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Old 12-06-2002, 07:18 AM
Don Meredith
Posts: n/a
Default Petition to Repeal the Firearms Act

With the Liberals forced to the bunkers over the registration fiasco, and a leadership race all but declared, now is the time to strike to get this rediculous system scrapped. One such effort is an on-line petition. It's painless.

Repeal C-68 Petition

Don't forget your MP and the associated federal ministers. Send them an e-mail. If you really want to get serious, send e-mail messages to the Liberal back benchers whose contrary views were shut-out of the original decisions, but who could force a repeal now. They could use your support!

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Old 12-06-2002, 10:24 AM
Bear Mountian
Posts: n/a

This is also posted on Ted Nugent's board in the states.

I have signed and will encourage everyone I know to go and sign it.
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Old 12-06-2002, 11:18 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Repeal

Wait a minute. First thing, I will not support anything throught the Nuggent site. Secondly, now that you've invested a billion dollars into the program, doesn't it have some value?. You should probably look at who are the two sides to this issue. Hunters have taken a stance when they have had no need to. The registry provides for there existance and does not injure them. I'll be the first to admit that the cash outlay compared to the proposals are somewhat of a farce. But, not unexpected. I'll also admit that tackling the project knowing (should) of the level of resistance, would lead to trouble. The question now is, is the system really fixable, and what is the cost of running it going forward. Automobile registration in the country is a workable system. It does not work against automobile owners. It provides for usage of automobiles.

I wouldn't be too excited about being like your American friends who are proud of there iron freedoms. At home they can only shoot themselves. Abroad, they are under the crosshairs. Canada is a much different country. Our arms have been used for substenance and wartime, not internal social conflict. Let's keep it that way.
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Old 12-06-2002, 11:43 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Hey Wings

Firstly, registration of cars has in no way impacted the number of vehicular manslaughters, drunk drivers, etc. By the same token, registering firearms will in no way affect levels of crime. A BILLION dollars, however, could fund a whole lot of police agencies, not to mention roads, health care, you name it. As for a bizarre twist, check out what happened to crime levels in this town where they made firearms mandatory... something to think about.
The "reduction of crime and increase in public safety" is the only argument the government bunglers have regarding the registry. Since their own argument is disproven time and again, and they have shown that they can't even manage the flawed system in an economical and accountable fashion, the only thing left is to fold the program altogether and pray that voters finally punish the liberals for what they've done to this country.
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Old 12-06-2002, 01:07 PM
Gun Registration
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Default Gun Registration

Don, Thanks for the link to the petition for the repeal of bill C-68.
This is my first discussion participation and have done so because I think it's now or never to defeat this seriously flawed law.
Silverado I totally agree with you. This is the biggest fiasco ever and heads should be rolling for such a total waste of taxpayer's money. Let's get out while we can and stop the bleeding immediately instead of of perpetuating this festering sore.
Alan Rock and Anne (Get your Guns) should be punished judicially and at the polls as well as the rest of Cretiens' cronies.
Unfortunately there is no viable political alternative at this point unless someone rises from the ashes of the Alliance Party with more than a few brain cells to challenge the Liberals.

Oh yeah! Wings, I think your out to lunch on this one trying to defend a bill only supported by Liberal Urban Easterners.

Anyway that's my point of view.
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Old 12-06-2002, 03:35 PM
Bear Mountian
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Repeal

Wingd1 quote ". Secondly, now that you've invested a billion dollars into the program, doesn't it have some value?"

No it does not have a value execpt one billion wasted tax dollars and they wanted to ask for another $71 million. How much more do we have to put in to a system that was only going to cost $2 million dollars. It is a logistical nightmare and the system is making criminals out of honest people that legally owned firearms prior to this mess.

No I don't think we should be more like the americans where guns are concerned, but this system allows for police to come in to my home with out a warrant just because I own firearms. That is a breach of privacy that I will never be comfortable with.

I read and post on the TGUSA message board and found my fine outdoorsman on that board. I don't agree with most of the things that come out of Ted's mouth but he is pro-hunting, pro-gun ownership and I have met many Canadians on his board that hate this gun registry as well.
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Old 12-07-2002, 09:16 AM
Don Meredith
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Repeal


The system never had value from the start! It was poorly thought out; it never addressed the central concern of the Canadian public, i.e., criminal use of guns; and it was only put into place as a placebo to demonstrate that the government was doing something about gun crime. It was designed without consulting those it affected; or where consultation did take place, the advice was ignored. It was created in a rush by people who didn't realize the magnitude of the project.

