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Old 07-19-2019, 05:16 PM
270person 270person is offline
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Originally Posted by Tactical Lever View Post

I don't know if Les Stroud is a great hunter, but he is no dummy and an accomplished outdoorsmen, along with having a good deal of talents.

Les Stroud is an idiot. How else do you explain his Camillus knife with built in fire starter, flashlight, whistle, reflecting mirror, and sharpener on sale at Cambodian Tire for $59. Might as well be Les Popiel.
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Old 07-19-2019, 05:21 PM
YYC338 YYC338 is offline
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Originally Posted by MooseRiverTrapper View Post

I watch these. Don’t know what to think. The guy is a hard core killer.
Well I guess common sense ain't that common is it? The story teller seems to confuse credibility with proof. Credibility isn't proof, proof is proof.

How can he vouch for the credibility of the "thousands" of people that he takes their word on for sightings anyway?

Wouldn't one think if thousands of "credible" people have actually had these encounters at least ONE of them would be able to obtain actual, irrefutable proof? Maybe that's too much common sense for some people.

The potato story is actually laughable. He says a bear is too smart to eat a crap azz bunch of potatoes but he draws the conclusion that it must have been Bigfoot. I guess they're dumber than bears, who knew?
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Old 07-19-2019, 05:31 PM
Kurt505 Kurt505 is offline
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Originally Posted by Tactical Lever View Post
Teddy Roosevelt, despite being a human with human short comings was a pretty accomplished adventurer, and saw a great many things that we probably won't. I might add, that he was pretty successful at life in general, and probably a great deal sharper, drunk or not than most.

If you saw a buxom girl running through the bush, would you tell people, even if it meant possible ridicule, and tarnishing your reputation?

What if you got back, and everyone just said: "Kurt's high as a kite. It was a bear."? Are you in the habit of mistaking good looking women for wildlife, or vice versa?

Some people get a little more credit from me, than I would afford most.

I don't know if Les Stroud is a great hunter, but he is no dummy and an accomplished outdoorsmen, along with having a good deal of talents. So far, I don't see anyone of his caliber, and experience credibly...err...discrediting him. Anyway, his experience is more about searching for it, based on encounters from people that he trusted.

Supposedly Daniel Boone killed something like that once. Called it a "Yahoo".

I’ve heard “noises”, deep lunged howl/growl/moan type noises in the middle of the night out at my cabin. Did I think it’s a Sasquatch? Nope. Did I know what it was? Nope. If I had to guess I’d say moose, elk, or bear. Animals have some strange vocal abilities at times.

Many people have mistaken horses for moose, black bears for grizzlies, whitetail for mule, ruff grouse for spruce hens, it happens all the time. I beleive a lot of the people who say they saw a Sasquatch actually beleive they saw a Sasquatch, I just think they are mistaken.

Seriously, in order for Sasquatch to be real it would mean it’s the most advanced species on the planet, capable of eluding all trail cameras, all cellphone cameras, never leaving a trace of dna, scat, hair, skeletal remains, bedding areas, nothing. Do I think the possibility of such a creature could exist? Sure, there are gorillas so why not. Unfortunately I haven’t seen any evidence that they actually do exist so I have to say the likelihood of their existence is slim to none.

So many people have claimed to have a Sasquatch on film, none have panned out to be real yet. There has been plenty of people saying they’ve seen mermaids, am I supposed to beleive that too? If there ever was mermaids I would have caught one by now, that’s a fact! Lol.

PS, I did see trees grow from 50’ tall to over 200’ tall in a matter of seconds, but I think it was the mushrooms because the next morning all the trees had returned to their original height.
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Old 07-19-2019, 05:45 PM
Kurt505 Kurt505 is offline
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Originally Posted by YYC338 View Post
Well I guess common sense ain't that common is it? The story teller seems to confuse credibility with proof. Credibility isn't proof, proof is proof.

How can he vouch for the credibility of the "thousands" of people that he takes their word on for sightings anyway?

Wouldn't one think if thousands of "credible" people have actually had these encounters at least ONE of them would be able to obtain actual, irrefutable proof? Maybe that's too much common sense for some people.

