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Old 08-22-2018, 07:59 PM
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Question Whose had a hernia?? Here's a story with questions at the end

Well, I know this is nothing to do with the outdoors really, but i've seen weirder stuff on the General forum.

So here's a story....

Two weeks ago I woke up with some pretty bad abdominal pain. Thought at first it was gas or something and was going to tough it out and go to work. Thought, man this sucks. Cancelled my first meeting of the day, and then cancelled the next as I alternated from laying in bed and trying to go #2 thinking I was all backed up or something.

I think what might have contributed to this was that we did a 2 night backpacking trip a few days prior, and I found it far more strenuous than past trips, mostly due to me not being in the best of shape I would have liked to have been. I felt like garbage most of the trip. Trust me, lots of shame in that regard, but I have been working on it and down 15lbs so far.

Now, I don't go to doctors. Case in point, my wife finally convinced me to get a checkup and physical after about 6 or 7 years, so I go into the Doctor's office to make an appointment and was told that my doctor passed away 3 years ago. (tests turned out fine once I got a new doctor)

5hrs later, nope, still pain and I had to hold my stomach when walking around to alleviate the pain. My wife made me call health link. Described everything and the nurse said to go to a walk in clinic. Pain was bad enough I called my wife to take me in.

Turns out my new doctor happened to be on call, so I get in after about 25 minutes of excruciating pain sitting up in a chair. (the bumpy ride over in the car wasn't much better) Doc gets me up on the bench thingy and has me lay down. Takes one look at my stomach and says, um, I'll be right back, I'm just going to call an ambulance.

So that kinda freaks me out. Never been in an ambulance before. Doc figures I have a Hernia, and he's worried its strangulated. (intestines push through stomach wall lining and circulation gets cut off which can be big big trouble).

Medics come, put me on a stretcher, and before they leave the doctors office for the hospital they put in an IV. Give me some gravol, and then a shot of Morphine.

Well, let me tell you, that morphine hit me like a ton of bricks. Wow. Anxiety gone, and was calm, and pain was greatly reduced. When I had initially got into the ambulance my legs were shaking like crazy. Paramedic said that was from adrenaline. Never had morphine before, but now can understand why that stuff absolutely needs to be highly regulated.

Get to foothills and they put me in a hallway between two bad guys being guarded by 4 police officers. One was bit by the canine and raving about brutality, and the other looked like he'd been helped to the floor quite nicely. Anyhow, in my state I just found the whole thing amusing and kept giving the thumbs up to the cops.

After my third dose of morphine, a doctor comes by and starts massaging my stomach, which REALLY hurt, even with the morphine, and basically pushed my guts back inside and it was instant relief. I could walk the hallway no problem, and the cancelled the CT scan they were going to send me in for. The medical term for what I had was an incarcerated umbilical hernia.

If you want to see some really gross pictures throw that on google!

As messed up as AHS is, I have to say the medics were absolutely fantastic dealing with a big wussy like myself. The emergency doctor was very thorough in explaining things even in my altered state. From the time I got in the ambulance to the time I was walking out of the hospital was probably less than an hour and a half and emergency was so busy they treated me in a hallway!

Because I'm not an emergency issue now, the treatment is going to take a while to get a consult and then ultimately a procedure.

For those that have had this issue (apparently pretty common in men) I know there's the arthroscopic surgery, or a regular incision. Also they put a mesh in to reinforce the hernia. In my research, I've heard so many different opinions and would appreciate some first hand comments.

Currently I'm wearing a hernia belt to help when at work or out and about. Don't wear at home. I'm pretty gun shy now though and won't do anything too strenuous, although I am going to try a bit of golf tomorrow with the belt on.

Any do's or don'ts? How was treatment for those that elected to have a procedure? Any just gut it out and deal with it if you have a hernia 'attack?'

