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Old 09-22-2019, 10:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Sashi View Post
Stay absolutely quiet about this. Do not let this election be about gun control. If we do not make it an issue the liberals will lose more support.
That's the wrong tactic. Make it about proper allocation of resources and getting the best results for taxpayer dollars. A gun ban will have effectively zero effect on gang violence (they already source illegal guns primarily by way of smuggling) or psychopaths: the Toronto rental van attack proved that, as did Calgary's biggest mass killer, Matthew de Grood, who used a knife to slaughter 5 young people. In de Grood's case its already being recommended by his psychiatrist to let him out unsupervised, just like Vince Li. de Grood committed these atrocities in 2014. Justice? Safety for society? Sorry, no can do, we're Liberals.

How can we expect society to be safe with a government that releases our most deranged psychopaths but simultaneously wants society disarmed?
"The trouble with people idiot-proofing things, is the resulting evolution of the idiot." Me
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Old 09-22-2019, 10:42 AM
NinjaHunter NinjaHunter is offline
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Remember everyone, once the gov disarms Canadians. It's game on. The gov and their enforcers can literally do whatever they want at that point.

And if you oppose their political ideas, you will mysteriously disappear. Just like what happened in Venezuela. Or to the Jews. Or the non-red Chinese after the communist revolution. Or the white Russians.

Also, debating liberals with facts and charts is pointless. Cause their core values are different and they base their actions on what feels good. Regardless of historical evidence and facts.

Last point, if the liberals/communists do win, start making Just In Case Plans to leave the country cause you will be on their black list, i.e. "make you disappear". Or If you don't want to leave, start forming a community of like minded people that are numerous enough that the gov won't mess with you.
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Old 09-22-2019, 08:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Deezel View Post
All I can say is all you bolt gun owners that don't think this will effect you better wise up quick.
I cant agree with you more, these libtards wont quit until they get them all. Another reason for the west to separate
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Old 09-22-2019, 08:52 PM
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Part of me wants turdo to win this election.
Because then there might be enough push to get separation in motion.
And then we can make our own gun laws.
Hunting with handguns even. (There's the tie in to outdoor pursuits. Wouldn't want to get straight political on anyone )
I don't think our taxes should be this high.
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Old 09-22-2019, 10:11 PM
NinjaHunter NinjaHunter is offline
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Originally Posted by Dewey Cox View Post
Part of me wants turdo to win this election.
Because then there might be enough push to get separation in motion.
And then we can make our own gun laws.
Hunting with handguns even. (There's the tie in to outdoor pursuits. Wouldn't want to get straight political on anyone )
Separation will never happen. And even it did. It'll be like brexit. The politicians will try to drag it out until people forget about it. And the whole thing will be forgotten.

Western Canadians haven't felt enough pain (economically, politically, and socially) to actually want to separate from the rest of Canada. And even if it did happen. It will happen at the 11th hour, when it's already too late.
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Old 09-23-2019, 12:51 PM
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I read a lot of national gun boards, and the biggest thing people are talking about are "Fudds". Meaning those that have an old single shot or bolt gun and feel that they will be immune to these types of things. Now here in Alberta I myself am not too concerned about any other outcome but sweeping conservative votes however I would hope that any firearms owner understands the consequence of this Liberal move. This is just the beginning. Weve seen what has gone on in the UK, Australia, New Zealand...

If you dont express how dire this is to your friends out east our hobbies our sports and our livelyhood are in dire jeopardy.

The lions share of income from most ranges and shops comes from those who own the firearms in the immediate crosshairs. Mandatory range memberships for restricted PAL holders, the amount of accessories purchased by them, ammo sales, training sales, courses, the list is endless. Many businesses and ranges would not be able to support themselves without these crucial revenue streams.

Please. I emplore you all to speak with your Liberal friends and at least let them know to contact their MP and express that this is one policy they do not support.

You cannot get something back once its gone with this government.
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Old 09-23-2019, 12:54 PM
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I rarely update my facebook page, I dont post political things, however I did write this the day the news broke.

Its a long read however it really emphasizes how incorrect the Liberal government is on this issue! Please read and share!



