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Old 08-11-2013, 03:57 PM
BeeGuy BeeGuy is offline
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30+ years of the war on drugs.

Millions in prison.

Yeah, what we need is stiffer penalties in order to curb demand, because as we know, more than 40% of all Canadians have used marijuana, which is clear evidence that a literal war on drugs is effectively curbing demand.

As we know, both the CIA and numerous police agencies have themselves been caught selling drugs.

You know we must be managing this issue correctly as a society.

This is standard logic. If what you are doing is not getting the effect you are looking for, you're just not trying hard enough.

Anyone wanna beer?
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Old 08-11-2013, 03:59 PM
Pudelpointer Pudelpointer is offline
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Originally Posted by pottymouth View Post
Again, your wrong! When the retards have been caught, there were some that said they need money for a joint. If you can include smokes and booze, there's now way can just jump over dope... You be pretty nieve (sp) to believe they didn't do it for that reason...remember most offenders are repeat offenders, and known by police, who affirm a lot of it.

Now as humans we all have a distaste for certain things. I call drug users, losers, retards, a waste of skin, etc.... That's my opinion. You might think the same of people who speed , gamble , etc....

Sounds like most of your interaction with it, is with softer users. I know people who smoke it like cigs, and have beat their wife's and children.

Harder fines and sentencing for users and pushers, needs to occur to sever the demand side, which is the biggest problem...legalizing it would have the same effect as alcohol ...nothing but more money for the government, while our children are still at risk
And I am telling you that people will use anything to excuse their behaviour, and many people would rather say they were stealing to buy pot than admit to a meth habit. Your experiences appear limited and all from one direction.

I would argue there is no such thing as a "hardcore marijuana user"; there are definitely a lot of individuals who smoke weed IN ADDITION TO hard drugs, that doesn't mean you can blame their behaviour on weed, no more than you can blame the same individual's behaviour on alcohol, 'cause I guarantee that most hard drug users drink as well (given the opportunity).

If you had any personal experience with weed you would understand, but you don't. You have no understanding of the drug, its effect on the human body, or the type of people who can lead functional lives while smoking the occasional joint.

So you know a couple a-holes who beat their spouses, and some of them might smoke pot. So, ask them why they beat their spouse; was it because they were stoned? Was it because the pot made them enraged?

Actually, they are likely to say yes, as the kind of spineless POS that would do such a thing is not likely to accept responsibility for their actions and will give any excuse they can think of.

Go on Potty, keep believing what you want. Freedom allows you to believ what you want and verbalize it, unfortunately a lot of people in this world are not free because people like you feel morally superior enough to demand / support laws that criminalize a victimless activity. Bravo.
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Old 08-11-2013, 04:04 PM
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Originally Posted by jbrow397 View Post
That is text book sociopathy right there.

Supporting the use of force against those that have not initiated force against anyone else.

Label, discriminate, persecute, punish. Fascism 101

You geniuses do realize this attitude can and is used against the gun community right?

Attacking civil liberty and personal choice is a double ended spear. Smarten up.

A bag of weed is no more harmful than your gun.

If the weed deserves to be illegal for all users because of some paranoid potential negative effect you can dream up, then guns deserve to be illegal as well.

You either support liberty or you don't. Its quite black and white.

If you support your version of freedoms, but condemn someone else's, I have news for you....

You might be a sociopath.....

Yes, that's correct. If you support the use of force and harm against someone that has hurt nobody, simply because you have thrown a blanket label over something you do not support, that makes you a sociopath.

A gun owner that cries for his rights to own his gun, yet lacks empathy and calls for all those that smoke weed (no matter what) to be locked in a cage in ice (and shot and killed if they resist I assume?) Is suffering from sociopathy and is in fact quite dangerous.

Some of your moral compasses need a major overhaul.

This entire thread is frankly embarrassing.

Gun ownership
drug use
alcohol use
property ownership
body ownership (gay rights, abortion etc.)

It all falls under liberty and personal freedom. If nobody is hurting you, you have no right to tell them how to live and what they can do.

Some of you want to complain about health care? Go complain to the state about how they steal taxes from you to pay for it. Private health industry doesn't care if people smoke weed....

As a disclaimer, I don't smoke weed. In fact I am your average white, straight male, who happens to own guns and enjoys a good scotch.

Some people that are different than me seem pretty odd at times but you can bet your ass I will go whole hog in defending their rights to do whatever they want as long as they harm no one. In return, I hope they would help me one day when the state decides my guns must be taken away.

