Thread: DNA evidence
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Old 04-29-2018, 11:01 AM
FXSB FXSB is offline
Join Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 209

This is some of the information about number of loci used when comparing DNA. The acceptable number of matches used in Canada was 9 loci. I believe that has been changed to 13 loci to provide less risk of false matches. Canada still has people in jail who were convicted on 9 point matches. The following is a quote from an education site and if people are interested they can google Arizona 9 point matches. What is interesting is that one of the matches at 9 loci showed that a person with black skin was a match with a person with white skin.

"The official calculation for a random match if nine CODIS STRs are used is 1 in 754 million in Caucasians. Nevertheless, it was reported that as many as 90 random matches had been made in the relatively small Arizona DNA database, which has 65 493 DNA profiles"
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