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Old 01-12-2014, 09:51 AM
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Originally Posted by petew View Post
When is the last time a soldier was laid off?? No notice, just sent home, job is over?? Lots of crying about overtime, but how about all the days forces are stood down with pay ?? and never docked pay because they are sick , or injured and don't forget the free issue work clothes, I spend $300 for work boots for summer and another $300 for winter boots , work clothes don't last long either and we pay for our own.

Away from home?? it isn't just forces guys that are away, the construction guys are away in remote camps for many months a year too and the wage is not increased because of it , in fact many jobs are less base pay in the camps.
Tried of hearing about the danger too, sure it is dangerous being a soldier, but what did you expect when you join the army?? Soldiers are paid to shoot and be shot at.
There are more work related fatalities in construction every year than there are in all the forces , military and police combined. You don't have an exclusive on danger. We keep hearing about low wages , look at the apprentice wages in industry, they don't start off at the top. How do sales people make it on their wage? Hotel staff? Store clerks etc ? and these ones don't have a pension either, and most don't have benefit packages for medical, dental, etc.

I seem to see a lot of green camo uniforms driving new trucks, and buying houses around here so it can't be all that bad.
And the grass is not always greener on the other side.
I was going to say something but keeping mouth shut ...

LIFE IS TOUGH.....TOUGHER IF YOU'RE STUPID.-------------------“Women have the right to work wherever they want, as long as they have the dinner ready when you get home”
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Old 01-12-2014, 09:55 AM
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One thing I have worked in the oil patch. the construction sector two and other jobs ... My military jobs where way harder then any civie job that I have done ...But my military was the best job I have ever done hands down... its a lifestyle not just a job your friends trust you with there lives and its like that when you get out to

LIFE IS TOUGH.....TOUGHER IF YOU'RE STUPID.-------------------“Women have the right to work wherever they want, as long as they have the dinner ready when you get home”
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Old 01-12-2014, 10:02 AM
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Originally Posted by recce43 View Post
One thing I have worked in the oil patch. the construction sector two and other jobs ... My military jobs where way harder then any civie job that I have done ...But my military was the best job I have ever done hands down... its a lifestyle not just a job your friends trust you with there lives and its like that when you get out to
Depends on what you did in the oil patch. Thanks for watching out for the rest of us though, it really is appreciated. I looked into it a couple times, but I was too selfish and that starting wage was just to hard to swallow.
the days we are at our best we can play with anybody, problem is those days are getting farther and farther apart
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Old 01-12-2014, 10:02 AM
Big Daddy Badger Big Daddy Badger is offline
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Originally Posted by bcwrencher View Post
It was about 4-5 years ago. I was told I would make a wage of 31k a year, to start, until I was a leading seaman, which would leave me at about 60k a year, after 3 to 4 years. I was told that I would be posted either in halifax or esquimalt and that I had no say in that, I went where I was needed. The trade I qualified for was marine mechanical engineer, and I was (and still am) really interested in that field, I work on ship engines used in stationary applications for a living now.

I was told I would get sea pay when I was away, which could be for 9 out of 12 months in a year, which would be an incentive I guess. The recruiter said that I could take another trade on after I became leading seaman to earn more money. Still looking at less than 80k a year, to be away from my family for many months at a time.

The fact is I make more than double the leading seaman wage working in society, being home every night, etc. It would have been pretty cool to travel the world and work on engines, but working on engines in the patch just pays better. I turned to the navy because I had no other options. What needs to happen is the CF has to sweeten the pot for recruits because no skilled tradesmen, etc is going to want to give up their life for less than half what they could make in a civilian job, unless world war 3 breaks out.

Also.....BC? whatcha tryin' to say?
I'm saying that BC is expensive.

Other than that you got half the story...typical recruiter.

In any case judging from your response... you would have been a poor recruit anyway.
No offense but one does have to look beyond the dollar when one enters service....its not a job...it is who you are.
People in the military work for more than money.

I am interested though...what is your benefits package like.
How about your pension plan, drug plan, dental plan when you retire?

