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Old 12-13-2007, 09:05 AM
Cordur Cordur is offline
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Default Firearms store rant.... (just a couple of things)

I've just finished reading through Dicks post about hunter ethics. Good read. Now I have a question about ethics in a firearms store. If you are waiting for the sale man at a counter and he is answering questions for a customer that the buyer really needs answered do you speak up? I almost always listen and just tell myself it's none of my business and it's not my store. But once in a while you just hear something being said that is so far out to lunch you just want to reach over and slap the clown that said it.

When do you cross the line of just trying to be helpful to being rude and speaking up when your opinion isn't wanted? What if it's not just opinion but outright fact?

It's hard when if you're like me and you are waiting to make a purchase and like yesterday I had some idiot ahead of me asking if a "Desert Eagle 50 cal is a revolver or a semi-automatic?" Then ask how much they are, be told $1975 for a base model, ask to see a catalog, whistle and talk about how he could never afford one of those with some "wash my mouth out with soap" sales guy keeps answering his questions like the idiot is actually going to pull out his f'ing wallet!!!! I'm not a patient person for idiots to begin with shopping to begin with, but I know this and just keep my mouth shut. I finally after waiting 30 minutes for this customer politely ask to take a look at a shotgun I want to buy. Then Mr. I've Never Seen An Action Movie And Don't Know What A Desert Eagle Is, wonders about what I am looking at. "Is that a shotgun?" "The barrel is pretty short." blah blah blah! I don't answer his questions but the sales guy does. WHY BOTHER???

Now usually if I can get what I want and leave the store quickly then I'm ok with that. Usually the longer you have to wait in line the more crap you hear and the more you are in fear for you life when out hunting later. I don't care if I'm outright lied to about something while I'm shopping as I don't listen to what the sales guy has to say anyways, but there should be a phone number these guys can call to ask a question. like 1-888-HUN-TING or something. Then we could just carry a few cards around and hand them out to people when they start asking questions. You'd get a qualified ballistics expert on the other end of the line.

Shooter: "Hi, I want to know if a 378 Weatherby will have enough hitting power for shooting deer and moose?"

Help Line: "Yes it will, but this caliber is for seasoned shooters, I can offer some better recommendations if you like?"

Shooter: "Yeah but I don't want the animal running away. Then I have to track it down."

Help Line: "There are many calibers that are adequate for hunting larger game but shot placement is the deciding factor more than caliber."

Shooter: "I didn't know that. Tell me more." or "I have no balls but a big rifle comes with those right?"

Sorry that last one was the frustration coming out again. But you get the picture. Some people have legitimate questions and could use sound advice. Just why to I have to listen to them get bad advice over and over again?

Apologies and I'll stop here for now....

Last edited by Cordur; 12-13-2007 at 02:34 PM.
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Old 12-13-2007, 09:19 AM
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Ah the days of hanging out at the gunshop. Brings back many a memory for me.
I know where your coming from, and been there in that situation on more than one occasion, some went well, and others well.............
Some of the topics and BS bantered around at the gun counter is to say the least mighty interesting, and sometimes verging on laughable if it was'nt so bloody scary.
You have to go with your gut I guess, if the guy looks like a noob and needs some guidance be gentle, but if in your opinion the guy is a dolt and is heading to ruin speak up, but remember it may escalate and the consequences could be varied.
It's kinda like bringing it up here, you get all the views, some in agreement, some in opposition, some right off course. Is any one of them right? well on some days and on others they may all be right, or wrong.

There are no absolutes
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Old 12-13-2007, 09:30 AM
LongDraw LongDraw is offline
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For every dumb ass gun store employee there are 10,000 dumb ass customers.
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Old 12-13-2007, 09:33 AM
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I'd love it if most of these shops would get with the program and have a system where you could e-mail an order in, have someone there put it together and have it waiting for you to pick it up. Self checkout would be alright for alot of things too.

