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Old 07-24-2015, 09:33 PM
bobalong bobalong is offline
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Originally Posted by elkhunter11 View Post

According to ESRD they consult with APOS to set the allocation numbers for the various zones. ESRD certainly doesn't consult with the resident hunters to set the allocation numbers, so no, resident hunters do not have the same control over allocation numbers.
Exactly, this was an ESRD/APOS sweet heart deal and I wonder if the ESRD who agreed to it have a good answer why no one but ESRD/APOS were allowed in negotiations when the Minister asks them. Just another reason to add to the many that justify the end of APOS.

The government has to take control of tag allocations, classifying "what is a resident", eliminating all mule deer and antelope tags for non-residents, and banning any outfitter who has been convicted multiple times under the Wildlife Act. Much stiffer (at least something) for any outfitter who is convicted the first time.

For the record I have never hunted antelope and mule deer (for about 11 years) and have never hunted big game out of Alberta. My comments are not about more opportunities for me, they are about putting an end to a corrupt organization that has gone completely off the rails.

The statistic I would really like to see is how many current members of APOS have been convicted at least one time, and how many multiple times under the Wildlife Act.