I'm hoping hunting season isn't a total write-off as we mostly go where it's foot access only.....
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Old 08-22-2018, 08:25 PM
yoteblaster yoteblaster is offline
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Had exactly what you are describing. Hurt like heck when intestines pushed through. Doc in emerg had me lay on bed and he pushed everything back in. Had surgery complete with mesh. Easy peasy and was back to ice fishing two days later. All health care workers were awesome
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Old 08-22-2018, 08:26 PM
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Didn’t you lift weights in the past?
Asking because if you did, I would have thought that would have thickened your stomach muscles enough to avoid hernias. (Think 500kg deadlift and the blowout pressure there without built up abdominal walls)
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Old 08-22-2018, 08:38 PM
roper1 roper1 is offline
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I had hernia surgery 5-6 yrs ago. My Dr was completely cool to the mesh, doesn't like it, so did the incision. My hernia was too big for arthroscopic. ended up a very long incision, took awhile to heal. I am very strong for my size, I'm just very careful how much I pick up nowadays. A WT or muley in the truck, no prob, moose or elk onto packhorse carefully quartered. As always, listen to the doc. I'm very against pain meds, but took them to keep swelling down & speed recovery. Kind of new for me but glad I listened. Good luck!
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Old 08-22-2018, 09:20 PM
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I had one hernia repaired orthoscopically (used mesh) about 25 years ago. I was back running within ten days. A second one (also mesh) about two years later with open surgery. Longer recovery because of all the staples on the outside. Carried on in Karate for another five years...no problems. The surgery is nothing to worry about. Get it done.
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Old 08-22-2018, 09:31 PM
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Very similar story! I had surgery when I was maybe 22ish? 10+ years ago. Thought I was dying, the pain was so bad. Sitting slumped up on the floor in Emergency, waiting to be seen, dying in extreme pain for about 2hrs. Some guy gets dragged in by friends or family with chunks of glass sticking out of his face, bleeding everywhere, car accident. So I wait another hour+, as that takes priority. Get into a shared room, waiting for the doc, and it's shared with some guy fighting with two cops, screaming as they try to handcuff him to the bed so a doc can force feed him charcoal with a turkey baster for whatever he ingested. Starts spewing black liquid everywhere. Lovely experience.

Long story short, got about a 1" scar just above my bellybutton, had to take it easy for quite a while, but fairly simple procedure. Just have to make sure to give it time to heal. No issues since, just an extra bellybutton...

Last edited by bloopbloob; 08-22-2018 at 09:47 PM.
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Old 08-22-2018, 09:49 PM
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Do it now, or it will only get worse. Umbilical hernia is the easiest one to fix.Had it done a year or so ago. They put mesh in, woke up after the operation, talked to the doc a few minutes and walked out the door. Gave me an antibiotic but no pain meds, a bit sore for a couple days but nothing I would call painful at all. Easy peasy.
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Old 08-22-2018, 09:58 PM
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I got the mesh, I went home next day after surgery with an IV to recuperate I sat in my recliner exhausted and fell asleep. During the night I don't know for sure how but the stitch's had some come undone leaving a 4" one inch deep gaping wound.

I showed the wife she freaked after she calmed down we went to the ER, the wound couldn't be reclosed, they packed it up with saline soaked gauze. The Doc told me the wound would heal from the inside out and I would need to have it repacked daily for 4 weeks, sucked having to have it stuffed daily.In the end I was good with the result and I was left with a gnarly scar.

Other than that things went well, my horror story was an extremely rare occurrence don't let it stop you from getting the work done I didn't miss the hunting season although I didn't do any heavy lifting that year.
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Old 08-22-2018, 10:01 PM
cranky cranky is offline
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I did some reading about the mesh procedure somewhere not long ago. Maybe look it up and see what you think. Always good to be informed. Seems i read there is some controversy with the mesh procedure. Talk of lawsuits and such.

But a friend just had it done not long ago with mesh and like others in this thread he's doing great so.
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Old 08-22-2018, 10:05 PM
Jays toyz Jays toyz is offline
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Had umbilical hernia that I could usualy poke back in myself. After a year of dealing with it I got it fixed with a 4" incision and no mesh that took a long time to heal. I tore the facia stitches 3 weeks later and have been poking it back in occasionally for a few years.

