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Old 10-12-2012, 11:15 AM
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Default Stupid neighbors!

Have any neighbor stories of them being annoying, dumb, or funny?

When I had my old dog she used to bark about once every 30 seconds to get in te house. My neighbor across the back alley kept yelling "shutup!" At my dog. Well now since their son passed away (drunk driving and drove off a bridge) they got a dog and it goes nuts when it wants in. It just barks and barks and barks. So one day I yelled shutup after about 5 mins of this and all I hear back is "don't you ever tell my dog to shutup!" I was astounded because for years she told mine to shutup.

Another day, same neighbor, I was mowing my lawn mid afternoon on a Saturday. While I'm near the back alley I see her looking at me through my fence. So I stopped the mower and asked "can I help you" she ten yelled at me that she was trying to play the piano and the mower was interrupting her. So I said "we'll I've heard you playing an yor not good anyways" and walked away and fired up the mower haha.

Last one, when her son was 18 him and his friends made a potato cannon and launched a potato through our garage door right as we were leaving for dinner. Needless to say my dad ripped him a new *******, and made him fix and paint the door.
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Old 10-12-2012, 11:29 AM
Freedom55 Freedom55 is offline
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Ask yourself this young fella. How would your mother react to losing her son?

Just STFU and be a good neighbor.

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Old 10-12-2012, 11:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Freedom55 View Post
Ask yourself this young fella. How would your mother react to losing her son?

Just STFU and be a good neighbor.

Seriously????? Sure they lost a son, that would be a loss I wouldn't want to experience, but that doesn't give them the right to act as they are. Having the nerve to complain about my dog then get defensive when you do the same about theirs is being hypocritical.
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Old 10-12-2012, 11:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Freedom55 View Post
Ask yourself this young fella. How would your mother react to losing her son?

Just STFU and be a good neighbor.


I'd cut them some slack for a while. Not forever, but a while. Complain next year.
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Old 10-12-2012, 11:57 AM
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Originally Posted by Okotokian View Post

I'd cut them some slack for a while. Not forever, but a while. Complain next year.
That is assuming it has happened recently. How long ago did it happen?
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Old 10-12-2012, 12:02 PM
fishtank fishtank is offline
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it take 2 to tangle..... i usually just ignored it like the time she complain about my trees leafs falling on her lawn and flower bed... well it's not even my tree i think it belong to the city lol.
or if you want it done right do it yourself.. ask about replacing the fence between our house's they don't wanna paid for their share. So i paid for it my self and i only painted my side of the fence, they ask me when i was going to paint their side i said ran out of paint
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Old 10-12-2012, 12:02 PM
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This was over a year ago. The dog one happened this summer, the others before he died.
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Old 10-12-2012, 12:05 PM
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She also called my other neighbors 14 year old daughter a bitch. And she got mad that she had a bonfire with friends. Said they were to loud, when my parents who's window is right there, didn't hear a peep, and te girls mom didn't hear anything either.

All the neighbors around don't like her, but her husband is okay. I kinda feel sorry for him
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Old 10-12-2012, 12:11 PM
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A Bridge LOL
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Old 10-12-2012, 12:14 PM
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As long as it played out as you claim you handled the situation appropriately. Sounds like they need a lesson in courtesy.
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Old 10-12-2012, 12:20 PM
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I hear ya, stupid neighbor!

We also have some stupid people live across the back alley from us. Started from years ago, the two boys were nothing but trouble. When they were teens, they used to go into the hot tub in the middle of a winter night. Their tub is outside their house, facing our backyard. We have two trees in our backyard, one on the left and the other one, right. From their hot tub they could see our kitchen bay window between the two trees. I guess the trees must look like goal posts to them and our bay window, their target zone. So the two boys often stayed up until midnight or 1 in the morning, went into their hot tub and took turns to throw snowballs at our window.

They always waited until we had all gone to sleep and our house was dark. Then the snowballs hit our window "SLAP" and woke us up. But by the time we got out of bed, went to the kitchen, we could only see the wet trails of the snowballs on the window and the boys had already taken cover inside their house. We knew it was them only we couldn't prove it.

For years, they had been doing that and never got caught - until I gave birth to my son. You know when you have an infant, there's no such thing of sleep.

One early morning around 1am, I was in the kitchen warming up a bottle of milk for our son. I saw the two boys in the hot tub and I knew they were just waiting for me to leave. I grabbed the bottle, turned off the light but I didn't leave the kitchen. I stood behind a small wall so they couldn't see me. Sure enough, in a few minutes SLAP - a huge snowball hit our window and sled down the glass leaving the telltale trail. The hot tub lights were turned off but I saw one of the boys picked up his towel and tiptoed back inside their house. Our house was still dark so the boy thought I had gone back to sleep and that it was safe to come out from the dark.

