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Old 02-10-2012, 02:18 PM
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[QUOTE=nof60;1297106]:Originally Posted by nof60 Roman "historians" were often inclined to show history to an end that suited what they were trying to write and discredit whom they were trying to discrewdit. A prime example is the writings about Caligula ordering his troups to attack neptune and gather cockle shells. Archeological evidence now reveals a streing of forts in modern day holland that allowed later emperors such as Hadrian to launch waves of successful attacks and invasion of southern and eastern Britania In his notes - [I]Nevertheless, Origen reference from an early document of Josephus that did not appeared altered, still provides some creedence to what Josephus reported as possibly being true.[/I]

Again, writings 250 years after the event about a writer who lived 100 years after the event. All in a time where the average life expectancy was less than 40 years. So by this time we are dealing with the grandchildren of the people who witnessed jesus. Not sure if I could retell many of my grandfathers stories with a great degree of accuracy. Agreed, the highest degree of accuracy might be missing, however, the documentation still exist. I can only speak for myself, but any events of significant matters that my forefathers had been involved in where written down by both sides of my parents so that the children would have a record of events. This includes photo albums.

If there had / is such documents do you not think the heir to the Roman Empire, namely the RC church would have gotten rid of them or locked them up long ago?[I] or would it not be in the interst of Rome to destroy the documents to purge themselves of any involvement?[/I]

These arguments have all been fought before, and remain open until the end of time. For many out there the proof will be in the pudding, but by that time it may be too late

I would like to take this time to thank everyone for the intriguing ideas, thoughts, and beliefs that have come to light on this board. As can be seen, there will always be two sides to a debate or argument. And in time we will likely all come to some conclusion from our life’s experience what we chose to believe in. It is only in the end that the finality of confirmation will come, but until then may the debates continue to press on to promote the studies and learning of mankind.

Thanks everyone...And may God Bless

Last edited by 30Cal; 02-10-2012 at 02:35 PM.
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