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Old 12-08-2015, 04:34 PM
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Originally Posted by ak-71 View Post
No, I am not. But I think Bushrat is, he doesn't seem to know where his tools, tractors, fertilizers, computers, phones, designs, manifacturing for all of the above and much more, as well as research to make it all possible comes from. Talk about "self righteous" .
It's an interconnected world, make piece with it, unless you want to go back to a horse buggy and mail pigeons.

And yes, I agree with the rest of his message.
We know exactly where our tools we exploit the environment with come from. They come from the city where they make them out of the raw materials we send there. Thing is we have 80% of the countries population living in urban areas complaining about the rural people chewing up the environment with the tools they provide us. If they don't want us wrecking the environment then quit demanding we go out and wreck the environment to provide them with all the stuff they can't do without....as cheap as possible please.
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Old 12-08-2015, 04:54 PM
Sigg Sigg is offline
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Originally Posted by Bushrat View Post
If the first world didn't demand cheap crap from China they wouldn't be doing what they do.
I wish the simpletons on this board would wrap their heads around that concept.
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Old 12-08-2015, 05:23 PM
NEWB NEWB is offline
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Originally Posted by thumper View Post
Have you noticed that the days are getting shorter and shorter? Or is it just me?

Global darkening!!!!
And it must the fault of us old fat white guys!
Quick, raise taxes ...

Dec 21 2015 the Northern Hemisphere will plung into almost complete darkness! If we do not raise funds quickly to stop global Northern Hemisphere Darkening (NHD) we will plunge into complete darkness.

With your help, we can raise enough money to slow this CATASTROPHIC event down and eventually reverse the NHD effect. If we get on it now, we can start to see imporvement of NHD with in a few short days.

We must act qucikly and everyone must do their part!
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Old 12-08-2015, 05:30 PM
JD848 JD848 is offline
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Originally Posted by Bushrat View Post
Sure we need each other. The urban folks demand the product made from the resources us uneducated toothless hillbillies out in the sticks harvest like lumber, oil, gas, hydro electricity, coal, steel, meat, eggs, milk, vegetables, etc. That's why we are out here harvesting the stuff the urban people demand. We are sick of having millions of urban fingers pointed at us because we are the hewers of wood and the drawers of water. We loggers, miners, farmers, fishermen, rig pigs, pipeliners, equipment operators, truck drivers, etc, are tired of being told WE are the cause of all the environmental problems and that we are just a bunch of uneducated rednecks that are too stupid to clean up our act when we are just following the rules set by the URBAN officials and policy makers for harvesting what it is they are demanding. Meanwhile the self righteous 'environmentally conscious' consumers absolve themselves of any blame because the packaging of the newest electronic gadget made out of plastic, they purchased with their plastic card or plastic money that they brought home in a plastic bag says it is 'energy efficient', or the package of fish or vegetables they consume says it comes from a 'sustainable' fishery or farm, or is 'organic', the new car they buy is 'fuel efficient', the new 2500 square foot $350,000 house with marble countertops, carpets, tile, windows, walls ,roofing that are 'energy saving' meanwhile the process to make all these 'environmentally friendly' products is hugely damaging to our environment.

That's Ok though us simple rural rednecks can handle the hypocrisy, we been dealing with it for decades. We will continue to sit back and watch the smug urban environmentalists chastise us while they do 'their part' and continue to buy 'environmentally conscious' products, watch David Suzuki and fly off in a jet to mexico or some place where some poor bastard who works for a few pesos a day and lives in a really environmentally efficient mud hut with a scrap tin roof, serves them drinks in a resort that sits where endangered turtles used to lay their eggs, after breakfast they go out and watch the whales......
right on x2
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Old 12-08-2015, 05:32 PM
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How do I send all my money to you personally without ever tracing what you do with it?