Raged (never underestimate the power of postpartum hormones) I put on my boots and coat, ran around the block and went to bang on their door. The older boy came out to answer the door. I asked for their mother. He said their mother was asleep and that he was not going to wake her up. I told him if I couldn't talk to his mother I would go to talk to the police. He didn't ask why (because he knew why) and in a few minute his mother was at the door asking "what do you want". I told her what her boys did and she just looked at me like I was not even there. I said to her, "They have been doing this for years and we thought they would grow out of it. But no, they didn't because they have just put a huge snowball on our window!" She didn't look impressed then asked "So did they break anything?" I suddenly realized why her boys behaved the way they did. Their parents didn't give a damn to what their children were doing.

Their dad worked offshore so he was never home. Mom, on the other hand, was a social butterfly who wouldn't bother to stay home. Often the teen boys were left home to take charge of the house for long weekends so they invited their teen friends over for dancing/drinking/trouble making marathons.

Many times they're all getting drunk, building a bonfire in their backyard, sitting on top of their roof throwing bits and pieces of burning stuff from the rooftop. I just didn't know whether I should worry if they were going to burn their house down or one of the drunk kids was going to fall off the roof.

We have called the cops many times for their behaviors. The cops came, told them to stop and the party usually ended an hour after we made the phone call. Yes, it took at least an hour for the cops to show up. Then it would go quiet until their next party and the cops would come again and the same scene recycles on.

The boys are no longer teenagers but the younger son still lives with his parents. And of course, when his parents go on vacation his friends and heavy base music will take over the house. I don't see them climb the rooftop any more but the "BOOM BOOM" come their basement travel across the back alley and into our house. I am in bed but I can feel the vibrations, every beat of it. But usually around 3 or 4 in the morning, they all get drunk and pass out and that's when I can finally get some sleep.

I often wonder why their doings only bother me but not my other neighbors. They never seemed to call the cops or make complaints. Don't they hear their loud music and notice the bonfire? Am I overreacting to the normal behaviors of typical young men?
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Old 10-12-2012, 12:28 PM
happy honker happy honker is offline
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lol, neighbours.
I bought a trailer this year, parked it in the driveway behind my garage, it fit so I planned on keeping it there. (city, back lane)

A week after I get it home, minutes after I leave for work the neighbour is banging on the back door, my wife thinking it's me and forgot my phone, keys, thermos, whatever(as usual) opens it, only to get an ear full from the neighbour on how "your husband better not be parking that G'D' trailer in the garden...I don't want to have to look at it all winter, I couldn't believe when you brought that G'D' thing home and put it where I have to look at it every day!"

Well, I wish he would have had this conversation with me, and not bothered my wife. She really hates it when you curse in front of her. Even broke me of the habit.
But....I hadn't thought of putting it in the garden, and with a slight modification to my fence, I now have the driveway freed up as a parking space again!
Mighty neighbourly of him to bring that to my attention. It's just that now I can't see his house to wave thanks to him.
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Old 10-12-2012, 12:39 PM
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Originally Posted by happy honker View Post
lol, neighbours.
I bought a trailer this year, parked it in the driveway behind my garage, it fit so I planned on keeping it there. (city, back lane)

A week after I get it home, minutes after I leave for work the neighbour is banging on the back door, my wife thinking it's me and forgot my phone, keys, thermos, whatever(as usual) opens it, only to get an ear full from the neighbour on how "your husband better not be parking that G'D' trailer in the garden...I don't want to have to look at it all winter, I couldn't believe when you brought that G'D' thing home and put it where I have to look at it every day!"

Well, I wish he would have had this conversation with me, and not bothered my wife. She really hates it when you curse in front of her. Even broke me of the habit.
But....I hadn't thought of putting it in the garden, and with a slight modification to my fence, I now have the driveway freed up as a parking space again!
Mighty neighbourly of him to bring that to my attention. It's just that now I can't see his house to wave thanks to him.
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Old 10-12-2012, 12:59 PM
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Two funny neighbour Stories: (we live in the city)

1. The neighbour on my right comes over one day asking if I got a warning about my boat being parked in my driveway because he had gotten one from city Bi-law. (we both have parked our boats during the summer in our driveway's for a few years)

I told him no......he told me he asked the guy down the street as well and he didn't get one either......ends up his new (renting) neighbours called bi-law because since he parks his boat in his driveway, he parks his truck on the street.....well that takes up a spot on the street that they could use (there is 6 people living in there) .....he moved his boat and still parks in the street just to **** them off.....lol

2. The people behind us alway's have a bon fire on Sundays.....they build it too high and are alway's leaving it un attended.....these house's are built way to close to do that. I went over there and told them my concern and just got a F**** Off. One time we even called the bi-law when the flames were higher then our fence and no one was there.....Bi-law call the fire department , they must have saw the trucks coming because all of a sudden they all ran out and started throwing water to douce the fire.....the trucks roll up and now of course the fire is within reg's so nothing.......they literally started building up the fire again 5 minute's after they left.