If all of you can't figure out how civil liberties are taken away and how we all must defend each other in all walks of life, you do not deserve any freedoms.
Great post. And I say that with upmost reps left too those on both sides.

I love a Sunday beer, followed by a few lines of blow, and then a night cap of percacet. Judge away.
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Old 08-11-2013, 04:08 PM
Pudelpointer Pudelpointer is offline
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In response to "speeding, gambling", I don't gamble as I figure the government gets ahold of enough of my money.

However, neither one is a "victimless" activity. Gambling addiction destroys many families and individuals, but hey, we collect billions in taxes so we can let some people just deal with their decisions, right?

Speeding results in thousands of deaths each year in Canada (many of which are NOT the individuals speeding) and 100's of millions off dollars in damage. So how does this compare to smoking marijuana again?

IMO, if you want to drive your car on a closed track or a private road (of yours) at 300 mph, why should I have any say in that? If you want to 'let it ride' and lose your spending money for the month, is that really any of my business?
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Old 08-11-2013, 04:18 PM
Pudelpointer Pudelpointer is offline
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I don't know why I am so prolific in this thread, however:

Why might the governments of the world resist legalizing marijuana? Besides the obvious wrath of the US? Maybe because it is uncontrollable as a product. Unlike tobacco, which is apparently hard to grow, marijuana grows, well, like a weed!

It can grow in the most marginal of soils, is naturally pest resistant, and requires minimal inputs and care. In other words, if marijuana was made legal for personal use, the vast majority of people would likely grow their own, and the government would be unable to collect taxes on it.

Just sayin'.
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Old 08-11-2013, 04:27 PM
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Uruguay may have been the first Country to legalize but lets not forget the legalization of MJ in Colorado and Washington states:

Marijuana Legalization: Colorado and Washington State Grapple With Implementing New Laws
Ella Peterson in Politics 7 months ago
Mic this! 2 382 24 10 Marijuana Legalization: Colorado and Washington State Grapple With Implementing New Laws
Colorado and Washington were the first two states to legalize recreational marijuana in last November’s election. However, what has happened in those states since the election? Have retail pot shops popped up on every corner? Are marijuana users smoking everywhere, or have federal raids dramatically increased? Hardly

In Colorado, the immediate effect of Amendment 64 has been the legalization of the possession of up to one ounce of marijuana for adults over the age of 21. In addition, individuals may also grow up to six plants for personal use. However, commercial marijuana stores will not open until 2014, after the state legislature determines how to regulate them. And in some areas, such as Douglas County, recreational pot sales will be banned under local ordinances. Nor does legalized possession mean that adults can light up just anywhere. Smoking pot in public spaces, such as in parks or on sidewalks, remains illegal.

Similarly, in Washington, Initiative 502 legalized possession and personal use of one ounce or less of marijuana for adults 21 and up. Similar to the situation in Colorado, “the consumption of marijuana in public spaces and driving under the influence of marijuana” remains illegal. Furthermore, legal sales will not begin until after Washington’s State Liquor Control Board sets up “a licensing system for the manufacture and sale of marijuana” by December 2013.

However, the federal government’s response to these measures remains uncertain at this point. Despite the statewide legalization of marijuana in Colorado and Washington, its “use in both states continues to be illegal under the federal Controlled Substances Act.” There has been speculation about legal action against the measures approved by voters, but no lawsuits have yet been filed. The administration’s official response has been simply to state that “it is clear that we're in the midst of a serious national conversation about marijuana.”

So far, the greatest change that has occurred following the passage of recreational marijuana measures in Colorado and Washington has been the ability for individuals over the age of 21 to legally (by state law anyway) possess and use pot in those states. Sales are not yet legal, and the status of these measures as far as the federal government is concerned remains unclear. However, these two states could end up being the pioneers of marijuana legalization.
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Old 08-11-2013, 05:16 PM
Pudelpointer Pudelpointer is offline
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Originally Posted by blackpheasant View Post
Uruguay may have been the first Country to legalize but lets not forget the legalization of MJ in Colorado and Washington states:

...in Washington, Initiative 502 legalized possession and personal use of one ounce or less of marijuana for adults 21 and up. Similar to the situation in Colorado, “the consumption of marijuana in public spaces and driving under the influence of marijuana” remains illegal.
Practical and reasonable.... however, 6 plants = a lot more than one ounce come harvest time. I guess growing it outside isn't really allowed then. I suppose everyone is supposed to have a hydroponic set up so they can have a continuous supply without exceeding the one ounce rule..... weird.
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Old 08-11-2013, 06:15 PM
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Thumbs up

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Old 08-11-2013, 06:25 PM
Clgy_Dave2.0 Clgy_Dave2.0 is offline
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Originally Posted by Nester View Post
Wow....fantastic article!! I wonder if any of the "closed-minded" will actually read or listen to this doctor, who at first was against pot, and then after much medical investigation changed his mind.

