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Old 03-05-2010, 09:17 PM
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Default The Americans are now so paranoid that . . .

A harmless 12 year old boy, Alex Shehab, has been put on the U.S. TSA 'No-Fly' list, for no other reason than his name. Apparently, this has happened to several other children, as well thousands of innocent adults . . .

I think, in a way, the terrorists are winning. They have managed to turn the most powerful nation in the world into a state of 'mass paranoia'.

I, for one, am glad I live in Canada.

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Old 03-05-2010, 09:37 PM
greylynx greylynx is offline
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Have you passed through the new scanner systems at Edmonton International in the last two days?

They are lots of fun

I know that racial profiling is a real no no in kanada....It seems to work in Israel,
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Old 03-05-2010, 09:38 PM
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Originally Posted by TriggerFinger View Post

I, for one, am glad I live in Canada.
Because it has no effect on us at all?

" Starting in December, some passengers on Canadian airlines flying to, from or even over the United States without ever landing there, will only be allowed to board the aircraft once the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has determined they are not terrorists.

Secure Flight, the newest weapon in the U.S. war on terrorism, gives the United States unprecedented power over who can board planes that fly over U.S. airspace.

Secure Flight applies to flights to, from or over the United States, from Canada to another country. Flights between two Canadian cities, that travel over U.S. airspace, are excluded, but about 80 per cent of Canadian flights to the Caribbean and other southern points and to Europe fly over the U.S.

The program, which is set to take effect globally in December 2010, was created as part of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act, adopted by U.S. Congress in 2004. "
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Old 03-05-2010, 10:03 PM
S.A.S S.A.S is offline
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Just a minor flaw, But there is no real problem with Racial profiling, Once people stop there crying and dry their eye's they will see it really works and makes things go faster.
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Old 03-05-2010, 10:07 PM
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The sad part is does anybody really believe that the next wave of terrorist attacks will have anything to do with airplanes or airports, not likely, these guys aren't as dumb as they look....think of all the potential targets and methods they have available to them, it's endless....
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Old 03-05-2010, 10:08 PM
S.A.S S.A.S is offline
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If we prevent them from coming here then we are preventing future attacks. It is only a matter of time before something happens here.
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Old 03-05-2010, 10:14 PM
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Originally Posted by S.A.S View Post
If we prevent them from coming here then we are preventing future attacks. It is only a matter of time before something happens here.
I'm sure many are already here and you are correct it's not a matter of if but when...
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Old 03-05-2010, 10:27 PM
rugatika rugatika is offline
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Default that's nothing

Originally Posted by TriggerFinger View Post

A harmless 12 year old boy, Alex Shehab, has been put on the U.S. TSA 'No-Fly' list, for no other reason than his name. Apparently, this has happened to several other children, as well thousands of innocent adults . . .

I think, in a way, the terrorists are winning. They have managed to turn the most powerful nation in the world into a state of 'mass paranoia'.

I, for one, am glad I live in Canada.

You think that's bad...the Canadian gov't is so paranoid they made every single gun owner in canada register all their guns.
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Old 03-05-2010, 10:33 PM
S.A.S S.A.S is offline
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Originally Posted by rugatika View Post
You think that's bad...the Canadian gov't is so paranoid they made every single gun owner in canada register all their guns.
LOL Its like the Cuban missile all over again
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Old 03-05-2010, 10:52 PM
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Did you all hear about the highschool kid in Central WA who planned a school shooting with a suicidal teenage girl out in BC?

After seeing the extremes these people will go to... women and children included, I am a firm believer that anyone can be a terrorist. In my opinion if you don't want to be subjected to the their security standards don't fly. Nobody is forcing you to. If you have ever been to other parts of the world you'll see that they have their militaries guarding their security areas, so I wouldn't exactly classify the US as being extreme. Besides it is their country and they have a right to secure it how they deem fit.
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you’re capable of great violence. If you’re not capable of violence you’re not peaceful, you’re harmless. Important difference.
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Old 03-05-2010, 10:54 PM
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Originally Posted by troller View Post
Because it has no effect on us at all?
U said that ^, I didn't!

Originally Posted by S.A.S View Post
Just a minor flaw ...
It's only a 'minor flaw' if you're not effected.