We were told by Bi-law that they can't do anything about it and that we should video it for proof.

Well I went one step further.....I went and bought a lawn sprinkler....a really good one....and when they start the fire, I water my lawn...of course because the houses are so close the water ends up going over the fence right on their fire....my bad.
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Old 10-12-2012, 01:10 PM
nekred nekred is offline
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Box of 30-30 shells under the ashes of the old bonfire usually gets the point accross... they tend to be more careful with their bonfire...

Actually my neighbours are awesome... They have their shakers every now and then on weekends but they also don't complain about my archery in the backyard either....Great neighbours are nice to find...

The other neighours are great also... hardly ever see them and they keep to themselves only had one negative experince in 3 years... the one neighbour come home all snapped up at about 8 pm and run into the hedge between our yards at about 8:30pm and so i had a chat with him about responsible driving in the neighbourhood where there are kids... no issues since then
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Old 10-12-2012, 01:21 PM
Zorehor Zorehor is offline
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Had a neighbor whose dog was continually off leash and coming in our yard and has fought with our dog. She had called bylaw about this and we were issue a warning. So being on an acreage and her not keeping her dog on her property, I set up my archery target along the property line. Haven't seen her dog since.
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Old 10-12-2012, 01:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Freedom55 View Post
Ask yourself this young fella. How would your mother react to losing her son?

Just STFU and be a good neighbor.

Only because you say so.
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Old 10-12-2012, 01:25 PM
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I live in a culdisac, right at the back. I have great neighbors. We have a few parties every summer, I always just knock on their doors and give them a heads up and to call me if there are any issues. The old fella beside me says he just takes out his hearing aid. And the rest of the neighbors usually show up for a few pops. In the last year neighbors to the right of me moved and now rent their house out. 7-8-9 18-20yr olds. I never hear them party? Which is kind of odd. However they have a garage full of pretty loud motor bikes. I came out one weeknight around 12:30 - 1am he thought this would be a good time to giver er a tune up. I bitched about how loufd this thing was! He said it's for safety for other motorists to hear me. I duct taped my horn down and pulleed into his driveway and left it running for a few minutes. He bitched!! I said it's for safety dude. He no longer runs the thing at all hours.
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Old 10-12-2012, 01:55 PM
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When I lived in Calgary I had a neighbor (old guy in his late 70’s) who would split wood on top of an old empty beer keg in the back yard for days on end. BONG!
He would also weld and grind metal outside and the sparks would fly over the fence into my yard.

I tried talking to him about it and he told me to come on over and we could talk about it face to face. He had a history of getting in fights with other neighbors across the back lane, so I declined. He then proceeded to take his axe and start slamming the fence between our yards shouting “YOU WANT NOISE? I’LL GIVE YOU F’N NOISE”.

One day my wife is sitting on the deck and hears yelling in the back lane. She stands up and sees the old guy standing over another neighbor from down the lane with a piece of pipe in his hand. She calls 911 and cops come. He claimed that the neighbor (in his 50’s) threw a snowball at him. It might have happened, I don’t know.

Fast forward a year. We’re in the back yard having a bbq with family and a few friends. About as noisy as conversation gets and no music. He fired up this old van he has parked in his yard (he can’t drive) and revs away for about 30 minutes. The thing was parked right beside the fence, exhaust pouring into our yard.

I tried calling bylaw over the years and nothing came of it. Tried talking to him, but he always just wanted to fight. Finally we moved out of the city and no more noise.