Very informative. Nice find!!
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Old 08-11-2013, 06:53 PM
jbrow397 jbrow397 is offline
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Originally Posted by Calgary Dave View Post
Wow....fantastic article!! I wonder if any of the "closed-minded" will actually read or listen to this doctor, who at first was against pot, and then after much medical investigation changed his mind.

Very informative. Nice find!!
They won't care. Most people that hate things or other people do so because it creates a (false) identity for those that lack a genuine personal identity.

They cannot give up their hate, their soap box, without confronting the fact that it would dismantle their entire concept of self identity.

Quite often, when someone is presented with irrefutable proof that they might in fact be wrong, it will strengthen their convictions towards the matter because they fear their identity being challenged.

They will then seek out a way to solidify their beliefs with some sort of one sided "proof". This is called confirmation bias.
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Old 08-11-2013, 07:41 PM
79ford 79ford is offline
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probably a double or triple whammy on the revenue front... not only would it generate legal revenue for the gov and private business it would cut down on money spent jailing users and growers. It would free up resources to go after things like cocaine and herion etc.

I think people miss the point with drugs/alcohol, they are here to stay regardless of how many resources you go after them with.

The key is harm reduction and regulation. People will buy pot off jonny drug dealer or Jim the professional registered marijuana broker.

It is a business that is wide spread as alcohol. Alberta is just loaded with pot too, iwas blown away by how many people smoke pot here, probably out smoke brItish Columbians lol
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Old 08-11-2013, 07:44 PM
RandyBoBandy RandyBoBandy is offline
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Originally Posted by Grizzly Adams View Post
Sure, let's legalize rape, murder and robbery so we can win that war as well.

REALLY...did you actually say that out loud??
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Old 08-11-2013, 07:47 PM
RandyBoBandy RandyBoBandy is offline
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there is NO such thing as Black or White...however there are varying degrees of them...like it or not
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Old 08-11-2013, 08:12 PM
pickrel pat pickrel pat is offline
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Originally Posted by MrLeahy View Post
there is NO such thing as Black or White...however there are varying degrees of them...like it or not
My shirt is BLACK. My underwear used to be WHITE.
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Old 08-11-2013, 09:13 PM
billie billie is offline
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Originally Posted by Nester View Post
This show is on CNN right now. it is listed as "Crimes of the Century" but it is actually "Weed"
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Old 08-11-2013, 10:30 PM
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Originally Posted by pickrel pat View Post
My shirt is BLACK. My underwear used to be WHITE.
Hahahahahahahahaha Priceless.
If people concentrated on the really important things in life,there would be a shortage of fishing poles.Doug larson. Theres a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot. Steven Wright.
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Old 08-11-2013, 10:32 PM
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Cigarette smoking is not addictive that's a myth.its all in your head.
If people concentrated on the really important things in life,there would be a shortage of fishing poles.Doug larson. Theres a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot. Steven Wright.
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Old 08-11-2013, 11:18 PM
Big Daddy Badger Big Daddy Badger is offline
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Originally Posted by blackpheasant View Post
Uruguay may have been the first Country to legalize but lets not forget the legalization of MJ in Colorado and Washington states:

Marijuana Legalization: Colorado and Washington State Grapple With Implementing New Laws
Ella Peterson in Politics 7 months ago
Mic this! 2 382 24 10 Marijuana Legalization: Colorado and Washington State Grapple With Implementing New Laws
Colorado and Washington were the first two states to legalize recreational marijuana in last November’s election. However, what has happened in those states since the election? Have retail pot shops popped up on every corner? Are marijuana users smoking everywhere, or have federal raids dramatically increased? Hardly

In Colorado, the immediate effect of Amendment 64 has been the legalization of the possession of up to one ounce of marijuana for adults over the age of 21. In addition, individuals may also grow up to six plants for personal use. However, commercial marijuana stores will not open until 2014, after the state legislature determines how to regulate them. And in some areas, such as Douglas County, recreational pot sales will be banned under local ordinances. Nor does legalized possession mean that adults can light up just anywhere. Smoking pot in public spaces, such as in parks or on sidewalks, remains illegal.