I dread the days I have to get something behind the counter. Although some places are ALOT worse (not naming any _WSP_ names) than others.

Maybe we need to start demanding some changes?
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Old 12-13-2007, 09:43 AM
Win94 Win94 is offline
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Wholesale Sports in Edmonton sucks. i am there with a rifle in mind and cash in hand but have to wait in line while the store employees shoot the s**t with fellas at the counter that arent even buying or looking at a gun. They also make you feel like you are putting them out when you want to see a rifle. I have bought about 10 rifles there in a year and a half and there is one fella there that is gold and i will continue to only deal with him. If he isn't there i walk out.
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Old 12-13-2007, 09:56 AM
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This is where sporting goods stores in the united states have their **** figured out!! I can call them "Sporting Goods" because they truely carry all sporting goods, from tennis raquets and snow boards to a firearms section that makes wholesale blush. The FANTASTIC thing about these stores ( Sheels being a great example) is that if you are looking for a rifle or shotgun under $5000 it is on a rack, right on the floor. You want to look at one, pick the damn thing up and look at it, no taking a number and waiting forever for some guy behind the counter. Not interested in a new firearm and just want to pick up some ammunition or loading componants? Everything is out on the shelf for you to review without the help of a salesman.

soooooo simple!!!
"I find it amazing that we, as a society, find it so easy to view the perpetrators of crime with an understanding and knowing that they are suffering from the frailties of being a human being yet we cannot seem to extend that same courtesy to the very people we ask to face, on a daily basis, the worst that mankind has to offer."
-Dave (Whiskey Wish)-
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Old 12-13-2007, 09:45 AM
Cordur Cordur is offline
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I'm not even going to worry about stores involved in the wholesale of outdoor sporting goods. I can mail order from them if I really wanted to. I think I'm just as worried about the local guy going under because he's away for a while and leaves Tex TinStar behind to look after the shop. Not going to name anyone in particular but I'm sure a few of you know who I mean. I usually just go to Cambodia Tyrant since there isn't a line and the prices are usually better than some of the other companies involved in the wholesale side of outdoor sporting goods.

But my god! Can you imagine if Wally World sold rifles like they do in the US? I've heard horror stories about trying to buy your hunting tags there. Maybe a business should be held accountable for advice of a dangerous nature? We already have laws for false advertising.
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Old 12-13-2007, 09:50 AM
Win94 Win94 is offline
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You will not find a better store than P&D as far as i am concerned. While i have bought quite a bit from Wholesale, P&D has put me in quite a bit of debt as well . They also keep my 5 year old daughter entertained while i shop. Class people through and through.
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Old 12-13-2007, 09:55 AM
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X2 about P&D
My two children and my wife are known to the regular staff and get treated like family while I cruise the aisles.
Even when the wife calls to order my B-day or Xmas gift they know who she is and who it's for, often she will call and ask Phil or Diane what I've been eyeing and they give her a suggestion that is pretty spot on.

There are no absolutes
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Old 12-13-2007, 09:53 AM
LongDraw LongDraw is offline
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This rant about crappy service is old news. We have all had bad service, living in Calgary it happens on a daily basis. If you are that ****ed about bad service don't just write about it on an internet forum as that will have ZERO effect on the problem. Write the store owner or manager a letter about your crappy experience at their store if you feel so obliged to write about it........
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Old 12-13-2007, 09:56 AM
Cordur Cordur is offline
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Sorry LongDraw, I'm not really too worried about the crappy service I receive. I've come to expect it and usually just shop elsewhere. But what I want to know is when is it ok to speak up and answer a question for another customer when the sales guy is spewing advice that is going to lead to disaster?
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Old 12-16-2007, 07:38 PM
Remington700 Remington700 is offline
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Default yadda yadda yadda

