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Old 12-03-2019, 06:21 PM
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Foonus Foonus is offline
Join Date: Nov 2015
Posts: 65

Posters here have given some great tips.
Avoid Deer trails as already said.

No word of insult but if you are starting consider only using swiveled snares to give a stray dog a chance if they get into it, check your snares in a timely manner. Be sure to let any property owners know you if you are snaring to keep their dogs in, it doesn't hurt to let the neighbors know, dogs wander. Consider avoiding power/ram snares until you perfect your game

Most property owners will be more than happy to accommodate you if they see you are a good guy and considerate of their situation.

Dye your snares and Leave em outdoors or in a woodshop away from any non natural scent.

And final tip, Never set snares too close to the your bait pile itself, their noses will be just above the ground leading them in and they are all the more likely to duck just under your set.

Good luck
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