Thread: Snooker Table
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Old 11-22-2018, 04:01 PM
JD848 JD848 is offline
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Originally Posted by nitro View Post
I would do my best to support it.Think some of the reason in Canada no pros left is they have to go to Europe to compete and that takes money,and not poupler enough here to get sponsors.I just hope this table comes through for me .I need to get playing again and yeah this turned into a cool thread thanks guys.I see they are trying to get a couching course up and running
They have cue school over there in the UK and if you got the talent they push you forward ,you still need money,but it's an option that wasn,t around in my times.We need a few young players to take up the game .Most kids today are into straight pool or 8 ball,nine ball etc,and that's oka also,but none will be snooker players unless it's really promoted .Plus there are very few snooker places to go to.

I wouldn't let 11 or 12 year old kid hang out in a pool hall due the crime level that's out there today,in the 70's it was a very safe place to be.There you were taught respect and if you cocked off some one would give you a good lecture on manners.Today 12 year old kids tell there parents what to do.

So what we need are snooker clubs only ,with mentors to inspire younger people to get into it,but still let them know you need an education to fall back on.

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