The potato story is actually laughable. He says a bear is too smart to eat a crap azz bunch of potatoes but he draws the conclusion that it must have been Bigfoot. I guess they're dumber than bears, who knew?
What would it take to get a tracking dog on the trail of a Sasquatch? They are supposedly increadible smelly creatures, heck my dog ain’t no tracker but he gets on a set of day old moose tracks and he runs them down for a couple hundred feet before losing interest. You’d think a true Bigfoot hunter would have a tracking dog and would have easily been able to track one down by now for sure.
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Old 07-19-2019, 05:48 PM
YYC338 YYC338 is offline
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Originally Posted by Sooner View Post
He is one of the few I add to my list of guys to believe when they say they seen something. Don't find him to be a story teller just for the sake of views.
Well you should listen to his full video. He says send me your Bigfoot stories and I'll post them for you. I would say that makes him a second hand story teller
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Old 07-19-2019, 06:00 PM
YYC338 YYC338 is offline
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Originally Posted by Kurt505 View Post
What would it take to get a tracking dog on the trail of a Sasquatch? They are supposedly increadible smelly creatures, heck my dog ain’t no tracker but he gets on a set of day old moose tracks and he runs them down for a couple hundred feet before losing interest. You’d think a true Bigfoot hunter would have a tracking dog and would have easily been able to track one down by now for sure.
C'mon, everybody knows dogs are scared wetless of Bigfoot and wouldn't track them, they'd run the other way

The guy in the video even relates a story of one crapping itself in the presence of a real live Bigfoot.
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Old 07-19-2019, 06:02 PM
MooseRiverTrapper MooseRiverTrapper is offline
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How does a lion hunter put 30,000km on every winter knowing every track he passes from marten to moose and never see a track?
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Old 07-19-2019, 06:15 PM
Kurt505 Kurt505 is offline
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Originally Posted by MooseRiverTrapper View Post
How does a lion hunter put 30,000km on every winter knowing every track he passes from marten to moose and never see a track?
Sasquatch are scared of cats
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Old 07-19-2019, 06:22 PM
YYC338 YYC338 is offline
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Originally Posted by MooseRiverTrapper View Post
How does a lion hunter put 30,000km on every winter knowing every track he passes from marten to moose and never see a track?
Imaginations don't leave tracks...... or DNA evidence for that matter.
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Old 07-19-2019, 06:42 PM
MooseRiverTrapper MooseRiverTrapper is offline
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So they guy from Slave. You would look him in the eye and call him a liar? That it was a bear and the clump of sod that landed on the truck didn’t happen?
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Old 07-19-2019, 06:44 PM
driller212 driller212 is offline
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On the dna front many hair samples folks have tested over the years have come back "unknown primate". Since no academic wants to touch the subject with a 10ft pole that's as far as it has gotten so far. So yes dna samples are out there. Do a simple google.

Gigantopithecus fossils have been found and its reconstructions fit the sasquatch description perfectly. Not to mention for something to become fossilized takes very specific conditions,and is a rare occurrence.

Heck, Jeff Meldrum has basically proved their existence just based off of his work with tracks alone.

If a semi intelligent species wanted to avoid us it would not be terribly hard, and the times they fail to avoid us become myth that is ridiculed to the extreme. Just look at how people get cut down on here. It only needs to happen once and someone will never talk about it again.

I've experienced many things in my time in the bush that were not explainable over the years, and I know others that are reputable folks that have had sightings or weird unexplainable things happen to them as well. For someone like me, I know they are out there. It's not a matter of opinion. And I don't particularly care to prove it to anyone. It is nice for people to have a safe place to share such things with eachother however, which is why I started that YouTube channel, and work with the ASO. Some folks get pretty bad ptsd from it, and having others with similar experiences to share with is the best therapy for it IMO.

Hopefully we can keep things civil here (yes ironic coming from me). :P

Either way. Watch your back in the bush, even if you don't believe. These things are not peaceful towards our species, or our canine friends.
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Old 07-19-2019, 07:27 PM
trigger7mm trigger7mm is online now
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Default Sasquatch sighting near Slave Lake.

Do you ever wonder what the forestry industry knows about this subject? They could have information that they never want the general public to know about. It could lead to vast areas of timber being shut down to logging in the name of Sasquatch sanctuaries.
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Old 07-19-2019, 07:29 PM
Kurt505 Kurt505 is offline
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Originally Posted by driller212 View Post
On the dna front many hair samples folks have tested over the years have come back "unknown primate". Since no academic wants to touch the subject with a 10ft pole that's as far as it has gotten so far. So yes dna samples are out there. Do a simple google.

Gigantopithecus fossils have been found and its reconstructions fit the sasquatch description perfectly. Not to mention for something to become fossilized takes very specific conditions,and is a rare occurrence.

Heck, Jeff Meldrum has basically proved their existence just based off of his work with tracks alone.

If a semi intelligent species wanted to avoid us it would not be terribly hard, and the times they fail to avoid us become myth that is ridiculed to the extreme. Just look at how people get cut down on here. It only needs to happen once and someone will never talk about it again.

I've experienced many things in my time in the bush that were not explainable over the years, and I know others that are reputable folks that have had sightings or weird unexplainable things happen to them as well. For someone like me, I know they are out there. It's not a matter of opinion. And I don't particularly care to prove it to anyone. It is nice for people to have a safe place to share such things with eachother however, which is why I started that YouTube channel, and work with the ASO. Some folks get pretty bad ptsd from it, and having others with similar experiences to share with is the best therapy for it IMO.