I got my hernia lifting a heavy bag of rotten wet grass into a dumpster out at arms length. If I lift that way now, I have to poke...

It's more likely to occur when I am at the high end of my Oprah like weight swings. If you have a bigger belly than you should, you will find relief with less belly.

The mesh, I believe has fallen out of favor due to some infections. Your doctor will know.
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Old 08-22-2018, 10:14 PM
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I have a mesh mend. Ripped out some guts throwing a tire on a bed truck.

Had surgery, and fixed up I guess, never have felt the same though, and can always feel it....

The finger pokey thing is real, even just some pressure with a couple provides relief..
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Old 08-22-2018, 11:38 PM
midgetwaiter midgetwaiter is offline
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Had an inguinal hernia when I was 7 or 8 years old. It never hurt or anything but I noticed one day I had a third plum and thought that might be a problem. The surgery was just a day thing, was up and walking that afternoon.
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Old 08-23-2018, 12:21 AM
C.Noble C.Noble is offline
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Had a very severe inginual hernia repaired 4 years ago now. Was told 45 minute surgery, in total it took 4 hours. The small scar i was promised actually looks like i had a c section. Went the mesh route, just before i went out from the gas i saw the pie plate sized mesh the dr picked out for me. Was off work for a few months post surgery. Still can feel it most days, but it beats the pain i was in before surgery.
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Old 08-23-2018, 04:39 AM
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Diver....guess I'm lucky.
I do strength training with 500 mil cans of Pilsner Urquell.
Must work, cause at 62 I can still carry & change out a T-10 or Top Loader transmissions by myself with no issues.
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Old 08-23-2018, 07:54 AM
trigger7mm trigger7mm is offline
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Default Who’s had a hernia

All health care workers were awesome[/QUOTE]

You’re right, the front line health care/emergency workers are truly unsung hero’s.
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Old 08-23-2018, 08:54 AM
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I had one for about 20 years which i worked around. Finally had a wake up call while performing squats at the gym beltless last year. Got it repaired and was back in the gym after 4 months.

Dr. Athena Bennett at St Thomas Surgical Clinic in St Albert. I highly recommend...
An awful lot of big game was killed with the .30-06 including the big bears before everyone became affluent enough to own a rifle for every species of game they might hunt.
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Old 08-23-2018, 09:33 AM
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I have the same outie happening now, no pain though, my doc has looked at it a few times during physicals. Pushes the bulge around, no pain. But I fear my day is coming when what happened to you will happen to me.

Did you have an outie prior as well?

I am following this one and have my annual physical coming up soon. I keep asking the doc, can we do a preventive op? He is of the opinion, wait till you need it. Ya, that could be out in the woods trying to move a moose over, cutting a fallen log or trying to unstuck a sled lol. Thanks for posting.
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Old 08-23-2018, 08:27 PM
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Originally Posted by hayseed View Post
I have a mesh mend. Ripped out some guts throwing a tire on a bed truck.

Had surgery, and fixed up I guess, never have felt the same though, and can always feel it....
I read that to my hubby, and he said he was glad for the vindication. His is the same.

He has the mesh (inguinal hernia). Doc screwed up first time, was extremely painful. Had to go back in and cut the nerve bundle underneath. Tighter waistbands are uncomfortable, doc suggested he might consider suspenders Also was advised to expect another. Regardless, get it fixed as soon as able. His was within a week of diagnosis, but that was in the US.

Interesting side note, hernias can evidently be hereditary but skip generations??
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Last edited by doetracks; 08-23-2018 at 08:28 PM. Reason: Spelling
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Old 08-23-2018, 09:08 PM
RandyBoBandy RandyBoBandy is offline
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I can't believe Ken07AOVette hasn't chimed in about getting a hernia from lifting his wallet
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Old 08-24-2018, 07:58 AM
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I just had 1 repaired in my groin about 6 weeks ago.
This is not my first but 1 thing I learned (not the hard way thankfully) is to make sure you don't compromise it by trying to do too much too soon after the surgery.
I am 62 and the surgeon told me that I was on light duty (I am retired - haha) for 6 weeks.
I will admit that there are times I might have pushed it a bit but I have heard some horror stories about splitting open new surgical wounds etc. so I tried to take it easy.
My 6 weeks is just about up and I feel great, just in time for some kayaking and getting ready for deer hunting season.
Good luck with it.
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Old 08-24-2018, 10:17 AM
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I know exactly the pain you speak of.