That old man was crazy.
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Old 10-12-2012, 02:07 PM
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If you want to get back at someone with a hot tub....try sneaking a packet of green kool-aid in........or try purple......its always a crowd pleaser.
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Old 10-12-2012, 02:36 PM
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The G** D*** cats. Well, actually the cat owners and a few. Some are good but some are ignorant and irresponsible. They crap in the garden and even right on the lawn. They spray the BBQ and everything else. The worst one, was a guy and family that just moved in two doors down. One day while outside, I saw him and walked over to introduce myself and welcome him. Well, a couple weeks later, I noticed it was two of their cats that were coming around doing their business. Next time I saw him, I walked over and very politely told him what was up. His response was I don't give a eff what they do, they're cats. What's the big deal? I just walked away and have not spoken to him since, about 3 years. I called the pound a couple of times and apparently they were fined both times. Can't really blame the cats but would love to get rid of them. The guy is a bow hunter too. So, there you go. Bow hunters are jerks.
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Old 10-12-2012, 02:40 PM
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Originally Posted by score View Post
The G** D*** cats. Well, actually the cat owners and a few. Some are good but some are ignorant and irresponsible. They crap in the garden and even right on the lawn. They spray the BBQ and everything else. The worst one, was a guy and family that just moved in two doors down. One day while outside, I saw him and walked over to introduce myself and welcome him. Well, a couple weeks later, I noticed it was two of their cats that were coming around doing their business. Next time I saw him, I walked over and very politely told him what was up. His response was I don't give a eff what they do, they're cats. What's the big deal? I just walked away and have not spoken to him since, about 3 years. I called the pound a couple of times and apparently they were fined both times. Can't really blame the cats but would love to get rid of them. The guy is a bow hunter too. So, there you go. Bow hunters are jerks.
i was asking if he was a bow hunter in my head and sure enough!
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Old 10-12-2012, 02:51 PM
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Originally Posted by score View Post
The G** D*** cats. Well, actually the cat owners and a few. Some are good but some are ignorant and irresponsible. They crap in the garden and even right on the lawn. They spray the BBQ and everything else. The worst one, was a guy and family that just moved in two doors down. One day while outside, I saw him and walked over to introduce myself and welcome him. Well, a couple weeks later, I noticed it was two of their cats that were coming around doing their business. Next time I saw him, I walked over and very politely told him what was up. His response was I don't give a eff what they do, they're cats. What's the big deal? I just walked away and have not spoken to him since, about 3 years. I called the pound a couple of times and apparently they were fined both times. Can't really blame the cats but would love to get rid of them. The guy is a bow hunter too. So, there you go. Bow hunters are jerks.
I had the same problem a few years back. I put out soft mulch in the flower beds and the neighbor's cat seemed to feel it was a great place to leave a daily turd. I get along with the neighbor quite well, and he seemed to think it wasn't his cat since it is an indoor cat for the most part. I had scared it a few times over the fence when I cracked open the patio slider so I was certain it was the culprit
I eventually ended up with a handful of soft rocks that were buried while I was doing a bit of a spring cleanup. Irate as I was I decided to deal with this myself. I cracked a can of tuna, and left it out in the flower bed for the night. The next day, tuna was gone, juice licked clean and never had a problem again. If the cat is outside now, it seems to be on a leash that goes no further than the owner's yard.
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Old 10-12-2012, 03:13 PM
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Originally Posted by nekred View Post
Box of 30-30 shells under the ashes of the old bonfire usually gets the point accross... they tend to be more careful with their bonfire...

Actually my neighbours are awesome... They have their shakers every now and then on weekends but they also don't complain about my archery in the backyard either....Great neighbours are nice to find...

The other neighours are great also... hardly ever see them and they keep to themselves only had one negative experince in 3 years... the one neighbour come home all snapped up at about 8 pm and run into the hedge between our yards at about 8:30pm and so i had a chat with him about responsible driving in the neighbourhood where there are kids... no issues since then
Good one.
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Old 10-12-2012, 03:14 PM
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Hey Score. You can get motion activated sprinklers that keep pets out of the yard. If that doesn't work a can of tuna(distraction) and a squirtgun full of skunk or doe in hear urine will do the trick.
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Old 10-12-2012, 03:20 PM
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A 220 Conibear trap goes hand in hand with a can of tuna for solving cat problems...so I hear. My arguement is, "what would you do if my pet was crapping in your yard?" ...or what if I crapped in your yard?
I dont like making plans for the day, because thats when the word "premeditated" gets thrown around in the courtroom.
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Old 10-12-2012, 03:35 PM
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Originally Posted by 7mm08 View Post
...or what if I crapped in your yard?
A bigger conibear
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Old 10-12-2012, 03:40 PM
calgarychef calgarychef is offline
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Default Bad neighbours

I have a buddy who feuds like hell with his neighbours and his life is hell. I get along with mine, drink beer with them and do them favours, my life isn't hell. To have good neighbours you have to be a good neighbour.
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Old 10-12-2012, 03:41 PM
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Ok, I cringed when I read that. Might have something to do with the joke I read in the "joke" thread earlier. lol
I dont like making plans for the day, because thats when the word "premeditated" gets thrown around in the courtroom.
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Old 10-12-2012, 03:59 PM
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Originally Posted by calgarychef View Post
I have a buddy who feuds like hell with his neighbours and his life is hell. I get along with mine, drink beer with them and do them favours, my life isn't hell. To have good neighbours you have to be a good neighbour.
Not always. Some people are just jerks and think they own the block.
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