Originally Posted by rottie View Post
Actualy Pottie to assume I am a bandjumper is kinda silly,as I posted I have bowhunted,just cant physically pull my compound anymore
I would use a crossbow to extend my time outdoors,my harvest ratio would change little if at all
As with all responsible hunters whatever method I choose will require practice and ethics
you can't pull 40 lbs anymore? Geez that's too bad, probably means you will also have a lot of trouble handling a crossbow too.
Old 04-08-2010, 05:51 PM
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Originally Posted by russ View Post
you can't pull 40 lbs anymore? Geez that's too bad, probably means you will also have a lot of trouble handling a crossbow too.
Maybe ya should pull your head out of a certain bodily orifice Russy,I have been respectfull to all in this thread and expect the same in return.
If you cant loose the sarcasm directed to someone you dont even know,this just shows how little anyone should actually listen to ya
Old 04-08-2010, 06:14 PM
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Sarcasm? Hardly, have you even ever held a cross bow? Tried to cock one? If you can't pull 40, you won't be cocking a cross bow without a windlass.
Old 04-08-2010, 06:14 PM
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If so confused:

1) We want more hunters in the field so we introduce Xbows In the archery season......................But yet SRD has plans to have Paid hunting in place soon!!!!

2) There are no official estimates on numbers the new influx Xbows will create......................But Expanding the bowzone is out of the question.

Increase in urban sprawl, minor increase in Bow hunters, Huge increase in Xbowers, Vast private hunting ranches that do not allow hunting access = over stacking of hunters in a small space.... I can't even begin to fathom what will arise.

3)Huge influx in bow and Xbow hunters may cause the draw system to take effect in archery season.........................But SRD is propsing a 6pt cap system to allow oppoturnity for everyone to be drawn. Which I'm sure will make it even tougher than now.

4) As far as Sheep go, all I can say GOOD LUCK drawing in 408, 410 after all this................

5) I didn't forget about baiting, game farms, and nothing new affecting non residents!!!

I'm starting to feel like the biggest minority in the country !!!

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Old 04-08-2010, 06:50 PM
gman1978 gman1978 is offline
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I have come to the conclusion that the folks that cooked up all these proposals and changes have been watching too much wild tv. What is good in Minnesota, Ohio, Illinois and so on is not necessarily a good thing in Alberta. In fact I have talked to hunters from various states and provinces and they are envious of all our present opportunities here in Alberta. We allow muzzleloaders to be used in rifle season along with crossbows so people that use these weapons can hunt with them already. If you can't find time to get out and hunt with ample opportunity already you are not trying to hard. Alberta is a big place unlike some of the smaller states so running into other hunters is limited in comparison to other areas of North America. Safety is a reason that single weapon seasons were created in some states with limited hunting areas. I don't buy the provided reasons for the proposed rule changes here in Alberta.
Old 04-09-2010, 12:06 AM
ishootbambi ishootbambi is offline
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Originally Posted by BowhuntAB View Post
All the other guys??? What all three of you?
go check out the main thread in the hunting discussion. i think a lot of guys are getting tired of the same old arguments and have chosen to quit talking about it. the facts show a virtuallly identical success rate for hunters using them, and the facts show effective ranges to be nearly identical. everything else is just emotion and opinion. no matter what happens with this issue, i will continue to use the vertical bow and i am willing to share.
Old 04-09-2010, 12:18 AM
ishootbambi ishootbambi is offline
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Originally Posted by pottymouth View Post
If so confused:

1) We want more hunters in the field so we introduce Xbows In the archery season......................But yet SRD has plans to have Paid hunting in place soon!!!!

2) There are no official estimates on numbers the new influx Xbows will create......................But Expanding the bowzone is out of the question.

Increase in urban sprawl, minor increase in Bow hunters, Huge increase in Xbowers, Vast private hunting ranches that do not allow hunting access = over stacking of hunters in a small space.... I can't even begin to fathom what will arise.

3)Huge influx in bow and Xbow hunters may cause the draw system to take effect in archery season.........................But SRD is propsing a 6pt cap system to allow oppoturnity for everyone to be drawn. Which I'm sure will make it even tougher than now.

4) As far as Sheep go, all I can say GOOD LUCK drawing in 408, 410 after all this................

5) I didn't forget about baiting, game farms, and nothing new affecting non residents!!!

I'm starting to feel like the biggest minority in the country !!!

now yer talking some sense. ill gladly join you in the fight to put an end to paid hunting in this province. game farms should never have been allowed in the first place. they are proven to be responsible for the introduction of cwd to canada. yes the nonresident hunting situation needs to be changed. the fact that anyone with money can hunt 410 every year (or every 2nd year when successful) but residents must wait years is donkey dootie. or the fact that the same guy with enough cash can buy a mule tag in a premier zone here every year while we wait is also pretty weak. im with you potty....lets go get em. but...whats this about baiting now?
Old 04-09-2010, 12:20 AM
JustinC JustinC is offline
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Originally Posted by ishootbambi View Post
go check out the main thread in the hunting discussion. i think a lot of guys are getting tired of the same old arguments and have chosen to quit talking about it. the facts show a virtuallly identical success rate for hunters using them, and the facts show effective ranges to be nearly identical. everything else is just emotion and opinion. no matter what happens with this issue, i will continue to use the vertical bow and i am willing to share.
ok so you say the sucsess rates are the same. So lets put some numbers to this. If 1000 people use compound and 1000 use xbow. As for right know srd basis 15% harvest to archery so if we double the people that doubles the harvest. How the hell is that good? Our muledeer and moose numbers are down province wide so let double the sucsess rate which inturn means more dead animals. So what you all think is more opertunity in incorrect as it all goes to draw and is taken away.Time to get a archery tag would double so 410 sheep would be once every 14-18 years, 8-10 for antelope and 2-4years for an archery muledeer.Moose would all go to the draws insted of having the tiny window to harvest one with your sticks so I think we all should look at more than just what we are using but is it worth losing what we know for a hibrid gun to be a part of a archery season.I dont think so.
Old 04-09-2010, 12:23 AM
ishootbambi ishootbambi is offline
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i think im getting tired of this one justin. some of us are willing to share and some of us arent. last night you said something about mule deer that didnt make sense. i dont even remember it and havent seen it yet tonight. what were you asking?
Old 04-09-2010, 12:30 AM
JustinC JustinC is offline
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Originally Posted by ishootbambi View Post
i think im getting tired of this one justin. some of us are willing to share and some of us arent. last night you said something about mule deer that didnt make sense. i dont even remember it and havent seen it yet tonight. what were you asking?
muledeer numbers down south a really bad right??? That is do to srd listening to a bunch of winers.and fulse info on cwd.So a few more come out for somthing else and they jump.same goes as paid hunting,draw cap........etc.How many times is this going to happen before we have nothing left.Is that more clear.I was born and raised here I have seen geat go to
sh!t here and I dont want to se it go any worse.

Last edited by JustinC; 04-09-2010 at 12:38 AM.
Old 04-09-2010, 12:33 AM
JustinC JustinC is offline
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i think im getting tired of this one justin.

I am not picking on you. I think you know your stuff and like to listen to you and I read a bunch of others and I dont agree.So I say somthing.If what everybody says is true my numbers will be close after the first xbow archery hunt watch and see.I will be crossing a border to the east if that happens.
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