Finally...how many guys working the patch are actually away from home just as much?
Most of the guys I know are gone for at least half the year which... would be far more typical for the Navy.
The whole 9 month thing comes up but obly every few years otherwise most are only at seas for up to half the year.

We are derailing this thread so please just PM me if you are interested in further discussion.

Bottom line is that I.... having retired after 28 years of service only last week probably have a better grip on the reality of service and malcontent manipulative Corporals that need their chain jerked.

If that man cannot survive on his pay and allowances in Cold Lake... he has bigger problems than money.
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Old 01-12-2014, 10:12 AM
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Originally Posted by petew View Post
When is the last time a soldier was laid off?? No notice, just sent home, job is over?? Lots of crying about overtime, but how about all the days forces are stood down with pay ?? and never docked pay because they are sick , or injured and don't forget the free issue work clothes, I spend $300 for work boots for summer and another $300 for winter boots , work clothes don't last long either and we pay for our own.

Away from home?? it isn't just forces guys that are away, the construction guys are away in remote camps for many months a year too and the wage is not increased because of it , in fact many jobs are less base pay in the camps.
Tried of hearing about the danger too, sure it is dangerous being a soldier, but what did you expect when you join the army?? Soldiers are paid to shoot and be shot at.
There are more work related fatalities in construction every year than there are in all the forces , military and police combined. You don't have an exclusive on danger. We keep hearing about low wages , look at the apprentice wages in industry, they don't start off at the top. How do sales people make it on their wage? Hotel staff? Store clerks etc ? and these ones don't have a pension either, and most don't have benefit packages for medical, dental, etc.

I seem to see a lot of green camo uniforms driving new trucks, and buying houses around here so it can't be all that bad.
And the grass is not always greener on the other side.
I agree. You get into the military and you are aware of what you're getting into beforehand. In the private sector there are way more entry level jobs than not. You look at how many people out there that WILL NEVER MAKE 50k!! There's a LOT!! Also most of these people get little, if any, benefits and NO PENSION!

I support our troops, but I think 50k+ a year is more than fair. If not then maybe a career change is a good idea. But be forewarned that there is way less job security, no benefits or perks and a good chance the pay will be no better and possibly even less.

Minimum wage is just over $10 and many trades start around $16. No benefits, no pension, no perks...
Do the math, it could be way worse...
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Old 01-12-2014, 10:14 AM
Big Daddy Badger Big Daddy Badger is offline
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Originally Posted by brownbomber View Post
Depends on what you did in the oil patch. Thanks for watching out for the rest of us though, it really is appreciated. I looked into it a couple times, but I was too selfish and that starting wage was just to hard to swallow.
My sxtarting wage in the military was 12500 per annum...before taxes.
We had only a fraction of the allowance given now but... there was more free stuff.
For a single guy it was great....everything was paid for...your paycheck could be blown and you would still be clothed, fed, housed etc.
A bit toughrer for a married guy but... rent for us was something like 240 bucks.
We managed.
In 4 years my wages doubled and life was good.
How many employers guarantee that?
I could fly my whole family to any major centre in Canada for 7...yes SEVEN dollars a head.
Or to Germany for 11 bucks a head.
The price of the food we ate on the plane.

Yes a few years were lean thanks to Mulrooney and his cronies but that has long since been corrected.

Where else does a guy earn a paycheck that he can just blow on nothing?
Who else in my age group and with my skills could toss 350 bucks at beer without worrying about bills?
Keep in mind...beer in the mess was only 50 cents.
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Old 01-12-2014, 10:25 AM
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Originally Posted by Big Daddy Badger View Post
I'm saying that BC is expensive.

Other than that you got half the story...typical recruiter.

In any case judging from your response... you would have been a poor recruit anyway.
No offense but one does have to look beyond the dollar when one enters service....its not a job...it is who you are.
People in the military work for more than money.

I am interested though...what is your benefits package like.
How about your pension plan, drug plan, dental plan when you retire?

Finally...how many guys working the patch are actually away from home just as much?
Most of the guys I know are gone for at least half the year which... would be far more typical for the Navy.
The whole 9 month thing comes up but obly every few years otherwise most are only at seas for up to half the year.

