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Old 10-28-2013, 11:43 AM
Iwantsfish Iwantsfish is offline
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Default General advice for shore fishing rivers and ponds

Hi all, long time lurker, first time poster, occasional fisher. First just want to say thanks for all the great info, awesome community!

I live in NW Calgary and occasionally “attempt” fishing, mostly spin type but also received fly gear that I’m hoping to wield next season. I’ve searched and read all the typical and over posted threads about fishing spots relatively close by and actually took the time to go out to try and explore some, imagine that! Did well at PCR a few times, and even got the eyes to strike without bait . However, anywhere else I get skunked like Dewitts, the Bow (all sorts of locations including the flats down south), Grotto, Chestermere, and most recently last Saturday morning at Winchell. Only could escape to Winchell for about 3 hours though.

(side note, as I’m just starting out and don’t exactly have all the nice gear like waiders and boots, boat or a truck. Winchell was a wakeup call haha. When they say “unmaintained road enter at own risk” I thought my little sedan would not come out of that pinball machine lol, and then the crazy swamp around the lake….not quite what I was expecting from the previous shore fishing spots, mental note: rubber boots next time!)

Long story short, it has become quite apparent that I’m a terrible fisherman and don’t know what I’m doing when it comes to anywhere that is not PCR where they basically jump out at you, and at Winchell everyone else seemed to snag a couple. I don’t mind where nobody else isn’t getting bites but I seemed to be the exception. I have to check the regs as October is ending and then things will start to freeze up, but I was still planning on hitting places I haven’t tried yet like Carburn park, Glenmore and Clearwater, and if not this season then in Spring some areas in Kananaskis.

What I typically do is start my rod with a simple spinner/spoon/rapala setup as it is the quickest to start and switch up, but this usually nets me nothing but weeds in the first 45 minutes, and once people start giving me the WTH? look I switch up to a bobber with a 20” leader and a hook with some shrimp or corn on it (haven’t tried cheese yet). Then after about an hour or two switch to the bottom with the main line to a swivel, then clip on a tear drop weight with the same 20” leader and hook from the bobber clipped on to the main swivel as well, and use floating pink mellow bait.

Is there something fundamentally wrong with my approach? Am I just not patient enough? If everyone else around the lake catches one or two in the same span of time what gives? I asked a nice guy to the left of me what he used after reeling one in and he showed me his rig, which was basically a tangled mess of weights at the very end with a hook covered in trout dough bait six inches above, and another similar hook 6” above that one. The hooks were basically wrapped around the main line in a mess and I would imagine that it would all end up sitting right on the bottom no? I’m also starting to think that those domesticated stocked fish don’t like spinners or any type of non-baited lures and I’ve never seen anyone else tossing them in. Heck, I even tried a bubble with dry flies and nothing! Is there a secret to reeling things in for specific lure action? How long should I wait until I check if my bait is still on the hook? I swear I tried it all that’s on youTube out there lol.

I enjoy the outing every time, but reeling in a fighter would be icing on the cake once in a while. Come on, beat me up with suggestions, times of the day, something to make my catch ratio positive, I don’t even want to keep them, just borrow for a pic.

Either way, I’m excited for ice season….lots to learn and what better way to get out in the middle of a lake without a boat?!
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Old 10-28-2013, 07:09 PM
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WayneChristie WayneChristie is offline
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Check out Chain Lakes not far from PCR, even Kevinhits can catch trout there! if others are catching pay attention to what they are using and copy it, long as its legal. and welcome to the forum. lots of guys in your hood that would probably take you out and show you how its done

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Old 10-28-2013, 07:41 PM
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Flieguy Flieguy is offline
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for trout, keep your line under 10lb test might help, and keep your hooks small (#12 circle hooks are nice). If you like catch and release and you like using spinners or spoons, go to creeks and small rivers instead of ponds.

also, IMO the mepps little wolf is the most underrated lure of all time.
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Old 10-29-2013, 12:59 AM
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It's called 'Fishing' not 'catching'....patience come with it...

Sometimes you can pull one in after another sometimes your sitting there hours on end and walk away skunked.

If you expect to catch something every cast and every trip then your perspective about it is all wrong...

For me... the bast part...throwing everything in the box trying to figure what they'll hit on... If I'm skunked or don't catch many..it's still a great day.

Makes it a sport that way.

Try different spots where you fish...try going different times of day...morning and evening works best when the fish are usually the most active...

Your not a terrible fisherman...

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Old 10-29-2013, 07:00 AM
kevinhits kevinhits is offline
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Originally Posted by WayneChristie View Post
Check out Chain Lakes not far from PCR, even Kevinhits can catch trout there! if others are catching pay attention to what they are using and copy it, long as its legal. and welcome to the forum. lots of guys in your hood that would probably take you out and show you how its done
Dem Der are fightn words Wayne...HAHA..I can even catch suckers there to.

On a side note, I did get my first brookie and cutthroat thanks to Slivers86
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Old 10-29-2013, 08:05 AM
Iwantsfish Iwantsfish is offline
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Thanks guys, look like I’ll have to change up my hooks and try the #12 circle hook, those should be nice for bait and leaving enough room to catch a lip or two. I already use a 4-6lb mono and would be terribly surprised if I found a monster at a pond to regret it haha.