Similarly, in Washington, Initiative 502 legalized possession and personal use of one ounce or less of marijuana for adults 21 and up. Similar to the situation in Colorado, “the consumption of marijuana in public spaces and driving under the influence of marijuana” remains illegal. Furthermore, legal sales will not begin until after Washington’s State Liquor Control Board sets up “a licensing system for the manufacture and sale of marijuana” by December 2013.

However, the federal government’s response to these measures remains uncertain at this point. Despite the statewide legalization of marijuana in Colorado and Washington, its “use in both states continues to be illegal under the federal Controlled Substances Act.” There has been speculation about legal action against the measures approved by voters, but no lawsuits have yet been filed. The administration’s official response has been simply to state that “it is clear that we're in the midst of a serious national conversation about marijuana.”

So far, the greatest change that has occurred following the passage of recreational marijuana measures in Colorado and Washington has been the ability for individuals over the age of 21 to legally (by state law anyway) possess and use pot in those states. Sales are not yet legal, and the status of these measures as far as the federal government is concerned remains unclear. However, these two states could end up being the pioneers of marijuana legalization.
And they had to build more fast food places along with 7-11's to keep up with demand....lol
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Old 08-11-2013, 11:29 PM
pickrel pat pickrel pat is offline
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Originally Posted by Big Daddy Badger View Post
And they had to builf more guns and knives to go along with the crime that these potheads are doing in order to get their fix.)
fixed it for you. We all know your thinkin it.
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Old 08-12-2013, 08:35 AM
rhuntley12 rhuntley12 is offline
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Originally Posted by pottymouth View Post
Auto correct...

I've had numerous robbery attempts by knives, numerous break ins, etc, and when caught they've admitted they needed money for kinds of drugs, including dope.

And yes booze is a drug, and I don't drink either!
You are saying you've had people try to rob you at knifepoint and also house breakins? Numerous times? And many of them have been caught and they admit it's been for drugs?
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Old 08-12-2013, 08:54 AM
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Originally Posted by Big Daddy Badger View Post
Every time it is suggested here... the US through the DEA funds lobbiests and propoganda ads to be unleashed on Canada.
They air commercoials on Cnadioan TV, they buy ad space in newspapers... they go whole hog.
Further the direct political pressure has been well documented.

THe US sees nothing srong with tryiong to impose its will upon the internal affairs of its enemies and "friends" alike.

Land of the free....should be called land of the rude butinski.

Watch...if Trudea keeps yapping about pot...the US government will begin to make comments during our next election in an atempt to influence the outcome.
When it comes down to it....to our friends in the south...we are all nothing more than Honduras, Nicaragua, Panamama, Afghanistan, Iraq etc etc .... to them...unless we behave exactly as they wish.

Look what happened when we chose to stay out of Iraq.
Have you got links to any of this propaganda? Documented direct political pressure? Whole hog advertising spending? Nothing on Google?

What comments has the U.S. Government made to influence Canadian elections? Since when do any comments influence any election?
what happened when we stayed out of Iraq?

Inquiring minds want to know. I googled this stuff but no joy.

Is it in the "fiction" section?
I'm not lying!!! You are just experiencing it differently.

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Old 08-12-2013, 08:57 AM
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Originally Posted by Big Daddy Badger View Post
Oh...when did we declare war on those things?

I though we only declared war on victimless crime over something God created.
Did you think we promote these things?

Why bring religion into this?

How much time have you been spending under the bridge lately?
I'm not lying!!! You are just experiencing it differently.

It isn't a question of who will allow me, but who will stop me.. Ayn Rand
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Old 08-12-2013, 09:25 AM
silverdoctor silverdoctor is offline
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Can't say i've ever had issues with pot smokers.

I lived in downtown Toronto for a number of years, dealt with every kind of addict there is from meth to heroin and everything in between. The worst i've ever come across was the ones sniffing glue, gas, lysol etc. I've never seen anyone so messed up in my life, haven't got a clue what they are doing.

Weed? Legalize it, have at it. There's much worse in this country to worry about.
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Old 08-12-2013, 09:48 AM
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Originally Posted by silverdoctor View Post
Can't say i've ever had issues with pot smokers.

