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Old 06-11-2017, 11:12 AM
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BPM BPM is offline
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Airdrie
Posts: 171

Pretty much everything I have is nothing special and are all replaceable. Sigs, H&K's, S&W's, IWI/MRI, Glocks, Rugers, etc, all mass produced tools. Nothing collectable about them other than perhaps where they were made (Austria/Germany/Israel vs USA remakes etc). I have some that I wouldn't sell at a loss that's for sure and would rather keep it than take a loss on them, but everything I have has a price. There are some I would sell before others, like any of my cheap 1911's. All the guns under a grand would be first to go. My 50AE would be one of the last to go even though its the least practical firearm I own. The main reason I bought it in the first place was because it was a deal I couldn't refuse. Were I to sell it and then want to buy another down the road, $3000+ bucks for a novelty hand gun just wouldn't make sense. That and nothing stops a course of fire like an unannounced blast from a 50. It's fun to reload, fun to shoot, fun to take slow motion videos of. It's a really fun gun to fire. So were I to sell it I would likely never own one again, and it would feel like having heated seats and Air conditioning in your vehicle and then buying a vehicle without. Once you've had it its not something you want to now go without. I'm fortunate to have that choice.

Obviously as someone mentioned if family was on the line and things were dire and kidneys needed to be bought and homes were to be lost then I would have to thin the heard, to nothing if that's what it took, but I don't like selling firearms, especially in this country. They have proven to be good investments thus far and shooting is my so called "Anti-Drug". It's my hobby. My friends embraced it, my wife embraced it, hell she even got a 1911 for her birthday a few years back when I took a gamble that she would like one of her own and she was so excited. (Segway: I pitty those poor bastards that have to sell their firearms because their spouse wont allow them) Plus I would rather have them and not need them than need them and not have them.

That said now that I ponder, my Dads old Cooey 60 from Woolco would also never be sold willingly for no good reason for the simple fact it's worth next to nothing but it's also the gun I learned to shoot growing up, honing my skills and building a relationship with my old man that I cherish to this day and I would rather keep it and do nothing with other than reflect on my youth than give it away. It has the cliché sentimental value.

Maybe one day I will own a gun that is actually a bonefied collectable, but for right now I just like to shoot them and clean them and shoot them some more.

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