Thread: Worldviews
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Old 02-09-2012, 03:54 PM
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gunmum gunmum is offline
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So this of course is a topic long debated on. You continue to regurgitate your facts from and try to prove the Bible is wrong using every imaginable fact possible and I will give you bible quotes, and it will go on and on and on because we have different worldviews.
But I think the deeper issue here is this: Who has ultimate authority? I will forever say that it's God and you will forever try to disprove me.
Were we created or did we evolve? Because if we evolved, then there is no God, and therefore no absolute authority. And while that might not effect our generation, it will certainly impact our children and subsequent generations.
The boundaries of right and wrong are changing all the time. You can already see it happening. And the more and more people that are pushing for secularism, the more the moral compass shifts. And where's the line? Who's discerning right from wrong these days? Society at large? Government officials? Well, we know how that turns out don't we?
Don't pretend that by being athiest that you are on neutral ground. You either believe in the Creator, or you deny him. And that's your GOD GIVEN RIGHT

This has been fun for me. I appreciate your comments even though some people like to resort to name calling or whatever.
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