I lift lots of very heavy things on the farm, and have done some probably non WCB approved lifts before...

I had an umbilical hernia and had surgery to repair it with the mesh. Surgery went well, had to heal for 6 weeks before I was allowed to lift more than 5-15 pounds.

After I got the all clear, went right back to lifting like normal, trying to be a little more careful, then 1 month after that, major pain in my abdomen again, had to get driven to the hospital writhing in pain. My friend, the hernia, was back. Now I just massage and push my guts back in many times daily... really sucks, especially hauling deer up steep hills in November.

I guess I’ll have to get it fixed again eventually, but it’s tough to take 6 weeks off of lifting when I have a farm to manage...

Where do you guys get those belly bands from? Pharmacy?
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Old 08-24-2018, 01:49 PM
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Originally Posted by BlackHeart View Post
Didn’t you lift weights in the past?
Asking because if you did, I would have thought that would have thickened your stomach muscles enough to avoid hernias. (Think 500kg deadlift and the blowout pressure there without built up abdominal walls)
Not a big weight lifter, although I did go to the gym on a reasonably regular basis. I think what did this was a backpacking trip a few days prior, then pushing a little harder than usual on the throne and whammo! I'm a reasonably big guy at 6'0" and Norwegian genetics but definately need to drop another 35lbs to the 15lbs I've lost so far.

Originally Posted by Reeves1 View Post
Diver....guess I'm lucky.
I do strength training with 500 mil cans of Pilsner Urquell.
Must work, cause at 62 I can still carry & change out a T-10 or Top Loader transmissions by myself with no issues.
Consider yourself fortunate! Now if only we could assist you with your Pinto problem.....

Originally Posted by Sooner View Post
I have the same outie happening now, no pain though, my doc has looked at it a few times during physicals. Pushes the bulge around, no pain. But I fear my day is coming when what happened to you will happen to me.

Did you have an outie prior as well?

I am following this one and have my annual physical coming up soon. I keep asking the doc, can we do a preventive op? He is of the opinion, wait till you need it. Ya, that could be out in the woods trying to move a moose over, cutting a fallen log or trying to unstuck a sled lol. Thanks for posting.
No outie, the tear is just above my belly button. When I was a newborn apparantly I had an umbilical hernia and I have a small scar right at my belly button. I'm guessing this is a weakness I've always had. I'm just glad I could call my wife to drive me, because the pain was unlike anything I've had before.

Originally Posted by doetracks View Post
Interesting side note, hernias can evidently be hereditary but skip generations??
I'm adopted with no family history, but they say 1 in 4 men develop a hernia.

Originally Posted by Desert_Faux View Post

Where do you guys get those belly bands from? Pharmacy?

Bought it at Co-op medical supply. Finding that it's doing its job pretty good. I golfed 18 holes yesterday and it helped.

Thanks for all the tips folks. I'm on a consult in September. Will see how she goes! For now, won't trust pushing out a big fart for a while!
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Old 08-24-2018, 04:34 PM
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Originally Posted by BlackHeart View Post
Didn’t you lift weights in the past?
Asking because if you did, I would have thought that would have thickened your stomach muscles enough to avoid hernias. (Think 500kg deadlift and the blowout pressure there without built up abdominal walls)
Um no. The world record deadlift is 1,041 pounds or 473 kg. Theres nobody pulling 1100 lbs in these parts... LOL
An awful lot of big game was killed with the .30-06 including the big bears before everyone became affluent enough to own a rifle for every species of game they might hunt.
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Old 08-24-2018, 06:56 PM
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Originally Posted by 1899b View Post
Um no. The world record deadlift is 1,041 pounds or 473 kg. Theres nobody pulling 1100 lbs in these parts... LOL
Eddie Hall. 500kg world record. Burst blood vessels in his head.

