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Old 04-08-2020, 03:37 PM
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zabbo zabbo is offline
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Originally Posted by Burro View Post
The Star, a far left rag news.

I grew up in the East, we never held any ill will toward Alberta. At some point, Albertans need to give their head a shake and realize it's not the 'east' that is a problem. It's the politicians that rule this country that are the problem. One is as bad as the other, Liberal, Conservative, NDP, like it or not, they don't care about people. We're the idiots that vote them in. We're 35 million strong controlled and ruled by a couple of thousand politicians that bow to the queen?

I notice at the end of the article. thanks to the Russians and the Saudis flooding the market. How much oil is the world using right now? Oil drives the world, and is an ingredient in pretty much everything made today. Entire countries are locked down, industries are closed. Look at flight radar, how many planes are in the air? How many cars are on the road?

Who is to blame? The East?
In reality, the people from the east are the ones that vote in the politicians. The ones that are the problem. Take a look at the results from the last two federal elections. Southern Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and eastern B.C. didn't have much of a say in who formed the government. For myself and many other disgruntled Albertans, one of the biggest issues is the amount of money Alberta puts into confederation and how much qeeeebec takes out. After all that, they flat out put a stomp on a pipeline in their neighborhood. What was it Rodney Dangerfield said? "Can't get no respect!"They're willing to kill the goose, but still expect to receive golden eggs. Then we have lower mainland B.C. Pretty much the same story. Pretty much all of Vancouver and most of the Island are red. Lieberal. In the current situation we are all in the financial crapper! Alberta, Canada, the U.S. and likely a good part of entire planet. For sometime to come it won't make any difference if Alberta is in Canada or not.

Let the flaming begin!
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