Originally Posted by LongDraw View Post
This rant about crappy service is old news. We have all had bad service, living in Calgary it happens on a daily basis. If you are that ****ed about bad service don't just write about it on an internet forum as that will have ZERO effect on the problem. Write the store owner or manager a letter about your crappy experience at their store if you feel so obliged to write about it........
I don't see the problem with venting on an intenet forum, sometimes thats all it takes just to feel better about the situation, ranting about it to a group of generally intelligent people who share the same interests and experiences that you have. Who's to say he didn't call or write the manager. When my new deer rifle that i ordered for this season (In August) showed up on the 3rd of December, you can bet I wrote a letter, an electronic one if fact. What happened for my trouble? NOTHING. I got a response that the problem was being looked into and that was it, not call back, not even an acknoledgement that I ever had a problem. As of today, I would be satisfied with an email from wholesale stating that I was the problem and should shop somewhere else if i don't like their service, just to know that there was some, if any, response to my email. Do you not complain about your job? Your spouse? The kid on the sidewalk that gave you a mean look on your way to the safeway last week? Everyone complains about something and there is nothing wrong in the media of choice to do it. And if you are tired of reading about rants of poor service, perhaps a thread titled FIREARMS STORE RANT should warn you not to read.

Wow, that felt good. Complaining is kind of fun
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Old 12-13-2007, 03:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Cordur View Post

Shooter: "Hi, I want to know if a 378 Weatherby will have enough hitting power for shooting deer and moose?"

Help Line: "Yes it will, but this caliber is for seasoned shooters, I can offer some better recommendations if you like?"

Shooter: "Yeah but I don't want the animal running away. Then I have to track it down."

Help Line: "There are many calibers that are adequate for hunting larger game but shot placement is the deciding factor more than caliber."

Shooter: "I didn't know that. Tell me more." or "I have no balls but a big rifle comes with those right?"

LMASO!!!!! this is classic!! you owe me money for my keyboard cleaning bill. i LoL'd
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Old 12-13-2007, 05:23 PM
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I don't know.....I've waited at Wholesale myself and been inclined to speak up too when somebody's maybe getting steered in the wrong direction. If it sounds like the other guy has a clue, he'll generally listen to you if you know what the hell you're talking about. The sales staff are just that - sales staff, so their job is exactly that - to sell. If you're totally green and ask a retailer of anything for his advice, you deserve a spanking at the till. The world is full of places to get honest input about guns and stuff. Hell, that's why we're all on this forum! If you can't help out somebody with a bit of your experiences, what would be the point?
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Old 12-13-2007, 05:40 PM
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I was at Wholesale sports in Calgary, a couple of weeks ago, looking for some ammo. There were a bunch of people just standing around, looking clueless, so I just walked up to the counter accosted a salesman and got my stuff. I didn't realize you were supposed to take a number until I was done.
Probably ****ed off a few of the people waiting. Sorry guys.
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Old 12-13-2007, 05:47 PM
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I called the store manager for NoSalseSports in Edmonton (Gary?) and suggested they put in an express line for those who just want ammo, or dies or reloading bullets. He said he really liked the idea, that was over a year and a half ago. Needless to say I avoid that shoppe when ever possible.

There are no absolutes
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Old 12-13-2007, 06:04 PM
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sorry to get off topic where is P&D never heard of it
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Old 12-15-2007, 05:54 AM
Hunterclark Hunterclark is offline
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Cordur wrote
I'm not a patient person for idiots to begin with shopping to begin with, but I know this and just keep my mouth shut. I finally after waiting 30 minutes for this customer politely ask to take a look at a shotgun I want to buy.
30 min's you waited and your not a patient person for idiots to begin with . good one
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Old 12-16-2007, 09:04 PM
barrell barrell is offline
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Originally Posted by Cordur View Post
I've just finished reading through Dicks post about hunter ethics. Good read. Now I have a question about ethics in a firearms store. If you are waiting for the sale man at a counter and he is answering questions for a customer that the buyer really needs answered do you speak up? I almost always listen and just tell myself it's none of my business and it's not my store. But once in a while you just hear something being said that is so far out to lunch you just want to reach over and slap the clown that said it.