I do know nobody around here is pulling this weight....the concept was if you powerlift you build up the ability to lift heavy deadlifts,.... soooo would it help prevent a fairly common injury through thickening of the abdominal area muscles.

I deadlift (among other lifts) (nothing in compare to Eddie Hall) but always worry about getting a hernia as I add weight to the bar and I age.

Last edited by BlackHeart; 08-24-2018 at 07:06 PM.
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Old 08-24-2018, 07:35 PM
fishpro fishpro is offline
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Had an inguinal hernia a few years ago, and while it wasn't giving me any trouble, my doctor recommended I have it repaired. The surgeon I went to only did open surgeries and only used mesh if it was a large repair (mine didn't need it). I was happy with this route, because even though the scar is larger and the recovery time is longer (still not very bad), both the laparoscopic surgery and mesh repair have higher chances of long term side effects.
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Old 08-24-2018, 08:35 PM
elkhunter1234 elkhunter1234 is offline
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I’ve got a belly button hernia that I’m waiting to get into see a surgeon to see if he wants to repair it or just have me keep stuffing it back in 20 times a day. The odd time it gets twisted and I know right away it needs to be pushed back in as I’m puking my guts out. I’ve talked to some guys that say not to get it repaired and to just deal with it.

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Old 08-27-2018, 08:59 AM
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Originally Posted by elkhunter1234 View Post
I’ve got a belly button hernia that I’m waiting to get into see a surgeon to see if he wants to repair it or just have me keep stuffing it back in 20 times a day. The odd time it gets twisted and I know right away it needs to be pushed back in as I’m puking my guts out. I’ve talked to some guys that say not to get it repaired and to just deal with it.

This is what I hear too, sometimes the mesh is worse from what others I know who had it.
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Old 08-27-2018, 09:55 AM
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Default Hernia

I've had a hernia for a dozen years now and other than an oversized gut ,it's not a big problem,I still lift and drag things and hunt but a lot slower,I opted not to do the mesh because of all the controversy and possible other things that could go wrong but I didn't have gut hanging out of my stomach like you but whatever you decide I wish you the best.
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Old 08-27-2018, 09:58 AM
bobtodrick bobtodrick is offline
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And in a third world medical system (like many Canadians like to claim we now have)...you'd quite possibly be dead now.
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Old 08-31-2018, 06:31 PM
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So things escalated rather quickly...

Flew to Fort Chip from Edmonton for work Wednesday am. On the way, had a hernia attack. Got to the work site and laid on a bench trying to push it back in. Went to the clinic there and was fortunate that a doctor was up there this week. They kinda fixed it and gave me a shot in the butt but no morphine otherwise I’d have to medivac to Fort McMurray. Thankfully the Charter plane was on our schedule so we took the plane back to Edmonton early. Pilot took a seat out so I could stretch out more. We made it as far as Innisfail but pulled into the urgent care centre.

Then I had X-rays and bloodwork and they sent me by ambulance to red deer. Waited 5hrs to see a doctor but had morphine. Operated on me around midnight. It was a very rough night as you don’t get much rest after having a breathing tube down your throat and a machine measuring your blood pressure every 15 minutes. I have spotty memories of them making me crawl off the gurney onto my bed on my own. Then expected to be moving by 7am.

As for the surgery, no hernia mesh was used as the hole was small enough to staple. No bowel obstruction. Just some fat pushed through. Stapled me back together (9 that I can visibly see). Took 9hrs to be seen.

They gave me a very limited amount of pain killers which I’m using evenings and mornings interspersed with Tylenol. First shower and removing dressing was very tender. No lifting more than 15lbs for 6 weeks. It’s very sore sitting and getting up. Can’t lay on my side yet either. Just hoping this wound heals without getting infected! Hunting will be a write off this year.

Hopefully this fixes it! The wound pain is still high, but much less than the hernia.
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