We are derailing this thread so please just PM me if you are interested in further discussion.

Bottom line is that I.... having retired after 28 years of service only last week probably have a better grip on the reality of service and malcontent manipulative Corporals that need their chain jerked.

If that man cannot survive on his pay and allowances in Cold Lake... he has bigger problems than money.

Well, thanks for the backhanded diss. You don't know me, don't make assumptions on my character or work ethic based on me NEEDING to make more money because I have a family. Noone in their right mind, with monetary obligations is going to take way less money, and be owned by the military, have no say over their life unless A. they really, really want it and are prepared to make huge sacrifices (like bankruptcy), to have it. or B. They had no other options (my situation).

I could just as easily say right now that all the people in the military are losers who couldn't get a real job and needed THE GOVERNMENT to run their lives/pay them. If the military really wanted the best people, they would pay for them accordingly. Look at the NFL vs the CFL. Same thing, supply and demand. ****ed off now? Good.
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Old 01-12-2014, 11:07 AM
rwm1273 rwm1273 is offline
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Originally Posted by recce43 View Post
work like 70 hrs a week no overtime ... aleast pc gave us new armour leopard 2 and new arty libs bought us nothing ... bosnia shelled shot at daily mass graves maybe civies think it was a peacekeeping mission but it was a war
Genocide would be a better term in my opinion.
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Old 01-12-2014, 11:08 AM
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Originally Posted by bcwrencher View Post
Well, thanks for the backhanded diss. You don't know me, don't make assumptions on my character or work ethic based on me NEEDING to make more money because I have a family. Noone in their right mind, with monetary obligations is going to take way less money, and be owned by the military, have no say over their life unless A. they really, really want it and are prepared to make huge sacrifices (like bankruptcy), to have it. or B. They had no other options (my situation).

I could just as easily say right now that all the people in the military are losers who couldn't get a real job and needed THE GOVERNMENT to run their lives/pay them. If the military really wanted the best people, they would pay for them accordingly. Look at the NFL vs the CFL. Same thing, supply and demand. ****ed off now? Good.
uh oh
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Old 01-12-2014, 11:26 AM
FishingMOM FishingMOM is offline
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From where I am sitting I see an aweful lot of ingrates in this country.

Our military personnel shouldn't be at the bottom of the barrel.
We need to pay them fairly, house them safely and be greatful that these men and women, their families are there to do the dirty work that most would never do willingly.

Push come to shove how many would be crying foul if they had to go to war?

I for one am thankful that our soldiers are there to keep my rights and freedoms in place. I am also thankful for those who came before me to give me the rights and freedoms I enjoy today.
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Old 01-12-2014, 11:30 AM
rwm1273 rwm1273 is offline
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Originally Posted by petew View Post
When is the last time a soldier was laid off?? No notice, just sent home, job is over?? Lots of crying about overtime, but how about all the days forces are stood down with pay ?? and never docked pay because they are sick , or injured and don't forget the free issue work clothes, I spend $300 for work boots for summer and another $300 for winter boots , work clothes don't last long either and we pay for our own.

Away from home?? it isn't just forces guys that are away, the construction guys are away in remote camps for many months a year too and the wage is not increased because of it , in fact many jobs are less base pay in the camps.
Tried of hearing about the danger too, sure it is dangerous being a soldier, but what did you expect when you join the army?? Soldiers are paid to shoot and be shot at.
There are more work related fatalities in construction every year than there are in all the forces , military and police combined. You don't have an exclusive on danger. We keep hearing about low wages , look at the apprentice wages in industry, they don't start off at the top. How do sales people make it on their wage? Hotel staff? Store clerks etc ? and these ones don't have a pension either, and most don't have benefit packages for medical, dental, etc.

I seem to see a lot of green camo uniforms driving new trucks, and buying houses around here so it can't be all that bad.
And the grass is not always greener on the other side.
Last time military members where laid off was in the early 1990's during the Force Reduction Plan, otherwise know as the forced reduction plan. If you didn't have enough time in, they didn't renew your contract, and you didn't get the golden parachute many did. If you had enough time in, then you were given an incentive to retire, and many did, only to be asked to rejoin a year later when they found out they released too many people in certain trades. I know some guys who took the early retirement, then got back in, and then got another package to retire early again.