Apparently a carbon tax will reduce pollution. So glad I read that here so that I wouldn't continue in my ignorance. Did everyone else know that carbon is the smog in the air?
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Old 12-08-2015, 06:06 PM
ak-71 ak-71 is offline
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Originally Posted by Bushrat View Post
We know exactly where our tools we exploit the environment with come from. They come from the city where they make them out of the raw materials we send there. Thing is we have 80% of the countries population living in urban areas complaining about the rural people chewing up the environment with the tools they provide us. If they don't want us wrecking the environment then quit demanding we go out and wreck the environment to provide them with all the stuff they can't do without....as cheap as possible please.
I was told ones that I raped mother Earth with fracs (many years ago when I was in fracturing), and I was a city folk for a good 1/3 of a year.
I don't know which city folks had such a profound effect on you, but I am sorry you fill this way. Shake it off, Bushrat, whoever they are, they don't know any better.
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Old 12-08-2015, 06:35 PM
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Originally Posted by ak-71 View Post
Shake it off, Bushrat, whoever they are, they don't know any better.
Glad to see we think alike, I know they don't know any better. They need to be informed and made aware of their hypocrisy.
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Old 12-08-2015, 11:18 PM
rugatika rugatika is offline
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Default For the Mark Steyn fans....


Likewise, as I have come to learn, with climate science: when someone’s up in northern Finland collecting lake sediment, that’s science; when someone’s taking tree rings from the Gaspé peninsula in Québec, that’s science; when someone’s up to his neck in ice cores in Antarctica, that’s science. But, when Michael Mann feeds them all into his magic processor and tells you here’s the planet’s temperature for the last two millennia, that’s not science. When the IPCC distills it further into “This is the hottest year of the hottest decade of the hottest century in, like, forever”, that is way beyond the realm of science. And, when politicians distill that further still into “Give us all your money or the planet gets it”, we have flown the coop of science and are free-floating through clouds of totalitarian fantasy.
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Old 12-09-2015, 12:00 AM
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A carbon tax will reduce pollution like income taxes reduce poverty.

I think most would say that $1,500.00 a month is below the poverty line.
Considering that the monthly rent in Calgary is $1,123, I think that is a reasonable assumption.

For those who don't know, $1,500.00 the average pension for a single person in Alberta.

Yes our taxes are preventing poverty, for those who are employed. But for those on a pension, obviously not. Unless one is talking about an MPs pension.
Then it's an entirely different matter. They draw more in yearly pension then most of us will earn in a life time.

I believe we can look forward to MPs getting a huge pay increase and a huge pension increase. They have to find some use for all the money they will take from us with all these new taxes.
Democracy substitutes election by the incompetent many for appointment by the corrupt few.

George Bernard Shaw
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Old 12-09-2015, 12:27 AM
drhu22 drhu22 is offline
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Originally Posted by dmcbride View Post
The man made climate change is just propaganda using fear so some people can get rich.
Uh ok, if you say so.
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Old 12-09-2015, 05:58 AM
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Originally Posted by drhu22 View Post
Uh ok, if you say so.
Google Al Gore...then we'll talk.....
The future ain't what it used to be - Yogi Berra
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Old 12-11-2015, 01:47 PM
denied access denied access is offline
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Originally Posted by dmcbride View Post
The man made climate change is just propaganda using fear so some people can get rich.
Gotta keep the lemmings scared of something
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Old 12-11-2015, 01:48 PM
denied access denied access is offline
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Originally Posted by Steven Noel View Post
It's not a matter of the climate having been stable before people, it's a matter that we are influencing the direction and rate of change.
Yep. Those Viking ships released a lot of CO2 to cause the middle age warming period. And the dinosaurs liked it snowy.
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Old 12-11-2015, 03:18 PM
ArtG ArtG is offline
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Originally Posted by cat336 View Post
I too would like a cleaner environment but until you hold China and India to our standards it's not going to happen.You can't clean up half the world and pour garbage into the air in the other half and expect any better.

Didn't India say they would lower their carbon foot print if they get compensated for it?
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Old 12-11-2015, 03:21 PM
ArtG ArtG is offline
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Originally Posted by denied access View Post
Yep. Those Viking ships released a lot of CO2 to cause the middle age warming period. And the dinosaurs liked it snowy.
Think about how much methane gas a cow produces... those dinosaurs must have started the rip in our OZ layer.....
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Old 12-11-2015, 03:22 PM
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Two excellent websites recommended to me by a fellow anti... Anti-climate change , that is. Of course, Sundance knows about these already!

And here is a new film coming out...