This is for anyone on my friends list who is considering supporting the Trudeau governments election "promise" on banning guns in Canada... yes its long however I encourage you to read it as a friend of someone on perhaps the other side of the issue wanting to see how this really impacts both myself, as well as possibly your family members and all Canadians.

There is a great deal of misinformation represented in their plan, along with a great deal of playing on emotion versus the facts...

I'll try to be as diplomatic as possible however this impacts not only myself, but a huge amount of my friends and colleagues and is both a huge financial loss personally (the cost of a decent midsized car) as well as for our country.

I cite my near decade background in law enforcement having used these firearms both professionally on a daily basis as well as privately as a much loved hobby of mine to support my opinion.

I'll start point form.

- A ban on "assault rifles", "military style" rifles, "military grade" rifles, or whatever scary moniker the media is using.

Firstly... by definition an "Assault Rifle" is a weapon capable of select fire...meaning "fully automatic capability". These weapons have been banned in Canada already for roughly 80 years for civilian use. If you can believe it...they have also been banned in the USA for nearly the same amount of time... so unless you have a whole bunch of permits and whatnot for class 3 destructive devices which are rare, even our friends to the south are in the same boat as us. The closest thing we have to this for private purchase in Canada is the AR-15 sporting rifle. A semi automatic sporting rifle designed for the civilian market limited to 5 rounds. Lets get the record straight here. THE "AR" IN AR-15 DOES NOT STAND FOR ASSAULT RIFLE. It stands for Armalite Rifle... the company that designed the platform.

An assault rifle is a weapon used in the military and some elite police forces throughout the world. There is not one police agency in Canada that even uses an "assault" rifle in Canada on their standard scale of issue. They are already highly regulated. Short of enlisting in our armed forces you will likely never ever see one of these.

-The Liberal government claims they will make tighter controls for guns where as the conservative government would make it easier for people to own assault rifles.

This is laughable and a complete lie in every way.

It has been illegal to own any firearm in Canada unless you have a license. It has been this ways for decades and decades. As a person who is in posession of both a restricted and non restricted firearms license, my criminal record and arrest record is checked every single day. I completed all the required background checks both on my initial application, and have to maintain a flawless record for the rest of my life to maintain this. And as it should be and as its been long before this news.

-The liberal government would have you believe that these guns are running rampant through our streets.

This simply is not true. There is no record of an assault rifle being used in the commission of an offence in recent memory. Not only that, but unlike grandpas old 22, I cannot take my AR-15's or pistols shopping with me. I cannot take them out to the pasture and shoot cans, I cannot take them into the back country for protection from bears or cougars or the mighty squirrel. The only place in Canada you can shoot these guns legally is at an RCMP approved range. And to date, no licensed gun owner has committed a mass shooting in Canada with a restricted firearm. Shocked? Nope. Statistics Canada (a real government agency) cites licensed firearms owners as 3 times LESS LIKELY to commit an offence over non licensed Canadians.

- The UK, New Zealand, Austrailia, Japan, have all enacted a gun ban and we should too.."

Ok this one also makes me cringe...

I could go on for days about how this has been a colossal failure for them, bring up the statistics in how gun crime actually increased after the ban but Ill just say this...

What do they all have in common? They are Island Nations not sharing an 8000km unprotected border with the most firearm saturated country on the planet. A country where you can actually walk across the border to and from. A country that provides Canada with the overwhelming majority of the illegal guns used in the crimes in our cities. Narcotics come into our country by the bag full, truck full, boat full, the same is true with firearms. Its a lucrative market. A gun that can be purchased for 50 or 100 dollars in the states can be sold up here for 1000% profit or more. The 10s of billions of dollars this gun ban will cost Canadian tax payers is far better spent on giving our border officers the tools to interdict these shipments. Local agencies to provide high risk youth programs to reduce the chances of becoming gang members, not taking away the property of legal gun owners already highly vetted, and heavily scrutinized, with near zero return on this investment.

And lastly I'll bring up the favorite amongst anti gun folk.

-Nobody needs a handgun or assault rifle in Canada.

Okay. I can appreciate your view. Setting aside its already highly illegal to own an assault rifle in Canada, I'll just assume you mean the scary looking AR-15.