Hopefully we can keep things civil here (yes ironic coming from me). :P

Either way. Watch your back in the bush, even if you don't believe. These things are not peaceful towards our species, or our canine friends.

I googled Bigfoot dna evidence, this is the first thing that came up. You may or may not want to read it.

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Old 07-19-2019, 07:46 PM
RandyBoBandy RandyBoBandy is offline
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Originally Posted by WhiteTailAB View Post
Someone just needs to shoot one and get it over with.

Start a sasquatch caliber thread.
The samsquatch caliber thread will be very very short... .270 at a huunert yds by ME...End of story..I'll start the talk show tour with George Noory @ Coast2Coast
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Old 07-19-2019, 07:48 PM
Kurt505 Kurt505 is offline
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Originally Posted by driller212 View Post
On the dna front many hair samples folks have tested over the years have come back "unknown primate". Since no academic wants to touch the subject with a 10ft pole that's as far as it has gotten so far. So yes dna samples are out there. Do a simple google.

Gigantopithecus fossils have been found and its reconstructions fit the sasquatch description perfectly. Not to mention for something to become fossilized takes very specific conditions,and is a rare occurrence.

Heck, Jeff Meldrum has basically proved their existence just based off of his work with tracks alone.

If a semi intelligent species wanted to avoid us it would not be terribly hard, and the times they fail to avoid us become myth that is ridiculed to the extreme. Just look at how people get cut down on here. It only needs to happen once and someone will never talk about it again.

I've experienced many things in my time in the bush that were not explainable over the years, and I know others that are reputable folks that have had sightings or weird unexplainable things happen to them as well. For someone like me, I know they are out there. It's not a matter of opinion. And I don't particularly care to prove it to anyone. It is nice for people to have a safe place to share such things with eachother however, which is why I started that YouTube channel, and work with the ASO. Some folks get pretty bad ptsd from it, and having others with similar experiences to share with is the best therapy for it IMO.

Hopefully we can keep things civil here (yes ironic coming from me). :P

Either way. Watch your back in the bush, even if you don't believe. These things are not peaceful towards our species, or our canine friends.
Literally every single article on Bigfoot dna says it doesn’t exist, can you please post the link to where they have found Bigfoot dna, or even primate dna in northern North America?
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Old 07-19-2019, 08:43 PM
YYC338 YYC338 is offline
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Originally Posted by MooseRiverTrapper View Post
So they guy from Slave. You would look him in the eye and call him a liar? That it was a bear and the clump of sod that landed on the truck didn’t happen?
Not calling him a liar and I don't think anyone else is either. I don't doubt he believes in what he saw. Just because he believes something doesn't make it so though. It also falls well short of proof.

Ask any prosecutor when they have 5 witnesses of a crime or event, how many different versions he/she will get. Eyewitness testimony can be very unreliable and very inconsistent in many circumstances. Those studies can be googled.

Throw in the possibly bad lighting, an element of fear and a good imagination and the sky is the limit.
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Old 07-19-2019, 08:50 PM
YYC338 YYC338 is offline
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Originally Posted by driller212 View Post

Heck, Jeff Meldrum has basically proved their existence just based off of his work with tracks alone.
"Basically proved" by what known and accepted scientific standard? None that I'm aware of. Can you name any other species that has been accepted as proven on the basis of tracks alone?

Might be proof for the believers, as they have a much lower standard than commonly accepted norms, but for the realists, saying it's so don't make it so.
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Old 07-19-2019, 09:04 PM
Tactical Lever Tactical Lever is offline
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Originally Posted by 270person View Post
Les Stroud is an idiot. How else do you explain his Camillus knife with built in fire starter, flashlight, whistle, reflecting mirror, and sharpener on sale at Cambodian Tire for $59. Might as well be Les Popiel.
Lived off grid for years, world famous for his skills and knowledge, book(s?) out, he's his own producer, musician, worth close to 8 million, and markets branded merchandise now. Seems like a decently thought out little knife for the average consumer.

Ya, real idiot. If only we could be half as dumb, eh?
Profanity and name calling are poor substitutes for education and logic.

Survivor of the dread covid
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Old 07-19-2019, 09:10 PM
Kurt505 Kurt505 is offline
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Originally Posted by Tactical Lever View Post
Lived off grid for years, world famous for his skills and knowledge, book(s?) out, he's his own producer, musician, worth close to 8 million, and markets branded merchandise now. Seems like a decently thought out little knife for the average consumer.

Ya, real idiot. If only we could be half as dumb, eh?
But yet he’s never actually seen a Bigfoot.