Originally Posted by rugatika View Post
You think that's bad...the Canadian gov't is so paranoid they made every single gun owner in canada register all their guns.
That ^ had nothing to do with paranoia. It was a 'political' decision made by the Liberal government of the day.

Originally Posted by S.A.S View Post
LOL Its like the Cuban missile all over again
Best post so far ^ !

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Old 03-06-2010, 07:49 AM
roadkill roadkill is offline
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Originally Posted by TriggerFinger View Post

I think, in a way, the terrorists are winning. They have managed to turn the most powerful nation in the world into a state of 'mass paranoia'.
Unfortunately, a marine could peg Osama Bin Laden in the head tomorrow, and he'd still have won. Not only are Americans willing to give up freedoms for security, but once the bill for these two wars have to be paid, it's extremely likely that the US will be bankrupt. We're not only talking about regulars in the sand, right? I mean, there's the daily cost of running regular army and marine units and ll of that, plus the running cost of having national guard units there. Then, there's the home-front costs of having, say, an airline pilot sitting in a fighter in the middle east instead of working at home. Then there's the reduced workforce that dead reservists or guardsmen have , plus the extreme costs involved with keeping an amputee or PTSD sufferer going, both in veteran's hospitals and for the rest of his life.

Add the costs involved with having a Department of Homeland Security and all the extra security measures, and we're talking billions.

And that's really the only way you can take on the US, right? Do something big and let them do it themselves. Hell, Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein *hated* one another, so the US actually did BIn Laden a favour in Iraq.

Originally Posted by S.A.S View Post
Just a minor flaw, But there is no real problem with Racial profiling, Once people stop there crying and dry their eye's they will see it really works and makes things go faster.
That is bigoted bulls***t.

Originally Posted by S.A.S View Post
If we prevent them from coming here then we are preventing future attacks. It is only a matter of time before something happens here.
The best way to prevent future attacks is to not use the rest of the world like chess pieces and a cheap labour pool.

Originally Posted by blackpheasant View Post
The sad part is does anybody really believe that the next wave of terrorist attacks will have anything to do with airplanes or airports, not likely, these guys aren't as dumb as they look....think of all the potential targets and methods they have available to them, it's endless....
I agree. But slapping those stupid new body scanners into our aeroports makes it look like the governments and transport authorities are doing something to help. I'm frankly sick of these band-aid solutions. Better to figure out a way to scan New York or LA for dirty bombs or anthrax or something. I'm obviously just pulling examples out of the aether, here...

Probably the only English-speaking, French-Canadian lefty greeniac in Montréal with a 2008 Winchester M70 in .270. Probably.
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Old 03-06-2010, 08:09 AM
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God bless the Americans! Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean that EVERYONE ISN'T REALLY OUT TO GET THEM!!!

Perhaps if they kept their noses out of everyone's business they could sleep at night. They are the biggest baddest force on the planet aren't they?

Well, at least their on our side (for now anyways.)
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Old 03-06-2010, 08:48 AM
S.A.S S.A.S is offline
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Originally Posted by roadkill View Post

The best way to prevent future attacks is to not use the rest of the world like chess pieces and a cheap labour pool.
Then there would be no need or desire to have non European immigration Lol
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Old 03-06-2010, 10:23 AM
Built4life Built4life is offline
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here is the sad truth - the united states is using this "war on terror" to increase the size of government, take american liberties away from the people, erode the constitution and dumb down the already nieve and frightened population. Statistics have shown that 7 out of 10 americans are illiterate. Thats an alarming statistic i read in the new york times last year in houston, it really drove home the fact that if you can keep a nation in the dark and feed them only sensored media that you provide them you can really do anything you want with them. Its amazing. I've got a second home in arizona and i travel down there regularly, many americans still think we live in igloos and drive dog sleds - everyone else i talk to dosnt know where kanada even is lol
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Old 03-06-2010, 01:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Built4life View Post
Thats an alarming statistic i read in the new york times last year in houston, it really drove home the fact that if you can keep a nation in the dark and feed them only sensored media that you provide them you can really do anything you want with them.
Like we aren't suffering the same social engineering propaganda up here in Canada.
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Old 03-06-2010, 01:54 PM
Tatonka Tatonka is offline
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Originally Posted by TriggerFinger View Post

A harmless 12 year old boy, Alex Shehab, has been put on the U.S. TSA 'No-Fly' list, for no other reason than his name. Apparently, this has happened to several other children, as well thousands of innocent adults . . .