Functionally, its no different than any semi automatic hunting rifle with a wood stock. In fact the cartridge it fires is less powerful than any cartridge you can legally hunt with. Your grandpas deer rifle chambered in 30-06 packs nearly 3 times the energy. Also the AR15 and any other semi automatic rifle in Canada is LEGALLY only permitted to have a 5 round magazine. Not 30, not 500. Its incorrect to assume that they are mass killing machines in this country as our laws do not permit it. Pistols magazines are limited to 10 rounds in Canada. The overwhelming majority of the guns used in all the recent shootings in Ontario were smuggled across our borders and would otherwise be prohibited in Canada. Not restricted... PROHIBITED.

So I go back to why.

Well, because its a tremendously enjoyable sport. Not only does it allow me to train and keep competent while I'm keeping Canadians safe while you sleep, but it requires concentration, discipline, and responsibility. It is an all inclusive gender neutral race regardless sport that brings everyone together in a common interest. Theres no mens league, in fact when I took Kari out shooting she outshot me her first time.

Its therapeutic, and has the mental focus requirements of many sports like Golf, and pool. It encourages precision, and affords many people great bonding experiences with friends and family.

Aside from the fact that millions of Canadians take part in this, it also employs so so many, adding billions of dollars each year to our economy. The vast majority of businesses, including retail stores and gun ranges are supported by Canadians who own restricted firearms simply because our laws require range memberships in order to own them. Everyone has things they enjoy, hobbies, clubs, and thats the great thing about being Canadian is choice.

I'll close with this.

If you dont like guns, thats okay. You dont have to own one. But I do. I have a very respectable collection that has been put together over many years and thousands of dollars. Its a part of who I am. Not once have any of my guns unlocked themselves, Houdini'd themselves out of the safe, loaded themselved, and headed out on a shooting spree. Because Im not a criminal. I have given a lot for my country, this is a slap in the face to every gun owner, whether or not you own a handgun or semi automatic rifle, the Government is saying that we cant be trusted when the facts state the opposite. This law will make criminals out of a huge number of Canadians, while real criminals are laughing in our streets.

I have asked people convicted of horrific crimes in this country if they even considered the consequences of using a firearm. Never crossed their mind. Often the firearms charges were the lesser charge. This needs to change.

Lets get tough on the real problem. Gangs and Guns. Leave the lawful people in peaceful posession of their property alone. All you're doing is taking away from the non issue and enabling the criminals to keep doing what they're doing. Murder is illegal in Canada. Heroin is illegal in Canada. And yet they are still happening because people dont care about laws when theyre motivated.

Lets get tough on the crimes committed by these people, actually do something about the root of the issue, not go after the people who are not the problem because we're an easy target. Its a easy way to get votes but will do absolutely nothing to stop the carnage in your streets, and even Canadas police agencies including the RCMP agree that gun bans wont stop the problem. Their plan makes no mention of increased consequences for criminals yet decimates a legitimate industry and peoples freedoms. At what point will it stop. At what point does the government stop removing these freedoms, well vetted and well licensed freedoms.

If you want to look past the Liberal scandals. Fine. If you want to look past the laws hes broken, fine. But dont look past your friends and fellow Canadians. We dont deserve this.

Im not telling you how to vote, I understand Canadians right to choose whats best for them, just please do your due diligence in understanding this issue. It will not have the desired results that the Liberal Party of Canada would have you believe. If you agree, let your LPC candidate know.

Thank you for your time.
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Old 09-23-2019, 12:57 PM
GrandSlam GrandSlam is offline
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Ontario and Quebec will once again decide our government. I hope gun owners there make a better choice.

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Old 09-23-2019, 01:00 PM
WhiteTailAB WhiteTailAB is offline
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I just hope those who stuck it to Harper last time are happy with themselves. Yeah, you sure showed him and everyone else who's boss. A few of those special ones left over are voting PPC this time, gonna show us who's boss again! Let's vote for the guy who's polling at 2%, lose, lose guns, blame harper and the cpc.
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Old 09-23-2019, 02:47 PM
stuckincity stuckincity is offline
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Originally Posted by NinjaHunter View Post
Remember everyone, once the gov disarms Canadians. It's game on. The gov and their enforcers can literally do whatever they want at that point.