When I first joined, I think my salary was just under $1000 a month. The only free housing I got was on training.

The biggest difference between military deaths and those in many industrial deaths is the incompetence. Cutting corners kills. In the military, it is explosives, and most of those are specifically targeted, and then there is suicide due to the stress of the soldier's duties.

You are right that many in the civilian world have a rough go early on, and this can also be said for the young recruit, and both will suffer more if they have a family to support.

As for the number of new vehicles being driven by our soldiers, it is often paid for by their allowance money for being away from home for extended periods of time. No different than those working the patch.
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Old 01-12-2014, 11:34 AM
Nester Nester is offline
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Originally Posted by bcwrencher View Post
Well, thanks for the backhanded diss. You don't know me, don't make assumptions on my character or work ethic based on me NEEDING to make more money because I have a family. Noone in their right mind, with monetary obligations is going to take way less money, and be owned by the military, have no say over their life unless A. they really, really want it and are prepared to make huge sacrifices (like bankruptcy), to have it. or B. They had no other options (my situation).

I could just as easily say right now that all the people in the military are losers who couldn't get a real job and needed THE GOVERNMENT to run their lives/pay them. If the military really wanted the best people, they would pay for them accordingly. Look at the NFL vs the CFL. Same thing, supply and demand. ****ed off now? Good.
and there it is........

What's this guys wife doing?

Just like in any career/job/office/rig there are always the losers out there that just need a kick in the ass and no matter what they receive it's never enough. Woe is me! Pretty sad that this character is getting some press time.

People out there always want more. Give an inch they take a mile. Worse thing is that they milk the "Support the Troops" crowd and get them all in an uproar behind there "cause"

Sad really.
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Old 01-12-2014, 11:37 AM
rwm1273 rwm1273 is offline
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Originally Posted by Big Daddy Badger View Post

If that man cannot survive on his pay and allowances in Cold Lake... he has bigger problems than money.
Good point. When I was in, I may not have been flush with cash, but I didn't have money problems that I was not responsible for.
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Old 01-12-2014, 12:01 PM
HunterDave HunterDave is offline
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Originally Posted by troutbug View Post
What is the wage range a ticketed tradesman would make if he signed up? just curious if they look at that?
Yes, they look at that now. If you are a qualified tradesman (ie mechanic, plumber, etc) and you join the CAF, immediately after boot camp you are promoted to the rank of Corporal and will receive a Corporal's pay of about $56K/year plus any specialist pay if it applies to your trade.
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Old 01-12-2014, 12:28 PM
HunterDave HunterDave is offline
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I did a little research into the issue of the cost of rent for a pmq in cold lake and there is definitely an issue going on there. The CF Ombudsman has investigated and has stated as much. Keep in mind that a Soldier's pay does not increase dependent on where he is posted except for a Post Living Differential Allowance (PDL) that helps to offset the cost of living in higher living cost areas. From the Ombudsman's report:

"Military housing rents in Cold Lake are roughly double that of comparable Air Force bases in Greenwood, Nova Scotia and Bagotville, Quebec."


So, without mentioning the higher cost of food, clothing, etc, the same pmq that costs $600 at one base will cost you $1200 in Cold Lake. The PLD for Cold Lake is currently a little over $300 so getting posted there as opposed to a lower cost of living location will cost you an extra $300/month for rent right off the bat. Factour in all of the other extra costs (ie travel to/fm Edmonton for medical) and I can certainly understand why people wouldn't want to get posted there. I certainly wouldn't want to get posted there as a young Soldier with a young family and take the financial hit.

Having said that, it is still my opinion that a minimum of $56K/year salary is plenty of money to live comfortably in that area. I can think of no reason other than to be making a political statement for him to go out begging. For that action I think that he should and will be dealt with very harshly.....and rightly so IMO.
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Old 01-12-2014, 12:37 PM
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Originally Posted by HunterDave View Post
I did a little research into the issue of the cost of rent for a pmq in cold lake and there is definitely an issue going on there. The CF Ombudsman has investigated and has stated as much. Keep in mind that a Soldier's pay does not increase dependent on where he is posted except for a Post Living Differential Allowance (PDL) that helps to offset the cost of living in higher living cost areas. From the Ombudsman's report:

"Military housing rents in Cold Lake are roughly double that of comparable Air Force bases in Greenwood, Nova Scotia and Bagotville, Quebec."