I think, in a way, the terrorists are winning. They have managed to turn the most powerful nation in the world into a state of 'mass paranoia'.

I, for one, am glad I live in Canada.

One question........ Who would you rather share your border with, the USA or Irag and Afganistan? I can guarantee you one thing........if Canada is ever invaded, experiences something like 911, etc. you can bet your *ss that the US will be the first one on the scene to help...

If you think living in Canada somehow makes you safe from the terrorists, think again... These people (terrorists) hate anyone who doesn't believe what they believe. I'm somewhat surprised that there wasn't an incident of some sort at the Winter Olympics......it was the perfect place to get some attention. Hat's off to the security there.....I'm sure they were relieved when it was over.
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Old 03-06-2010, 02:23 PM
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Originally Posted by rugatika View Post
You think that's bad...the Canadian gov't is so paranoid they made every single gun owner in canada register all their guns.
Not all..................................
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Old 03-06-2010, 03:10 PM
rugatika rugatika is offline
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Default Great Idea

Originally Posted by genoel View Post
God bless the Americans! Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean that EVERYONE ISN'T REALLY OUT TO GET THEM!!!

Perhaps if they kept their noses out of everyone's business they could sleep at night. They are the biggest baddest force on the planet aren't they?

Well, at least their on our side (for now anyways.)
I would love to see the Americans stay out of everyone's business across the planet and make it absolutely perfectly clear that they would no longer be policing the world. It would be an interesting experiment to see how long it would take the rest of the world to come begging at America's door to help with this skirmish, or that invasion, or this plague etc etc. I suspect that the USA would hardly get the story out that they would no longer be filling the position of world police that the entire planet would be crying foul.

I suspect that the people that complain about Americans sticking their noses into other countries business are the same ones that gleefully point out how they were late comers to WWII.

Everyone loves to lay the hate on the Americans...but there is not a single other country on this planet that I would rather share a border with. (Well maybe Sweden...HELLO Elin!!)
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Old 03-06-2010, 04:42 PM
Tatonka Tatonka is offline
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Originally Posted by genoel View Post
God bless the Americans! Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean that EVERYONE ISN'T REALLY OUT TO GET THEM!!!

Perhaps if they kept their noses out of everyone's business they could sleep at night. They are the biggest baddest force on the planet aren't they?

Well, at least their on our side (for now anyways.)

I can't count the number of times I've heard that exact same thing discussed here in the U.S....... Most of us can't understand why we have to be involved in everything going on around the world. And don't forget, we are paying to be in all of these places......the U.S. taxpayer.. That money doesn't come out of thin air.... It's our hard earned dollar that is going to help other countries (or hopefully help....sometimes I wonder).

I've heard people say that we should build a wall around the U.S. and keep everyone out and bring every troop home and let the other countries around the world fend for themselves.. The counter-arguement to this is that if you saw your neighbor beating his wife and kids, raping his next door neighbor, etc. would you just worry about your own house and say that was their problem?

I watched a documentary on TV last week on when the Japanese invaded the U.S. during WWII (Aleutian Islands in Alaska). The U.S. lost 1,600 soldiers in one battle there......yes, that was on U.S. soil. Do you suppose if those men hadn't stopped them that they might have possibly ended up in Canada? I suspect their plan was to take Alaska and them move south through Canada to the U.S. border.... Think about how different our lives might be if that had happened...

I'm rambling.......It's good to discuss these kinds of things and get different people's point of view.
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Old 03-06-2010, 04:46 PM
IR_mike IR_mike is offline
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Originally Posted by Tatonka View Post
I can't count the number of times I've heard that exact same thing discussed here in the U.S....... Most of us can't understand why we have to be involved in everything going on around the world. And don't forget, we are paying to be in all of these places......the U.S. taxpayer.. That money doesn't come out of thin air.... It's our hard earned dollar that is going to help other countries (or hopefully help....sometimes I wonder).

I've heard people say that we should build a wall around the U.S. and keep everyone out and bring every troop home and let the other countries around the world fend for themselves.. The counter-arguement to this is that if you saw your neighbor beating his wife and kids, raping his next door neighbor, etc. would you just worry about your own house and say that was their problem?

