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Old 11-27-2020, 08:53 PM
PeterSL PeterSL is offline
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Beaumont
Posts: 89

Tallieho shared with me a reply from Minister Nixon to his letter to the Minister expressing concern about the decision to discontinue aeration of Police Outpost Lake. He asked that I share it with others interested in the decision:
Dear :
Thank you for your email regarding the aeration and management of Police Outpost Lake. I welcome the opportunity to provide the following information.
The Alberta Conservation Association (ACA) aerated Police Outpost Lake on behalf of Environment and Parks to create, maintain and enhance recreational angling opportunities by promoting the year-round survival of trout in stocked water bodies.. Due to public safety concerns and organizational liability with artificially maintaining open water on the lake through aeration in the winter, the department and the ACA have jointly decided to discontinue aerating Police Outpost Lake.
Typically, high southern Alberta winter winds contribute to the expansion of the open water area beyond the safety fencing, which poses serious public safety risks. Safety precautions are required to address these risks, including the maintenance of fencing around the lake's open water section, access point signage and upkeep of the remote aeration equipment. It is not feasible for either the department or the ACA to commit to these mitigation actions at this time.
Over the last 30 years, the ACA, as well as Environment and Parks, aerated Police Outpost Lake for 15 winters. During this time, two recorded partial winterkill events occurred during aeration years, and two partial winterkills occurred during non-aeration years. As such, there is currently no visible reduction of winterkills due to aeration, which continues to be a rare event in the lake (occurring approximately every six years).
You have my assurance that Environment and Parks will continue to manage Police Outpost Lake as a quality stocked fishery to provide anglers opportunities to catch large fish, while encouraging the harvest of limited fish numbers to promote sustainability. Department biologists will also be working on improving the fishery using input from local anglers and stakeholders.
Thank you again for taking the time to write..The Alberta government is committed to supporting ongoing recreational use and enjoyment at Police Outpost Provincial Park.
Jason Nixon, Minister
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