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Old 12-19-2014, 11:59 PM
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KegRiver KegRiver is offline
Gone Hunting
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: North of Peace River
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I have no problem with efforts to control wolf populations except when Strychnine is used irresponsibly.

Yes, irresponsibly.
I have not seen how they are employing this poison but the numbers of non target kills tells me they don't know what they are doing.

There is a way to use Strychnine that almost eliminates such non target kills and clearly they are not using it. This tells me they are placing baits in on or near the bait carcass which will result in many non target kills and it WILL result in less then ideal Wolf kills.

Aside from the horrible death that Strychnine causes, it's residual effects make it imperative that only properly trained, experienced personal be allowed to use it. This is clearly not the case here.

I'll step out on a limb here and state that they are not looking or not telling the truth about the real numbers of non target kills.

When one poisons the draw bait, a number of victims will not get a proper dose. Some will get too mush and will vomit resulting in delayed death or severe illness and survival. Others will get too little resulting in the same slow death if severe illness.
Still others will become weary of the bait and either not eat enough to kill or get severely ill and they will learn to avoid any such baits making them that much harder to control.

I will not spell out the proper way to use this poison because I don't believe it should be used under any circumstance. Moreover, I don't want to educate those who would use it illegally.
But I will say, done properly, it may be acceptable to many. The way it is being done now should be resisted by ALL who love nature. All of nature.
Because the way it is being employed now it will have lasting effects on all nature. Not just on the target animals or the bait species used. But on every living warm blooded creature that comes in contact with it, either through eating poisoned bait or by eating creatures kill by this poison.

Every kill that isn't found, every kill that isn't properly disposed of has the potential to kill many other creatures.
This is the most irresponsible action a government can take against OUR wildlife.

That's right, it is OUR wildlife, not theirs. They work for us, on our behalf.
Under authority we give them. We need to call them to account for this.
Democracy substitutes election by the incompetent many for appointment by the corrupt few.

George Bernard Shaw
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