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Old 06-15-2018, 10:36 AM
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Originally Posted by ctd View Post
If you go to the Lois and Clark center in Montana. They talk about Grizzly bear habitat being on the Praries historically. We drove them out of the area.
Now the Farmers down there are having issues with them comming back into farm land from the mountains.

Biologists are not doing a great job of looking at things from a historical perspective. By no doing so are doing us a disservice.
Sorry, you trailed off there and it's hard to make sense of it.

I am assuming you think the lack of accountability in our Environment Ministry to use science vs barely educated guessing on this subject is ok because grizzlies have been seen on the prairies again?

So history lesson; grizzlies historically did populate most of the prairies in Alberta. That's pretty neat and I like it, but the landscape was the moon in comparison to what it is now.

Back then agriculture had not taken over, fencing didn't exist, antelope followed the buffalo and elk were in large herds as well. Not only that but we had safe grouse across the southern province as well, pheasants were exotic and unheard of along with Hungarian Partridge and horses didn't exist here either.

Given it would take a few hundred years to actively return southern AB back to what it was, and we'd have to euthanize a lot of people to get there, I'd suggest your not going tondind any footing in reality on that subject.

Now science lesson; we have a system of hokey anecdotal evidence that Shannon's dream team is building this plan off of. And it's funny because when they are faced with anecdotal matters brought to them from other equally credible sources that oppose the position they WANT to take, they dismiss it as anecdotal. Now, i dont know the mind of the bear, but I do believe when we see old and young bears moving out onto the prairies, and when people who use the mountains regularly are seeing more bears then ever before, and more public interactions with grizz are being recorded than before (even when education and recreational closures at an all time high), and attacks are climbing, well, i will suggest it isn't because bears want to see more of us.

It's because we currently have a healthy population and this is entirely political while science is being ignored.
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