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Old 02-27-2014, 12:05 PM
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DarkAisling DarkAisling is offline
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Originally Posted by rwm1273 View Post
Not sure I agree with you OK. I do agree that discrimination is bad, but people should have a choice not to be forced to provide a service that violates their moral convictions, such as the baker forced to bake a cake for the gay couple, or for a JP forced to marry a gay couple.

In my opinion, forcing people to do such a thing removes their rights. Big problem is how to balance everyone's rights.
I actually refused to shoot a wedding back in the early 1990s, as the couple's beliefs went against my moral convictions. I really couldn't stomach the thought of doing it, and of being around more people like them.

I'm horribly conflicted when it comes to things like this. I really do feel that people should be able to decline servicing someone they're not comfortable with (I'd be a hypocrite otherwise), but at the same time I loathe the thought of someone being rejected based on racial, religious, gender, or other protected issues.

The whole thing shorts-out my brain.

God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then he made the earth round . . . and laughed.