I wonder if Leonardo DiStupido will see it?

Saving one animal won't change the world, but the world will change for that one animal!

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Old 12-11-2015, 03:37 PM
ak-71 ak-71 is offline
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Originally Posted by Steven Noel View Post
It's not a matter of the climate having been stable before people, it's a matter that we are influencing the direction and rate of change.
When we pee in the ocean we also influence the level and during the right time of the day you can convince yourself that you influence the rate of the tide too.
And I am not saying climate change isn't happening. All I am saying that with limited data and simplified models current hysteria is a form of a religion used by some.
It's just how it works. Ever wondered why fracturing all of a sudden became so evil and so important for environmentalists? Fracturing was first done in 1940's was done on millions of wells since that time, but only recently it became something they can really milk, thus an instant concern and all of the publicity.
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Old 12-11-2015, 05:16 PM
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Do the math. If we ban all carbonated beverages consumed in the world such as beers and pops and fizzy water all would be fixed.

Work it out.

It's true.
It is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives; but the species that survives is the one that is able best to adapt and adjust to the changing environment in which it finds itself. Charles Darwin
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Old 12-11-2015, 06:27 PM
JamesB JamesB is offline
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Well regardless of whether you believe or not nobody has yet come up with a predictive model. So, the real question we all should be asking in light of COP21 is how the heck any of this taxing and punishing of the first world can possibly be linked to a 1.5C or 2C temperature change? This huge conference where 383 Canadian attendees used up 800 tons of CO2, appears to be little more that smoke and mirrors.
Would any of the experts here like to explain how he can attempt to limit temperature increases when we have not yet been able to model climate change?
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Old 12-11-2015, 06:32 PM
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Originally Posted by JamesB View Post
Well regardless of whether you believe or not nobody has yet come up with a predictive model. So, the real question we all should be asking in light of COP21 is how the heck any of this taxing and punishing of the first world can possibly be linked to a 1.5C or 2C temperature change? This huge conference where 383 Canadian attendees used up 800 tons of CO2, appears to be little more that smoke and mirrors.
Would any of the experts here like to explain how he can attempt to limit temperature increases when we have not yet been able to model climate change?
Hey, they know where the Global thermostat is located. Up a little, down a little, till they get it just right. Ten degrees cooler at night.

"Indeed, no human being has yet lived under conditions which, considering the prevailing climates of the past, can be regarded as normal."
John E. Pfeiffer The Emergence of Man
written in 1969
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Old 12-11-2015, 06:51 PM
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Leonardo. Nuff sed.
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Old 12-11-2015, 06:51 PM
6.5x47 lapua 6.5x47 lapua is offline
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Originally Posted by Bushrat View Post
Sure we need each other. The urban folks demand the product made from the resources us uneducated toothless hillbillies out in the sticks harvest like lumber, oil, gas, hydro electricity, coal, steel, meat, eggs, milk, vegetables, etc. That's why we are out here harvesting the stuff the urban people demand. We are sick of having millions of urban fingers pointed at us because we are the hewers of wood and the drawers of water. We loggers, miners, farmers, fishermen, rig pigs, pipeliners, equipment operators, truck drivers, etc, are tired of being told WE are the cause of all the environmental problems and that we are just a bunch of uneducated rednecks that are too stupid to clean up our act when we are just following the rules set by the URBAN officials and policy makers for harvesting what it is they are demanding. Meanwhile the self righteous 'environmentally conscious' consumers absolve themselves of any blame because the packaging of the newest electronic gadget made out of plastic, they purchased with their plastic card or plastic money that they brought home in a plastic bag says it is 'energy efficient', or the package of fish or vegetables they consume says it comes from a 'sustainable' fishery or farm, or is 'organic', the new car they buy is 'fuel efficient', the new 2500 square foot $350,000 house with marble countertops, carpets, tile, windows, walls ,roofing that are 'energy saving' meanwhile the process to make all these 'environmentally friendly' products is hugely damaging to our environment.