And if you oppose their political ideas, you will mysteriously disappear....
This link may or may not work, but ask those who know, and learned well since 1933.

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Old 09-24-2019, 02:32 AM
32-40win 32-40win is offline
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That is a good article, bit chilling to read isn't it. I have seen many testimonies of similar incidents from that period. It has happened again since that period, and will continue to.
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Old 09-24-2019, 07:02 AM
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Originally Posted by NinjaHunter View Post
Separation will never happen. And even it did. It'll be like brexit. The politicians will try to drag it out until people forget about it. And the whole thing will be forgotten.
I agree western separation will never happen when Trudeau Sr. was bashing the West in the 70's, the movement was gaining momentum until he was defeated, the was aggressor gone the movement died. The sad reality is all you need to rule is win Quebec and Ontario our votes and opinions don't really matter.

From the 70's

The majority of members on most ranges are the shooters using restricted firearms and target (sniper) rifles without them the shooting sports will continue to suffer.
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Old 09-24-2019, 09:19 AM
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I’m going to include some information here that may or may not be kosher with the mods as it is slightly off topic but hopefully people will recognize its importance. Like BPM I will include a link to my Facebook where I shared this post and hope it can gather some steam and go viral because it reveals how under represented Alberta is in Canada by being significantly shorted on MP’s based on our population. As this simple mathematical fact is non-partisan and effects every Albertan equally regardless of their political preference I hope it can remain. To me this is a massive issue and it should get everyone motivated to contact their MP &/or their preferred candidate who is running for election.


When I was responding to a friends post the other day I looked into Elections Canada data to cull some numbers on AB & QC provincial ridings and their respective populations. I had looked it up before so the figures were familiar, but I thought it is important to share the data as it will surely ruffle some feathers with Albertans or anyone who likes a fair playing field. I will link the Elections Canada page at the bottom for anyone who wants to cross-check the math and verify that the data is from a legitimate source. Note that the data is from 2014 but being as PM Trudeau didn't follow through with his campaign promise of electoral reform, no drastic changes should have occurred since. How many broken Liberal Campaign promises is that at this point? I'm probably going to have to take off my socks!

Population 8,164,361
Seats in Parliament: 78
Average population per MP: 104,671

Population: 4,067,175
Seats in Parliament: 34
Average population per MP: 119,622

Population: 13,448,494
Seats in Parliament: 121
Average population per MP: 111,144

Difference; 14,951 more voters per MP in Alberta than in Quebec. 14.2% less representation in Parliament than Quebecers and 7.6% less representation than Ontarians. We're just not important enough I guess? With their much higher populations do they even need to stack the decks in such a manner? Obviously this significant representation imbalance should infuriate all Albertans, regardless of their political stripe.

To have the same representation as Quebec, Alberta would need to have 38.85 MP's (lets round to 39 so that no amputations are required). We're 5 MP's short of equivalent representation by population in Parliament and yet we are sending obscene amounts of money in transfer payments their direction. Does this seem fair when they're simultaneously blocking our pipelines with their over-represented votes in the House? All this while they're also importing foreign oil and unnecessarily increasing our national trade deficit. You can't make this stuff up, except its Quebec so we've really grown to expect it. Welcome to Western Canada.

"The trouble with people idiot-proofing things, is the resulting evolution of the idiot." Me
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Old 09-24-2019, 10:05 PM
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Slightly more recent population numbers from 2017:

Quebec 2017: 8,394,034 / 78 = 107,615 per MP

Alberta 2017: 4,286,143 / 34 = 126,062 per MP , 18,447 more citizens per MP
"The trouble with people idiot-proofing things, is the resulting evolution of the idiot." Me
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Old 09-25-2019, 12:35 PM
maudite maudite is offline
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Look at the people who in prewar 2 idolized Hilter'who promised a new world order.A man who controlled the media and fed the public on lies and stories of a future they wanted to hear.Don t tell me history doesn t repeat itself, avote for Trudeau is a step for a future you don t want to have.I feel very sorry for the young people today as they are the ones that will inherit this new world order where everything even your thoughts will be controlled.