So, without mentioning the higher cost of food, clothing, etc, the same pmq that costs $600 at one base will cost you $1200 in Cold Lake. The PLD for Cold Lake is currently a little over $300 so getting posted there as opposed to a lower cost of living location will cost you an extra $300/month for rent right off the bat. Factour in all of the other extra costs (ie travel to/fm Edmonton for medical) and I can certainly understand why people wouldn't want to get posted there. I certainly wouldn't want to get posted there as a young Soldier with a young family and take the financial hit.

Having said that, it is still my opinion that a minimum of $56K/year salary is plenty of money to live comfortably in that area. I can think of no reason other than to be making a political statement for him to go out begging. For that action I think that he should and will be dealt with very harshly.....and rightly so IMO.
Paycheck to paycheck and go to crappy tire, wallyworld and see how many military guys and gals are working there. Sure know they would like to spend their wk ends not at a second job. I live in this area and see it first hand, hard for a young married service member with kids to get buy that is why a lot get out and go to the patch. It's sad.
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Old 01-12-2014, 12:48 PM
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Originally Posted by HunterDave View Post
Yes, they look at that now. If you are a qualified tradesman (ie mechanic, plumber, etc) and you join the CAF, immediately after boot camp you are promoted to the rank of Corporal and will receive a Corporal's pay of about $56K/year plus any specialist pay if it applies to your trade.
56k in this area (cold lake is 75km) is very entry level for civilians. Everything here costs more too than edmonton, if you don't want to pay the price then drive to the city but your savings are offset by fuel. I know I couldn't live off 56k I couldn't live off 85k. That said if I made that kind of money I wouldn't drive the vehicles we have or have the toys we do or live how we live. The need to adjust to your means is paramount.
the days we are at our best we can play with anybody, problem is those days are getting farther and farther apart
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Old 01-12-2014, 01:04 PM
HunterDave HunterDave is offline
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Originally Posted by brownbomber View Post
56k in this area (cold lake is 75km) is very entry level for civilians. Everything here costs more too than edmonton, if you don't want to pay the price then drive to the city but your savings are offset by fuel. I know I couldn't live off 56k I couldn't live off 85k. That said if I made that kind of money I wouldn't drive the vehicles we have or have the toys we do or live how we live. The need to adjust to your means is paramount.
Last night I checked the average salary in Cold Lake and for 2012 it was $28/hr....Average, so someone's living there working for a lot less than that. That's about $58K/year and the fella out begging is making minimum $60K/year (approx).

I never had all of the toys that I have now when I was a Cpl. I never had a new truck either. It is what it is and if the recruiter said that you were going to get rich in the Military he lied to you.

The cost of living at Cold Lake is definitely out of wack with other bases in Canada, there's no disputing that, and the PLD should definitely be increased to reflect the fast growing inflation in the area. Based on what I've read, the $316/month should be doubled or at the very least it should increase annually in conjunction with the inflation rate for the area. Right now from what I can determine is that it's 4 years behind the inflation rate for Cold Lake so doubling it would be very close IMO.
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Old 01-12-2014, 01:37 PM
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He's from Quebec, what else do you expect. Looking for money from Albertans, it's what they do.
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Old 01-12-2014, 01:47 PM
ctd ctd is online now
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I worked as a Civilian Plumbing Apprentice, for $12hr.
At the same time I was a Army Reservist worked for $140 full day (8hrs or more) or $70 day half day. average was 1 half day a week and 1 to 2 weekends a month. I also put in many free days as we had no budget to cover our day to day.

I went Regular Force as a Aircraft Mechanic and was posted to 4 Wing Cold Lake. I was making $5000mth I was living the dream. I had my G/F and one of her friends living with me in a PMQ. The three of us were splitting the rent three ways.
I had a $1000 mth truck payment and $380mth insurance.

