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Old 12-21-2014, 02:03 PM
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KegRiver KegRiver is offline
Gone Hunting
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: North of Peace River
Posts: 11,343

Ask a Caribou and it would say, Bears are a problem, Wolves are a problem, Cougar are a problem, but the biggest problem of them all is man.

Of course killing off all the Wolves would not solve "the" problem and it certainly wouldn't be good for nature as a whole.

Not science, just my personal opinion forged from sixty years of living and working in the north, including trapping.

We will not save the Caribou no matter what we do. They may survive over the long term but if they do it will be despite our efforts to protect them.
However, I think they will disappear from the wild just like the Plains Bison did, and for much the same reasons.

I really don't think mankind knows enough to understand the full scope of the interplay between species, the weather, the habitat and mankind.

There was a time when seeing a Moose anywhere near Edmonton would have been strange indeed. It was understood that Moose were creatures of the Forests, not of the Parklands. Now they are well established in the area.

We are told that Woodland Caribou are creatures of the old growth forests and Muskegs of the Boreal Forest. That they do not tolerate human activity in their habitat yet I know of one small herd, less then a dozen I believe, that has lived for at least a couple of decades in a small muskeg surrounded by farms, right here in this county. Their little piece of Heaven is only a few acres, less then twenty I believe, yet they are surviving there.

I agree that killing all the Wolves makes no sense at all. But then again I doubt that any but a few idiots think that is a good idea.

I even have doubts that saving the Caribou is the only reason the government is poisoning the Wolves in some areas. I have no doubt they say that's their motive but I've learned to not trust anything the government says.

I've learned instead to follow the money and the votes. It's the only way to know what the real motives are.

I'll tell you this. That little herd I talked about earlier, the government knows it's there. But they are not doing anything to control the Wolf populations here. Why not? When a species is at risk, doesn't every last animal count?

The government are old pros at spreading misinformation. How many times have we found out after a politician left office that they were stealing from us an lying to us? And managed to cover the whole thing up.

Think about the people who have been leading this province for the past couple of terms. Can we really believe what they told us?

Then think about when this Wolf control plan was implemented.

Wild hogs, ranched Elk, Chronic wasting disease, disappearing Walleye, Woodland Caribou under threat of extinction, just how much does the government know? Who is watching the hen house?
Democracy substitutes election by the incompetent many for appointment by the corrupt few.

George Bernard Shaw
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