I watched a documentary on TV last week on when the Japanese invaded the U.S. during WWII (Aleutian Islands in Alaska). The U.S. lost 1,600 soldiers in one battle there......yes, that was on U.S. soil. Do you suppose if those men hadn't stopped them that they might have possibly ended up in Canada? I suspect their plan was to take Alaska and them move south through Canada to the U.S. border.... Think about how different our lives might be if that had happened...

I'm rambling.......It's good to discuss these kinds of things and get different people's point of view.
Thanks for the post.
Well said.
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Old 03-06-2010, 05:14 PM
GDM GDM is offline
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As an american (Texan first) living in Canada..I will just say we got you back, hope you got ours!

It's not a perfect system, but no system is. The "intent" is simply and that's to protect our citizens that are hellbent on destroying it. We got a big problem brewing in Mexico that isn't making the national news nearly as much as it should be.

Now let's on ensuring I have a good spot to hunt this year in the Calgary area. That and I can figure out all the beauracracy to bring in my guns and truck, while figuring out what I am going to do with my 10 year olds given they cannot hunt in this fine country until they are 12!

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Old 03-06-2010, 07:22 PM
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Would hate to see what a map of the world would look like if we didn't have Uncle Sam as an international referee.
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Old 03-06-2010, 07:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Bushrat View Post
Would hate to see what a map of the world would look like if we didn't have Uncle Sam as an international referee.
Not sure about the map but good chance we would all be speaking German...
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Old 03-06-2010, 09:12 PM
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Well I would challenge any country to step up and relieve the US. They are the ones b*tching about it, if they think they can do better step up and show the world! The US was asked to get into WWI, WWII, Korea, and Vietnam. Everyone criticised them for showing up late. Now when they are attacked and take a proactive approach to protecting themselves everyone complains. There IS NO perfect solution, and never will be. Afterall your lucky to keep half of the people happy half of the time. The people over there fighting don't just hate the US, they hate every western civilization who doesn't believe what they do.
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you’re capable of great violence. If you’re not capable of violence you’re not peaceful, you’re harmless. Important difference.
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Old 03-07-2010, 12:00 AM
S.A.S S.A.S is offline
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Originally Posted by blackpheasant View Post
Not sure about the map but good chance we would all be speaking German...
Lol Is this another joke? The Germans had no intentions of taking over America. You will say "They had spies over here/there" Ya well Israeli spies were caught like a year and a half ago in America does that imply the Jews are planning to take over? Hahha
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Old 03-07-2010, 12:57 AM
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Originally Posted by S.A.S View Post
Lol Is this another joke? The Germans had no intentions of taking over America. You will say "They had spies over here/there" Ya well Israeli spies were caught like a year and a half ago in America does that imply the Jews are planning to take over? Hahha
Your twisted...and your logic is an insult to all who fought for our freedom in WW II...
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Old 03-07-2010, 01:04 AM
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Originally Posted by blackpheasant View Post
Your twisted...and your logic is an insult to all who fought for our freedom in WW II...
Bull****, I have the utmost respect for veterans on both sides. However Germany has never posed a threat to the safety of Canada.
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Old 03-07-2010, 02:19 AM
uglyelk uglyelk is offline
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uboats in Halifax harbour, u boats in the St Lawerence

What would you call a threat?
Fortiter et Recte
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Old 03-07-2010, 08:23 AM
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Originally Posted by S.A.S View Post
Bull****, I have the utmost respect for veterans on both sides. However Germany has never posed a threat to the safety of Canada.
They only blew up hundreds of Canadian merchant ships in Canadian waters. U-boats torpedoed and sunk The SS Caribou a civillian ferry carrying 237 people between Sydney NS and Port-Aux-Basques NFLD in 1942. The germans had even set up a weather station with a team of meteorologists on the labrador mainland at Martin Bay with the intention of providing weather reports for german aircraft and ships. This weather station remained untouched until the 1980's where it was moved to the Canadian War Museum. They had landed spys with state of the art radio technology on the shores of the Saint Lawrence and the Bay of Funday tracking shipping movements. Their intentions were quite clear. If the Americans hadn't joined the allies in the second world war effort things would be a lot different today. Germans already controlled most of North Africa, were attacking Russia for Christs sake, they pretty much owned Europe. You think they planned on stopping.
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