I lived in downtown Toronto for a number of years, dealt with every kind of addict there is from meth to heroin and everything in between. The worst i've ever come across was the ones sniffing glue, gas, lysol etc. I've never seen anyone so messed up in my life, haven't got a clue what they are doing.

Weed? Legalize it, have at it. There's much worse in this country to worry about.
True, as long as there is something more evil doing harm, who cares about the lesser evils.

Only dead fish go with the flow. The rest use their brains in life.

Originally Posted by Twisted Canuck
I wasn't thinking far enough ahead for an outcome, I was ranting. By definition, a rant doesn't imply much forethought.....
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Old 08-12-2013, 09:55 AM
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I don't know what Uruguay's motives for legalization are but it is of no concern to me. They can make whatever laws they want and would like to see Canada keep it's nose out of other country's business. Who are we to judge Uruguay for this or Russia over their latest laws? Reminds me of the UN coming this fall to review our aboriginal relations.

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Old 08-12-2013, 09:59 AM
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I will chime in, not sure why

In my PERSONAL and HUMBLE opinion (and I do enjoy drinking), the country of Canada would be a much healthier and safer place if they fully legalized marijuana and banned alcohol. People definitely do stupider and more brazen things when drunk, including driving, spousal abuse etc. Not to mention the tax on the medical system for liver damage and liver poisoning, alcohol poisoning and car accidents. Not to mention one night stands and the spread of STD's and unwanted pregnancy's that go hand in hand with the club life (alcohol abuse) not a lot of people getting together, smoking weed and making the decision for a roll in the hay with a perfect stranger. Most likely too busy looking for the Doritos or dropping their keys and thinking their phone is ringing.

That said, I am a libertarian who believes in live and let live, if mooseknuckle wants to snort a line with his beer, what do I care? hell, I may even join him.
Popped a Molly, I'm Sweating! WHOO!
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Old 08-12-2013, 10:00 AM
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Default Once Trudeau legalizes POT in Canada --- this part he'll MAKE ILLEGAL ....

Originally Posted by Pudelpointer View Post
... if marijuana was made legal for personal use, the vast majority of people would likely grow their own, and the government would be unable to collect taxes on it. Just sayin'.
For sure they'll want another MONOPOLY and then a division of LEO's will just become the sopranos ...


PS ... there was a thread on here about needing NEW revenue streams

... I'm sure Redford would go for ways to increase her SIN taxes CASH COW

... problem is the GOV'T has all ready shown they can't grow GOOD POT, might be a line of business to get INTO ?

Last edited by TBD; 08-12-2013 at 10:12 AM.
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Old 08-12-2013, 10:01 AM
Big Daddy Badger Big Daddy Badger is offline
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Originally Posted by Redfrog View Post
Did you think we promote these things?

Why bring religion into this?

How much time have you been spending under the bridge lately?
They should...because according to crime stats...we are winning THAT war.

Pot is a natural product that God Himself created.
He invited man to partake of his bounty.
The war on pot is a war against Gods will.
Used judiciously and with moderation and appropriatley cocaine and opiates also have their place in our society....as perscription medications.
The key words being moderation amd medicinally.

I do not support full legalization of pot.
I do however support decriminalization and appropriate availability for consumption by those looking for an alternative to other medicines and alcohol.
I also support the regulated medicinal use of cocaine and heroin when appropriate.

Last time I crawled under a bridge I encountered a grumpy old amphibian and have not returned since.
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Old 08-12-2013, 10:03 AM
Big Daddy Badger Big Daddy Badger is offline
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Originally Posted by pickrel pat View Post
fixed it for you. We all know your thinkin it.
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Old 08-12-2013, 10:34 AM
BootScoot BootScoot is offline
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People really miss the point on this topic: It's not about whether or not you agree or disagree with legalization; it's about having the right, as an individual, to freely choose what does or what doesn't go into your own body. If you don't own your own body then who does? Logically there are only three options:

Option #1: You are the sole proprietor of your own physical body. You are able to choose as an individual what goes into it and what doesn't.

Option #2: You and the government have joint ownership of your body. You cannot make decisions as to what you put into your body but must have permission from the joint owner (the current state of affairs).

Option #3: The government has full ownership of your body. You have no choice as to what you can do with your body.

I prefer option #1 but it seems like a whole lot of people on here support option #2, which I find pretty scary.

P.S. I don't smoke weed.
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