The more I research the possibility of Bigfoot’s existence, the less I beleive it. Trying to find dna proof I just find more and more proof it doesn’t exist.
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Old 07-19-2019, 09:14 PM
YYC338 YYC338 is offline
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Originally Posted by trigger7mm View Post
Do you ever wonder what the forestry industry knows about this subject? They could have information that they never want the general public to know about. It could lead to vast areas of timber being shut down to logging in the name of Sasquatch sanctuaries.
Well the one logger that has that irrefutable proof could make a crap load of cash with that information and shouldn't be too concerned about making a nickle in the industry after that.

Nice of him to take one for the team and keep it under his hat though so the logging industry can continue to thrive.

Now if it's a group in the industry that has that information that's a conspiracy and would be a lot harder to keep a lid on the information.

They log vast areas now that contain large mammals, why would the mighty Bigfoot cause this to occur? Wait I know, it's because it's a critically endangered species with only less than one known to exist in the wild as of today.
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Old 07-19-2019, 09:26 PM
Kurt505 Kurt505 is offline
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Why hasn’t this story hit any newspaper or tv news casts?
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Old 07-19-2019, 09:30 PM
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Kinda cute how people see multiple space ships but have no proof.....
Most non believers that are adamant , (space ship or Bigfoot) feel this way out of fear. It’s like a built in safety mechanism so as they can still participate in the bush. They know that deep down inside if they were proved real, they would never enter the bush alone again. Let alone camp by themselves on a mountain side.
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Old 07-19-2019, 09:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Kurt505 View Post
Why hasn’t this story hit any newspaper or tv news casts?
Why hasn’t your Martian flying spaceship stories aired on CBC? Lol
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Old 07-19-2019, 09:45 PM
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To those who adamantly try to discredit spaceships or bigfoots....
If your father/mother or someone you respected told you that without a doubt, 100% positive, that they witnessed one, would you look them in the eye and call em a bald face liar?
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Old 07-19-2019, 09:46 PM
driller212 driller212 is offline
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Originally Posted by Talking moose View Post
Kinda cute how people see multiple space ships but have no proof.....
Most non believers that are adamant , (space ship or Bigfoot) feel this way out of fear. It’s like a built in safety mechanism so as they can still participate in the bush. They know that deep down inside if they were proved real, they would never enter the bush alone again. Let alone camp by themselves on a mountain side.
I suspect that's part of it.

stand by for DNA study links. I'm currently at the pub with the fam. (Insert intoxicated sasquatch sighting here )
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Old 07-19-2019, 09:49 PM
driller212 driller212 is offline
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Originally Posted by Kurt505 View Post
Why hasn’t this story hit any newspaper or tv news casts?
The same reason a shooting stopped by CC doesn't make it
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Old 07-19-2019, 09:54 PM
Kurt505 Kurt505 is offline
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Originally Posted by Talking moose View Post
Why hasn’t your Martian flying spaceship stories aired on CBC? Lol
In all fairness, I said it was a ufo (unidentfied flying object) and said I couldn’t say for certain it was an alien craft. However, there are a lot more videos of ufo’s that cannot be disproven than that of Bigfoot.

There has been quite a few pilots recorded seeing ufo’s while doing commercial and military flights.

If someone said they seen a truck they think Bigfoot drove, but never actually seen Bigfoot, I wouldn’t have a hard time believing that.....

The universe is infinite (supposedly), so the probability of life on other planets is 100%. Even if the odds of life on other planets was 1:1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 that would still mean there is an infinite amount of planets that have life. The earth isn’t an infinite space, it has boundaries, it’s a whole lot easier to prove existence.
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Old 07-19-2019, 10:06 PM
MooseRiverTrapper MooseRiverTrapper is offline
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Originally Posted by Talking moose View Post
To those who adamantly try to discredit spaceships or bigfoots....
If your father/mother or someone you respected told you that without a doubt, 100% positive, that they witnessed one, would you look them in the eye and call em a bald face liar?
That’s what I was trying to say TM. Are all these people lying?
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Old 07-19-2019, 10:08 PM
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Originally Posted by MooseRiverTrapper View Post
That’s what I was trying to say TM. Are all these people lying?
My uncle doesn’t lie.
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Old 07-19-2019, 10:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Kurt505 View Post
In all fairness, I said it was a ufo (unidentfied flying object) and said I couldn’t say for certain it was an alien craft. However, there are a lot more videos of ufo’s that cannot be disproven than that of Bigfoot.

There has been quite a few pilots recorded seeing ufo’s while doing commercial and military flights.

If someone said they seen a truck they think Bigfoot drove, but never actually seen Bigfoot, I wouldn’t have a hard time believing that.....

The universe is infinite (supposedly), so the probability of life on other planets is 100%. Even if the odds of life on other planets was 1:1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 that would still mean there is an infinite amount of planets that have life. The earth isn’t an infinite space, it has boundaries, it’s a whole lot easier to prove existence.
Prove to me they are real. Right now. I’ll be waiting.
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