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Old 05-11-2021, 09:31 AM
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Sundancefisher Sundancefisher is offline
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Originally Posted by Map Maker View Post
Very cool footage.
I actually feel why the trout are spitting them out is because as they are inhaling the chironomids, the line is pulling the hook back so it’s not natural to the fish.
Just my guess.

I was out at sparrows egg one day and fish were jumping but I used everything and could not catch anything. float tuber nearby has catching them left and right, he wouldn’t tell me what he was using so I accused him of using bait and he then said chironomids.
I’ve tried but never any luck.
Originally Posted by Bjay View Post
I believe the fish feels the leader and the fish in the video are really moving so are missing the fly because their mouth is actually hitting the leader and pushing the fly out of the way.
Try moving the fly higher by a foot or two or more forcing the fish to come up under the fly and getting the fly in the mouth before touching the leader. Get rid of the top fly. If he fish are on chronomides and you find the correct fly you won't need the top fly plus there is too much monofilament around the top fly for them to hit or feel.

YOUR TIP FOR THE DAY for those that haven't already figured this out. To find the bottom to set your depth use a one quarter inch by 3/4 inch stainless bolt with 3 stainless nuts on it and get a small thin "O" ring from the auto store for the the grove between the center nuts. Put your hook under the O ring. The nut is lighter than the forcepts and fatter therefor less sinkage into the mud.
A guy showed me this tip so I got a bolt set up. Went to the lake found the depth took the bolt off the hook and promptly threw the bolt into the lake instead of the fly. Lesson learned --get 2 or 3 bolt set ups.
Using forcepts (spelling????) is not good as they sink into the mud because they are heavy and thin and therefor give a false bottom reading.

Another TIP To set my depth for the fly after I have found bottom. I reel line in until my rod tip is touching the water and my bolt is on bottom, I reach up to the first eye and pull the fly line back to the reel and wind in the slack. My depth is set.

In watching the footage it looks like the trout inhales it but likely the line hits the fish in the nose and so it spits it out.
It is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives; but the species that survives is the one that is able best to adapt and adjust to the changing environment in which it finds itself. Charles Darwin
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