I could afford to pay for the PMQ my truck and all food costs for the three of us on my salary if needed. We would not have had a life of luxury but we would have gotten by.
Reality in Cold lake or any other place in Ab is two people in the house hold need to have a job in order to keep up with the next guy. BC is no different.

If this Cpl wants to shame the Military in how they pay then he needs to find a new path. Many Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen before him lived on tough times. Based on extremely low wages.

Although every person Civie or Military life is different. Most issues arise from poor decisions. No matter how much money you make you will still be in the same situation you were in before.

Although it would be nice to pay our Military Members $100,000 or more a year. I don't have a pocket book big enough to do that.

My advice to this Corporal is to seek a financial counsellor and get your spending under control. Leaving the Military with the grass is greener attitude may leave you to be disappointed and in worse shape then you are now. Especially at lay off season.
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Old 01-12-2014, 03:55 PM
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Old 01-12-2014, 04:00 PM
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I dont know this guys whole story but alot of people, even friends cry they are hard up for money. Yet they buy their kids expensive brand name shoes, clothing, eat out every week etc etc.

I have lent money to a friend untill I saw they had money for smokes, makeup, brand name gear. Then they were cut off and mad at me because I told them my views on their situation. Most likely mad because it was true.

Id like to hear exactly what debts this guy has.

Cant say this is what is happening but judging from the picture he can afford a guitar and decent clothes from what I can see.
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Old 01-12-2014, 04:08 PM
HunterDave HunterDave is offline
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Originally Posted by troutbug View Post
"Tremblay has been instructed by his commanders not to speak to media anymore.

There hasn't been a penalty handed down yet, but sources said he will likely be charged, although it is not yet known what charge he could face."

And rightly so! I agree 100% with charging him for discrediting the CAF! I believe that the charge would be, "Service Unbecoming of a Service Member" under section 129 of the Queen's Regulations and Orders (QR&O's). Ironically the charge handed down is a monetary one but may be an administrative one such as Counselling & Probation (C&P).....or a combination of both.

This guy kinda reminds me of that RCMP fella last month that wanted to make a statement by smoking pot in his uniform. It didn't work out too well for him either. Both of these guys shot themselves in the foot and it looks good on them. No sympathy here.....If you do the crime then you'd better be able to do the time!
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Old 01-12-2014, 04:14 PM
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yup you can charge anybody under 129 for anything

LIFE IS TOUGH.....TOUGHER IF YOU'RE STUPID.-------------------“Women have the right to work wherever they want, as long as they have the dinner ready when you get home”
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Old 01-12-2014, 04:15 PM
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Originally Posted by recce43 View Post
yup you can charge anybody under 129 for anything
well im pretty sure he new what he was getting into when he signed up, heck anyone can look on the canadian forces site and see the pay scales
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Old 01-12-2014, 04:25 PM
HunterDave HunterDave is offline
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Originally Posted by troutbug View Post
well im pretty sure he new what he was getting into when he signed up, heck anyone can look on the canadian forces site and see the pay scales
For me, his pay, cost of rent, etc is the red herring in this story and his conduct is what bothered me the most. As a professional you can't be doing things like that. He knew it and he snubbed his nose at the Military/government. I'm not sure that I can explain it but, for me what he did was similar to mutiny or treason in a lot of regards but on a much smaller scale of course. When he joined the Military he gave up his right to protest against it. Once he gets out or retires he can protest all that he wants but not while he is serving.
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Old 01-12-2014, 04:32 PM
HunterDave HunterDave is offline
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Originally Posted by recce43 View Post
yup you can charge anybody under 129 for anything
Pretty much. I had 3 when I was a Private but back then charges were much more common and Orders Parade was almost a weekly occurrence. It was also called a 119. Hands in the pockets - 119, Fight in the mess - 119, spit on the sidewalk - 119......lol! And you can't redress a charge or the punishment of one. In all my years I don't recall anyone of ever being found not guilty of the charge either.
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Old 01-12-2014, 04:40 PM
kimmi07 kimmi07 is offline
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Originally Posted by FishingMOM View Post
From where I am sitting I see an aweful lot of ingrates in this country.

