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Old 11-13-2012, 08:29 PM
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VizlsasRok VizlsasRok is offline
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: SK
Posts: 55

PP: Fantastic photos! Thanx for taking the time during the 'festivities' and for posting - great summary of my first AB upland experience. I'd heard about the wind in southern AB...good thing the girl was carrying a little extra weight or she'd have been blown clear to Manitoba!
I didn't believe you when you told me how wiley your AB pheasants are - but first hand experienced was all it took... I think that you guys 'build' 'em just a little different in AB than here in SK...not sure if its due to the CRAZY wind, pressure, unreal habitat or natural selection, but they certainly do offer a great challenge. And, your roosters are MEAN!!! I've never been slapped silly like I was by that loon s--t covered rooster...I'm still picking crap outta my teeth...LOL Thanx again for a great couple of days.

You've all got a great resource in AB - hope it continues that way for you. Have fun huntin' 'em up and keep them photos coming...great to see all the pooches out there doing what they were born to do!
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