Thread: Status Natives
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Old 10-18-2013, 08:48 PM
Kurt505 Kurt505 is offline
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Originally Posted by Mb-MBR View Post
No, you are not understanding the Treaties, you seem to think they're a one way agreement, which they are not. Please explain to me what your concept of the Treaties are, maybe we'll make some progress.

I am pretty sure I told you how they are updated, I even suggested you contact your MP, which is the acronym for your Member of Parliament.

I'll even make it simpler for you, I'll agree that I support your wishes to update the Treaties now have at her. Do you know what your next step is? I'll give you a clue, read my previous posts. :
Lol, I can see I've struck a nerve with you. It's not my goal to change the treaty, I have been saying all along that I think it should be updated, meaning amended to modern society.

I realize they are for both sides, I wanted to know if you feel they are reasonable the way they are written? I think they are not, no where near in fact. By the way you've felt the need to explain what you meant by MP leads me to believe this is some new knowledge for you that you'd like to share with us. Be careful what you wish for, people in parliament might figure out it only takes one moose, one elk and one deer to feed a family for a year.