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Old 09-21-2020, 12:16 PM
Kawibunga Kawibunga is offline
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Calgary
Posts: 447


Short trip so didn't get much time on any body of water, plus the two sets of used waders I picked up on kijiji for my boys both had leaks (nice!) so did mostly shore fishing after the first outing

Tie Lake - thought it was really nice, would like to rent a cabin on the water for a couple days in the future. Boys had some bites but didn't land anything. with more time would have figured it out. Only fished about 2 hours around lunch time. Water looked down though.

Surveyors Lake - closed right now, could not access it in the park

Baynes Lake - very little access to fish, and found it a crap hole. Shore was what I refer to as Loon "feeces" Take a step and sink up to your knees and nasty black stuff, left and 10 minutes and won't be back

Suzanne Lake - was heading in from the east side (at about 6pm) then got to the spot where you turn west on what looked like road on the map. But was actually a pipeline right of way, much better suited to a side by side or ATV instead of my TitanXD. Could have made it I'm sure but was not going to chance it that close to dark. Would like to try again though from the other side

North Star Lake - nice little rec campsites. Got in late (after our Suzanne Adventure) so boys just cast off the dock, supposed to have brookies in there. Will try again if we get back

Kookanusa - got the lines wet down in Gold Bay, nice drop off, got one little rainbow, can't believe it even took the spinner as it was may be 8" long!

So for only a day and a half there fishing, we saw some places we'd try again for sure. And there's a few other's I'd like to try as well. So not that successful for a "fishing trip" but it was a great scouting and family trip.

Thanks for all the advice!
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