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Old 01-08-2013, 12:39 PM
nightcrawler nightcrawler is offline
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Olds, AB
Posts: 46

Went through the ice at Carburn park ponds when I was 12. Had a buddy with me who grabbed a big ass tree branch from shore while I held on to the edge of the hole. Luckily we had both been through some survival camps and he knew to belly crawl back to me and I survived. Then again when I was about 19, I was foolishly fishing the bow and walking along the shore ice when it gave way and I went for an extremely cold dip again. This time it wasnt deep and I was able to stand up and walk out. Walking back to the car, pants freezing to my legs, was the longest few minutes of my life. Felt like hours. LOL
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