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Old 12-08-2013, 12:38 PM
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Hilgy Hilgy is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Blackfalds AB
Posts: 588

"Now to set some fact straight on The So Called Poaching Ring or whatever the F*** you people are calling it these days. The media blew that way out proportion years ago. Yes he was originally charged with the sale of 150-170 old racks that he had collected for a 15+ year period, most of which would have been older then him! Consisted of small moose, elk, and deer racks that he pack-ratted home as a young boy from every dump, old farmyard, ditch and any other hand out he could get from old hunters in the area. Where and who ever came up with the 20+ B&C Racks must a wild imagination when he fabbed up that remark.He was approached by an undercover office to sell, and did so. His mistake for doing some thing illegal! He went to court, and at the end of it all "He Got Charged On TWO Counts Of Trafficing Wildlife" Meaning He got charged for selling "2" racks on a skull. Not 150-170 like you all say! Get your story straight people. He got a $5000 fine for each count and had to repay the crown $10,000 on money received on the sale of the antlers. And That's A Fact! I Was there in court that day when it all went down! He also lost his hunting license for a 6 year total period. "

First of all he was CHARGED with 150-170 counts but was only CONVICTED of 2. Be careful of your wording when refering to legal issues

If you went to a bank and the bank manager had been convicted of money laundering would you keep your money in that bank.?????(oh wait he wouldnt be allowed to be a bank manager anymore would he??)

By allowing these types of people to keep an outfitters licence APOS is doing the same thing. The wildlife that these outfitters are dealing in belong to the people of Alberta/Canada. I am a firm believer that the guide/outfitter system in all provinces needs a major over haul. I'm not saying i know what the answer is but the system as it is, is broken and needs to be cleaned up.