Be very careful of the man who says he ll protect you as who will protect you from him.
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Old 10-01-2019, 11:48 AM
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I just wanted to bump this thread being as I feel it has some important information to discuss. Perhaps some are avoiding it as a political topic. It is related to firearms so is therefore allowable. In my having referred to the provincial representation per MP I did veer a bit, but I also self-reported my own post to Admin and they seemed OK with it as they wanted to see how the thread went.

I think we need to bring the provincial vote inequality to light, its non-partisan because its simple math.
"The trouble with people idiot-proofing things, is the resulting evolution of the idiot." Me
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Old 10-01-2019, 12:37 PM
Jim Blake Jim Blake is offline
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Everyone should watch the last two days of the Election Campaign's announcements and reporters questions to Trudeau. Today's was most alarming for me. The volume of non answers was shocking.

One reporter asked why he was particularly targeting a Military style weapons ban because other semi-automatic rifles basically had the same capability. He said the RCMP will be reviewing classifications as they are the experts in this.

All the Mayor's he had consulted and were present at the announcement when asked how many want a total hand gun ban ALL indicated they did.

Not meant to be Political, just informative.
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Old 10-01-2019, 02:32 PM
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Default It's all just about votes

All the mayors applauding the handgun ban but whats the plan?

Make the gun owners in TO sell their guns?
A buyback who pays?
The law allowing a ban will take years to pass there will be numerous legal challenges and resistance in the meanwhile the gangs will continue shooting.

The gangs guns are already banned round them up!
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Old 10-01-2019, 03:03 PM
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If these guns are going to be banned, I want Trudope to personally come to confiscate all mine... I will do this country a favor...
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Old 10-01-2019, 03:51 PM
altex altex is offline
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Originally Posted by Athabasca1 View Post
Well stated. Perfect description of the current situation and what will likely happen if the current federal government if re-elected. All firearms owners must unite, no matter what firearms they personally own.
So true.
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Old 10-01-2019, 04:05 PM
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Just returned from 5 days in Toronto and had the opportunity to “educate” 4 of my son’s friends on the “gun control issue”. They are not gun people and had no idea about storage and transport requirements for restricted firearms. I suspect that is also the case with many voters in that part of the country. Sadly, I don’t think they really care much about gun owners “rights”. On a more positive note, they do care a lot about the rising Federal debt.
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Old 10-01-2019, 04:32 PM
32-40win 32-40win is offline
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Trudope has resorted to a full on attack on guns this last few days. He is also playing on the emotions of the non-gun owners by way of aligning his speeches with rallies including anti-gunners front and center on display and letting them speak at his rallies. He has stated he will take military style autoloaders, and has now included SKS's. And if he gets re-elected, there will be handgun bans, or if he gets a minority gov't, there will be handgun bans, and it seems very unlikely there will be any grandfathering on any of them.
This is only what I see on FB, no idea what the Libs are putting out on Twitter or Instagram, but is is a full court press. And they have resurrected Allan Rock to do some speaking in Ontario.

Wolverine Supplies
3 hrs ·
Short Version: They are taking your property and if you don't like it your a criminal...

Over 250,000+ Non-restricted rifles that were legally obtained by the most vetted citizens in this country are going to be stolen by a corrupt Liberal government. They have now stated that the SKS rifle would be banned, thousands upon thousands of innocent people who have never done wrong will now be prosecuted without hesitation....

Their "Buy Back" is a farse.. They will give you pennies on the dollar ( your own tax pennies by the way ) for your property. Don't like it!? Well now your a criminal.

If they succeed, welcome to the new Liberal Order.... your freedoms and civil liberties are about to slip through your fingers Canada.......

6 hrs ·
Narcity is reporting that the Trudeau promise to ban "assault weapons" would include the popular SKS. The article seems to operate on the author's own interpretation of the aforementioned undefined term, and does not include any new information nor clarity for those familiar with the ban's wording.

Military-style assault rifles are designed to cause mass human casualties, and they have no place in Canada. So we’re going to ban them.