Do you guys have any other hints for setup with bobbers or bottom fishing? Is there a “standard” length from the surface or bottom that seems to work? Is multiple hooks a good idea or just a tangling mess?

I’ve been to Chain Lakes a couple years ago and it’s nice, not too far either…got rained out and no bait that time so I wasn’t prepared. And don’t get me wrong, I certainly don’t expect to catch each and every time, I posted this because I seem to have a trend of being the only one that doesn’t catch while around me folks are grinning with that excitement that never gets old. I still love just being around the water and outside in general, this is one of the best hobbies and pastimes in my opinion and would love to pass it on to my son when he’s old enough.

I’m also starting to think Spray lakes for some ice time this year, and maybe Ghost reservoir since it is so close to me…although I keep reading it is pretty tough to get a bite there but not impossible. Just might have to invest in a flasher and go practice anyways.

As for streams and small rivers, should I even consider it without waders and boots or definitely put them on the Christmas list this year and try it out next season? I’ve also read about the gate closure by the train tracks in my neck of the woods by the dam, I’ve never even seen the place it but it sure sounds like a shame it is no longer accessible.
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Old 10-29-2013, 11:25 AM
lds lds is offline
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Originally Posted by Iwantsfish View Post
Thanks guys, look like I’ll have to change up my hooks and try the #12 circle hook, those should be nice for bait and leaving enough room to catch a lip or two. I already use a 4-6lb mono and would be terribly surprised if I found a monster at a pond to regret it haha.

Do you guys have any other hints for setup with bobbers or bottom fishing? Is there a “standard” length from the surface or bottom that seems to work? Is multiple hooks a good idea or just a tangling mess?

I’ve been to Chain Lakes a couple years ago and it’s nice, not too far either…got rained out and no bait that time so I wasn’t prepared. And don’t get me wrong, I certainly don’t expect to catch each and every time, I posted this because I seem to have a trend of being the only one that doesn’t catch while around me folks are grinning with that excitement that never gets old. I still love just being around the water and outside in general, this is one of the best hobbies and pastimes in my opinion and would love to pass it on to my son when he’s old enough.

I’m also starting to think Spray lakes for some ice time this year, and maybe Ghost reservoir since it is so close to me…although I keep reading it is pretty tough to get a bite there but not impossible. Just might have to invest in a flasher and go practice anyways.

As for streams and small rivers, should I even consider it without waders and boots or definitely put them on the Christmas list this year and try it out next season? I’ve also read about the gate closure by the train tracks in my neck of the woods by the dam, I’ve never even seen the place it but it sure sounds like a shame it is no longer accessible.
Spray is great in the winter. That's where I go and catch lots of small Lakers. Need to go deepand its illegal to use baitfish there but saltwater smelts are not considered baitfish and they go nuts on Those. As for rivers and streams that's my area. In the summer I don't use waiters and its fine but spring and fall it is definitely a worth while purchase. If you look up some stuff about how to read a trout river and go with the basics and use a #2 meps silver spinner withe a gold body you will pull some fish every time. At least that's how it works for me and everyone I fish with. If you start using a fly rod its a lot more technical but once you start catchin fish on a dry you won't want to do anything different
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Old 10-29-2013, 02:52 PM
Iwantsfish Iwantsfish is offline
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Ok great, last couple of questions before I think I have enough to go out and try my luck with the tips; for the spinners should I just be tying them to my main line or is it a good idea to have a swivel or any weight in between? If yes, how far away from the lure?

I checked the regs and it looks like Glenmore Res is closed starting Nov. 1 until April but a potential city spot open year round is Carburn park. Do the ponds hold fish or should I be targeting the river there? Anyone familiar with that spot, not looking for exact locations just whether I take aim at the ponds or river there.

I’ve been reading more about trout holding areas in moving water, so I might just take a minute to look and see what I can recognize as potential casting areas and practice getting my lure across them…an art and science to everything!

#2 mepps silver spinner with gold and white body and a little wolf on the list of amo to add

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Old 10-30-2013, 12:48 PM
lds lds is offline
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Well if you are fishing clear water then I just tie my spinner straight on. Seems to be a little more productive. If I'm fishing anything a little darker or murky I will tie a quick release and swivel on. Good luck with the end of the season. I've stoped fishing and started hunting for the fall and will go to hard water fishing when everything freezes
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Old 10-30-2013, 12:52 PM
lds lds is offline
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O ya and I don't bother with waits on a spinner unless I'm using really small stuff on tiny creeks and I just put a couple split shot just above the lure and its just to get some casting distance. If you're fishing bigger rivers and need to get a far cast I just go with a bigger lure. To get my depth right I just adjust my reeling speed and drop time. That's just what i like though. Everyone has their own style so just play around and find out yours
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Old 10-30-2013, 01:08 PM
Iwantsfish Iwantsfish is offline
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Cool, thanks. Any hints and clarification helps me out so much appreciated.
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