Properly thought out and designed, it should have only cost a few million dollars. Think about it, how much did it cost Visa or Mastercard to design their database systems and issue credit cards -- a billion dollars? I doubt it.

For our billion dollars, we are issued poor quality licence cards that could easily be counterfeited, flimsy paper registration certificates that don't even identify the firearms owner, or the firearm for that matter. The information gathered is a joke. No one is checking to make sure it is correct, and no one seems to care. Do you think the police are going to find the information reliable? I don't think so.

The system is a disaster. It needs to be scrapped before it consumes another billion dollars. Then, the government of the day needs to sit down with gun owners and determine just what can be done to curb the traffic of illegal guns into this country. That billion dollars would have gone a long ways to do a lot of things in this country. We just don't have the leadership to provide the necessary vision.

I agree with 2Kawibungas, this debacle would have sunk any other government with a viable opposition ready to take power. The PCs and the Alliance have got to start thinking about the future of the country and get their act together!

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Old 12-07-2002, 10:36 AM
No way
Posts: n/a
Default No way

The notion we should keep going with this thing just because we're already a billion in makes no sense. What are the grits goin to do now? Suddenly develope a strategy and workable plan? Forget that,they'll just keep throwing our money at it.
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Old 12-08-2002, 12:06 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Repeal

Quite simple, it won't work because we don't want it to work.
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Old 12-09-2002, 09:18 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Wrong

Like the GST?
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Old 12-09-2002, 10:44 AM
Bear Mountian
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Repeal

Quote by Winged1
"Quite simple, it won't work because we don't want it to work."

Wrong, it doesn't work because it is flawed. It is flawed right from the start. It does nothing to stop crime. It does nothing to stop the import of illegal arms. It would have done nothing to stop Marc Lepine.

This is another knee jerk reaction to a public event. First they make guns that were purchased LEGALLY and made them prohibited or restricted. They had no idea how many guns were out there and now they come up with this registration that even police and CO's think is a joke.

One billion dollars would have been better spent on our customs officials who can't do their job cause the money run out. That is 250 million dollars a year that has been thrown down the toilet since 1997. I don't think we can spend that much on a system most don't want or most can't adhere to.

I fight it because it is an invasion of my privacy. Period. Scrap it now before it costs another penny.
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Old 12-13-2002, 06:21 AM
Something to Think About
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Default Something to Think About

The money has to come from somewhere to pay for this bs. I wouldn't be surprised if in the future a "firearm tax" is implemented to offset the outrageous cost of this legislation. After all they know who has the firearms, so why not send them a bill every year? Just something to think about.
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Old 12-13-2002, 08:56 AM
Gun Registratio
Posts: n/a
Default Gun Registration

randrash, your absolutely right! It would be so easy for the government to say that if you wan't to keep the privilege of owning guns then you will have to start paying for it. Or why not start a scheme to require all gun owners to purchase inflated insurance (liability, etc.). Yikes! I hope that they arn't reading this and get any bright ideas.
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Old 12-24-2002, 01:13 AM
Pappy in AB
Posts: n/a

First of all.....Rocks make better pets than politicians.

Secondly.......Winged1, what the^$@%@$*@$(*&:

The poll is linked to the Nugent site as it is linked to many sites (sites that are anti-gun control). It has nothing to do with Nugent other than he (or they) linked it to his site.

The program has no value if it cost 10 bucks or 1 billion bucks to implement. Now that it has 1 billion into it, somehow it is worth 1 billion, or worth spending even more on(moron)? It is crap because it does nothing. It does not save lives or reduce gun crime. One needs a license before he can buy a gun....this is where gun control has some merit. After one has the license....he can buy a gun. What then, does registration accomplish? I'll tell you what it does...it does essentially nothing...politicians are being seen as doing something... however in the eyes of gun haters it is everything.....because they do not understand why anyone would want to own a gun and they do not want you to own a gun. They (gun haters and other liberal left wingers) live their lives in large cities, eat tofu, pack fudge, want to change our anthem, take Christ out of Christmas and overall make the world a bitter (not better) place to live in. Registering firearms is in no way similar to registering automobiles. Cars are registered so that governments (provincial not federal) can collect money (general revenue) to improve/build roads. The government wants to register your guns so they know you have guns.....How does this does work in your favor? It doesn't. I don't see americans as being much different than us.....if we had a colossal economy, 9 X our population to generate that economy and a swaggering military (and the guts to use it), we would pretty much be the same. It doesn't matter what you do to curtail gun crime in the cities...it will always be there....even if you take all the firearms away from all us hunters...people will die by gun in the cities every day and registration legislation will not prevent the loss of one life. It's a big lie.
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Old 12-28-2002, 02:35 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Registering on line

