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Old 10-21-2017, 11:29 AM
wbaj wbaj is offline
Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 222

Originally Posted by Peebles View Post
Grazing lease threads are some of the fastest to go downhill. Each side is convinced of their righteousness. Some commenters have experienced the countless underhanded and occasionally illegal tactics leaseholders use to keep recreational users out. Others have seen what kind of garbage and destruction show up everywhere land is freely usable in this province and want to spare leaseholders the burden.

The leaseholders that break the rules win the same way people like them win in every walk of life. It's more enjoyable to do something else rather than spend your time in confrontation with them while seeking bureacratic recourse. If you decide to fight the good fight this is how it's done:

And the contact list to find the relevant person to call:
Thanks so much this is exactly what I was looking for!!!