That's Ok though us simple rural rednecks can handle the hypocrisy, we been dealing with it for decades. We will continue to sit back and watch the smug urban environmentalists chastise us while they do 'their part' and continue to buy 'environmentally conscious' products, watch David Suzuki and fly off in a jet to mexico or some place where some poor bastard who works for a few pesos a day and lives in a really environmentally efficient mud hut with a scrap tin roof, serves them drinks in a resort that sits where endangered turtles used to lay their eggs, after breakfast they go out and watch the whales......
i enjoyed this immensely!
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Old 12-11-2015, 07:10 PM
Domestique Domestique is offline
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I am pretty much agnostic when it comes to climate change. I believe there are valid arguments and data that support both sides of the debate.

For those of you that say it's all about control, wealth transfer, making a few uber-rich richer, deception, etc my question is;

Do you think at the Paris climate conference they have secret meetings (after the regular meetings LOL!) where they discuss all things that they are nefariously doing to the global tax payers? Is it a secret hand shake and wink?
Seriously though if it is all about deception there must be a master plan, and master planners, no?
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Old 12-11-2015, 07:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Bushrat View Post
Sure we need each other. The urban folks demand the product made from the resources us uneducated toothless hillbillies out in the sticks harvest like lumber, oil, gas, hydro electricity, coal, steel, meat, eggs, milk, vegetables, etc. That's why we are out here harvesting the stuff the urban people demand. We are sick of having millions of urban fingers pointed at us because we are the hewers of wood and the drawers of water. We loggers, miners, farmers, fishermen, rig pigs, pipeliners, equipment operators, truck drivers, etc, are tired of being told WE are the cause of all the environmental problems and that we are just a bunch of uneducated rednecks that are too stupid to clean up our act when we are just following the rules set by the URBAN officials and policy makers for harvesting what it is they are demanding. Meanwhile the self righteous 'environmentally conscious' consumers absolve themselves of any blame because the packaging of the newest electronic gadget made out of plastic, they purchased with their plastic card or plastic money that they brought home in a plastic bag says it is 'energy efficient', or the package of fish or vegetables they consume says it comes from a 'sustainable' fishery or farm, or is 'organic', the new car they buy is 'fuel efficient', the new 2500 square foot $350,000 house with marble countertops, carpets, tile, windows, walls ,roofing that are 'energy saving' meanwhile the process to make all these 'environmentally friendly' products is hugely damaging to our environment.

That's Ok though us simple rural rednecks can handle the hypocrisy, we been dealing with it for decades. We will continue to sit back and watch the smug urban environmentalists chastise us while they do 'their part' and continue to buy 'environmentally conscious' products, watch David Suzuki and fly off in a jet to mexico or some place where some poor bastard who works for a few pesos a day and lives in a really environmentally efficient mud hut with a scrap tin roof, serves them drinks in a resort that sits where endangered turtles used to lay their eggs, after breakfast they go out and watch the whales......
Have you ever though about running for the Premier's seat?

We need someone who tells it like it is. Another Ralph.
Democracy substitutes election by the incompetent many for appointment by the corrupt few.

George Bernard Shaw
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Old 12-11-2015, 07:15 PM
Domestique Domestique is offline
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Originally Posted by Bushrat View Post
Sure we need each other. The urban folks demand the product made from the resources us uneducated toothless hillbillies out in the sticks harvest like lumber, oil, gas, hydro electricity, coal, steel, meat, eggs, milk, vegetables, etc. That's why we are out here harvesting the stuff the urban people demand. We are sick of having millions of urban fingers pointed at us because we are the hewers of wood and the drawers of water. We loggers, miners, farmers, fishermen, rig pigs, pipeliners, equipment operators, truck drivers, etc, are tired of being told WE are the cause of all the environmental problems and that we are just a bunch of uneducated rednecks that are too stupid to clean up our act when we are just following the rules set by the URBAN officials and policy makers for harvesting what it is they are demanding. Meanwhile the self righteous 'environmentally conscious' consumers absolve themselves of any blame because the packaging of the newest electronic gadget made out of plastic, they purchased with their plastic card or plastic money that they brought home in a plastic bag says it is 'energy efficient', or the package of fish or vegetables they consume says it comes from a 'sustainable' fishery or farm, or is 'organic', the new car they buy is 'fuel efficient', the new 2500 square foot $350,000 house with marble countertops, carpets, tile, windows, walls ,roofing that are 'energy saving' meanwhile the process to make all these 'environmentally friendly' products is hugely damaging to our environment.