I recently had two hunting pals without PC's ask if i could help them by registering them on-line due to their panicking of the approaching deadline of Registering their firearms.
Sure come on over we can find the site and take care of business I said. What a joke !!!!! we did find the site but it kept freezing or would not load the complete information ,so it was in the site/out of the site and on and on.I eventually got the 1st person taken care of after 2 hours and registering only 5 guns.
Buddy number two comes in to the city from the boonies only to find out the Government website was proving as much worth as the registration itself! It would take a name sometimes but go no further .This is Dec 23 and there is no one on the help line until the 27th, boy doesn't that work out nicely for the panicking gun owner to register in a 1 billion dollar system that has about a $100 dollar software system in place.
These guys are going along with many and bending over and taking it unwillingly and can't even get through to do it.!!!!

My point is if your going to register take the day off work because it will take you that long and waiting until the last day will surely prove your Vocabulary of cursin those damn Liberals !!
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Old 03-08-2003, 10:15 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Signed

I signed it, and posted it on a ATV forum i go to.
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Old 03-08-2003, 10:17 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Signed!

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Old 07-17-2003, 10:03 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Registration Leads to Confiscation

Hey Winged,

A few years ago in Britain, a civil servant let slip that the aim of the British Gun Control system was eventual confiscation. The first step was registration and then all it took was a single incident,the Dunblain (sp?) massacre for the confiscation of handguns to proceed. The mantra at the time was public safety. Anyway to make a long story short, it is now illegal in England to defend your home or yourself. A man in Liverpool I believe was arrested for defending himself against a swarming with a a two by four.

Do we really want that to happen here? Anybody who proposes that we live with C-68 or believes that there is value in the C$1billion spent so far, is completely clueless to the threat this bill presents to our freedom and liberty. This is a complex issue to be sure and a lot of it has resulted from society's abrogation of personal responsibility to the government, i.e. we are children and Jean Chretien knows what's best for us, so why don't we all run along and let the grownups run our lives.

I have also lived in the United States and the freedom and liberty I experienced was exhilarating. The vast majority of neighbourhoods in the U.S. are safer than in Canada. Believe it or not, the petty crime rate in Canada now exceeds that of the U.S. The murder rate is still higher but a lot of that is tied up with the drug dealing and gang violence, and that is something which is now transpiring ever more frequently in Canada.

Canada is slowly progressing to a pseudo socialist/collectivist nanny state where all the decisions will eventually be made by an elite without input from the people. Isn't the judiciary already doing this on many issues? Socialism in whatever form (including the Canadian version) has been a disaster where ever it has been tried and yet we have people like Winged who believe that we should be deprived of our rights and freedoms so that we might all sing songs of happiness to Uncle Jean in a Liberal Utopia.

Sign me a Canadian who has tasted freedom
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Old 07-21-2003, 08:34 PM
Posts: n/a
Default I Signed !

I agree with all of the above except one individual. Scrap it now before it costs us any more money and make those Liberal A Holes pay at the polls. We need a change........any, and I mean any party that is voted in after the Liberal disasters cannot possibly do more harm then they have DONE to Canada AND Canandians!!!!!
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Old 08-08-2003, 06:20 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Wingy

Just some food for thought. My first FAC cost me 10 bucks ,the last one cost me in the neighbourhood of $80.00 if I recall correctly. Whats to say that the next time it comes due they ask for $1000.00. I say Hey I cant afford that! They say well thats to bad so here's a list of the weapons you have registered I guess you'le just have to bring them in. Its no longer confiscation is it? My problem : I don't trust the $#@%*&'s. Its not a matter if they can get it to work or not, it's what are they really after it certainly is not Public (Safety)
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