More on our plan to strengthen gun control: https://t.co/P1AppFrzX1pic.twitter.com/b98EqDmXZD

— Liberal Party (@liberal_party) September 30, 2019

“Too many people have lost loved ones to gun violence. And too often, the culprit is military-style weapons designed to inflict mass human casualties — guns so dangerous that they have no place in Canada,” said the Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada, Justin Trudeau.
The election is upon us and candidates are publically discussing their ideas and promises left and right. The latest announcement is that the Liberal party plans to take steps towards more gun control. The Liberal Party assault rifle ban includes weapons that were used by two teen murderers in B.C. used to conduct their triple homicide.

Most of you may remember the case of the triple homicides that took place in July of this year. The three murders in B.C. lead to a nation-wide manhunt for two teen boys, Kam McLeod and Bryer Shmegelsky.

The two teens were wanted for shooting and killing Lucas Fowler, Chynna Deese and Leonard Dyke.

Officials have stated that the acts were random and there was no known motive. Later, the boys died by suicide as part of a pact.

Now, Liberals are planning on banning the same guns used by the two teens.

According to the Liberal website, re-electing the liberal government will allow for the banning of assault weapons that would “strengthen gun control.” The party has stated that weapons like these have “no place in Canada.”

Also watch: Voter asks Trudeau about diversity after his blackface photos (Provided by CBC)

Click to expand
The Liberal party is stating that if re-elected, they will "build on the important measures we passed in Bill C-71, and continue to take serious, common-sense action to crack down on gun crime.”

The Liberal party website stated that in 2017 there were 2,500 more victims of gun violence than in 2013 with many of the incidents involving intimate partners. As Canada today has no classification for assault rifles, any person can legally buy several military-style weapons.

Military-style assault rifles are designed to cause mass human casualties, and they have no place in Canada. So we’re going to ban them.

More on our plan to strengthen gun control: https://t.co/P1AppFrzX1pic.twitter.com/b98EqDmXZD

— Liberal Party (@liberal_party) September 30, 2019
“Too many people have lost loved ones to gun violence. And too often, the culprit is military-style weapons designed to inflict mass human casualties — guns so dangerous that they have no place in Canada,” said the Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada, Justin Trudeau.

Also watch: What it was like talking to Trudeau (Provided by CBC)

Click to expand
“Thoughts and prayers aren’t going to cut it. A Liberal government will ban assault weapons in Canada.”

The party will do this by banning military-style assault rifles including the AR-15. While the two teen murderers did not us an AR-15, RCMP have confirmed that they used two SKS type firearms to commit the offences.

According to a press release by RCMP, the weapons were non-restricted, semi-automatic rifles. This Liberal ban would aim to target guns like these.

The Liberal party has stated that they will be issuing steps in order to strengthen gun control. This will include requiring a proper firearm license from everyone importing ammunition.

They will also make it difficult for legal weapons to fall into the hands of criminals by strengthening safe-storage laws.

“Andrew Scheer’s policy on guns was written by the gun lobby. He has an agenda that will make it easier for criminals to get their hands on assault rifles,” said Trudeau.

“It is shameful. It’s time to end gun violence in Canada.”
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Last edited by 32-40win; 10-01-2019 at 04:37 PM.
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Old 10-11-2019, 10:09 AM
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Our MP up here confirmed that they are planning on banning based on rate of fire


-Billy Currington (People are crazy)

Currently retired from hunting due to injury, but looking to get back on the wagon in 2020. Up in Yellowknife and missing my Alberta home big time.

This is the kind of thinking we are up against, vote Conservative this election!

Full Thread: https://imgur.com/a/y7RARBC
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Old 10-11-2019, 11:11 AM
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I wanted to add re: https://nnsl.com/yellowknifer/yk-hun...eral-gun-plan/

That it also shows the libs have no idea what they want banned and can’t even define it. It’s pretty concerning.

-Billy Currington (People are crazy)

Currently retired from hunting due to injury, but looking to get back on the wagon in 2020. Up in Yellowknife and missing my Alberta home big time.

This is the kind of thinking we are up against, vote Conservative this election!

Full Thread: https://imgur.com/a/y7RARBC
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