That's Ok though us simple rural rednecks can handle the hypocrisy, we been dealing with it for decades. We will continue to sit back and watch the smug urban environmentalists chastise us while they do 'their part' and continue to buy 'environmentally conscious' products, watch David Suzuki and fly off in a jet to mexico or some place where some poor bastard who works for a few pesos a day and lives in a really environmentally efficient mud hut with a scrap tin roof, serves them drinks in a resort that sits where endangered turtles used to lay their eggs, after breakfast they go out and watch the whales......
Well said!
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Old 12-11-2015, 07:27 PM
From The Hip From The Hip is offline
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Originally Posted by Domestique View Post
I am pretty much agnostic when it comes to climate change. I believe there are valid arguments and data that support both sides of the debate.

For those of you that say it's all about control, wealth transfer, making a few uber-rich richer, deception, etc my question is;

Do you think at the Paris climate conference they have secret meetings (after the regular meetings LOL!) where they discuss all things that they are nefariously doing to the global tax payers? Is it a secret hand shake and wink?
Seriously though if it is all about deception there must be a master plan, and master planners, no?
The goal of the UN panel on climate change is to have a yearly 100 billion fund that is from developed to be given to undeveloped to "fight" climate change.Those third world countries will not develop as western nations/societies have as they wont need to as they will get free money from western society.So yeah it is a wealth transfer.People like Al Gore/David Suzuki are the ones making the money from it as well as the scientists that invented their own jobs.As for the science behind global warming/climate change...well it seems pretty damn dodgy especially after Climate Gate exposed thousands of emails that contained information about falsification of data/omitted data and other important stuff such as actual facts.Those scientists dont want their gravy train to stop so they lied and discredited anybody who opposed their opinions/research and labelled them a denier.

You pretty much have to take it as gospel when one of the original founders of Greenpeace straight out says that climate change/global warming is a hoax especially when he hold a degree as an ecologist.

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Old 12-11-2015, 08:31 PM
dgl1948 dgl1948 is offline
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The greenies want a reduction on the fossil fuel pulled from the ground. We could start by not laying any more pavement in the cities where they live and then they could get a real taste of mother earth.
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Old 12-11-2015, 08:51 PM
New Hunter Okotoks New Hunter Okotoks is offline
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Originally Posted by From The Hip View Post
The goal of the UN panel on climate change is to have a yearly 100 billion fund that is from developed to be given to undeveloped to "fight" climate change.Those third world countries will not develop as western nations/societies have as they wont need to as they will get free money from western society.So yeah it is a wealth transfer.People like Al Gore/David Suzuki are the ones making the money from it as well as the scientists that invented their own jobs.As for the science behind global warming/climate change...well it seems pretty damn dodgy especially after Climate Gate exposed thousands of emails that contained information about falsification of data/omitted data and other important stuff such as actual facts.Those scientists dont want their gravy train to stop so they lied and discredited anybody who opposed their opinions/research and labelled them a denier.

You pretty much have to take it as gospel when one of the original founders of Greenpeace straight out says that climate change/global warming is a hoax especially when he hold a degree as an ecologist.



It's hard to believe how many people fail to do any sort of research of their own and just accept whatever the MSM tells them. The Earth has always had changing climates; always will. Natural fluctuations are going to happen and sometimes those natural fluctuations can happen for decades at a time. If something involves people being separated from their money or their rights, "for their own good" it should get their Spider Senses tingling.
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Old 12-11-2015, 09:21 PM
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Originally Posted by ArtG View Post
Didn't India say they would lower their carbon foot print if they get compensated for it?
Even though India has a huge population, their "carbon footprint" is nothing compared to urban soccer-moms.

Lets just say Iceland shouldn't be taxed. Most power is geothermal, and one hell of a nice country
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Old 12-12-2015, 07:26 AM
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I laugh every time I hear a record temp reported from the years before 1900. Really, how acurate was that thermometer ? Or even from 1920 or so.
+ or - 10 degrees ? Or who actually kept the records ?

Gonna get me a 16" perch.
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