Our military personnel shouldn't be at the bottom of the barrel.
We need to pay them fairly, house them safely and be greatful that these men and women, their families are there to do the dirty work that most would never do willingly.

Push come to shove how many would be crying foul if they had to go to war?

I for one am thankful that our soldiers are there to keep my rights and freedoms in place. I am also thankful for those who came before me to give me the rights and freedoms I enjoy today.

Ok so I have to say something as my man is a current serving member at CFB Edmonton. This guy sitting on the sidewalk is a joke, yes a joke. He is 28 years and a Cpl in the army so that being said he should be making almost the same as my man as he is 29 and a Cpl. This guy is going to bring home every two weeks with out PLD added on about 1300 or more after taxes. So add on PLD of 319 every two weeks thats about 1700 every two weeks. Factor in the rent of say 650 to 980 thats for a FULL sized house, not a basement suite, not a one bedroom, 4th floor apartment but at least a 2 bedroom full sized house with a basement with maybe a bath and a half. Thats still 2100 or more a month bring home money to pay bills, debt and whatever else he needs to pay for. It makes me mad when people who live on base get ****ed off about the rent going up 20-50$ a YEAR. We do not live on base in the city as we own our own house. Only reason we do own is because we pay the same for rent in this city for a townhouse or apartment on the 4th floor of a walkup as we do a month on mortgage. Also according to people in the spouses groups I am part of this guy has a nice newer truck and actually may own a house, but thats second hand info. Most families in forces have only one person who works and they choose to do that, so I am sorry if you cannot afford to do things, get a job. We both work, I see him after work when he is in town. I may not see him for weeks a few times during the year due to field ex's but this is the life he choose before he met me. Hell my 20 year old cousin who is a 1yr heavy duty makes more then he does, but with my help by working we live a good life style. So saying that they do not get paid enough to live off of or not enough to support a family is bull. I lived off less then they make as a 2 year private for 3 years, it can be done if you know how to use money right.

Sorry end of rant.
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Old 01-12-2014, 04:50 PM
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Originally Posted by kimmi07 View Post
Ok so I have to say something as my man is a current serving member at CFB Edmonton. This guy sitting on the sidewalk is a joke, yes a joke. He is 28 years and a Cpl in the army so that being said he should be making almost the same as my man as he is 29 and a Cpl. This guy is going to bring home every two weeks with out PLD added on about 1300 or more after taxes. So add on PLD of 319 every two weeks thats about 1700 every two weeks. Factor in the rent of say 650 to 980 thats for a FULL sized house, not a basement suite, not a one bedroom, 4th floor apartment but at least a 2 bedroom full sized house with a basement with maybe a bath and a half. Thats still 2100 or more a month bring home money to pay bills, debt and whatever else he needs to pay for. It makes me mad when people who live on base get ****ed off about the rent going up 20-50$ a YEAR. We do not live on base in the city as we own our own house. Only reason we do own is because we pay the same for rent in this city for a townhouse or apartment on the 4th floor of a walkup as we do a month on mortgage. Also according to people in the spouses groups I am part of this guy has a nice newer truck and actually may own a house, but thats second hand info. Most families in forces have only one person who works and they choose to do that, so I am sorry if you cannot afford to do things, get a job. We both work, I see him after work when he is in town. I may not see him for weeks a few times during the year due to field ex's but this is the life he choose before he met me. Hell my 20 year old cousin who is a 1yr heavy duty makes more then he does, but with my help by working we live a good life style. So saying that they do not get paid enough to live off of or not enough to support a family is bull. I lived off less then they make as a 2 year private for 3 years, it can be done if you know how to use money right.

Sorry end of rant.
Thank you for the real world reference on the scenario surrounding the circumstances.
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Old 01-12-2014, 05:12 PM
HunterDave HunterDave is offline
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Originally Posted by rem338win View Post
Thank you for the real world reference on the scenario surrounding the circumstances.
x2 The Military forums are a buzz with this story. Some comments are sympathetic with this guy but many more are not very flattering at all. I personally don't like the way that this individual portrayed us.
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