When do you cross the line of just trying to be helpful to being rude and speaking up when your opinion isn't wanted? What if it's not just opinion but outright fact?

It's hard when if you're like me and you are waiting to make a purchase and like yesterday I had some idiot ahead of me asking if a "Desert Eagle 50 cal is a revolver or a semi-automatic?" Then ask how much they are, be told $1975 for a base model, ask to see a catalog, whistle and talk about how he could never afford one of those with some "wash my mouth out with soap" sales guy keeps answering his questions like the idiot is actually going to pull out his f'ing wallet!!!! I'm not a patient person for idiots to begin with shopping to begin with, but I know this and just keep my mouth shut. I finally after waiting 30 minutes for this customer politely ask to take a look at a shotgun I want to buy. Then Mr. I've Never Seen An Action Movie And Don't Know What A Desert Eagle Is, wonders about what I am looking at. "Is that a shotgun?" "The barrel is pretty short." blah blah blah! I don't answer his questions but the sales guy does. WHY BOTHER???

Now usually if I can get what I want and leave the store quickly then I'm ok with that. Usually the longer you have to wait in line the more crap you hear and the more you are in fear for you life when out hunting later. I don't care if I'm outright lied to about something while I'm shopping as I don't listen to what the sales guy has to say anyways, but there should be a phone number these guys can call to ask a question. like 1-888-HUN-TING or something. Then we could just carry a few cards around and hand them out to people when they start asking questions. You'd get a qualified ballistics expert on the other end of the line.

Shooter: "Hi, I want to know if a 378 Weatherby will have enough hitting power for shooting deer and moose?"

Help Line: "Yes it will, but this caliber is for seasoned shooters, I can offer some better recommendations if you like?"

Shooter: "Yeah but I don't want the animal running away. Then I have to track it down."

Help Line: "There are many calibers that are adequate for hunting larger game but shot placement is the deciding factor more than caliber."

Shooter: "I didn't know that. Tell me more." or "I have no balls but a big rifle comes with those right?"

Sorry that last one was the frustration coming out again. But you get the picture. Some people have legitimate questions and could use sound advice. Just why to I have to listen to them get bad advice over and over again?

Apologies and I'll stop here for now....
Cordur, I have owned a retail store and been a salesman for 34 years. I interupt salesman who I feel are giving bad advice in stores all the time but I do it by trying to steer the customer to a more apropriate product that the store carries rather than try to blow the guys sale etirely.
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Old 12-18-2007, 07:04 AM
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This looks like Wholesale vs P&D... I wont go to P&D again after going in i talked to four people and was told they do not make .244 ammo and good luck finding it!!!..I was told no one has even heard of it.. So i then went to Wholesale and talked to Doug. He told me that was the name of the 6mm from 1958-1962 then Remington changed the twist rate from 1-12 to 1-10 and called it a 6mm. Sorry not a P&D fan...
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Old 12-20-2007, 02:20 AM
Faststeel Faststeel is offline
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Default information?

In my experience I haven't encountered too many staff at any gunshop that know about every cartridge that was ever made. Its even tougher when customers ask for something that they don't even know about themselves. I'm trying to think who the 4 guys were that couldn't have directed you to 6mm instead of 244. C'est lavie
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Old 12-20-2007, 07:06 AM
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This was over 5 years ago...And i understand that not everyone will know every cal but i just have not had good luck when dealing with Diane.(Rude) never happy.. maybe its just me..
Originally Posted by Faststeel View Post
In my experience I haven't encountered too many staff at any gunshop that know about every cartridge that was ever made. Its even tougher when customers ask for something that they don't even know about themselves. I'm trying to think who the 4 guys were that couldn't have directed you to 6mm instead of 244. C'est lavie
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Old 12-20-2007, 08:24 AM
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Not just you on the Diane issue, i have only dealt with them a few times, but i always do my best to deal with anyone but her. Same issue, she alway comes off as cranky to me.
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